
Now I really did it :((

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
As a plus I look like her (or did when I was younger) and haha yes. Welcome home @Niffler75

Photo 4 years ago I think. Believe me if I could find earlier photos. I’m Morticia like. :eek2:

Gary and his age group always thought Morticia was hot !


Jun 8, 2008
OK speaking of Morticia, I forgot to finish the "song" yesterday haha.
Finishing it now. To the tune of The Addams family...

They're wonderfully kooky
so special and so blingy
They're all together huggy
The NIRDI family

snap twice
Snap twice
Snap twice
Can't be beat

The house is filled with Bling
When people come to see them
They really are a dream
The NIRDI family

snap twice
snap twice
snap twice

Cats and dogs galore
Horses, Bears and more
Diamonds down the shore
The NIRDI family

Snap twice
Snap twice
Snap twice
To the End

So bring your biggest bling
A sporty car to drive in
We're gonna pay a call on
The NIRDI family

Hope you enjoy that...I will be back soon...need more coffee.

Gary and his age group always thought Morticia was hot !

@Daisys and Diamonds thank you. ❤


Jun 8, 2008
GM lovely ladies. It's Tuesday already.

@missy Marty is excited / hopeful about being able to link his website from this doctor’s website. LOL that my program sounds stellar; that is spot on. I named it “The Life of Stars” and the put a picture of some Hollywood stars in the red carpet with the title - no not these stars; then the next slide has the Milky Way with title - these stars. Great picture of you and Greg and sweet / not always sweet Oliver. He does have big paws. I loved the pictures of Bobby and Francesca when they were little. The NIRDI family to the Adam’s family these is awesome and yes that song is going off in my head now. All you need is a red rose in your mouth to finish the Morticia look.

I have a strange cold. My head is full and aches a lot; I have a sore throat and just moments ago started getting a runny nose. I’ve been super tired since last week. I woke up at 3 and had trouble going back to sleep. Just about the time I did Marty was banging around pans while cooking his breakfast. I usually sleep with ear plugs but took them out since they seemed to make my headache worse. Then our cleaning lady sent me a text. She lives about 30 miles out of town and didn’t know about cleaning for us today or tomorrow; I told her to stay safe - it’s just a house it will wait. I did finally go back to sleep and slept until 9.

We are getting snow and it’s quite cold through tomorrow. I don’t see us above freezing for the next 10 days.

Hi @marcy, oh no I am sorry you have a strange (or any) cold. Please listen to your body and maybe stay home today from work. Drink plenty of fluids, rest and take C and Zinc if your body can tolerate those supplements. And mostly just rest and give your body time to heal. I just finished the "NIRDI family" song now. Forgot to do that yesterday. it was fun writing it albeit a very quick process. Hope you find it amusing. I put the bears in the song too just for you. As for that red rose well I did have a photo just 2 plus weeks ago Saturday when I picked Greg up from HSS and he gave me a red carnation I put in between my you remember? Haha. Scary photo too. Glad you got to go back to sleep yesterday and hope the snow you are getting today disappears quickly. Stay warm and stay safe and be well. Cold cold go away and come back never again. (((Hugs))).

@missy hello Marvelous Missy! aw the Autumnovirus that John and I have now is getting worse, I was up half the night drinking tea with honey, sore throat, etc as was John, we are hoping this plague upon us will leave as quickly as it came since Cara was sick for 3 days then fine.. of course she is 61 not 67 or 69... Mike didn't get it! yay, but little Miss Bubonic Plague ;-) was really sick Saturday :) love her anyway and she can give me a cold anytime. My EARS itch what the heck is that? Well talked to Chris and we are tentatively scheduling a march visit.. we shall see I will see him in
April in Seattle and I'm going to CT in June for my HS reunion and then on down to the city I'm pretty sure.. not sure if John is coming either time, hope so! I need a porter.. it's overcast in Austin today, glum.. :) awww Ollie is adorable with those paws Missy.. he is going to be on the bigger side for sure. Such beautiful, happy pictures of Frankie and Bobby, man he was a mite bit bigger for sure.. both those beautiful kids look happy and loved.. that is a wonderful thing. xoxoxoxoxo xxxooo

