
Now I really did it :((


Jul 1, 2014
LLJs, GAHHHHH! Great pics, FOOD pics TDF :lickout:

Your kids are now bread aficionados to go with the macaroon expertise!


Feb 27, 2007
LLJsmom, the macaroons look delicious and the paintings are fabulous.


Feb 27, 2007
Rats. The refrigerator was dented on the side and would have shown the first thing as you walked in to the kitchen. We said no thanks. We want another one.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

LLJsmom, fabulous pictures! Ooh I am craving some macaroons right now. They are so tempting. And I feel as if I am back in Paris now, thank you.
OMG LOVE the jewel pics too. :love:
So sorry your dad got sick during the trip and I feel for you regarding how stubborn the elderly can be. It is so hard to convince them to get the proper care sometimes. Glad he was able to share the trip with you and that he enjoyed it even though he was sick for part of it.

Marcy, I am sorry the fridge was dented when it arrived. Glad you sent it back and hope you held off on sharing those Death cookies with the delivery men.

I think diamond doorknobs are a lovely concept but in reality too OTT for my homes LOL. I would rather be wearing my diamonds thank you haha. A diamond doorknob as a ring. Now that's a statement ring. :naughty:

Thanks for the Puffs lotion tissue rec but I cannot tolerate that tissue. The lotion is aggravating to my skin. Big surprise huh. I am Ms Sensitive when it comes to anything topical on my face and that includes my nose. I have been applying Avene Cicalfate to the sides of my nose and that has been helpful. Unfortunately I have a low grade fever at 100.8. I usually am around 97 or so and belowthe normal temp of 98.6 so 100.8 is a bit high for me and I feel as I am burning up. I am staying at the beach house today while Greg goes to work mainly because we don't have central A/C at the Brooklyn Co-op and it is going to hit mid 90's today so we just decided it would be best for me to stay here. Unfortunately I have to R/S my surgeon 1 year follow up once again. Oy. I hate rescheduling again but I don't think I can make it tomorrow AM plus with staying at the beach house another night we have the 4 kitties so no way can we do it.

I just hope this breaks soon as I hate feeling like crap. I broke down yesterday and went to the drugstore and got cold medication so at least I could somewhat function during the day and also sleep at night. I hate the way it makes me feel. All spacey and weird but at least it is better than how I was feeling without it.

The only thing is both nostrils keep bleeding on and off and I think (Kristie tell me if I am right) I need to stop the Wobenzym for a bit as it is a blood thinner and these cold meds have somewhat of that side effect too so one shouldn't combine them. I didn't read that till after I took them though LOL. I think my nose is bleeding though just because it is constantly running though I am not blowing it much on purpose. IDK but as I type this I have yet another nose bleed. :knockout:

Jimmianne, keep us posted on what is going on with the house next door. I really think is is a worthwhile investment and a safeguard from bad neighbors too! Win win. I hope the negotiations go well.

Junie, I hope your mom is doing better and that her BMs become more regular. I too am glad your sister is with her and that you are enjoying a break at your new beach house. And the pool. Oh la la. A pool sounds like heaven just about now.

Kristie, Hi! How are Sir Finn and Ms Maggie doing? Is it still very hot by you? Or are we surpassing your temps today? I hope you all have a good swim in the pool and are keeping cool and enjoying the water. Keeping you in my thoughts re selling that property and that it goes smoothly.

Callie, I hope the rest of your weekend was fun and that your sweet fur baby is doing well. Any weddings or showers coming up soon?

Have a good day everyone! :wavey:


Oct 24, 2012
Missy, I am so sorry you are still sick. I keep hoping you will feel better soon. Staying in an a/c location is a smart idea. Hope the beach house will help you stay cool and more comfy in that awful heat and humidity. Hugs to you...


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, a doorknob sized ring. Wow! We’d need a sling to carry our hand around. I hate to hear you have such a high fever; you poor thing. This cold is really being mean to you. I am glad you have the kitties to keep you company. Good idea to stay at the beach house with the air conditioner. Cold medicine has the same effect on me; I hate how it makes me feel but sometimes we just need to take it. Vics does a good job but I hate the smell and grease plus about 2 days of that and my skin is all broke out. How miserable to have a bloody nose on top of everything else. Feel better soon hugs coming your way.

Lowes called today and said they were trying to find another refrigerator for us. Then they called back and said they couldn’t get another one. They were instructed to issue us credit back for it but so far I haven’t seen any pending charges. I’ll give them until tomorrow night and then call them. We bought an extended warranty on it too so I’d better get that back as well.

Much to my dismay we are once again searching for a refrigerator. Aargh. Sadly the 4th of July sales are gone so prices are higher again. Rats. I’d rather be writing Brittany at WF looking for a price on some pretty piece of jewelry.

Take care.


Jul 1, 2014
Missy, yes, Wobie is blood thinnish so give it a rest until the bleeding stops?

