
Now I really did it :((


Dec 9, 2013
Hi LLJs : ) :wavey:
I'm on a bling break too.

Glad you found an exercise regime that is low impact after all the strenuous running. Your Mom is a lucky woman to be having some daughter time with you. Shopping with Mom is classic bonding! Maybe it goes back to the days when we were hunter/gathers. Hope all is well with you and the changes.


Dec 9, 2013
missy|1474195843|4078012 said:
Jimmianne|1474195684|4078010 said:
Missy, very tempting! As long as we don't go looking for anything "tres chic" at Chez Adam!

Hahaha, weelllll, I am not making any promises and looking never hurt anyone, right? 8) :cheeky:

ha ha ha, yes, I hear you so innocently saying that.


Jun 17, 2009
Hi girls -

Missy, thanks for thinking of me - my mother is doing very badly unfortunately, getting weaker each day. Just a matter of time at this point.

I'm so sorry to read the prospects for the kitties didn't work out - don't beat yourself up, you're doing all you can and I'm hoping homes can be found for them soon. I was wondering - would any of J's family be willing to take them? This has probably been looked into already but thought I'd mention it anyway.

I'm glad you had a good time on Saturday, sounds like a really fun day. We all need those once in a while ha. I must say, that MG is very cool! Fingers crossed that work goes ok for you this week.

Gypsy, love to you too, sorry to hear you're having a hard time emotionally and I hope things have calmed down for you a bit, and that you and John are doing ok. (((hugs)))

The pic of the windshield is crazy! And I love the pic of Lily, such a pretty girl.

Rainwood, the pics of the fjords are just amazing, I can only imagine what it was like to see this spectacular scenery in person. Your pics are great. I love the last one for some reason, I think it's that quaint steeple lol.

I'm glad things are finally straightened out with your car.

Yes, it's kind of reassuring to do some things that help me feel a little connected to life; my days for the past few months have been spent in rehabs and nursing homes, and it's comforting to have some company by visiting with you ladies in this thread.

Jimmianne, I'm glad the hypnosis was helpful, I think at some point I should give it a try lol. I'm glad you had a good time at your dd's art show, and that it went well.

Marcy, the shootings in your area are just terrible, very sorry to hear about them.

So exciting that your car is making its way to you, can't wait until it's here. Tough call on who should drive it home, I'm thinking taking turns sounds fair! Congrats on getting an iPhone 7, my husband real

LLJsmom, I'm glad you're spending some quality (and shopping!) time with your mom, sounds like fun.

Much love to all my nirdis, have a good Monday everyone!


Dec 9, 2013
June, I have you in my thoughts and am saying a prayer for you and for your Mom.

It's good to hear that coming to your NIRDIs is good. Much love sent your way tonight!


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, I sure don’t know what’s happened to customer service but it is often fleeting. My ship is lost in the Bermuda triangle - or at least there hasn’t been a new reading since last night. Rats. It still says arrival in Houston tomorrow about 11 am. I saw there was an explosion there last night. Very scary. Glad to hear your friend likes his new phone. I am sure happy with mine. Sorry it didn’t work out yet to find someone to take the 3 cats. I know you will continue looking. Love the car and I too would want an automatic. The beach looks relaxing.

Jimmianne, I was happy with my 6 but the 7 is definitely quicker, brighter, better camera and so far battery life has been great. Of course I rarely run my phone in a day. How nice your DD has an art show; that is awesome. I need a haircut too; my bangs are starting to bug me.

LLJsmom, glad to hear you are loving your new workout. Good deal. I like hearing you are bonding with your mom. Bling is always there when you decide you want something new.

Junebug, I am sorry to hear your mom continues to get weaker each day. It is so hard but being there is all you can do for her now. Hugs for you, her and your family. You are all in my thoughts.

I stocked up on paper goods this morning from Kmart. Sam’s Club wasn’t open yet. I cooked a roast in the crock pot today, baked Marty a sweet potato and me an “evil” white potato and made us a plate of raw veggies. I think I’ll try to make a French Dip sandwich for supper tomorrow night with the leftovers.

I watched football today and rounded up all the paperwork to take to the car dealer this week to start the paperwork on the Porsche. I want to get it all done so the day we can actually go pick up the car it will be done.

Take care.


