
Now I really did it :((


Oct 24, 2012
Missy, love the picture. Love it. You're good, able to deal with memories and the past. I find it hard because I know how old my parents are now. It makes me think about mortality which Depresses me. I'm so glad Greg is ok. Just good to know. My fighter has some big moles that freak me out but the derm says they are ok for now. Ugh!

Jimmianne, when is your daughter coming back? I'm so sorry about your guinea hen. :( Bad doggy, but love him anyway! Are you ok? The rose is beautiful. What a wonderful thing to do, plant and be reminded of life again. I would have needed a six miler right then. I can't wait to see the ring from Caysie! Yay! Bling therapy. I say consider trading up the asscher. ;-). Do you have another stone in mind?

I'm ver proud of my boy. I have mixed feelings. I don't really want him to get serious about long distance running this early in life. It wears out your body. But I do want him to see what he can achieve if only he makes the decision and commits and works hard. He's staying up so late for homework every night I think he's too busy. Only getting about 6 hours of sleep. Bad!!!!!

Have a great day everyone! Gonna take off early to avoid traffic.


Feb 27, 2007

LLJsmom, I definitely eat better when Marty is home. I am enjoying me band. I think RR sent me the wrong size last time too but I didn’t notice until they started bothering my feet. I looked at them and saw they were a ½ size larger than I normally order. I figured I probably ordered the wrong size. Maybe not. I had a Frigadaire dishwasher before. When we bought our dishwasher this summer we were considering Bosch or Kitchenaid. The Kitchenaid won primarily because we found one that was 39 decibels. Marty is about 6 feet from the dishwasher and he wanted it as quiet as possible. I try to put as many of my dishes in the dishwasher as I can. I hope your kids pick colleges close to home so you can easily visit them.

Missy, I am doing okay. I tend to get sad when Marty is traveling. Marty gets home Friday. Sadly frozen brownies and cookies are good. I used to think they wouldn’t be any good frozen until Marty said “try it” and now I know they are equally delicious. The smoke didn’t seem as bad today. I know I worry about people, fire fighters and animals getting hurt or worse in fires and also how awful for people who lose their houses. I am having some fun at work. I am really enjoying working with my new boss. So far we’ve agreed on everything. We even liked the girl we interviewed today and want to make her an offer. I am glad the doctor felt Greg’s mole was benign. Marty has had some skin cancers and recently they said he could go to yearly checkups instead of 6 months. I was happy to hear that. I love your family picture. Everyone looks happy.

Jimmianne, I am sorry you are so sad about your DD going to France. I sure understand it though. I hate to hear about your dog and your guinea hen. That had to be awful for you. Hugs lady. I know reading some of the stories in Kenny’s thread made me realize I’ve got nothing to complain about. Yes I could be healthier and should quit feeling sorry for myself because I have it pretty lucky. I liked your ratings. Your new rose bush is gorgeous. The roses are a very pretty color. I can’t wait to see your French cut band. I’ve been a fan of those stones as well. Decisions, decisions on your Asscher cut diamond. Beautiful sunset picture. Thanks!

Kristie, I have been thinking of you and hoping things are going well with everything. Hugs to you my Arizona friend.

Junebug, I hope you are having a good week.

Hopefully we found someone to replace my problem employee. Woo hoo! The hiring process where I work takes forever but it’s an internal candidate so hopefully it goes quickly.

I worked until about 5:45 which meant less traffic in that stupid construction zone. That is one benefit to fall coming; less construction.

Have a great day tomorrow.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

LLJSmom, your children take after their mom I see with ambition, determination and intelligence. I know they will be successful at whatever they endeavor in life. You have taught them well.

I do get a bit sad looking through old pics because I miss my grandma and the innocence of our youth but a lot of years have passed and I can remember it all with more happiness than sadness but it can be bittersweet remembering. We can never get that time back and I concentrate on knowing that to enjoy the moment/live in the moment as much as possible because I know in the future I will be missing these times right now. I know with children the time goes especially quickly so hold onto every moment LLJsmom and enjoy the heck out of it. Of course great times are coming and lots to look forward to with your kids in the future too but every minute now is precious as well.

Hope you had an easy commute yesterday.

Marcy, I agree. (Almost) Every dessert tastes better frozen.

I am glad you found a replacement for your problem employee woohoo! And also that you and your new boss agree on everything. That makes the workplace more pleasant doesn't it. :appl:

That's great that Marty gets home tomorrow!!! Only one more day Marcy. That's good news that Marty only has to go once a year now. With melanoma Greg really needs to go more often and I am not sure if that rec will ever be reduced. The only way to survive a melanoma is to catch it early. Period. There is no other treatment. OK onto happier topics. Do you have any plans for the weekend? Any trips in the near future planned for you and Marty? To get away from the cold winter that is coming? And I agree. Yay for less construction with the cooler weather. All that construction has been adding lots of time to our Friday and Monday trips to and from the beach. Looking forward to spending less time in the car sitting in traffic. I hate traffic.

Kristie I am still holding my breath for you. Just so you know and won't let it out till you give me the green light!

Callie, I am keeping my fingers crossed that things work out with scheduling.