Ugh dear Great Kate, how are you feeling now? How is John feeling? Boo to the Autumnvirus. Go away go away and come back no more days. How is sweet Autie doing now? I hope she is all well and healed from this and glad Cara got rid of it in 3 days. Hope your ears are not itching any more and that when you wake up today you are feeling all well. And did you say a visit in March??? Now my ears are perking up. OOOOhhhhhh. Hoping that materializes. How fun you are going to your HS reunion in CT in June. That is something to look forward to indeed. Glad your etouffeel came out great...I don't know what that is but off to look it up as soon as I am done posting. Hope you and John can taste it today. (((HUGS))).

I think your temps are similar to ours ATM @missy, perfect walking weather. You’ve been very busy already getting your laundry done, and then exercising, you’re so disciplined. Good news that Greg is progressing so well, he’ll be seeing the surgeon again soon won’t he?

Thank you @Austina and yes we had a glorious weather day yesterday and Greg and I walked a mile. I think he overdid it because he had to take an Oxy at 3AM this morning because he was in pain. Sigh. But he is coming along and yes we are seeing the surgeon in 3 days. This Friday. I am very disciplined but sometimes it is more a negative than a positive if you kwim. I can be very hard on myself and sometimes it is too much. I am trying to relax a bit more and not be so overly motivated. Give myself a break. Easier said than done. How are you and Colin feeling? How is your week going? All your packing done?

@Mamabean your ACA is ACAmazing! ❤ But so is Libby ❤. Your collection is delicious and beautiful. How are you doing? Are you still on a bling high? Aww thank you for caring about Greg and his not slipping and yes please no snow for now. Hope your weather is just how you want it to be. XOXO.

@Jimmianne dear Jimmianne, how is your week going? How are you sleeping with the weighted blanket? I am very interested to hear how it is going. Before I purchase one I want to hear more about sleeping and if it is continuing (I hope) to help you sleep well. And are you wearing your Sepkus rings? How do you choose which to wear each day? What a yummy collection of little masterpieces you get to wear on your fingers. Delicious indeed. ❤

@Daisys and Diamonds yay you got your peach tea. I love peaches. So much. Enjoy.

@Niffler75 good luck remodeling and painting. And I hope you are enjoying your lovely new ring. Please let us know how it goes with getting the rest of things done re your son's services. To that end I am continuing to send lots of good luck dust your way. Hugs.

@Slick1 good morning sweet lovely lady. Sorry you lost the SB pool :( but glad you are doing well and the week hopefully is going smoothly. Sending you big hugs and lots of love. XO.

@Scandinavian how are you doing sweetie? How is your mom feeling? And your grandmother? Sending lots of healing vibes and love your way. (((Hugs))).

@junebug17 hope you are enjoying a nice week. And our mild weather while it lasts. I think we are getting rain here for the rest of the week but beats snow and the weather up til now has been pretty sweet. Sending you good thoughts and hugs.

@AV_ hello there lovely lass. Hope your week is going well and looking forward to hearing your latest adventures. Hugs.

@canuk-gal you are in my thoughts and hope your week is a good one. XO.

@bling_dream19 hope your week is going well dear girl and hugs.

Yesterday we had a good day despite a bit of Greg's discomfort which escalated a bit during the night. We walked (probably overdid it) and Greg got a treat for lunch. Bagel and sliced Lox. My suggestion and it was a good one. That was a fat bagel lox concoction but delish according to Greg. Yay he deserved a treat. He is working hard on getting back into shape. Today more of the same. Which works for me. Please let the week continue to be peaceful and go smoothly. Hope everyone enjoys a lovely Tuesday. (((Hugs))).

Yesterday after our walk.