Jul 1, 2014
Thinking of you, Junie. Words are inadequate.


Oct 24, 2012
June, I am so sorry. (((hug))) Keeping your family in our prayers.


Mar 29, 2005
Junie, I am so sorry. You are going through the hardest part right now. Hugs and support to a wonderful, wonderful daughter.


Aug 8, 2005
I am sorry Junie. ((HUGS)) I wish there was something I could do to help you.

I really don't have much to update. I didn't get either of the jobs I interviewed for and just not feeling good about myself. I really put everything out there. And I feel empty.

John and I are evaluating our options to figure out what the best life move is from here.

I am tired of living in a concrete jungle. I want to be somewhere green. Somewhere more affordable. I don't know what that looks like.

Just... treading water.

Thanks so much for your support and caring.

Missy you are doing your best for those cats. It is all you can do honey. I will do what I can, but it isn't much either. That MG was so lovely. You'd have to rip out everything inside and replace it with like... a Lexus engine for dependability. But it's beautiful.

Rainwood, your pictures just make me long for green and clean landscapes. I love them, thank you. I wish I could teleport.

LLJsmom, I will look forward to your text. I am sorry to hear you are going through a rough time. ((HUGS))

Marcy, all your new toys!! Enjoy them all!

Sorry I didn't respond to everyone. Hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

hi Jimmiannie, did you take any photos of the exhibit? I'd love to see.


Jan 23, 2016
Jimmianne|1474238063|4078175 said:
missy|1474195843|4078012 said:
Jimmianne|1474195684|4078010 said:
Missy, very tempting! As long as we don't go looking for anything "tres chic" at Chez Adam!

Hahaha, weelllll, I am not making any promises and looking never hurt anyone, right? 8) :cheeky:

ha ha ha, yes, I hear you so innocently saying that.

It always hurts... my heart screams when I leave the little babies all alone in a frightening place at the orphanage.. :lol:


Jan 23, 2016
Good late morning :wavey:

Have been in the Mountains without very good reception. Training for the dog competition. Walking a lot, lol. The logs are coming along slowly but it is happening. It is very difficult to be patient when I'm really not... LOL. I'll try to get a few picture later :)

Jimmianne, not easy shopping online here.. guess you are looking for something for your French house? So let me see.. I don't know a lot of French online stores except for clothes.. A lot of "my" online stores do not deliver to France (or anywhere else outside of Scandinavia) Gant does have pretty good towels though :) I have a lot of those. Also Ralph Lauren. Lacoste might be an option. You also have La Redoute, Jysk etc. Depends on what you are looking for. Yippi for your DD :appl: :appl: :appl: So brilliantly fun!! But you have such great thick hair! You can get away with anything! If I had your hair, I would just keep it all at the same length, that way no trimming of bangs necessary :) But you should wear your diamonds! :) Too nice not to wear! I always wear mine, even when hiking :)

Missy, thinking of you and of "your" new pack of kitties. Good thing about work! The beach looks super nice! and the car :love: :love: :love: Why not have a few cars to choose from...? You change your shoes, so why not your car...?

Rainwood, I love the Norwegian fjords, and your pictures :love: :love: :love: No worries! My little "angel" is an angel sometimes, and sometimes... not so much, lol. But I think we have had some good days of practicing. The competition is Friday - Sunday, so we shall see.. there are always soooo many things that can go wrong, lol. If I'm too "hard"/controlling, she will look at me too much. If I'm too relaxed with her, she will run her own way too much. And likely take flight.. LOL. So we shall se.. Thank you for asking!

Marcy, great fun following your ship, even from over here! Glad to have you talk me through it though, my eye sight is a little short for that.. LOL. Horrible about the shootings!! Stay safe! If you see anyone with a gun, scream "look behind you" and run! Marcy, think I read something about a new phone. Did you get the new iphone 7? I need a new one too, that is why I ask. So please share :)

June, thinking of you and sending hugs!