Jimmianne, I hope you are feeling better today. Thinking of you.

Junie, hope your week is going well.

Hi Sharon, Thinking of you and your dh and I hope the colonoscopy went well with 100% clean bill of health for your dh.(((Hugs))).


Dec 9, 2013
What would I do without you guys!
I could walk down a street in your town and never recognize any of you*, but here you are in my life and making it so much better : )

*[I hope to remedy that some day - maybe when we have our "progress dinner party" at each of our homes].

I think I have a cycle - I start to feel badly, so I eat sweets, then the bottom really falls out. So I make a big food shopping trip to get all healthy foods and soon feel much better. Then I feel so OK that I start "treating myself" & start slipping again. around and around it goes. :lol:

Missy, I find it sad looking at my old family photos too, however It's so nice to see your family photos - AND since they do not have that emotional trigger for non-family, only the warmth and love come through. very nice!

Marcy, things are looking up! It must be a real relief to be getting rid of a problem at work. yay! and I found it funny that Marty is 6 feet from the dishwasher. How can he load & unload it from there?! [please don't tell him I said that].

AZ -Something mysterious going on. It makes me smile to think of the underground current flowing. I hope it is something good!

LLJsmom - ah so you worry too. I mean, of course you do, but it is one of those "MOM" things that is so annoying to our brains - long term worrying. ugh. I can't remember exactly how old he is, but any passion that gets them through the teen years is worthy. haha
My daughter does cross-fit so I know where you are coming from on that score.

How nice of you to say I should trade up the Asscher! I have a muddle of a plan so far. I could trade it at GOG. I thought maybe a side trip while in NY to visit Jon. Or else maybe Adam would trade it. I had good luck trading in my little OEC with Grace when I got Joy.
OR I could have a "confection" ring made with Caysie. OR I could have it made into a pendant. The problem is I want everything and I want it now. So there. :saint:

June, how is your week going? Inquiring minds want to know.

Hi Sharon. I am always glad when you post. I know a little about you, but not enough!

My new rose bushes are called "First Crush" and here is the description of the scent that was on the tag: "Initially the rose smells like a newly opened bottle of champagne. This fresh scent opens into scents of lemon verbena, apricots, plums and a touch of vanilla".
Hm-m-m I need to go back outside and smell the roses a bit more. lol


Oct 24, 2012
It's 5:30 and I'm meeting a friend at 6:15 to run. I had a good binge last night. I couldn't stop eating until I felt I had to carry my stomach. I think I'm two days out. Happens every month. OMG. Have a great morning girls.


Apr 19, 2004

Just a drive by--I am off to Victoria for a long weekend with my sisters and Mother! (rain, rain, go away...phooey)

My DH tolerated his test well. Many, many tissue samples (9) were sent however. We wait for news when the pathology is complete.
Thanks for the good wishes and have a great weekend, ladies!



Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I love the pictures of your family. I think Jimmianne is right when she said all we see is happiness. Do your niece like seeing the pictures of everyone when they were young? I'm sorry, We didn't have time to discuss the trip last night. He was golfing and when he came home we had dinner. My nephew called and they talked for about an hour about interviewing. When he hung up he was filling me in on what they discussed since I had only talked to my nephew for about 5 minutes. I promise to discuss everything with him tonight.

Sharon, Sending lots of dust regarding your husband. Hopefully you will get the test results back quickly so you can put your mind at ease. It's always great to get good news from a doctor. Have a great time on your trip. it sounds like a lot of fun. I hope the rain stays away!

Jimmianne, I'm sorry you have been feeling bad about your daughter leaving. We will all be here for you in the coming weeks if you are havjng a bad day. Please don't be so hard in yourself. I would feel the same way if one of my nieces were to move away and they aren't even my daughter. I can't imagine how hard for you this must be. We want them to be happy but we want them happy nearby! Try to think of the wonderful adventures that are in your future. You can talk to her on the phone often and she is always just a plane ride away. Is there a chance that they would consider eventually moving to the states? It seems like now may be the perfect time for a new jewelry project. Think of it as therapy and a wonderful distraction. I can't wait to see your new band from Caysie.

Marcy, it's such great news that everything is going well with you and your manager. It's so much nicer when you enjoy being at work and have fun with the people you work with. It is starting. To sound like the changes the company made recently were for the better. It so nice when things work out that way. Hopefully this person you are making an offer to will accept.

Kristie, Sending you lots of happy thoughts today. Are you celebrating? Miami here we come!

LLJsmom, I love hearing stories about your kids. I think it's great that both you and your son having running in common. A friend of mine has said that they are now paying for the years of running. One of my friends has had problems with her knee. She blames running for it but I always wonder if that really was the problem. I keep pointing out that her mom had the same problems and she never ran, Don't beat yourself up becuase you had a bad food day yeaterday. It happens to all of us. I always tell myself at least it was fun while it lasted. You will get back on track today. I'm trying to start eating better. Ii am up a few pounds and it is driving me crazy. I wish I could cut sugar out. I have no idea how you ever managed to succeed at that. I swear sugar is a drug.


