
Now I really did it :((


Feb 27, 2007
Hi NIRDIs! Happy Super Bowl Day!

Missy, it is difficult reading this thread and posting from your phone. I swear my eyes are awful at small things anymore. Marty’s W-2 was so tiny; I had to use the flashlight on my phone to see it.

My favorite Calvin and Hobbes are when the dad explains things to Calvin and of course it’s all wrong; then of course the snowmen are always fun.

My yellow trillion sapphires are still going to be made in to dangle earrings with little diamond accents. We’ll see what my second estimate comes back as hopefully this week. I am quite anxious to go look at pear diamonds for a pendant. I tried on an oval pendant yesterday and liked it but for some reason I want a pear. If I go shopping though - knowing me, I’ll come home with a new sapphire ring.

Yeah for you and Greg working out together this morning.

It’s 3 pm and I am worn out. I went grocery shopping before breakfast then made some homemade noodle soup for lunch. Marty even ate some of the homemade noodles and not just the veggies and broth. I am on the 2nd batch of dishes in the dishwasher and on my 5th load of laundry. Marty had so many work clothes (which are shorts and t-shirts) in the wash this week I swear he’s been stashing them somewhere.

We were invited to an afternoon board game party followed by a super bowl party but I had a vision problem – I didn’t see me enjoying that so I said we couldn’t come. Since I didn’t do any of my chores yesterday I had to stay home and work on those today.

We watched some of the Dirty Harry movies today. I told Marty they should do a “Son of Dirty Harry” movie with Scott Eastwood.

I got our taxes done and filed this afternoon. It was easy this year so I did them myself online. Woo hoo!

The Audi Bear and a stuffed rat are calling me names right now. The abuse I put up with. When I woke up with morning one of the stuffed rats was on Marty’s pillow staring at me.

Have a fabulous day!


Apr 19, 2004
marcy|1486178802|4124090 said:

Sharon, have you had much cold and snow this winter? The tone on PS has definitely changed.

Yes, TOOOOOOOOO much. Snowfall warning in our neck of the woods...20 cms and we've had that much in two days. More to come. 14 C one day. -29 the next .

Missy, you might regret your offer! I have it in writing!!! :dance: :whistle:

CC--you made a good choice in that particular Creed. No great choice. I've never seen you but suspect you look as beautiful as you smell. And FWIW, we've both had a "year". Or two.

Hello to all the kittens, and people wearing mittens, and to those with great jewellery who are smitten, and to others who feel they have been bitten. Wow that was awful. But I do love Justin Beber.



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! How did Monday get here so fast? ::)

Marcy, wow, congrats on completing your taxes. We don't even have most of our investment info yet. Kudos to you. You certainly accomplished a lot yesterday and good for you! Going to work today might be a rest compared to your weekend LOL.
And those darn stuffed animals. I am thinking perhaps you need a live fur baby or 2...just sayin... :Up_to_something:

Glad you enjoy Calvin and Hobbes too. So mischievous aren't they. Especially that Calvin haha. :cheeky:
Hope your sapphire earring estimate is reasonable and the project can begin. The sooner it begins the sooner we get to enjoy seeing them on your ears. :appl:

Sharon, the offer stands, anytime! Wow you are getting a lot of snow but hopefully winter is winding down and calmer weather is on the way. I, for one, enjoyed your little kitten, mitten, bitten rhyme thank you. :wavey:

We enjoyed the weekend and yesterday went to the Brooklyn Flea market and visited the rescue kitties too. Last night we (re)watched the David Lynch movie Mulholland Drive. I think it was a 2001 movie and it had been that long since we saw it together in the theaters so we watched it again last night. And again I was like good movie but so confused as to what it really meant LOL. But some movies I guess you cannot interpret and you just have to enjoy. But I do prefer concrete interpretations just like I enjoy unambiguous endings. That has to be the science/math part of me. Oh well. I am sure in another 15 plus years I will forget and watch it again. :lol:

Have a good Monday girls! :wavey:


Jun 17, 2009
Missy, Zoe thanks you for the hugs and kisses! She made out well at the vet and everything checked out ok with her. And yes, I agree, we both have good taste - Well, except for the weird green color I painted the foyer years ago that I haven't gotten around to changing haha! Love the pics of the sunset, such beautiful colors. The pics of Cola are so sweet, I'm glad she seems to be doing ok, and I hope the rest of the ferals are hanging in there. They seem to be a hardy bunch and I think about them a lot. Glad to hear you're not stressing out too much about work and you're smart to just take it one day at a time and see how things go. Nice pics of you and Greg exercising, it's nice to have company while you work out.