Missy, my temp at baseline is low also, @ 96.8. So even though a doc might not think I'm feverish at 99 or 100 boy do I feel hot, so I feel there. Glad you're staying cool at the beach. Feel better soon!!!

Marcy, double rats re the fridge. What kind are you getting?????

Finn and Maggie are enjoying their time in the pool and send their best regards to all their NIRDI aunties :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

LLJsmom, thank you for the hugs and well wishes. I am feeling much better. How does it feel to be back? I keep thinking of your gorgeous rose gold LOVE bracelet and how terrific it looks on your pretty wrist. I hope you are enjoying the heck out of it.

Marcy, aww that sucks about the fridge. I cannot believe Lowes is being so lame about this. What do they mean they cannot find a replacement for you? That is ridiculous. They should give you a more expensive fridge that you love for the same price if they cannot find the same one to replace the dented fridge. I wish I had some recommendations for you and I hope you find a suitable replacement at a good price very soon.

Have you for sure decided against the fluorescent band? I am sorry it didn't work out the way you had hoped it would but just maybe it can still be a good project with a different vendor? Just saying maybe it still can work out the way you wanted it to with strong fluorescent diamonds that make themselves seen. If not there is always more bling to buy in any case. :naughty:

Thank you for your good health wishes. I am feeling much better today but am glad I rescheduled my surgeon follow up because I am not feeling that strong yet. But MUCH better.

Kristie, HA, my fellow low body temperature NIRDI. We have so much in common and now this too. :cheeky: Thank you for your healing wishes. They are working!

I am very happy Finn and Maggie are enjoying the pool. They are lucky fur babies indeed. Please give them each lots of hugs and kisses from their Auntie Missy! I hope you are enjoying the pool in this weather as well and getting to swim your laps. The hot weather always makes exercising more difficult for me even indoors because somehow my body knows it is hot outside and doesn't want to work as hard LOL. That and the temp inside is never as cold as I would like when it is so hot outside.

Callie, sending hugs your way. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new purchases. :love:

Jimmianne, any updates for us NIRDI girls? I think we all agree buying that next door property is a wonderful idea if you can swing it. Fingers crossed it works out the way you want it to. :appl:

Junie, hope you are still at the beach and enjoying the new house. And as always I am keeping your mom in my thoughts and hoping she is doing better.

I received new earrings yesterday and I LOVE them. It was a risk as they are a custom job made by a jeweler/bench person I had no prior experience with and a long distance project at that but I could not be more pleased with them. And of course you know I am going to share them with my NIRDI girlfriends. Most of the pics are the vendors but the last one is mine that I took the minute I got them. Not great but I had to get a pic of them on my ears for you girls.

Enjoy the day. It is another heat wave here (in the 90's) but alas I must return to my very hot apartment this morning and we are leaving the beach in a few hours. So sad but real life is calling and I have to get back. It was nice to be cool while it lasted. Stay cool and comfortable girls and lots of hugs being sent your way.






Dec 9, 2013
Missy, your earrings are beautiful. I'm so glad you got what you wanted. You deserve that in everything!
Summer colds are the worst and new bling is a little extra good medicine. Hope you are on your last bad day and starting to heal.

I backed off a little on the property next door. Not entirely but I realize that I will have to have the house removed at a cost of around 10k.
Then I am left with a building lot that cost twice the going rate per acre. So - it's doable, and perhaps I SHOULD do it but it doesn't sound like fun.
When I think of taking that $ to France and getting a little place....that's fun.
So, it is a practical decision and may still happen, but for now I am relieved AND hoping it doesn't sell. Then I can negotiate price. No one can get a bank loan due to the condition of the house, so I am only competing against other cash buyers - so that's a good thing too.

I think it's a good sign that I don't have a great desire. Before I would have felt grabby. Now I'm thinking of other more fun things.

It's sort of like buying a refrigerator when wishing you were talking to WF instead!

LLJsmom - - - I'm sure I am not alone when I wish & hope you will post more photos of your trip! Are you "back on planet"? or still having the French accent ringing in your ears. It was wonderful that you took your children. They will never forget it. What are they saying about the trip?

AZ - I wish I could get my dogs in the way! I even got them life-jackets. no no no
Lucky pups you have, being allowed in the pool and wanting to swim. It sounds like a very pleasant summer for them [and for you].
Of course, wouldn't you be so happy if we were all there swimming around? :naughty:


Oct 24, 2012
Missy - those earrings look a lot like the ones you did not buy. So you ended up having them made? They look gorgeous on you! Do you think you will wear them a lot? I am so glad you are feeling better. It really sucks to wait for a cold to break. When it finally happens, you are so relieved. It's still so hot there? Too bad you can't stay at the beach house.