Gypsy, I love living in a green place! The city is a bit stressful if I'm there full time. So I just work there and then head home :) Re moving somewhere else, how about focusing on a place with good work availability? I know you are, so not trying to be "helpful", just trying to be supportive. You will find a job. Just one step at the time. The annoying part is that sometimes there is a lot of steps, even if you take them one at a time. There is always work here in Scandinavia ;-)

Ciao! (me wanting to be international today)


Dec 9, 2013
Scandi - I know! and Adam has so many to take care of, we should definitely help him.
Good luck with your sweet dog. I'm sure your efforts will be rewarded in competition and all that training will pay off.
Thanks for responding about places to buy. I think the US is more materialistic than Europe - even at bargain stores there are many choices.
Amazon in the US is sensory overload of patterns and styles and choices, French Amazon is the total opposite. Very utilitarian. And that's just NOT the NIRDI way!

Marcy, I was OK with my 6 until you said the 7 has a better camera. Darn! I am trying to be a good girl and love what I have, but a better camera? hard to pass up.
Nuts to the Bermuda Triangle!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls an happy Monday. The weather outside matches my mood this morning. Dark and dreary.

Junie I am so sorry. This is such a stressful horrible situation and the best you can hope for is that your mom is as comfortable as possible and that she knows her loved ones are with her. I am thinking of you and sending hugs and love and I hope you are comforted knowing you are doing all you can for your mom. I am so sorry.

Rainwood, You (and Greg) already convinced me that an MG would not be a reliable car but this car was different. Everything inside the car (engine, electrical etc) had been completely replaced and is new and modern. So it looks like an MG but inside it isn't. Anyway it is a moot point as I have decided manual shifting is not for this city girl. Wish I knew how to do it and was comfortable doing it but since I don't and since I agree driving manual in traffic is a pain I am over wanting any car that is not automatic. So sigh of relief all around. :bigsmile:

FYI here is some info about that car that makes me think it is not just an "ordinary" MG.

More pretty pics please. The Fjords are breathtaking and as Gypsy wrote they transported me away to a more peaceful time and existence for a moment.

Gypsy, I am sorry nothing job wise has panned out yet. I know you were thinking of a move to a few different states. Which ones are still in the running? I have (and sort of still do) think of moving somewhere away from the "Concrete Jungle" but I always come back to where we are. It is not easy but sometimes you need the shove that puts your life in a better direction and maybe moving is just that change you need to make good things happen. Something good will happen I know it but it is taking so darned long. (((HUGS))) and sending more good thoughts your way.

You are so kind to even think about J's kitties let alone help me when you are going through so much and I appreciate it. Right now networking is the best thing I can think of to find a good home(s) for the kitties. I will keep you all posted and thank you.

LLJsmom, I am sorry you are going through a challenging time right now and glad you have found a healthy outlet. Your new workout routine sounds intriguing and I am interested in hearing more if you feel like sharing. Glad you and your mom are enjoying shopping together. I used to love doing that with my mom but sadly we haven't done that for decades. She doesn't like shopping anymore like that but we used to do marathon shopping days together. Enjoy and cherish this time with her. How is school going for L&L?

Marcy, don't worry your car's location will pop up again soon and it will be arriving before you know it. The beach is relaxing and I mainly enjoy it from the bike. I have never been one to lay on the beach and just read a book or close my eyes though for a short time I have and could. But I am more of a go girl and not rest girl and sometimes we need a vacation from our cycling weekends hahaha. No seriously we have a good mix. Cycling and relaxing and not frenetic at all. When the weather is nice I am usually a happy camper. (Not literally however as I hate camping :lol: ). I love a good sweet potato and hope Marty enjoyed his and that you enjoyed your "evil" white potato lol. I think white potatoes are much maligned and not as bad for you as you may think...especially when enjoyed occasionally. Raw veggies are always good. Glad you are loving your iPhone 7. :appl:

Scandi, good luck with the competition this upcoming Friday and weekend. We are keeping good thoughts that F does very well and places first! :appl: And most importantly that you are all enjoying the training and time together. And yes you and I and Jimmianne should help Adam and adopt some of his "orphans"...all the NIRDIs are invited. When shall I tell him we are arriving? :devil: :halo:

Callie, (((hugs))), hope you wake up this morning feeling all better.

We had a good day yesterday. Long bike ride, enjoyed ice cream in the middle of the ride and met up with our tandem friends in the morning for a short time cycling together. We really like this couple and enjoying getting together with them. Sharing a pic of the boys admiring the bikes. :bigsmile:

Ciao NIRDI bellas. :wavey:
Hope everyone has a good Monday and (((HUGS))).