Marcy, your pictures of the trees are amazing! It really is like a winter wonderland, so pretty. You have the right attitude about the situation at work and I'm glad you're not getting stressed over it. Glad to hear you got your sapphires back and I hope you can get a more reasonable estimate. Good luck to Marty and the certification class, sounds like he'll learn a lot. The Superbowl ended up being quite a game, didn't it? Dh thought it was going to be a blow-out so he went to bed early and missed the last quarter lol. Oh well, he can see the highlights online anyway. I agree that a pear is a great shape for a pendant.

Rainwood, thanks for all the info about how you handled the house situation, it's very helpful to hear from others who have been through it. Elle looks so gorgeous on your hand! :love: She is definitely a stunner. Your adventure sounds very intriguing, have a great time and I'm looking forward to hearing about it.

Calliecake, I hope you start feeling better from the surgery soon, I'm so sorry about the swelling but I'm sure it will go down, it's just going to take a little time. Cute story about your niece and her daughter! I should try the perfume you're wearing, I would like to wear a fragrance but I get a headache from every one I try.

Jaaron, I hope you had a good time going to dinner and seeing the show, sounds like a lot of fun. Hmm, I just happen to have a pic of Fleur handy, since you asked :halo: :D The diamonds are OMCs and the setting is yg

Scandi, beautiful pictures of the snow! Funny that they're similar to Marcy's lol. I hope you had a nice time at the mountains and that your furbaby did well with her training.

Sharon, wow, you are having a ton of snow and it must be getting very old by now! Hang in there and be safe.

Jimmianne, I hope you're women's meeting went well and you had a good weekend.

Dh and I went out to eat with dd and her boyfriend on Saturday night. We had a nice time and it was fun to see the NY skyline across the river, so pretty. Yesterday I just did some laundry, watched a golf tournament and then the Superbowl. We ended up doing takeout for dinner and it was fun hanging out with Dh and DS for the day.

Thinking of all the nirdis and hope you are all having a good Monday!

eta - Missy, we were posting at the same time ha - sounds like you had a fun day yesterday. I've never seen Mulholland Drive but my son is a bit of a movie buff and it's one of his favorite movies. David Lynch's movies do tend to be a little strange! He's a good director though.



Feb 27, 2007

Sharon, holy white stuff! That is a lot of snow. Stay safe and warm. I love your rhyme. It is cute.

Missy, Monday mornings do come around way too fast. I must have worn myself out yesterday because I am kind of beat today. I usually procrastinate on submitting my taxes; I keep going through them making sure I didn’t enter anything wrong and this time I just hit submit. I think I’ll go put the rats in a corner. Marty is downstairs with 2 of his buddies who are working out. I just heard one of them drop the bar and utter some unkind words. Yes, C&H is one of my favorites. I am with you on ambiguous endings. I really get annoyed when books end that way. I remember staying up until 3 or 4 am one time finishing one of Stephen King’s stories and then end was just awful. I was so upset. That was well before we had the internet; because if I had a way to reach him at that time I sure would have tried.

June, thanks for the pretty picture of fleur. I like the color of your nail polish too. You have pretty hands. I used to get myself really worked up about things and about 10 years ago I decided it was so pointless and was really giving me high blood pressure so I worked very hard at calming myself down. Sometimes I think I went too far the other way. Yes, the end of the superbowl was a great game, it could have easily gone either way. The Falcon’s owned the first half and the Patriots dominated after halftime. The Patriots deserved to win and I thought Lady Gaga did a great half time performance. We watched the golf tournament too.