Jimmianne - I think that if the property is meant to be yours all the stars will align. The land is pricey from what you are saying. If the bank puts it up for sale at a later date, hopefully the price will be lower. Getting a place in Paris sounds way more fun though! :). We readjusted to west coast time very quickly, in a couple of days. Helps when going to work is required. We all can't believe that it is over. We had planned it for over a year. But it was worth every second. My son is talking about going back to the UK for longer, like being an exchange student when he is in college. it would be so fun for him, but we are a bit early. He is only in 8th grade now. Lol.

Wish me luck cutting out sugar again! Back on the clock.

And we are celebrating our 18th anniversary on August 9. It's weird because I never even used to care about anniversaries and bdays. Now as I am older, it seems to matter more. I wish I had marked the dates bc each passing year seems to go by faster than the year before. I want to enjoy life more. :).

Speaking of dates, today is my daughter's 10th bday. She is all about making her day special. Unabashedly. So I will give her the 10pt diamond bezel necklace tonight. I don't think she will love it but i know it will have more meaning to her as she grows up.


Feb 27, 2007

Kristie, I think aspirin is why I'm so cold all the time. Silly blood thinners. The frig we ordered today is a GE Cafe 27.7. It has hot water in the door and you can set it to premeasure. Let's hope we get it in one piece. Glad Finn and Maggie are enjoying their pool time and getting a chance to cool off.

Missy, I am delighted to hear you are feeling better today. The refrigerator we bought were apparently closeout models so that explains the big disount and difficulty to find more. The one we are hopefully getting is slightly smaller but has more gagets. They did give it to us at the same price. One reason I am kind of going away from the flouresecnt band is since they are 3 pointers will I really see that blue? Funny thing is BGD is having an 8% off diamonds up to .69 carat or 12% off diamonds higher than that and they either sold a ton sinec this morning or the filtered down their inventory. There is like a 10th of the blue diamonds listed this afternoon. I am most likely going to see about a 3 pointer channel set band from WF. Yes, that would be my 4th band to wear with my ering but I want one. If I ever get to the Shane Company again I might upgrade my pink sapphire ring. Right now its WG and I want it in platinum. If I do get a flourescent diamond I might look in to an oval. Sadly this house stuff is taking all my funds. Your new earrings are gorgeous. They did a great job on them.

Jimmianne, the cost of tearing down and removing that house certainly makes buying the property less appealing. You can also through an offer out that discounting that fee to see what they say. It sounds like potential buyers may be limited too so that is good news for you. Good analogy about buying a refrigerator when you'd rather be dealing with WF.

LLJsmom, I agree with you about when things are meant to be all the stars align. That's great you adjusted to local time so quickly. Marty does better at that than I thought he would. I am trying to eliminate sugar more too. Good for us! How fun to have an anniversary to look forward to next month. What a special gift for your daughter's 10th birthday. I am sure she'll treasure it. Happy Birthday to her.

Marty took care of buying the refrigerator while I was at work. I'll wait and grill him when I get home about where is our refund for the other one? He's not as pushy as I am about that kind of thing. He told them yesterday over the phone to issue credit; I would have been down there going where's my receipt? Hmm?

We get off work at noon tomorrow. Sweet.

Take care.


Feb 27, 2007
This morning when I was opening the drapes the curtain rod came loose on one side. So I put it all on the table and put one of the killer rabbits biting on the curtain rod. Then I went to work. Ha ha!


Feb 27, 2007
Okay BGD didn't filter out diamonds; my mini had it filtered down by size, color and clarity. I'm still not buying one from them.


Jun 17, 2009

Missy, I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better, those summer colds make you feel absolutely miserable. Ugh, so sorry to hear about the air conditioning, how much longer do you think you'll be without it?

And your earrings are absolutely gorgeous!!! My gosh, they look so similar to the other pair, wow! :dance: The ones you just posted are the new ones, right? How are you feeling about them? I hope you love them because they look SO beautiful on you, it's amazing you were able to recreate the ones you initially wanted. The workmanship looks amazing! I'm thrilled for you, woo-hoo!! :appl:

Thanks for the caring thoughts about my mother - thankfully, things worked out (pun intended) but this has been an ongoing problem for a while and we're going to have to figure something out here. I'm going to give the doctor a call and get some instructions on what to do to avoid ending up in this same situation all the time.

Marcy, sorry about all the aggravation with the refrigerator, hopefully you and Marty will love the new one, it sounds really nice. Your new patio furniture sounds beautiful! And I'm loving the idea of a channel set band, it would look beautiful with your ering. I just love bands too, they are such a great way to add a little variety and it's fun to mix and match.

Wish I could see Marty's face when he finds out what that bad rabbit did haha!

Jimmianne, good luck with your decision about buying the house and property. I can see the pros and cons, it would certainly be nice to expand your farm and not have to worry about what happens to that property. I also see the financial side of it too though. I'm not very savvy about these things but maybe it makes sense to wait a bit and see if the price goes down.