Jan 23, 2016
Missy, Three ideas! Could your friend J rent out her apartment to a cat-sitter? Here, a dog was sold with a cabin a couple of years ago... Perhaps she can not discuss the idea of adoption because of all that it implies for her.
Happier thoughts! You can come here on vacation and I can teach you both camping and driving with a stick, lol. I'm a city girl - kind of - but I grew up in the country side so I can also drive a tractor if needed... (Please - PLEASE - don't tell anyone :lol: :lol: :lol: )


Jun 8, 2008
Scandinavian|1474285211|4078291 said:
Missy, Three ideas! Could your friend J rent out her apartment to a cat-sitter? Here, a dog was sold with a cabin a couple of years ago... Perhaps she can not discuss the idea of adoption because of all that it implies for her.
Happier thoughts! You can come here on vacation and I can teach you both camping and driving with a stick, lol. I'm a city girl - kind of - but I grew up in the country side so I can also drive a tractor if needed... (Please - PLEASE - don't tell anyone :lol: :lol: :lol: )

Hi Scandi, yes J is in denial and I cannot blame her. My heart goes out to her and I cannot imagine the nightmare she is living. And I wish I could do something more for her. I am upset however as when she received the diagnosis a few years ago that she didn't think to provide for her sweet cats (who she has had from their birth basically) just in case. Those few years ago she should have thought OK just in case. But that is already done and over and nothing we can do about that. However her family will want to sell her apartment as soon as they can when the inevitable occurs so no the cats cannot stay. Believe me I am more than willing to take care of them if they can stay in her apartment and would be thrilled to do so. And when we go away I have people I can have help care for them those short times we are not there. But it is not an option. Her family doesn't care about her cats and at this point J is in no shape to care about them either. She did ask me to please try finding homes for them but that is the extent of her abilities to help them now. I am more upset than I am even sharing online and I am just doing the best I can and so appreciate all your (and all the PSers who are helping) helpful suggestions and thoughts.

Oh and I can drive a tractor too....remember? :cheeky:



Jan 23, 2016
Off course you can drive a tractor! Don't have a field but we can borrow that from a neighbour! Have a tractor in the family so no worries there... :lol: :lol: :lol:

EDIT: the position of your legs says it all !! :lol:


Jul 1, 2014
Scandinavian|1474285211|4078291 said:
Missy, Three ideas! Could your friend J rent out her apartment to a cat-sitter? Here, a dog was sold with a cabin a couple of years ago... Perhaps she can not discuss the idea of adoption because of all that it implies for her.
Happier thoughts! You can come here on vacation and I can teach you both camping and driving with a stick, lol. I'm a city girl - kind of - but I grew up in the country side so I can also drive a tractor if needed... (Please - PLEASE - don't tell anyone :lol: :lol: :lol: )

THIS IS GENIUS, particularly for a city with difficult to find housing, particularly LOVELY housing like in your building, Missy!

Even if J doesn't go for it, its STILL a great idea, Scandi.


Jul 1, 2014
Missy, I'm sorry about this whole thing with J/kitties. I know its weighing heavily on you for the cats' sakes.



Mar 29, 2005
Missy, good decision on the red MG even with everything replaced. Especially if you haven't driven a manual for awhile (or ever) and even more so if you aren't a car mechanic by training. I put that MG in a category I call "Best Loved From Afar."

It sounds like many of us could use a distraction from our troubles so thought I'd post a few of my "Best Loved From Afar's" and invite all the NIRDI's to do the same. So here are some of my BLFA's:

This 1922 Cartier 5 ct. Asscher. Created the same year as my mother but way out of my budget I'm sure:

Big teethy things in the water and diving in general (I can't equalize the pressure in my ears which I learned the hard way on my very first dive in Australia):

Places where my klutziness could be fatal:


Okay, NIRDI's. Let's see what you think are best loved from afar. Show me your BLFA's!