I am super tired today and think I might be catching the bug that has been going around work. I’ve been sneezing and coughing at the same time; my tongue feels swollen, my throat is sore and I am very achy all over. I didn’t think I was too bad until my boss said “you look awful. are you feeling well?” I actually looked around trying to see who he was talking to; but it was me. When I saw my eyes later though I can see what he meant. I look like my allergies are really bugging me. Maybe I’ll sleep in tomorrow. Ha! Or go to bed at a decent time. Like that’ll happen.

Work was okay; just busy. The recent changes at work seems to have really motivated my employees. I’ll see how long that lasts.

Have a great evening.


Jun 17, 2009
Marcy, oh no to getting sick! I hope you're not coming down with something, take care of yourself. I'm not really a Lady Gaga fan but I agree with you, I thought her performance was great. Were you watching the Waste Management golf tournament? That was an exciting finish too. Thanks for the nice words about my ring! The polish is Tickle my Francy by OPI (who thinks up these names lol?) Hopefully your team will stay motivated, one can only hope!

Just a heads up…there's a thread in SMTB featuring ACAs, I'm hoping you'll add your beautiful pieces to it!


Feb 27, 2007
Thanks, Junebug. I plan on getting to bed early tonight and hopefully won't feel bad tomorrow. The only other time I have seen Lady Gaga sing was when she did the tribute to Julie Andrews on one of the awards shows. She was amazing then. The names for nail polish are pretty creative. I sure hope my team stays motivated. It would be nice. Thanks for the heads up about the ACA thread; I did go post pictures of my rings.


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning girls :wavey:

I have just arrived at work, had to stay home until a baby sitter (my mother... lol) could come and take care of furbaby, we have a big hole in one of our walls today... (read: the builders are connecting the old house to the new one). And as furbaby has the run of the whole house when she is home alone - she can't really be home alone today..

I'm so far behind. All I can remember is a hair discussion. I have read your posts, but apparently my head is not working today. So I'll post a picture of my hear for your entertainment - it is very blonde even after the brown lowlights, so I hope it will make you laugh.. :angel:

Apart from everything else, I'm trying to "design" our new master bathroom. Currently looking at dark green marble for the floor. I'll update with a bathroom post later - hope you are all up for helping me! :)

I just read a post about how to make your DH realise that bling is important / money should be allowed for bling. I did not comment on that post, because I was itching to say "just tell him that "his money is your money, and that your money is none of his business"". Freely translated saying from Scandinavia :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hope you are all well today! Hugs!

Missy - what happened to the kitchen in your beach house?

EDIT: Callie, how are you? Hope you are feeling better today !!!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Junie, I LOVE Fleur. She is so elegant and feminine and just oh so beautiful. And I cannot think of a more perfect owner for her than you. She is the perfect cluster ring on you and I agree with Marcy. You have gorgeous hands. :love:

How nice you and your dh went out with your dd and her bf. Wonderful that you have a close relationship like that. I am glad you enjoyed a good weekend and got to enjoy time with your kids too!

So happy Zoe's veterinarian visit went well and thank you for giving her hugs and kisses from me. Please do more of the same if you don't mind today. I love sweet Zoe!

Marcy, oh no I hope you are not getting sick and that you are getting a good night's sleep right now and when you wake up this AM you feel all better. Healing vibes being sent your way right now. And (((hugs))).

Scandi, oh I love your beautiful blonde hair honey. :love:
We are planning on renovating our beach house kitchen but we put it on hold this year due to me not being ready to make decisions regarding our complicated ceiling issues and hope to do the reno in the winter of 2017-2018.

I will post 2 photos I took of the back of my hair about a year ago. Excuse the nightgown photo please lol. My hair doesn't look this good right now though. As I always say it has a mind of its own and has multiple personality disorder! :errrr: ;(
I do have a haircut planned for this coming Saturday and I haven't figured out if I want to cut it short or just trim it. The winter is tough because my hair has little body and lots of static and fly aways and doesn't want to behave!