Dec 9, 2013
Callie, thank you for your support. The theory is that eventually they will live in the states part-time. He has two years of school first.
Yes! must remain on the upside, after all I can hop on a plane anytime - and that sounds so jet-setty or something doesn't it. lol

The CVB band arrived just a few minutes ago. She is really, really good at what she does, also every diamond in the band is super quality. I told her I am smitten.
Maybe a project with her would be a good distraction. I'm really impressed and grateful to get to see her work in person. Joy loves her and wants a new setting. Oh how the bucket list piles up! Realizing today what a celebration of life diamonds are.


Jul 1, 2014
Hi Everybody!! :wavey: Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and for all the good wishes (and happy points, :lol: ) through these weeks of heck for me and my DH.

So The Saga ("Tim" is my BIL):
Weekend: I say to Bob, "Its odd the Board attorney keeps emailing you with concessions and additions for Tim. What do we care, its none of our business what the Board and Tim agree to and enter into. Bob uh-hums me on this. I say its strange but as long as we are separate from Tim, c'est la vie.
Monday: Bob gets an email from the Board attorney saying that Tim has backed out of the deal and so the whole thing is dead. The date for finalization on the 15th is a no-go, won't ever happen. Bob shows me the email. I say that something is wrong, we have our OWN contract and deal with the Board, Bob signed the contract, how can OUR contract now be void because of what Tim does? Bob tells me it was always a joint contract, he and Tim had to sign on to the deal at the same time, together.
:twisted: :evil: :angryfire: :devil:

So when Bob comes home from work, I ask him to call his brother and find out just what is what, now or never, we're done with him. Bob makes the call. He and his brother strike a deal for Tim to buy Bob's share. Tim claims he has to work the next day (Tuesday) but will meet with his lawyer Wednesday (his day off) to get the contract written up, funds sent, and Bob signs the deed over to Tim.

I don't believe Tim will do this. He's said he will many, many times and always at the last minute, crickets. Renege city.

So lo and behold, Wednesday morning Tim calls Bob and says his lawyer told him that he drew up a contract for Tim and Bob BUT WHEN HE CALLED THE BOARD ATTORNEY TO TELL HER THE TWO BROTHERS STRUCK A DEAL, SHE TOLD HIM BOB SIGNED A CONTRACT AND THE BOARD WAS HOLDING HIM TO IT, SO BOB CAN'T SELL WHAT HE'S ALREADY SOLD THE BOARD. (The Board never paid us so they backed out of the contract and voided it first themselves, they also let the date slip.)

Keep in mind, the Board attorney on Monday told Bob "You have no deal, its dead. No check coming to you. Goodbye."

So they think they can own Bob's share without paying for it???? HELLS NO.

So Bob gets on the phone and the email to the Board attorney, *I* get on the phone and the email to the Board attorney, and at this point I'm ready to release funds to get a lawyer to sue the Board for a multitude of things including the nonpayment of the contract.

The Board attorney emails Bob telling him to stop me from calling her at her office. I respond that if she doesn't like hearing people yip in protest when she bends them over the table, she shouldn't be an attorney.

I digress.

So Tim was told by the Board that he had to sign the contract by 4:30 yesterday afternoon. At 4:10, Tim calls Bob and asks him "Do you really need the money?"

Bob says "Yes, I do. If you sign today, I will forgive the $15,000 minimum that you have owed me for the rest of the estate goods/assets/cars." Tim says he will thus sign.

At 4:45 the Board attorney emails Bob to say that Tim signed.

I still don't believe this, PLUS Tom could easily tear that contract up at any time prior to him cashing his settlement check.

Until our check clears...

One interesting caveat in the contract that was written for Tim (I finally saw the actual contract Monday night): He gets a year to clear his crap off the property. AND HIS ACTIVITIES DURING THE YEAR CANNOT BE ILLEGAL OR UNLAWFUL OR EXPOSE ANYONE TO LIABILITY. So it seems I'm not the only one who sees my BIL and SIL and what they are/were doing out there and wanted no part of it whatsoever.

So everyone cross their fingers, say "Pthoo Pthoo Pthoo" (Missy's mom's preventive against bad luck) and have dust for check showing up shortly and clearing the bank. :wall: :clap: :dance:


Dec 9, 2013
Fingers AND toes crossed. What a crock this all is. Hang in there, dear person. Dust for cleared checks ASAP!


Jul 1, 2014
Now onto the good stuff:

Jimmianne, that band. I have lusted after that band many, many times and I am so glad a NIRDI owns one!!! :love: :appl: :love:

TDF, its fantastic. I did go to LoupeTroop after reading your post, there is a band on there but its not my darned size :eh:

Re your old dog and the guinea hen. I know that was an awful tableau to happen upon, I'm so sorry! I wish we'd been there to clean it up for you and just send you on to your class and when you came home you could love up your old dog just like you did with nothing else to tend to.

Re your daughter, well hey. If the relationship is terrible it wouldn't matter if she married someone the next state over, you'd see little of her/them. Because you do have a loving relationship with your daughter and you have a great start on your relationship with future SIL, you'll see them plenty and when it comes to spending time with family, you'll head their list!! :appl: Its the love and closeness with your daughter that matters and that will make you welcome by them when you call, when you come to visit, and when you drink the best wine out of the cellar! And you have a headstart a la Francaise, which will be important if/when the bebe/s come on the scene :clap:

So remember your budsters here, come see me in AZ this winter, as ANY NIRDI is fully welcome to do, and be happy that you have a relationship of love and respect and trust with your daughter!!