Dec 9, 2013
Love these!
Especially photos #1 and #4 :wall:


Jun 8, 2008
Love your BLFAs Rainwood. :bigsmile:

Here are some of mine. Definitely BLFA since I'm a mega klutz!
Plus I cannot take the extreme cold or I'd be right there doing all those cold weather sports I love. But mainly I can't because I'm a Klutz. So yeah BLFA. 8-)


And some potentially good news on the cat front...fingers crossed. I have been working it hard and please please please let it work out for J's cats. :pray:






Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls! :wavey:

Missy, Please remember you are doing all you can possibly to do to help the kitties. Fingers crossed you will find them a new home soon and they will be able to stay together. I love the picture of you on the small tractor. Some how in my mind Stuart Weitzman and tractors don't belong in the same sentenced. It's a very cute picture. Thank you for cheering me up this afternoon. I promise the next time we talk I won't cry on your shoulder. Heaven knows my poor husband is tired of hearing me complain. I'm going to use Greg's line and tell my DH he doesn't need to respond the next time I complain. I owe you and Kristie big time for this past week.

Junebug, Thinking of you and sending hugs. I'm sorry everything is so difficult right now. Is your sister with you?

Gypsy, I'm sorry to hear you are so down. Hopefully things start to turn around soon. Is there anything I can do to help? I'm with you when you say you want to be surrounded by green. You can come here and be surrounded by green for 6 months out of the year and housing is so much more reasonable than where you are. The only problem is we have winter. Although it is really beautiful after a snowstorm. Are you still considering Seattle? Has John been feeling better?

Rainwood, The scenery pictures you posted are beautiful. I think a few of us really needed them. I know they brightened my mood. I also loved the numbered photos. I think Jimmianne and I will be fighting over photo number 1. Jimmianne, Can I please have the ring. You can have George!

Marcy, That car is getting closer and closer to being yours. How exciting. I love that you are able to track the ship. Have you been given a delivery date?

Kristie, I can't wait to talk to you tomorrow!

Jimmianne, Are you feeling any better? You really thru me for a loop when you said you weren't even wearing your diamonds! I have no idea how you can complain about that think beautiful hair of yours. I will trade you any day of the week.

Scandi, I love all the decorating pictures you have posted recently. I'm definely going to need your help when I redecorate. How has the training been going with F. That sweet little angel of your deserves to win! I have also been meaning to ask you how your dad has been feeling. Is he fully recovered?


Feb 27, 2007

Gypsy, I am sorry you didn’t get either job but maybe a change of scenery is what is meant to be and that perfect job is elsewhere. I sometimes believe things evolve as they should. That doesn’t make it any easier for you but exploring other options is never a bad idea. And of course none of us will ever know what would be if we took that other fork in the road. I hope you and John come up with some plans to explore.

Scandi, I am sure you are enjoying the dog training. Good luck with the competition this weekend. That is great news the logs are coming along. I like your idea of saying look behind you - our alarm system went off at 4 am one night (Marty was gone) and I got up and said “what the hell is going on out there.” It was a bad sensor but I am sure I scared it a lot! I was watching my ship come in most of the day. It finally docked about 7 our time. I bought the Earth Cam app and was able to see the car carrier go by about 4:30 today. That was pretty cool. My car is almost on U.S. soil. Yes, I got the iPhone 7 and I am very pleased with it. I had a iPhone 6 and was happy with it but since I was eligible for an upgrade I only paid about $70 difference for my new phone. It has longer battery life, a brighter image, better camera and is quicker at loading things like websites.

Jimmianne, I would easily believe Americans are more materialistic. I have read the millennials are shying away from material things. Yes, the camera in my new phone is quite nice. It has optical image stabilizer and is supposed to do better in low light. It is WAY cheaper than a new diamond. My ship did escape the Bermuda triangle. Thank goodness.

Missy, maybe there is another pretty MG around the corner for you. The ocean is totally relaxing so I can see why you enjoy riding along the beach. I am totally with you in not loving camping. It doesn’t break my heart our F150 won’t pull our RV; I don’t miss it at all. I sure wish it would sell though. I know J appreciates your friendship and also you trying to find someone to take her kitties. I hope your possible solution works out. Maybe J didn’t plan ahead for her cats because she couldn’t handle dealing with it. I think we all believe there will always be time to deal with that later. Love the bike pictures. How is your rash?

Kristie, I don’t see why being pet sitters wouldn’t work out for a place to live. Good idea!

Rainwood, great pictures for BLFA.

Callie, have you had your dental work yet? How are you feeling? I have not got a delivery date yet. The ship docked today. Then the car waits to be processed through customs, then it gets put on a truck heading hopefully in this direction. I am guessing if it all goes well maybe by the first week of October.