Screen Shot 2020-02-04 at 7.47.34 AM.png

Happy Tuesday girls. XOXO.


Jan 23, 2016
And look at Bobby's paws when he was little. Here we go again...

Screen Shot 2020-02-03 at 9.47.18 AM.png

I cannot find a great photo of his paws when he was a baby so you are going to have to please take my word that Bobby's paws were HUGE too. You can see the comparison next to Francesca. They were the same age here. Both babies. Just including this photo because well, look how precious Francesca and Bobby were here.

Missy, when are cats fully grown? And who old is Oliver...?


Jun 8, 2008
Missy, when are cats fully grown? And who old is Oliver...?

I think at around 2 years old. Oliver is about 10 months old? Rough guess. He’s going to be huge. And he’s hard to handle now at under 10 lbs. Uh oh...we’re in trouble. :errrr:


Jun 8, 2008
Bobby just waking up lazy kitty. Purring good morning to all the lovely NIRDIs. @sarahb Bobby has an extra hug and purr for you.


Who would have guessed Bobby’s the good kitty compared to Oliver. Lol


Aug 5, 2018
@missy Fingers crossed for Friday!

@Jimmianne I am admiring your French stonework; I live on top of hill teracced with river stone walls turning wild with no real opposition. I am only learning the ropes of such a place.

Long day


Jul 20, 2012
Oh, he is a love, just look at him!! :love: Fur babies are the best. Thank you for the hugs @missy, lithotripsy tomorrow, am basing my low anxiety level on Gregs outcome, didn't you guys ride miles in a day or 2 after as I recall?

Here is one of Baby Jack (he was the youngest of the 3), waiting for DH...every night this where he waits.


Wishing all the great NIRDI's a wonderful day today. :wavey:

@marcy--your biscuits looked great, & I hope you & @Tekate are feeling better today! @Mamabean, love your heart ring, isn't getting bling from a stranger at the front door THE BEST?!! :lol:


Jun 8, 2008
@sarahb !!!! Good luck on your lithotripsy tomorrow!!!! Sending bucketloads of good luck dust.
Greg’s lithotripsy isn’t scheduled yet due to his knee replacement. But we did ride two days after he had the surgical removal of one of his larger stones. So don’t worry. You’ll be A OK and we are all sending so many positive vibes your way. (((Hugs))).

Aww Jack is a love ❤️❤️❤️


Mar 31, 2018
Thank you @sarahb...Like other PS’ers I practically tackle him when I open the door! Haha
I hope your procedure goes smoothly tomorrow....
Baby Jack is precious..Bailey does does the same thing when he waits for my husband to come home. When he hears the car coming into the garage...he will run up to me as if tI announce my husband’s arrival. As soon as he hears the car door close...his tail starts going in circles!


Jul 20, 2012
@missy & @Mamabean, thank you both for the well wishes, it will be fine I'm sure of it. & my poor hubby....with all my kooky health things, we joke he should've gotten a wife warranty. :lol: I have to go & get a few household items done & checked off the list, Jack to his beauty appointment etc...have fun today & see you all later!


May 11, 2013
@Niffler75 you and @Jimmianne are our ebay QUEENS, I could be sitting next to Jimmie trying to find my way around ebay and she will have found 3 OECs that are a good deal and beautiful.. Thank you re: my cold, which sux. I have moans and groans.. and sneezing, itchy years blah blah :)

I loved the Addams family and I didn't like the Munsters, I thought Munsters were fake but Addams family, they were my kind of peeps, as i read all the creature freaky magazines back in the 60s (as so did my mom so I just read her stuff :) ) my mother loved supernatural movies etc.. love your ring again, very unique.. xo

@Tekate :wavey: Hi lovely, thanks. Feel very welcomed here. Everyone's as mad as I am! I am chuffed with my ring. Sometimes I come across bargains eBay surfing! Just waiting on the sunstone ring arriving now. Sorry you haven't been well!