LLJsmom, love the new pics you posted! You are a true PS'er for taking pics of those amazing jewels. And the macaroons are giving me major sugar cravings! I've been dying for chocolate all night lol. Love the pics of the city and buildings, too. How wonderful to have been there!

Thanks for sharing the story of your father - it really helps a lot that you understand. I'm so sorry he was having such health issues, it's hard on him and so worrisome for you and your family - it's great you were able to get your father to take care of himself so that he could feel better and enjoy the trip to the fullest. I had to smile on how the expense of an ER trip finally convinced him - hey, whatever works! :cheeky:

Calliecake, thank you so much for thinking of me, you are a sweetie - I took your advice and decided to just let my sister handle the situation this time around and not worry too much about it, and I'm glad I did because my mother is fine and I've been able to enjoy the time I have left here at the beach.

Kristie, glad to hear you and the doggies are enjoying the pool, pools are the best lol.

We're heading back to reality tomorrow, I'm going to miss that pool lol. It's been a fun trip - the moving turned out to not be too bad and we got most of it done, although my husband and I will have to come back at some point to finish up. One thing that that raised my blood pressure is the darn pool cover doesn't work. I am so pi$$ed - I know, first world problems but it's the principal of the thing. In hindsight, we should have checked it before the closing but silly us, we actually trust people and just assume they won't to anything jerky. :roll: I would never sell a home without disclosing something like that, just kinda shady. The seller has been very disorganized about getting various keys to us too, overall I'm very annoyed at how he has handled things. Dh is going to talk to our realtor about the cover but not sure what can be done, it's a done deal at this point. Partly our fault for not checking - it's not the end of the world but just bugs me.

Hope you all have a good day tomorrow and I'll check in when I'm back in NJ!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Jimmianne, I see your POV and I agree with LLJsmom. If it is meant to be it will happen. I am hoping the bank lowers the price enough to make it a deal you cannot walk away from and you get to visit Paris every year too if you want.

Thank you for those lovely words and right back at ya! All the NIRDIs deserve the best in everything. (((Hugs))) to you.

LLJsmom, Happy 10th birthday to your sweet daughter! And what a lucky girl she is to be receiving diamonds on her birthday! I hope she surprised you and loves it right away but if not I agree she will come to love and really appreciate it as she gets older. I bet it is a beautiful necklace. And happy 18th anniversary August 9th. That's a day before my birthday so I am sure to remember. Do you have any special plans with just you and your dh to celebrate? A romantic restaurant perhaps? I agree the years just fly by faster and faster and faster. Even the days are speeding by. And it is nice to commemorate happy occasions and celebrate life when you can because it is so fleeting. I keep reminding myself live in the moment... live in the moment.

The way these earrings happened was meant to be IMO because I did not plan it this way at all. I was very sad I lost out on the Barbara Park earrings but had not intended making a custom pair. This is how it happened. Long story so skip ahead if you are not into the backstory.

Many months ago I was chatting with an ebay seller about another pair of earrings but didn't get them as I wasn't sure about them (it's so hard to buy bling online IMO) but he was a lovely person and I remembered that. Months after my initial contact with him I contacted him again (which was just 3-4 few weeks ago) about the earrings he had listed all those months back because I was still thinking about them but in my heart I am not sure why I did that because I did not want to buy those earrings. It was weird that I contacted him about that but now in retrospect I feel it was meant to be that I did. He told me they were sold and then I started talking with him (he is easy to talk to) about another pair (the Barbara Parks pair) I had seen and fallen in love with too late.

He asked if I had a picture so I sent him the only picture I had with them on my ears. He said he knew that style very well and could easily have his benchperson make them for me within my budget if I was OK with having a reproduction. He would use OECs only however and remain true to the style and there would be no obligation for me to buy if I didn't love them.

I was hesitant at first because I had no clue what type of custom work he did and I was also nervous he would have them made and I would not like them and then he would be out time and money which I would feel very badly about. But he insisted it he would love to make these earrings for me using OECs and absolutely no obligation and that he would not want me to buy them unless I loved them 100%. So I said OK.

He told me it would take 3-4 weeks and less than 3 weeks later they were completed. He sent me pics and then insisted on mailing them to me without any payment whatsoever. He said he trusted me. OMG I cannot think of any PS vendor who would do a custom job at no risk let alone send them to me without expecting payment until I decided I wanted to keep them or not. I mean he doesn't even know me and I never bought anything from him before. Really above and beyond.

The earrings Monday at our NY home and as you know I was at the beach house because I was sick and didn't return as expected to NY. Well my dh said he would leave work to go to our apartment when they were delivered to pick them up and go back to the office and so I would get them when he came back to the beach house that night after work. That was a lot of traveling Greg did for me in 95 degree heat. Yay for wonderful dhs!!! Oh and the fact that this jeweler made these earrings for me within my budget (which was significantly less than the Barbara Parks earrings) is amazing. I am very pleased with the experience and would not hesitate to have him do another project for me.