The height of my day was watching my ship getting closer to port then watching it pass by the webcam along the shipping canal. Marty was watching from home. I was in a meeting while it was rounding the corner and I kept kind of glancing at my iPad.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.
Marcy almost new car


Feb 27, 2007
Here are some of our vacation photos several years ago. I'd go back there in a flash.




Feb 27, 2007
Here is my ship coming in



Aug 8, 2005
Marcy,I would love to have a couple of the pictures from the Monterrey coast blown up on my wall. Would it be okay for me to ask you for the files? If it's not I'm sorry. I just love so many of them.


Jan 23, 2016
"Good" morning girls :wavey:

Please note that I'm using the word "good" quite loosely. Just had a meeting with the countractor for the house and grrrrrrr pretty much sums it up! I'll complain more later, just need to drink a "bit" of coffee first... and do a conference call. Such i****s. Billing us the last installment for the assembly of the logs!! Not going to pay that untill the logs are picture perfect, now am I????? :angryfire: Their argument: the logs are assembled. :errrr: :angryfire: :errrr: :nono: :nono: :wall: Why are there no rude "smilies"??? (lol) I feel like Donald Duck going "kwickawickawick" if you know what I mean. Didn't actually use any improper language, but might have lost my temper just a tiny little bit. :oops: But seriously! That is such bad form!!

OK. Need to refocus. Need to make money. I.e. need to prepare for that conference call. Please tell me that its them and not me. Excuse typos. Hard to write when shaking, lol.


Dec 9, 2013
Missy, I could see you doing everything on your list, except maybe skydiving. [The top of my list was facelift, but I couldn't find a graphic but non-gruesome photo to share]. Ah yes, the glam lady-on-a-tractor photo. I love that picture of you.

Gypsy, You have so much to offer. I have high hopes that you will emerge victorious and look back on these days as a small glitch in a great plan.

Scandi, did the coffee help? Building a home is at the top of the list for crazy-making. Meanwhile your and your canine sweetie are putting Issy and me to shame with your dedication. These days Issy is getting fat from lack of activity -we had a long hot summer- but your inspiration will help get us moving.

Marcy, love the photos. is that a rabbit eating an otter? ugh, those rabbits. Sharks of the field and forest. and now aquariums too! Is any place safe?!
Lucky you were eligible for an upgrade for so little. I just looked it up and Apple will pay me $315 toward an upgrade, which is not tempting enough right now.
Are you getting the bluetooth earpods?

[as for wearing diamonds] My sad story is that I have not been and am not thrilled with my asscher reset. Some days I like it a lot and some days I want to just put it in the safe and forget it. I wish I had just put it in a bezel, now that I know how good the bezel looks. But the contrasting black onyx is just not my cup of tea and the size is not good for 24/7, which was the intenton. I wasn't sure when I had it made, and I was right. Lesson learned. However I try to wear it often to bond and remind myself it's not a ring, it's a talisman. I could never ask Tony to turn the head into a pendant after all the work he did, but maybe I can find a PS vendor to do it. I think it would make a great necklace. Any suggestions for benches??

Today is haircut day. The goddess will emerge from the haystack once again :lol:


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Junie, thinking of you sweetheart.

Scandi, I am sorry honey. That sucks and I know how stressful this is and hope you and your dh get it sorted out to your satisfaction as soon as possible. Hope your CC is going well now and keeping good thoughts for the building to go more smoothly from here on in.
And LOL yes that is how I ride a tractor. 8)

Jimmianne, Aww I'm sorry the asscher that Tony set isn't doing it for don't think you can talk to Tony and ask him to reset it for you? That is what I think I would do as you have a relationship with him and respect his skill and just because you don't love this latest ring he made for you doesn't mean that he cannot make you a different beautiful piece. And he shouldn't take it personally since you do love and respect his work. Just a thought. But if you really want another bench there are many to consider. To name two that come to mind at this moment who are reasonable in fees...Steven Kirsch and David Klass. I haven't used either but most PSers seem pleased with them. But I would reconsider Tony.

HA, I wish I could go sky diving because it looks like a real thrill but my brain won't let me just thinking of the possible consequences of it going wrong. Darn brain, sometimes I wish I could just shut it off for a while. :wink2:

Lucky you getting a haircut. I so need one but don't feel like making an appointment and going in mainly because Tuey's hours are impossible for me during beach season. Please come back and tell us what you did...trim or more dramatic change?