Jul 1, 2014
JA, that bracelet in your wrist ensemble? Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! :bigsmile: ;)) Damn but that looks good!!!


Jul 1, 2014
Marcy, so glad to know that the $#itstorm at work is over. Being on the same page as your immediate supervision is almost as important as being on the same page as your DH :lol:

I know you get sad over losing your folks. I'm sad over losing my horrifying parents so I can imagine the depth of the loss when the parents were loving and kind and funny and people in your community remember them to you with smiles and chuckles. Just remember, Marty loves you, WE LOVE YA, and probably your sisters do? HAHAHAHA little joke there.

If it starts getting you down, tell Snacks about it. Sure, he looks fearsome and all but there's a teddy bear in there.

NO WAIT, No teddy bears are to be eaten by Snacks, ha, let's say there's a fuzzy soft Cadbury-esque bunny deep down inside Snacks!!!


Jul 1, 2014
Missy, love the pic! Your uncles fashion statement there, OMG I love that!!! It reminds me of a guy I dated at USC, Phillip Lever, who used to call me up and say "I'm 3-piece-suiting it tonight, babe, wanna go dancing with me?" And he'd show up in a suit pretty much the same as your uncles!!!!

Yep, your mom looks YOUNG YOUNG YOUNG and your grandparents look great too. You have nothing to complain about gene pool wise my friend!

Who is in the black dress?

Did you have a bat mitzvah?


Jul 1, 2014
LLJs, November is getting closer, glad you have something that great to anticipate and train for and look forward to! I cannot wait to see the pics! Stay healthy. If you have any injuries or soreness, look into Wobenzym. It saved my broken leg and broken knee. Second most utilized medication in Germany/German hospitals. I buy mine on Amazon, make sure yours is from the distributor Garden of Life because you don't want a knock off or imitator. Its OTC.

The prescription drug you may want to have on hand is Voltaren gel. The stuff is da bomb for pain in joints and joint areas. Super widely used all over the world (where of course its OTC). The single contraindication is cardiovascular disease and that would be for chronic use of the Voltaren.

You're getting on to that fab weather where you are. Jealous. Still 90 first thing in the morning here. Ergh. I'm ready to get outta here. I'd like to return to CA, the area around San Luis Obispo (heaven on earth IMHO) but DH isn't sure, thinks CA is too expensive for retirement.


Jun 17, 2009
Missy, great news about Greg! :clap: I love your family picture, my goodness, you all look like you're having so much fun, what a wonderful memory to carry with you.

Any special plans for the weekend? Are you and Greg headed to the beach?

Jimmianne, I'm so sorry to read about the rough day you had, and that you're feeling upset and down about your dd moving. I too am struggling with my children getting older, it is a bit like grieving, isn't it. Sometimes I miss my babies so much. I think it's great that you keep busy, I guess all we can do is distract ourselves with various other things - right now mine is bling and nail polish colors lol. But yes, there are those days when everything just seems to catch up with us, and it can be tough to work through it. Your roses are gorgeous! I'm glad planting them brought you some peace and comfort, and helped you feel a little more on track.

Speaking of bling, I think I vote for the larger asscher! And I'm looking forward to seeing your new band. I think it's going to be beautiful! I actually thought of you when I saw it on LT because I remembered from other posts that you liked the quatrefoil design.

I was so sorry to read about the wildfires Caysie and her neighbors are dealing with, just terrible. :(sad

Thanks for your input on dealing with an elderly parent, it helps to hear from people who have experienced it - yes, it must be so hard for a person to face having to give up his/her independence, and I do try my best to be sensitive to that. It's just tough because on the one hand it's my mother's choice, but by the same token I don't want to be neglectful, yanno? She also has some dementia and poor short term memory, which complicates things. It's challenging to figure out the best way to handle these situations, that's for sure. I am positive that that you did a great job regarding your parents care, and that you always had their best interests at heart. Thanks for your support.

Marcy, I'm glad your sisters are getting along better now, it's upsetting to have family members at odds with each other. Sounds like work is keeping you very busy these days, I'm glad things are manageable and you like your job well enough to just keep going! What a relief that you think you've found a replacement for your difficult employee! Glad to hear Marty will be home Friday. I'm sorry to read you're feeling down and missing your parents, such a big loss and I can understand how hard it must be for you, hugs to you my friend - I'm thinking of you. Oh, and try not to second guess yourself on how you handled things with your parents, you are obviously an extremely loving daughter and I know you did things as well as you possibly could so try not to feel badly about anything.

Sharon, sorry to hear your dh is dealing with health issues, that's tough for everyone - I'm glad he tolerated the tests well and I'm sending tons of dust that everything checks out ok.

Good luck with your decision on whether to continue working - I totally understand where you're coming from, I think my husband is at the same point! He figures he might as well keep going for now, since I'm helping with my mother at this point anyway. But I can tell the stress is getting to him and retiring sounds appealing on some days.