I already spoke about this with some of you girls offline but just wondering if any of you have long term care insurance or a CCRC set up yet? Greg and I are figuring things out since we are at that age now we need to be thinking about these things and it is quite the maze. LTC insurances are getting harder to get due to them just being super expensive for the companies so many are no longer offering the policies or just charging so much making it cost prohibitive for most. And there is just no guarantee that when we need it they will still be in business or that we will be able to collect on what we have been paying. Anyway so confusing and we were up late last night discussing this. Just wondering if any of you have any thoughts on CCRC vs LTC etc. and if you have anything set up already.

It's a rainy Tuesday here girls. And I have a day full of boring things to take care of but I am sure to get bling gazing in as well so no worries there. Sigh. I don't know what I want but I feel the need for something beautiful and blingy. :naughty: :love: :appl:

Have a good day! :wavey:




Jun 7, 2014
Missy, Your hair looks so long and pretty in the picture. Have you decided what you are going to ask for regarding your cut this weekend? Your hair looks so pretty the way you pull it back. If you decide to go shorter, please leave it long enough that you can still pull it back. A few years ago one of my friends decided she wanted to go short and said she ended up spending twice the amount of time on it. She said it was never a problem when they were going out, just mainly on days she wanted to pull it back to run errands. I have decided the next time I go to NY I will definitely be buying myself some gorgeous hair. Hopefully I will resemble a normal person by then and will no longer look like clutch cargo. The surgery face sure looks bad.

Scandi, No fair Sweetheart. You don't get to post pictures of long gorgeous hair and think I don't want to slap you. So not fair honey!
How is your seeet fur baby. Is she enjoying the cold? Mine literally pees and wants back in the house immediately. She gets very vocal if she spends 5 seconds longer than she believe she should. She has been a dream baby since I had this surgery. I wake up and she has placed her dragon on my shoulder and she is cuddled up next to me. I have no idea what I did before we got her.

Hi Sharon, im so grateful you recommended Creed frangraces to me. So are my Neiman and Nordstrom Sales assistants. I was so happy I was able to find a frangrance I loved without it triggering a migraine. What a lovely thing for you to say but I think if you were to meet me this week you would feel very differently. A black and blue, very swollen jaw is sooo not attractive. Although I must admit the husband has been waiting on me hand and foot so I can't complain too much. Thank goodness for good pain needs. You and I have definitely have had better years, haven't we? I'm trying to get myself in the mindset that I am unable to fix everyone's problems, especially if they decide I'm just supposed to make it all better without any effort on their part. I guess I'm learning that my sanity is just as important as whatever it is they have going on. How has your mom been feeling?

Junie, it sounds like you had a great weekend with you husband, daughter and her boyfriend. I'm glad Zoe is doing well. She is such a little cutie!

Marcy, Can't wait to see how the new earrings turn out.

Rainwood, I hope you are still enjoying looking at Elle in all types oflighting! Nothing like a new piece of jewelry to lift your spirits.

Jaaron, Thank you, thank you, thank you for your posts in the other threads. They make so much sense though as I am sure you have noticed some people prefer to burying their heads in the sand rather than see reality.


Jan 1, 2016
Hit and run posting as we have people arriving for dinner any second.

Ok. You guys have gorgeous hair. It's totally unfair.

Marcy - hope you're not getting sick. Bundle up. You need lots of hot tea and some newly set sapphire earrings, clearly.

Callie- hope you're feeling better. I wish we'd invested in painkillers and xanax--think those stocks are going to do very well for the next few years. I figure it will end in either impeachment or permanent installation--no middle ground of an ordinary four year election cycle. I think I'm out of the political threads. It's too infuriating when people who don't get the basic point condescend to you (me).

Junie- I LOVE Fleur (and your hands are as gorgeous as Missy and Scandi's hair). I have her twin cousin earrings (although nameless, and in white gold). How old is she and where did you get her? Someone at some point fiddled with the earrings and turned them into posts-- they're too big for my earlobes, so I need to get them turned back into drops with the wires made out of platinum, since gold seems to irritate my ears.