Marcy, love your photos. So beautiful and dramatic. Your car is almost here. :appl:

Callie, I am always here for all you girls. (((Hugs))).

Kristie, YAY!

Have a good day girls. Love you all and leaving you with the latest photo of HRH Francesca. I have no clue where she got this from the little stinker but I don't like having political debates with my fur babies so I have to figure out how to get it away from her. :cheeky:



Jun 8, 2008
A sweet article. Thought you might enjoy. Not a possibility for Zeke, Theo or Yoshi but thought you might like reading it.

Sept. 19, 2016 9:06 p.m. ET

First, Ira Chavis introduced Kalifa, who resides at Mid Hudson Animal Aid in Beacon, N.Y. At least one of Kalifa’s nine lives had been rough so it’s fortunate he found refuge at the “no-kill” cat sanctuary.

“He’s a tri-paw, had his front right removed,” said Mr. Chavis, a volunteer. “Some sort of injury happened when he was outdoors. You’d never know it.”

Then Mr. Chavis presented Oscar Bean, “a sweet kitty,” he said. “He has litter-box issues, which is why he’s still with us.”

Kalifa, white with a gray forehead, and Oscar Bean, black with white paws, had something else in common: They loved me.

All cats do. Both of them took turns assuming residence in my lap.

The problem is that I don’t love them back.


I have nothing against felines, per se. I find them beautiful and supernaturally graceful. It’s just that if you’re going to make the sizable investment, both financial and emotional, that a pet demands, I require more bang for the buck.

In other words, a dog. While dogs have their shortcomings—the most obvious being that they need to be walked several times a day—they lavish you with affection. They love you in the unconditional way humans don’t.

It isn’t that I don’t admire cats. I just don’t understand why I should pay to be shunned and rejected.

Also, I’m allergic to cats. Visiting Mid Hudson Animal Aid should have entitled me to combat pay. The population on the afternoon of my visit was 146 felines, each and every one with the power to send me into a sneezing fit.

“There are only a handful of places in the tri-state area that take in the special-needs animals,” Mr. Chavis said. “They can have a great life.”

These include abused, neglected and injured kitties, as well as those with feline leukemia and feline AIDS, who have their own special area. Most of the cats, however, have the run of the place.

The sanctuary constitutes something of a cat paradise with elaborate catwalks, conveniently located scratching posts and both indoor and outdoor recreation areas.

Actually, I do have something nice to say about cats. Other than a brief altercation Kalifa had with an adversary that prompted a bloodcurdling scream, the sanctuary was almost silent.

Compare that to a dog shelter. The barking would have been insane.

Oscar Bean crawled into my lap uninvited. “Cats pick you when they know you don’t like them,” said Lauren LaRocca, the shelter’s manager. “Most people I’ve met who don’t like cats end up having cats who love them.”

Perhaps, rather than being suffocated with affection, the typically aloof kitty appreciates the person whose evident discomfort signals they can move in undisturbed.

The shelter cares for cats that have been hurt or abandoned but doesn’t accept “surrenders,” the term for cats whose owners no longer want them.

“We have to be very selective,” said Mr. Chavis, a technical leader at IBM who drops by every day around lunchtime. “Otherwise we’d be bankrupt.”

On the other hand, felines who don’t find homes can stay as long as they want—years in some cases. Ms. LaRocca spent months socializing an extremely unsociable 11-year-old named Zimba.

“He’d hiss at me,” she recalled. “I’d eat lunch with him every day. I got him to start giving me head butts.”

Zimba was eventually adopted by a couple that had owned only dogs.

Mid Hudson Animal Aid’s newest additions arrived Sept. 3: three kittens that survived the August flooding in Louisiana.

Although they initially had upper-respiratory infections, Ms. LaRocca said, they seemed to be recovering nicely.

I could relate to the respiratory issues. My allergies suddenly flared up, sending me scrambling for tissues.

“She’ll be leaving,” said Ms. LaRocca, referring to a beautiful Siamese kitten named Sabine whose departure wasn’t coming soon enough to do me any good. “The purebred look is a plus.”

LOL I have to add this photo from a moment ago. See how fierce HRH is? :o 8-) :lol:

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