LOL sorry for the long winded backstory. To answer your other question yes I think I will be wearing these often. They are so comfie and exactly my style. I really love them. On another note someone wanted to purchase my Grace earrings at the price I set for them but after taking a week to think about it I took them off the market for now. I am still undecided as to what to do about those earrings. They are really pretty and once I let them go I might regret it. IDK. I know if I don't start wearing them I should sell them. I am no good with parting with anything let alone bling. LOL.

LLJsmom, good luck with cutting out sugar again. I know you can do it. You go girl!!! And remember there will be more trips to Paris and other wonderful countries where you can let loose with what you eat so it is not like you are depriving yourself. And happy belated 10th birthday to your dd! I hope she had a great birthday!

Marcy, I am glad you found a replacement fridge and at the same price! And LOL those killer bunnies are oh so mischievous. I would have loved to have seen Marty's face when he saw their latest misdeeds. :devil:

A WF channel set band sounds beautiful and yes I wonder if at 3 points you would have seen any significant blue anyway. I think you made a wise choice. Hmm I am liking this fluorescent oval possibility in the future too. And yes I feel your pain re house expenses vs bling. Sigh. Where is that money tree we NIRDIs so desperately need. :Up_to_something:

Junie,so glad your mom is feeling better and also thrilled that you were able to let your sister take over for a bit so you could enjoy your time away. Very proud of you for allowing yourself to relax and enjoy!!!

I am upset for you re the pool cover and that was a lousy thing for the seller to do. I hope your realtor can figure something out and that the seller does the right thing but if not well don't be upset with yourself. It was not your fault. These things happen and I am glad it wasn't something more major. Can the pool cover be fixed or do you need a new one? I am sorry about this.

Have a safe trip back Junie! We missed you!

Greg finally finished the 2 person bench (with a back woohoo for those of us with backs that need support!) for the head of the outdoor table. He had the extra time this weekend he needed to finally finish this project. I guess my being under the weather this weekend was not totally in vain LOL. He made the bench with a curved seat and with a back for our comfort. It took him a long time and I think it came out wonderfully. Before we left I didn't get to sit on it however but I am looking forward to trying it next weekend. He tried it out and said it is very comfortable.

Sharing the pics he took of the bench right before we left for NY yesterday. Also sharing the pics I took in the car of my new earrings on our way back to NY yesterday. LOL I tried to get Princess Francesca in the pics as she sits on my lap the entire car trip home however she was difficult to get with the earrings in the same frame. 8) The other 3 kitties are in the back of the car in their carriers. You can see Bobby's carrier in the picture.

Have a good day girls! It's my Monday so back to work for me. :wavey:





Dec 9, 2013
Marcy, re: curtain rod set-up - excellent!!

I didn't know they even made fridges with hot water. Thanks for bringing me into the 21st century.
Let's hope this one arrives safely and gets past the rabbits.

Missy, those earrings look gorgeous, and gorgeous on you :love: I'm so glad you're happy.

Greg's woodworking looks wonderful. Just perfect. Tell him he should quit his day job and live at the beach making furniture :appl:

June, It's good that you love your house so much that you will miss it. What a pain about the pool cover. It's important that it works correctly for your convenience and peace of mind. Maybe the previous owner got used to it not working right or there is some secret maneuver they did : ( How far from your house is this house? When do you get to go back?

I went to my first French conversation meeting yesterday - members of the community who meet at the library. It was good for me, even though I was nervous [embarrassed about lack of skills], but then I realized - how could it be worse than spending 8 days with a family with no way to communicate?!. It was lovely to spend an hour listening & I have a month before the next meeting [and a burning desire to improve].

SO - my organizer comes today and we will clean out the studio. Progress! You can all feel sorry for me - she is a tyrant!


Feb 27, 2007

Junebug, I am glad to hear your mom is better. That’s good your sister took care of it. Marty’s grandmother used to tell me daily bowel stories and one time she grossed me out so bad I said “I can’t top that. I’ll talk to you tomorrow”. I told Marty if I had that problem I don’t think I’d even tell a doctor. I know these things aren’t funny and can be serious but any conversation about constipation or the opposite always makes me think of that story.

Marty said when he came upstairs yesterday he first thought I opened the drapes pretty wide, then he notices the drapes and a pole on the table so he’s kind of wondering what is going on and then spots the rabbit. He was impressed at my attempt to deflect the blame.

That is pretty rotten you didn’t know about the pool cover. It sounds like you enjoyed moving and starting to get settled in to your beach house.

Missy, that is fabulous how it worked out to get your custom earrings. You got what you wanted, in your budget and they are made especially for you. They do look terrific on you. We do need a NIRDI money tree that is set aside just for bling.

Greg’s bench turned out gorgeous. He is very talented. You look fabulous and of course your pretty earring shows.