Have a wonderful time on your weekend getaway! I love mini-vacations. Hopefully the weather will cooperate, but I'm sure you'll still have a lovely time!

LLJsmom, we bought a Bosch dishwasher last year and I love it, it's so quiet! At first I was a little disappointed that the dishes didn't dry off that well, but I think Boschs' are designed to be energy efficient. And it turns out mine has a drying feature you can activate, and that helps. I also keep the door open for a while to dry them. Funny how things bother you at first, but then you get used to them lol.

So sorry your rings haven't turned up. Sounds like it was a good thing you didn't purchase the OEC ring, I think a VC band would look beautiful with your ering.

Not a whole lot new with me, same old stuff - hope everyone is having a good Thursday!


Jul 1, 2014
Junebug, glad you and your brother have figured out the caregiving for your mom. You guys do an amazing job. I hope you get to spend plenty of time at the beach house resting and recharging as needed.


Jun 17, 2009
Um ok, I managed to miss some stuff! :cheeky:

Kristie, omg, what a roller coaster of events - I am so hoping that all of this works out and that check makes an appearance very soon :pray: - I will be so happy for you and Bob that this mess is finally over and done with.

And kristie, thank you for your nice words, they mean more to me than you know…honestly, if feel like we don't know that the heck we're doing most days but we're trying our best.

Jimmianne, the band is gorgeous! And wow, it looks SO good with Joy and your other band, they compliment each other so well! :dance:


Jun 8, 2008
Hi girls! Just got home from freezing my you know what off at work and am now just soaking my toe and relaxing and checking in with my girls. :wavey:

Sharon, have a great trip and hoping all the results for your dh are negative. And I hope the rain stays away for you. Have fun!

Callie, my nieces laugh when we show them these pictures. HA, just wait till they are old and wrinkled like the rest of us. :cheeky: Hope your dh is onboard with the plans!

LLJsmom, how did your early run go? It's dark here at 6AM now so I am glad you went with a friend. I used to love early morning runs. They are the best. Streets quiet and you can have a peaceful meditative run. Hope you enjoyed it.

Jimmianne, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new CvB band! It's gorgeous on you and with your other rings. :love: Great purchase and helping Caysie and her neighbors out too. :appl: That band is really TDF. Have I mentioned how much I love it on you? :love:

Junie, you really are amazing. The way you care for your mom well it's selfless and most people wouldn't or couldn't do what you are for your mom. You are a good person and I hope you get to enjoy downtime and R&R at your beach house very soon. Going down for Columbus day weekend maybe?

Kristie, trying not to get too excited for you till we know for sure so as usual keeping good thoughts for you. I did have a Bat mitzvah when I was 12. I have to see if I can find any pics of that. My uncle is a metrosexual and was one before it was so popular LOL. That is my aunt in the picture laying against him. They are the aunt and uncle who live in Denville with the greenhouse. They always have marched to the beat of their own drummers, belonged to EST in the 70's etc. My mom's younger brother. I was a flower girl in their wedding. Ooh I have to find pics of that for you. You will be ROFLYAO. :lol:

Ooh and almost forgot. For all the pizza lovers out there a list of best pizza places in NYC just came out and may I just say one of these is right across the street from where I live. Just might be in our near future girls. Added enticement. :cheeky:

ETA: I got the influenza vaccine at work today. I cannot believe it's flu season again. :shock:


Jul 1, 2014
junebug17|1442520367|3928954 said:
Um ok, I managed to miss some stuff! :cheeky:

Kristie, omg, what a roller coaster of events - I am so hoping that all of this works out and that check makes an appearance very soon :pray: - I will be so happy for you and Bob that this mess is finally over and done with.

And kristie, thank you for your nice words, they mean more to me than you know…honestly, if feel like we don't know that the heck we're doing most days but we're trying our best.

Jimmianne, the band is gorgeous! And wow, it looks SO good with Joy and your other band, they compliment each other so well! :dance:

Junie, honestly, caring for the super elderly is a day with Forrest Gump You just don't know what you're gonna get! In the case of my grandparents, I would be dumbfounded to see them cooperate with ANYTHING the staff at their assisted living place asked them to do while I had asked them, say 30 minutes earlier to drink some water---> NOPE, NO WAY, UNH-UH, NOT GONNA DO IT! The staff comes in with water, my grandmother drinks it up AND ASKS FOR MORE! LOL, as I used to say as a teenager, FACED! My grandparents lived at my folks' about 6 months when my mom finally threw in the towel of the 24-hour attention they needed, she was still trying to work, had downgraded to part time (she was a teacher/reading specialist) but the dynamic above I wrote about, that is what motivated her to move them over into assisted living. She saw them pretty much every day at the facility. The key thing was, she could leave when she was ready to and they still had caregivers, food, meds, therapy, etc. galore. My grandparents made it into their mid-90s, so a long life by anyone's measurement. My grandfather wound up being retired longer than employed (he was an accountant for J. Paul Getty), my grandmother never felt retired because her life was micromanaging my grandfather, heehee.


Jul 1, 2014
Pizza? WORD!!!!!

I'll grab the pizzas, we'll meet up with Junie on the Turnpike, Jimmianne, I can't promise there'll be any left by the time we hit NC!!!