Doorbell- have a great night everyone.


Feb 27, 2007

Scandi and Missy you both have beautiful long hair!

Scandi, I am sure your furbaby would love to help out the contractors. I love your philosophy on money. I’ll have to try using that one on Marty.

Missy, thanks for the healing vibes; I did feel better when I woke up. I am kind of tired again tonight but I will go to be a little bit early again. Good idea to put your kitchen reno at the beach on hold until you decide what to do with the ceiling. We don’t have LTHC coverage; I bet it is very expensive these day. I know assisted living and nursing homes are extremely expensive. Did you find anything you couldn’t live without while bling gazing?

Callie, I hope you are getting better every day and the swelling is going down. That is so sweet your furbaby is keeping you company. They know when you need them. I had no doubt your DH would be pampering you and taking care of you after your surgery. I hope you are sleeping okay.

Jaaron, I totally can see how new sapphire earrings would make me feel better. Drop earrings out of Fleur’s twin sound gorgeous. How was dinner?

I definitely felt better today than I did yesterday. Not much new going on with me. I keep contemplating what I want for a diamond pendant. I could run to Denver on Saturday but I don’t think shopping in a jewelry store the Saturday before Valentine’s day is a good idea.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Callie, hope today you are a bit less swollen and in less discomfort and each day brings you closer to being healed. Did you get to watch any movies or DVRd shows later in the afternoon yesterday?

Marcy, that is a relief you are feeling better. It is a particularly bad flu season this year due to the strains involved and there have already been a number of fatalities. More healthy dust being sent your and all the NIRDIs way. Glad people are shaping up at work at least for now. Yes LTHC is expensive but we made some progress and are on the way to deciding if it is or isn't right for us. Hard to know the right option as there are no guarantees that coverage even if one purchases it will be available when one needs it. And where is that crystal ball when you need it.

What kind of diamond pendant do you want? I would be happy to start searching. I did see some lovely bling online yesterday but nothing that I wanted to buy. Yet.

Hi Jaaron, hope you and your friends enjoyed a lovely dinner last night.

So we are getting some crazy weather here over the next few days. The temps will go into the 60s later and then drop to the teens and we are expecting lots of snow and perhaps blizzard conditions tomorrow. :errrr: And you might not be surprised to hear I am concerned for the ferals at the shore (where it is supposed to be even worse I think weather wise) but Greg assures me we will get there before the food runs out.

Work day for me today and not surprisingly I had some difficulty in falling asleep last night (the MTM marathon I am currently watching in bed as I try to fall asleep is not helping LOL) and am going on less than 4 hours sleep so I am feeling a bit zombie like. :snore: :snore:
More coffee please. Have a good day girls! :wavey:


Jul 1, 2014
Hello My NIRDI Babes!

I'm back from my probation :naughty: :appl: :sun:

I am off to Tucson for the Gem & Mineral Show---I'll post pics and anything of note that I might learn/overhear.

Glad to see everyone is doing well and chugging along. More later!---Kristie


Jul 1, 2014
I am posting 'hair from the back' too :lol: :lol: :lol:

ETA: I actually rotated this prior to posting and it STILL posted sideways, sorry!!



Jan 23, 2016
Kristie!!! We have missed you :wavey: :appl:


Jun 7, 2014
Welcome back Kristie!!!!!

Marcy, Please take good care of yourself! The flu has been hitting people very hard here! Hope you feel better today.


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, this has been an awful flu season. People at work are down for weeks. Having a crystal ball would be nice to know how to prepare for the future. My dad had a pension with the railroad that was over $300,000 when he passed away and he never pulled any of it out except his monthly allotment. It worked like social security all that money goes back in to the system. My grandmother went through about that same amount in nursing homes.

I am still contemplating a pear diamond pendant. I don’t know if I want a solitaire or put it in some kind of mounting. I will probably buy it at the place I go to in Denver because I can upgrade there. I’ll attach a collage of some of the styles they have at that store. The yellow gold fashion pendants hold a 7 x 5 mm pear, the white gold hold a 8 x 6 pear and the pendants with just bails would take any size. I’ve also been toying with a BG Blue RB solitaire. I’m trying to be reasonable in size and price though. I am also debating if I want a strong fluorescent or not for a pendant. I'd do that for a ring but I probably want a colorless pendant.