@Austina Hi, yep painting in our house just can't be put off any longer. We are doing some ourselves and then getting a decorator in to help. Planning a bathroom makeover too.

@Mamabean hope you haven't been diverting overhead aircraft with your new ring! It's a beauty! :kiss2:

Take care everyone x


Jan 3, 2020
Hi lovely people, well I managed to get some more painting done today. I feel this year like am starting in 'spring clean mode' a bit early. I think because we are making good progress with support for my son I feel like I have more energy now to tackle other jobs that need doing.
I had a lovely email from the teacher who came to visit my son last week. She is confident all the finance issues will get the sign off so we can get going with the new school. It will be slow going initially as she to my sons early life experiences before we adopted him he does not easily trust adults.
@Tekate hope you are feeling better
@marcy on no. You are poorly too. I have dodged the bugs so far but I am sure my luck will run out at some point!
@sarahb best wishes for tomorrow. Everything will be fine! ;)2
@missy hi lovely and hi to greg. Gosh, back in with the surgeon for review this Friday. That came around quick. He has done so well. :appl:I keep trying to get some super cute photos of my cats but they are less than impressed and scarper!
@Scandinavian I hope you are keeping ok. My thoughts are with you.
@Jimmianne I am thinking of a weighted blanket for my son. He seems to like to pile blankets and cushions on top of himself and finds it calming when he is anxious bless him!
Fingers crossed my sunstone ring will be arriving tomorrow. I will post photos of it does. I also have found some interesting information on the grading and value of sunstone if anyone is interested.


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Oh no, I’m sorry to hear you’re not feeling well @marcy, this time of year there are so many ‘lurgies’ going around, and being in an office, people are not always considerate of others with their coughing and splutterings. I hope you’re feeling a bit better today, and if not, I hope you’re taking it easy at home.

If you want any suggestions re: the renovations, we’re always here to help (or hinder) you @Niffler75 :lol: Good idea to do what you can, and then get someone else in to do the more difficult bits. I like decorating, but I’m going to get someone else to paint the bannister and balustrades, I just don’t have the patience for all that fiddling.

Sorry you’ve also got the lurgy @Tekate, I hope you’re not feeling too bad today. Honestly, when we had our kids, we worried about things, but from what you’re saying, I think parents worry even more now. My friend finds that with her DIL, things we did, aren’t done now. Apparently these days, you’re not supposed to bath babies daily, just top and tail them. How did we manage to bring up ours without all the wisdom that’s around today :mrgreen:? Unfortunately, Shirley seems completely disinterested in the baby which is so sad.

Good luck for tomorrow @sarahb, hope it all goes well. Is it a day surgery case?
Our first dog, Waldo, knew when Colin was coming home and would go and sit by the door. It was pretty amazing as he was never home at the same time, but 10 minutes before he came through the door, Waldo would get up and sit there.

Sorry to hear the pain woke Greg up in the night @missy, I imagine when he’s feeling ok, it’s easy to overdo things. Nice that he got a treat for all his dedication to exercise. I hope you enjoyed your walk today and took it at a more leisurely pace. I’m sure in the coming years you’ll be able to look back at all the upheaval that scamp has caused you, and laugh, I certainly hope so, but he’s just too adorable at the moment. What a handsome boy Bobby is, he looks quite haughty this morning :D

I hope your Mum is doing OK @Scandinavian and getting stronger by the day. Did you manage to sort out the boundary dispute with your neighbours? Honestly, if there was an issue, why have they left it till everything‘s complete?

Hi @AV_ how’s life treating you?

@Mamabean are you having fun with your lovely sparklies? You do know that this is PS and there’s no such thing as too big? :lol-2:

A walled garden sounds lovely @Jimmianne, do the walls need a lot of repairs?

We went to see the new Tom Hanks film today, I think it’s called A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood. It’s about Fred Rogers the children’s TV personality. Honestly, it was rather strange, and I’m still undecided if I enjoyed it or not.