Dec 9, 2013
azstonie|1442533904|3929029 said:
Pizza? WORD!!!!!

I'll grab the pizzas, we'll meet up with Junie on the Turnpike, Jimmianne, I can't promise there'll be any left by the time we hit NC!!!

cruel, cruel
'night everyone


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, I am glad you can look back on wonderful memories with your family and grandmother with less sadness. Good idea to focus on the moment because we’ll never have this present time again. I am glad I get along so well with my new boss. He can be moody but you always know where you stand with him so I appreciate that. Melanoma is definitely very serious and I am sure Greg should be checked frequently. I have a ton of moles and have had many cut off. I sure keep an eye on them. I bet you have serious traffic where you live. I complain if I have to set through one stoplight. That’s great to have a highly rated pizza place across the street. I ordered a personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut today and picked it up. I opened my car door and knocked the box right on the ground. 3 of the 4 little pieces went right on the pavement. That one little piece was the best pizza I’ve had in a year. Rats.

Jimmianne, I am glad we help make your life better. You ladies sure brighten my day too. It would be awesome to be close enough together to do a progressive dinner. I can identify with the food cycle; I sadly have a big sweet tooth. I am looking forward to starting to build my new team at work. The lady we are going to offer the job to seems like a great addition. I don’t want Marty loading my dishwasher; he doesn’t rinse the dishes. I am quite anal that way. You sound like me with all your jewelry projects and ideas. At least it keeps us busy. Wow, your roses sound like they smell wonderful. Your CVB band looks beautiful.

LLJsmom, how was your morning run? Don’t feel bad about a foodathon; some times we just have those days.

Sharon, sending mega PS dust your way for good news from the pathology tests. Have a wonderful time in Victoria.

Callie, I like your philosophy of our nieces and children should be happy but happy nearby. I know I don’t get to see my nieces and nephews as much as I’d like. I bet your DH is sad to see golf season coming to an end.

Kristie, OMG – you are caught in the estate nightmare that just won’t end! This has had twists and turns that you couldn’t make up to write it for a TV script. I wouldn’t believe anything either until the check arrives and clears the bank. I hope that is how this story ends and soon for you. I have to agree with you agreeing with my boss has made a massive difference in my life. My team is struggling but certainly growing. This may work out eventually. Thank you for your words of wisdom about my parents. Your joke about my sisters made me laugh. My teddy bears do keep me company. You are cooling off there too. My sister and BIL are in Bozeman tonight and the low is expected to be near freezing. Pick me up on the way to the east coast!

Junebug, I don’t know there is a right or wrong direction to take with decisions on elderly parents; as long as we are trying to do the best we can for them none of us can predict how things will turn out. I am glad to see my sisters getting along; I hope it continues. Thank you for your kind words about my parents; I know we had a good relationship and they wouldn’t want me to feel bad or be sad. I am looking forward to building a new team at work. My old dishwasher only dried about 1/3 of my dishes; I usually covered up 2 dishtowels with wet dishes to let them finish drying. My new one dries a lot better.

Today was house cleaning day. I dialed in to work and had all my reports pulled and ready to go when I got there late. I came home at lunch and paid our cleaning lady and locked up the house.

Tonight a friend of mine picked up take out for us from Olive Garden and we watched the NFL game.

Tomorrow is Friday and Marty will be coming home. Sweet.

Either there is a lot of noise on this football game or it’s lightning outside.

Take care.


Jul 1, 2014
Marcy, if you'd dropped that pizza on your way in to work I'd have advised you to eat the one good piece while yiu drive back home!!!!

I know what I'd say, staring down 3 of my 4 pieces of personal pan pizza and the first word starts with EFFFFFFFFF :angryfire:

From now on, anything goes wrong in NIRDIville? Just go the eff home!!!!!!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! Happy last weekend of summer! I am sad summer is on the way out but hoping for a great autumn for us all. Pretty leaves and foliage and crisp autumn air with sharp skies with beautiful colors. :appl:

Pizza Party!!! To celebrate good news!!! Kristie!!! I am jumping up and down and that's not easy for someone who had a Pilon fracture let me tell you. :cheeky:
WOOHOO I love NIRDI good news!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Marcy, don't worry about the spilled pizza. Plenty more where that came from. YAY Marty is home!!! Have a great weekend. Autumn is here that is for sure. Weekend plans?

I'm with you Marcy about rinsing off the dishes. With our dishwasher in Brooklyn we have to rinse stuff off before we load but at the beach house we don't have to but I do anyway as I don't like putting filthy dishes in the dishwasher. :knockout:

Nice that the house is all clean now and I bet Marty loves coming home to a sparkling clean house. One nice thing about your furbabies is that they never shed haha. Big plus!

Jimmianne, you NIRDIs always make me feel better so I am glad we are doing the same for you. Group (((HUGS))).