I hope you are feeling lots better when you read this in the morning.

Jimmianne, I was impressed with myself thinking of setting up the rabbit. Usually I would think of it when I get to work.

The guy that installed our dishwasher said the refrigerator we bought can get apps and have weather on it, play Netflix. That is kind of silly, huh? It looks like it plays on the little display that says ice, water, temperature. We tried to find one at Best Buy so I could see it but they didn’t have one in stock.

That is great you are working on French. I took it from 7th grade through college. I can still kind of read it but that’s about it.

Your organizer sounds like a drill sergeant. I might need to borrow her.

We watched the Thunderbirds at work this morning. They were performing for our local annual rodeo. Our company does a pancake breakfast and employees can invite their families to come watch and have breakfast. Plus they give us ½ a day off. I went in 30 minutes early so I wouldn’t feel bad not working for about an hour during the 4 hours I was there. Marty came out and it was pretty funny when one of the directors told me later that Marty was a popular as the Thunderbirds. Lots of people came over to talk to him. I am sure that made him feel good.

We got our new dishwasher installed. Woo hoo. I think I’ll have to take out the top third rack because our big thermal cups won’t fit on the glass rack with the top shelf in place.

After running a test cycle we headed to a mall near Loveland. We looked at china at Macys, wandered Best Buy, Marty went in to Dicks Sporting Goods and we looked around Jareds. While we were in Jared they had a Hearts Desire channel set band in WG that is about the size I think I want. They measured it for me; it’s 3mm with about 3 pointers. It looks good with my ering. Maybe I’ll email WF for an estimate tomorrow.

Take care.


Oct 24, 2012

Marcy - you found a band style that might work for you? So you liked it at Jared's and will have WF make it for you? That is a great plan. I love your description of the errands and stuff you do with Marty. It's the daily errands and time just spent together that I love. And really, I think it is the rabbits' fault. They get into everything, KWIM? ;-) And I sure hope you find a good fridge. It's weird that something that seems simple is actually not. When I read a ton of reviews, I get more nervous about my choice.

Missy - How are you feeling now? Even better than before I hope. Wow, Greg's bench is super impressive. He even got the bench to be ergonomic with the curve on the seat. Wow. I can hardly believe it. I'm really happy for you that the new jeweler worked out. It's always so risky to try someone new, but it's especially fabulous when it works out. What a very trusting person, to send it to you without having received payment first. They are beautiful. And it's so funny that you took your jbeg earrings off the market when someone is willing to pay full price. Life is weird. Now that I am back, I am starting to sell on ebay again. I hope things will go.

Junebug - I totally get it about the pool cover. It's a very important item b/c it protects people, animals, and things from falling in, and thus protecting you from potential lawsuits. I hope you get it handled soon. It's one of those annoying must do things. But I am happy to hear that you are mostly moved in. Moves are always stressful. More so the older we get. A pool sounds really nice. The bay area is having quite a warm summer. I never thought I would like a pool, but I could appreciate one now, not that we would ever get one.

Jimmianne - I didn't know you were learning French. Awesome!! YOu are super brave. I love it! Hope you enjoy the sessions. My son found some kind of app that lets you learn to say the words. lol! But it is awesome to take on something new, something scary. Makes life rich and meaningful. When I was in my 20s, I would have said that was trite. Now that I am older, I understand the wisdom of a lot of things I've heard but never really internalized.

Hi Kristie and Callie! Miss you guys and hope you are doing well.

My daughter actually loved the necklace, and was very touched. She was so worried that it had cost us a lot of money. She asked me how much it cost, and I showed her. But I also explained my reasoning behind getting her the gift, b/c it would last forever, it has meaning since it was given on her double digit birthday, and it works with everything and any age. I was very touched that it meant that much to her. She was even interested in precision cut diamonds, and hearts and arrows, and all kinds of details. I was so happy I did it. Worth every penny.

The credit card bills are trickling in, and I am trying not to freak out. Oh well. Even though it did cost a ton, I am still glad we did it. If I had to choose between not spending the money and no trip, or spend the money and take the trip, I'm glad we did the latter. Well, admittedly, most of the expenditures were mine. :Up_to_something: I'll just be very good and frugal for anniversary, bday and Christmas. And sell that stuff on ebay!!

Hope everyone is doing well. Gonna get back to work to pay those bills...


Jul 1, 2014
Quick post before bed: junie, the responsibility lies with your home inspector . It's his job to find that and he has errors and omissions insurance to cover this. Call him and get the claim started.

Nighty nite all!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Jimmianne, how did the visit with the organizer go yesterday? Did she get everything in tip top shape? I hope you love her- tyrant behavior and all. They make the best organizers/cleaners lol. So glad French lessons are going well. I think that is one of the most beautiful languages in the world.