Stay safe from the blizzard. I saw one was heading your way. I hope you sleep well tonight.

Kristie, it’s good to see you hear. Your hair looks beautiful. Have a blast at the Tucson Gem show. My jeweler downtown just got back from there.

Hi Scandi, we are expecting more snow again this weekend. I wonder which one of us will have the latest snow this year?

Callie, how are you doing today? I am being careful around other people trying not to catch the flu.

I had a crazy day at work. One issue after another. Some guy at corporate keeps sending us schedules that are wrong. The last time I talked to him today he hung up on me. How rude. I told my boss I spent my day winning friends and influencing people. I worked about 25 minutes late and through most of my lunch. I plan on taking a LONG lunch tomorrow. Ha!

I was reviewing the new company policies today and it looks like I’ll lose my cell phone reimbursement too. Phooey. I’ll remove my work email off of it and then I won’t feel compelled to work on my time off. Double Ha!

Well, take care.



Jan 23, 2016
Good morning from Scandinavia!

Sorry to be MIA, so much going on. Between the house project and my work place making Marcy's phone friend sound polite, I'm quite busy.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!
Not a good one for us right now. Our Alarm company at the beach called us and the back door is wide open and it is a snow storm right now and still waiting for police to show up there and nothing so far. I am aggravated that 1. how did the back door get wide open it was definitely locked and 2. the police are probably super busy with weather related issues and that is why they have still not shown up to our house and we don't know what is going on. The roads are dangerous so I cannot have Greg drive all the way to the beach house to check out what is going on and shut the door. Not to mention the best case scenario is no crime involved but the wind and snow are going to ruin our floors since the door that is open is the huge back door from the backyard and all the snow is blowing in. OK cops there. I am stressed.

Junie, please stay safe from the storm. Thinking of you.

Marcy, I would love a pear pendant. That would be so pretty. All the options you posted look lovely but if I had to choose I pick the bottom row middle pendant style. But I like them all. Sorry work was crazy yesterday and how rude of that guy who hung up on you. I am sorry about that. Why are some people so rude? I just don't get it. Isn't it nicer (for him too) to be nice?

Scandi, I know things are very busy right now for you and hoping it is going as smoothly as possible. It's an exciting project for sure and when it is complete you and your family will be super happy!

Hey Kristie, welcome back. Love the hair pic, very pretty. Have fun at the gem show and cannot wait to see what treasures you find.

OMG the police cannot close the doors. I am freaking out. Greg is calm but how can he drive all the way there in this storm? This is crazy. I think it's a sign for us to remain in NYC the rest of our lives.

Callie, hope your appointment goes well and I will talk with you soon. (((HUGS))).

Jimmianne, hope you are doing well. And (((hugs))) to you too.

Work is closed because of the storm today but I am just a jittery mess because of what is happening at our house right now. Probably shouldn't be posting when I am feeling like this and it is one of the reasons I have been avoiding the political threads because I cannot bear the feeling it gives me. Anxious and nauseous all at the same time. Sort of like now.

I hope everyone has a good day.


Jun 8, 2008
OK crisis over (for now at least). The police were super nice and took a lot of time (and were on the phone with Greg) to figure out how to secure the door at least temporarily and let's hope it holds till tomorrow when we hope we can get there as long as the roads are safe. If not we should be able to go by Saturday and fingers crossed the door stays closed.

It was so scary seeing the police on the security camera yelling *name of town* police repeatedly as they went through the whole house. And LOL I heard them say I think they have dogs or cats LOL because we have 4 cat beds by the fireplace. Hahaha. One moment of levity for me during the ordeal. And they were there a long time trying to get that door secure. It was surreal watching on the security camera and I couldn't take it after a few minutes and went out of the room where Greg was watching them. Then Greg was able to get them on the phone after unsuccessfully trying to get them on the security camera intercom but it was very noisy so that's probably why that didn't work.