How are you enjoying your CVB band or is that a stupid question? :love:

I would love to do that progressive dinner. Wish we all lived closer! About 20 years ago we did a monthly dinner at the shore at our original beach house neighborhood but a bit different than what you are describing. Where every month one person did the whole meal at their house and we took turns. It didn't last too long and honestly now I cannot think of enough local people I would want to do that with unless we were living on the NIRDI compound. Hehe. A girl can dream right? :cheeky: (Jimmianne I am using the cheeky emoticons so as to not disappoint you how'm I doing? :cheeky: )

LLJsmom, please don't worry about over eating. It's OK and once in a while we have to give in to our cravings or we would go crazy. I think I am similar to you in where we eat healthy most of the time but occasionally indulge and over eat even if it is healthy overeating. I love eating too and I will not deprive myself because that's part of enjoying life. Of course I might love food a little too much but that's OK and working out helps (a little LOL).

Are you getting excited for the marathon yet? Nervous or just happy energy? I cannot wait to meet you IRL!

Sharon, I hope you are enjoying Victoria. I LOVE Victoria and I think it is one of the prettiest places anywhere. It has been a while since I visited and I want to go back and take Greg with me as he has never been. Sending more healthy good luck dust your dh's way for good results!

Peggy! Did you get that caulking done? I am very impressed as I would have no clue how to go about that at all. You go girl! I hope you can convince Jeff ( :pray: :pray: :pray: ) and that you two have a great weekend. Is he golfing this weekend? Does golf season really end with autumn? I thought golfers golfed in all sorts of weather. Not going to let a little frost and ice stop him right? :bigsmile:

Junie, have a good weekend and enjoy this good weather we are having.

Have a fun Saturday girls!


Jul 1, 2014
Ah, Victoria, Bob and I were married there in the oceanside gardens of the Oak Bay Beach Hotel (before they ruined it). Had our dinner at Camille's on Bastian Square. Rented a Miata to drive around in, trip to Nanaimo, etc. TDF.

Sharon, hope you had a great time there!!!


Oct 24, 2012
Hi girls, we are having a heat wave here. It's almost 80 in SF and I did a 23 mile run today. I am pretty wiped out. The two women I ran with finished 23.5 but I just wouldn't make myself do that extra half mile. I am a little disappointed at myself for not having the mental toughness today, but I just didn't want it badly enough. It's one of those things that running has taught me. I would have finished but it was my decision not to. Before when I was trying to qualify for the Boston Marathon I would have done it. But it also teaches me that it is very mental. So much in life is...

Anyway, I am going to watch Everest in 3D and at an IMAX theater. I am so excited. I love Into Thin Air, and have reread that book so many times. I highly recommend it if you love adventure, but real life stories. The author is a journalist so the writing is well done but also relatively easy to read. My 10 year old daughter gets most of it. The movie is pricey for four of us, a little over $80. Well, we never see imax and if I do, I want it to be a movie about Mount Everest.

Something I have wanted to share but forget all the time - I LOVE AUDIBLE. I am going through a ton of Tom Clancy books and it allows the ultimate in multitasking. I can listen while I'm working. So relaxing.

So gonna post this before I lose it. BRB.

Kristie, thank you so much for the Med recommendations. I will look into those very soon. I really appreciate your just sharing this great and helpful info with me. Do you mind telling me how the wob... Helped you?

Junebug, thanks for the info on the Bosch dw. When busy season is over I will look into that and try to convince my DH. I think I can get some support when they see how nice they are. I will probably need to find a showroom. And thanks for telling me it's ok to have a binge day. I am way too hard on myself. But I do need to not eat when I am not hungry. That would be good!

JIMMIANNE, those bands from Caysie look very very beautiful!! The work looks very fine. How are you feeling? How is your DD?

Sharon, I forgot you went to Victoria. You're from Canada right? I've visited Vancouver a ton of times but never been to Victoria. I think I am missing out. I am definitely putting that on my must do list for next time I go up there. My relatives are in North Van, and I do think it is so beautiful there. Hope you had a wonderful time.

Missy, I am so glad Greg's miles turned out to be ok. Those biopsies and examinations are always so stressful. I guess the good and bad about skin exams is that they are relatively easy to see, but also that some people need to be examined so frequently. I really hope I will be able to connect with you when I am in NY for the marathon. I will be taking a red eye out on Thursday night so I arrive Friday morning. I have to look up the details and I will email you. I think on Friday during the day I will be at the race expo, but I should be free part of Saturday. UBER! I hope I can meet you somewhere. What I amazed about is that I did not leave myself any extra time to go bling shopping, or looking in my case. I wish I could visit OWD, ID jewelry, GOG. I WONDER IF I SHOULD CHANGE MY RESERVATIONS? And pretty soon my son will be in DC for his 8th grade trip. Too bad I can't tang at much time off work.

Marcy, is Marty back yet? Hate to be rude and invite myself to your house but I bet your place would be SUPER FUN for dinner. Lol!!! Bad form right? I would to see your house. It sounds like a place people would feel totally comfortable hanging out in. Do you think Marty would let us into his cave? I need to check out that table with all the killer bunny poker chips!!