Marcy, woohoo on getting your new dishwasher installed. :appl: I'm with you in not sure about all those apps you can get on your fridge. I don't want to watch netflix while looking at the fridge. That's what I have my couch and living room tv for LOL.

And Yay for half days at work and pancake breakfasts and it doesn't surprise me that Marty was a big hit. You two are a great couple for sure! Speaking of that, what did Marty say about those rascal bunnies of yours? Haha wish we could have taken a pic of his face when he saw what they did with the curtain rod. :lol:

Keep us posted with the new potential WF bling. It sounds good! And yes, we need to get a NIRDI money tree. Let's get cracking on that OK? :cheeky:

LLJsmom, YAY! So glad your dd appreciated and loved her birthday bling from you!!! It is truly a great gift and at the perfect age too. Honestly when you told us you didn't think it would really register with her re excitement I was thinking that might not be the case. What girl doesn't LOVE bling? Even if she thinks she might not be a jewelry fan once you get a beautiful diamond in your possession that usually all changes. JMO and in any case I am so happy she is thrilled with her necklace! Uh oh now she better get an excellent education and wonderful career so when she grows up she can buy all the bling her heart desires. :love: :appl:

I agree the trip was worth all the $$$. "They" say (not sure who they are but important and smart people lol) that memories are way more important to happiness than things and I think we all agree. The memories you have with your family from your wonderful Europe trip will be yours forever. That is priceless indeed. :appl: :appl: :appl: Plus, you got some amazing bling that will always remind you of those happy happy memories. Win win!

Good luck with your ebay sales. Don't forget to link it here because maybe one of the NIRDIs are in the market for something you are selling. And can you post in the preloved section here too if it is not bling? If so do that because I would trust selling to a PSer over the general market.

Thank you guys for the compliments re Greg's woodworking. I have shared your comments with him and he says thank you all. I will let you know what I think of the comfort of the bench for 2 as soon as we get back to the beach house and I try the bench out for a while. And I wore my new earrings yesterday. So comfie and I am sorry to go on about it but I really LOVE them a lot.

Kristie, sending you big hugs from me and the crew. Francesca, Tommy, Bobby and sir Fred are all sending lots of kitty kisses and purrs and hugs to you and Finnie boy and Ms Maggie too. (((HUGS))).

Callie, big party coming up this weekend and I hope you found a beautiful dress to wear. Wish we NIRDIs could be the ones to watch your sweet furbaby but she is in good hands that's for sure. Hope your week is going well.

Junie, hope you arrived home safely and had an easy trip and hope your mom is continuing to do much better.

Have a good day girls. :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
LLJsmom, I've been using an online program called Babbel, it's good but not nearly as much fun as I wonder if that's what your son is using. It's like a game with lots of positive feedback. I agree that experiences are the best investments, but experiences with blingveniers, even better! If anyone can make a better word out of bling and souvenir, please help : )

Missy, you haven't said, but it sounds as though you are feeling better today. Money Tree :lol: I have a money-turtle...does that count?
I was thinking last night how much fun it will be to visit you in the Fall.

The organizer was terrific. I went through boxes of my Mom's things and was able to give a lot away.
One can now actually walk into the studio and sit down. I am thinking of making it an Airbnb perhaps. [by the way, Airbnb paid for my dd to have the locks changed in her house after the bad guest, and also, happily she has two female pHD students renting for 3 months this fall].
The house cleaner comes today! yay!

Marcy, appliances are getting crazy! My dryer plays a one-minute annoying tune when it's done and has something that connects to my phone but I've never gotten it to work.
That's dangerous to have Netflix on a fridge! You can just stand there and eat and watch :roll:
Even better if they make a couch with a mini fridge in it.
Great idea about WF. I'm excited for you. It would always be my go-to for bands and bracelets because you can't go wrong with the guaranteed OTT sparkle.

whoops - better get up & dressed. more later. happy morning.


Jun 8, 2008
Hi Jimmianne! So glad your organizer experience went so well! :appl:
Good luck with your cleaner today!
I am glad your DD is being safe. Sounds like her current guests are perfect. Too many dodgy people in this world.

Haha I can manage to shove food mindlessly in my mouth no matter where the tv is lol. :lol:

I am feeling better though I have stalled in terms of progress as I am as full of mucous (TMI sorry) as I was 2 days ago but that is ok. Still so much better than this weekend and Monday. What a relief. Now I need my nose to stop leaking blood throughout the day. Yuk. :knockout:

I am looking forward to seeing you girls this autumn too! :dance:

Have a great day!