OK so that was quite the start to this blizzardy morning for us. Why do these things always happen during times where we just cannot get to the house right away? LOL. I am thinking it is a big fat sign we should NOT move there full time. Poor Greg. But better to know now than later and especially after we put tons of more money into the house by renovating the kitchen yanno?

Big ((((hugs)))) girls and hope some of you are around later. I am home all day. I don't feel like going out and playing in the snow. Too darn windy and freezing! And you kids, get off my lawn. :nono:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

And yay! Greg's company just officially closed due to the snowstorm. So he gets to stay home and play. :appl:


Jan 23, 2016
Missy, please try to think positive thoughts! It will be OK somehow! Silver lining: Perhaps the police can refill the food for the ferals whilst they are there... ? :Up_to_something:


Jun 8, 2008
Scandinavian|1486645509|4126474 said:
Missy, please try to think positive thoughts! It will be OK somehow! Silver lining: Perhaps the police can refill the food for the ferals whilst they are there... ? :Up_to_something:

:lol: :lol: :lol: I like the way you think girlfriend! LOVE the way you think. And I swear I thought of that too but Greg was in no mood for me to suggest that haha. And anyway Greg must get to the house within the next day or 2 so he will be able to refill the food himself. But yes to the way our minds work. Clever girl. :appl: :appl: :appl:

Update in above post. Everything is OK for now and fingers crossed it stays that way! Thank you sweetheart. XOXO.


Apr 19, 2004

Missy--glad your door issue was solved. What a lot of drama? Were no neighbors close by to help?

Canada must start adopting snow days. I will write my MLA. We have those storms here all the time and one this week--we all slogged to work. There were 300 accidents in a few hours tho......waaaaaaaaa

Stay safe.



Jun 8, 2008
Hi Sharon, we didn't want to put our neighbors at risk because we didn't know if someone had broken into the house. Better leave it to the professionals.

And lol I am sure we seem like babies re the snow given all you and your fellow Canadians go through! Hoping the rest of winter is easy for you all!

My mother in law is in the hospital right now and Greg spoke with a doctor there who said she's having difficulty breathing and they're running tests. On pins and needles waiting to hear what happening. Thank goodness I contacted her this morning. She had been having trouble breathing for the last 3 days. She's so stubborn.


Feb 27, 2007

Scandi, I hate to hear your life is so crazy busy right now. Hopefully you’ll get some time to relax this weekend.

Missy, how scary about the alarm going off at the beach house. I am relieved it appears the door just blew open but still an unsettling situation. Marty was feeding a friend of his dogs one time and went out there and found the front door wide open. Come to find out the wind not only blew open the front door but actually popped the roof off. I hope your MIL is okay. I’ve been thinking about you. I’ve been checking the live cams on Earthcam today to watch the snow there. Hopefully it moves out of there quickly. I like the same pendant you do the best but I still might opt for a solitaire or nothing. Who knows?

Sharon, you have certainly had an awful winter. Spring will be here in 3 months of so; sigh.

Work was crazy busy again today but no one hung up on me. I met a friend for lunch and then Marty and I went out to supper. Woo hoo no dishes tonight. Now that is a treat!

Take care.


Jun 7, 2014
Re: Now I really did it

Missy, I'm hoping you have good news tomorrow regarding your MIL. I'm sending lots of good healing dust her way. I'm also glad the police were able to help out with the house problem. I completely understand you being upset. I would have been frantic after the morning you had. Thank you for checking on me today. You have no idea how relieved I was when the doctor said everything was much better looking than he was expecting and the amount of pain was normal for what they did. They said I was very lucky that the bruising wasn't bad for 2 weeks or longer. Even my husband commented tonight on how much the bruising went away in the course of a day.

CJ, If your checking in here, I found something that works even better than fillers for filling your face out... Dental surgery. Once the major swelling goes down your face looks really good. Too bad this amount of swelling will be gone within a week. On second thought it hasn't been worth it. Too much pain that went along with it.