Callie, how are you? I haven't gone back far enough for an update. (((Hug)))


Dec 9, 2013
LLJsmom - 23 miles?!?!?!?
please don't tell me that last half mile was even necessary!
Listen, i will run that half mile for you today . . . OK?
It's the least I can do - - -or more likely the MOST I can do.

the news du jour -
My DD is having an all-weekend Bon Voyage party and I will be attending the bunch portion today.
I am getting my studio ready for the young friends who are coming in Oct. to discuss buying a bit of the farm and starting their own farm.
[ btw, still have not closed on the property next door! I am thinking they could buy it from me - when I finally get it.]
Yesterday I pressure-washed the deck, scrubbed the floors and moved more things to the little attic. That poor building has been neglected and used only to store the last of the things I brought from my Mom's house. Slowly I have been giving things away or incorporating her things into my main house. Wow - what a long project it's been!
Getting psyched about a trip to NYC late fall!

What's up, dear NIRDIs?


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

LLJSmom, if you change your reservations and want to visit OWD, IDJ etc I am available and some of the other NIRDIs might be too so just sayin...not trying to temp you or anything hehe. :naughty: Just let me know what day/times work for you and I will make it happen. Remember we would love to cook for you too if that appeals to you at all. Greg isn't just a good cook but he bakes too.... LOL if I cannot tempt you with bling there is always food. :cheeky:

OMG 23 miles is amazing and you rock! And good for you knowing when enough is enough and you are done. You are smart being so close to the marathon not to overdo and well 23 miles is incredible. And you are so right. Much of life is mental...mind over matter and all that. So true.

Into Thin Air is one of my favorite books and I love Jon Krakauer and read all of his books. I love true life story adventures and that is actually one of the books I have read a few times.

Marcy, haha can we all visit you? Do you think Marty would mind? I think we need to visit before it gets too cold. When does winter start by you? If I remember correctly pretty soon.

Jimmianne, an all weekend bon voyage party for your dd sounds like fun and I hope you enjoy. How exciting that project by your friends is happening and that they will be neighbors soon. Sounds like you were quite busy getting things ready yesterday. You have a lot of energy and I am sure it feels good to accomplish so much. I am sending you much good luck dust to close on that property next door so you can get this project moving. I am glad you are going to have this young couple next door. It sounds like the perfect arrangement!

I am very much looking forward to seeing you soon.

Agenda today is cycling (haha big surprise) but the winds are pretty fierce right now so have to check the wind report and I guess we might ride inland if the high winds persist all day. We had a good Friday and Saturday of cycling and we are trying to enjoy the last few weeks of the season as once it turns colder we don't go bike riding anymore. Even with a heated jacket it can get uncomfortably cold on the bike. Hope you girls enjoy a great Sunday. :wavey:

ETA I almost forgot, yesterday was so much fun. As we were cycling we ran into a cycling group of 10 or more tandems! Couples similar to us and we rode with them for a few miles. It was a blast. They invited us to join them on future rides but in general I am not a joiner and prefer cycling with just my dh but for a change it is fun so maybe we will join them on a future ride. It is challenging riding with so many other bulky bikes on the road with cars though so while it was fun it is difficult to keep together during the whole ride. It was the most tandems we have ever seen at once. The people were so nice and I am definitely interested in riding with them another time if not on a regular basis. They don't ride as much as we do anyway. But I am sure that doesn't come as a big surprise. :bigsmile:


Feb 27, 2007

Kristie, trust me I was uttering some serious curse works looking at my little pizza. Good idea once something goes wrong, just go home. Check in to NIRDIville and everything will be all right. Your wedding day sounds like it was divine with full of wonderful memories. Sweet.

Missy, yes autumn is here; it is chilly at night and in the morning. I am with you putting filthy dishes in the dishwasher. Sure it comes off of everything but then it’s flying around in the water in there. No thanks! My furbabies don’t shed. One time I thought Killer had eaten one though. I’ll post that picture. I am glad you got in more miles on your bike this weekend. That might be fun sometime to go out with a group of people riding tandem bikes. As I told LLJsmom you guys are welcome to dinner and to hang out in the man cave. That’s what it’s there for – food, fun and BLING! The start of winter is actually late; we often have a dusting of snow and a freeze by now. Then I think after June 5 it is not likely (but still possible) to snow.

LLJsmom, 23 miles is incredible; sometimes those last few steps just aren’t in you. No worries; you already ran 23 miles. How was Everest? I read that book when it came out. Glad to hear you like audible books. I should try one. I could put it on while I am cooking or doing dishes. That takes quite a bit of my time. I bet you are excited for your race and I hope you get to catch up with Missy. How exciting. Marty wouldn’t mind a bit to have you guys over for dinner and to hang out in the man cave. That’s what it’s there for – hanging out, having fun and entertaining.

Jimmianne, I hope you enjoyed the brunch for your DD today. That would be a great idea to sell the property you are buying next door to that couple that wants to buy some land from you. You certainly accomplished a lot this weekend. I think the next time Marty travels I am going to start cleaning out some of dad’s stuff that I brought here in case I needed it to settle his estate. It is a long, ongoing project for sure.

Marty got home Friday night while I was out at a meeting. He was napping on the couch when I got home. He played golf both days this weekend. We went out to lunch after golf yesterday, ran errands, stopped to visit some friends and went grocery shopping. Today I did stuff around the house and we had leftovers from my Olive Garden supper the other night.

Is tomorrow really Monday? Boo!

Take care.
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