Dec 9, 2013
All I can say is OMG my whole house is clean ... all the rooms at the same time...imagine that. lol

She was great -it took her 5 hours and she said it will probably be less as time goes on.
While she cleaned I went through all my closets. Came up with two huge bags of clothes to give away then organized the rest. I dearly need new clothes.

thanks for the support! it's a whole new world :appl:


Feb 27, 2007

LLJsmom once we pick an appliance we come home and check reviews online then I always change my mind. The more electronics they have the more likely they are to go bad. I so agree with you; those rabbits get in to everything. They are such little brats. Good luck selling things on ebay. I have some jewelry I never wear; it’s nothing great or fancy but I should get rid of it. I am delighted your daughter loves her diamond necklace. Did you post any pictures of it on PS? I’d love to see it. Rats those pesky credit card bills found their way to your door. At least you had a wonderful vacation with wonderful memories from your trip.

Kristie, my car said it was 90 degrees coming home today. I know you’d be happy to have cool weather like that! How are Maggie and Finn? How are you doing? I got my tsavorite ring cleaned and checked yesterday at Jareds (I bought the mounting from them) and wondered if you have your ring sized yet?

Missy we actually saw some Samsung refrigerators with TV in them. The display was about 12 x 18 inches. I can easily see the living room TV from the kitchen but I still don’t think I’d watch the refrigerator. I would have enjoyed seeing Marty figure out why the drapes were on the table. I was glad Marty had so many people come up to talk to him; he really misses being around people since he works at home. I am glad you are feeling better. Getting all of that crud out of your head, throat and lungs is almost the worst part of having a bad cold.

Jimmianne your organizer really cleaned out a lot of things. That is awesome. Too funny your dryer can contact your phone. That would be completely annoying, wouldn’t it? I can’t imagine watching Netflix on a tiny little display. I’d have to be really, really bored. Isn’t it great to have a totally clean house? On the days our cleaning lady comes I don’t want to cook supper because I don’t want to mess up the kitchen. Good idea to clean out your closet and even better now you have a reason to buy new clothes.

I had a 2-hour death by power point meeting today. If that room had been warm I would have slipped in to a deep sleep in no time. Ugh.

Marty made marinated flank steak for supper. It was pretty tasty.

I know we had this discussion before that I completely clean / rinse off dishes before I put them in the dishwasher so Marty – being the boy he is – put completely dirty dishes in there with food and ran it to see “how it did”. I can’t believe the first time it was run it was full of food flying around in there. He says "but it has a disposal" and I’m like “So?”

Tomorrow is Friday. Woo hoo!


Feb 27, 2007
I forgot to mention - tonight I am torn between ordering china and the band from WF. We have stoneware every day dishes and they are thick. Usually they have problems fitting in the slots in a dishwasher but they fit fine in this new dishwasher.

Holy crap. One of the houses they were building a block over just caught on fire and burned down. The new house next to them has a lot of damage - roof, siding, windows and definitely smoke damage.


Feb 27, 2007
Bling lost: I just ordered china. I got the pattern called Taylor by Mikasa. I ordered 12 plates, salad plates, soup bowls, cereal bowls, a platter, a vegetable dish, sugar, creamer and then from another very plain white china pattern I got 12 smaller plates and fruit bowls. I am so excited. We've had our stoneware for about 12 years and well I'm sick of it. :bigsmile:


Feb 27, 2010
missy, your earrings are beautiful and look great on you. I love the style and also
the story behind them. Enjoy!!


Jun 8, 2008
Sky56|1437722415|3906855 said:
missy, your earrings are beautiful and look great on you. I love the style and also
the story behind them. Enjoy!!

Thank you Sky!!! I appreciate you coming by here and telling me that. How are you and how is your summer going? So glad we can add happy things to this thread now and it is no longer about pain and sadness (for the most part LOL). Please share how life is going for you because we have missed you here and thank you for stopping by. :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
marcy|1437708404|3906814 said:
Bling lost: I just ordered china. I got the pattern called Taylor by Mikasa. I ordered 12 plates, salad plates, soup bowls, cereal bowls, a platter, a vegetable dish, sugar, creamer and then from another very plain white china pattern I got 12 smaller plates and fruit bowls. I am so excited. We've had our stoneware for about 12 years and well I'm sick of it. :bigsmile:

Marcy, Awww, bling lost and practicality won. I am sad about that. ;( Haha not really. :bigsmile: You have a lot of bling and more to come I know so yay for new china Marcy. :appl:

OMG that fire pic you sent us last night was scary. I hope your neighbors are all OK. Fire is very scary. Glad you and Marty are OK and safe!

Yay for Friday! Hope work today goes smoothly and there are no more hour plus presentations and the day goes fast. Hello weekend!

Jimmianne, how great your house is clean and fresh and you are ready for new clothes. When can we go shopping? 8)

How often are you having your cleaner come to you? I think you said twice a month right? That's perfect IMO. It is a good feeling having a sparkly clean house. With 4 kitties we rarely have that feeling for more than an hour after our cleaning person leaves. LOL.

Hope everyone is having a good Friday and has plans for a great weekend!


Feb 27, 2010
Thanks. missy! I'll write back this week when I have more time. About to hit the road to visit family. 8-)
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