Marcy, I'm glad you are feeling better. I forgot to tell you how beautiful your winter pictures are.

LLJsmom, Thank you so much for the bag tips today.

Scandi, I hope things begin to slow for you. Work sounds a little rough right now.

Sharon, I keep forgetting that when we have a major snow storm here it just a normal weekly occurrence for you. We have lucked out snow wise so far this year in Chicago. Of course as soon as I say it out loud we will probably get a foot of snow.

Jaaron, I hope you are doing well. I've also been trying to stay out of the other threads or at least not post in them as much. I was afraid the pain pills would get the best of me and I would say something I would regret. How are you?

Hi Junie, I hope all is well with you!


Jan 23, 2016
Missy, how is your MIL doing?

Callie, happy to hear that you are doing a little better!

Tons of good wishes to all! It *is* Friday today :appl:


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls.

Thank you all for your concern and caring. My MIL is in the hospital and is undergoing more tests. All they know so far is that her heartbeat is abnormally fast. She has had a pacemaker for over 2 decades (replaced once already about 10 years ago) because her heartbeat used to be abnormally slow.

Anyway yesterday she went to the ER (after we insisted and threatened to call 911 if she wouldn't) and the ER docs ran tests and admitted her and today she is going to see a cardiologist at the hospital and have more tests done. They don't know anything yet. She was given meds to slow her heart and she started feeling better but still not right.

She is 83 and so stubborn. She had been feeling poorly and had the rapid heartbeat for a few days and if I had not contacted her and asked her to please call me to let me know she was OK (because of the snowstorm) she wouldn't have gone to the hospital and then who knows where we would be. Ridiculous.

Another good reason as we get older we shouldn't live by ourselves. We get too stubborn and proud. The reason she didn't want to go to the hospital is she didn't want to be seen as weak. Can you believe this? This is her. Proud, stubborn and foolish for a very smart woman with multiple degrees in education and her field of study. She is very intelligent and was ahead of her time career wise. But I digress.

Our schedule is up in the air because we would like to go to the hospital today but not while she is busy undergoing tests since we wouldn't be visiting with her then. It's a very long drive and the roads are still not in great shape but we plan on visiting today or tomorrow.

However what I know for sure is Greg is heading to the beach house now because the door situation is not really fixed. I am not thrilled with Greg driving since some of the roads are still icy and not all the roads are cleared. Just the major ones. Unfortunately though the police officers weren't able to latch the top and bottom of the door (super tricky door and who knows what might have broke also causing it not to be able to properly latch) just the center so that is why they tied it with cord and Greg has to go there and figure out a better fix. Fingers crossed he can come up with something this morning in a reasonably short period of time that doesn't involve the need to order parts. Or a new door. We don't have months to wait right now. What is that rule about everything happening at once LOL.

Marcy, thank you honey and I am glad yesterday went fairly well at work and no one hung up on you lol. Gotta take pleasure in the small things right? And wow about Marty's friend's roof blowing off! Greg assures me that wouldn't happen to our house and I hope he's right! Yay to no dishes yesterday and yay to it being Friday. :appl:

Callie, you already know I am pleased as punch regarding the results of your visit yesterday and woohoo to rapid and complete healing and recovery. LOL to facial swelling being a good temp fix to aging. Haha.

Scandi, thanks for asking and explanation above. How is everything going? Any idea of completion date re the house? What are your weekend plans?

LLJsmom, pretty bag. Kristie, pretty gems. Junie hey there.

Have a good day girls. Leaving you with a few pics from yesterday. It was nice snuggling with the fur babies yesterday and Fred was looking particularly handsome. Tommy enjoys laying on top of my pocketbooks LOL. His favorite spot as of late. You can imagine all the cat hair that gets on everything inside my bag. :lol: Security pic of backyard at beach. The snow never accumulates there due to the wind and the water. The front of the house is another story. Lots of snow. And lastly as the sun was setting I got a pic of our NYC view that I couldn't get during the snow storm cause there was no visibility. The calm after the storm was pretty remarkable.




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