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs are having a good day :wavey:


Jan 3, 2020
@Austina Oooh interior design advice for free! :think: Yes please! :dance:
Anyone fancy coming to do the painting for me? My shoulders are killing me right now. :lol-2:
Hope you are ok. x


Feb 27, 2007

@Mamabean I hope your husband doesn’t catch anything by flying so much. That is so cute about Bailey being excited and announcing your DH’s arrival.

@Daisys and Diamonds fresh lemon drinks sound great. Peach tea sounds pretty tasty too.

@missy your NIRDI Family song is absolutely perfect and delightful. I love you added the “snaps”. That made my day. And yes I did notice you included bears for me; thank you. I do remember the red carnation photo; that is spot on. I did stay home today and I am starting to feel better. I slept like the dead too, my alarm was going off, I was getting text message alerts and didn’t wake up. Marty came in and turned on the bedroom lights and I slept right through that too. He wanted to check on me since I didn’t hear the alarm or alerts. I am sneezing so my sinuses don’t seem so plugged up and my headache isn’t as bad. That’s great to hear Greg walked a mile but sorry he needed a pain pill last night. I hope his surgeon visit goes well this week. Good luck with relaxing more; when I was teaching in addition to working I finally had to take me some me time every day even if it was just 5 minutes before going to bed and it sure helped me calm down. I either read a magazine, knit or did read a few pages in a book. I was amazed at how much it helped me. Hoping the rest of your week goes smoothly. Love the kitty pictures.

@AV_ I hope your long days goes well.

@sarahb Baby Jack is adorable waiting for your DH. Thank you, I do feel better. Good luck tomorrow.

@Tekate I hope your cold gets better soon. I think mine has started to get better.

@Niffler75 that’s great to get spring cleaning done early. Sweet. That’s great news the financial issues look promising. I hope your son takes to his teacher with ease. I hope your sunstone arrives today and your postman escapes unharmed. Ha Ha.

@Austina I am glad you’ve avoided the bug. I am better today but I did stay home today. It is amazing how we all survived as kids based on the things we were allowed to do compared to now - BTW I still eat raw cookie dough. Ha Ha. That is sad Shirley isn’t interested in the baby. That is really interesting about Waldo heading towards the door 10 minutes before Colin would get home. My BIL had a job about 2 hours from home so got up at 3:30 every day then; his cat woke him up for months at that time - like get up dad. He always knew it was the weekend too. Thanks for the review on the Mr Rogers story; I didn’t think it looked very appealing to me. I am watching Good Liar right now. So far it’s okay.

I feel better after getting a good night’s sleep. I know I slept hard. I have been sneezing some so my sinuses aren’t going “yo Marcy”. I can bend over without noticing it or getting dizzy.

We got about 4-5 inches of snow. The sun peaked through some clouds this afternoon. Our cleaning lady came this morning so I am washing towels and will change out the table cloth. I started some BBQ ribs in the crock pot for supper.

Take care.


Jan 3, 2020
@marcy :lol-2: Hopefully it will arrive tomorrow(wednesday). My poor postman. I really don't know what he thinks of me! :evil2:

My little boy had such an awful time when he first started school we took him out to home educate him. He couldn't cope with a busy classroom or school environment. Now we have a diagnosis and greater understanding of his needs we are ready to try again. The problem is in the UK the options are generally mainstream or special school. Most special schools do not offer a full curriculum for kids who are academically able. So we are hoping a much smaller specialist school where he can access the full curriculum will meet his needs. :pray:

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I think at around 2 years old. Oliver is about 10 months old? Rough guess. He’s going to be huge. And he’s hard to handle now at under 10 lbs. Uh oh...we’re in trouble. :errrr:
He is so gorgouse
@marcy :lol-2: Hopefully it will arrive tomorrow(wednesday). My poor postman. I really don't know what he thinks of me! :evil2:

My little boy had such an awful time when he first started school we took him out to home educate him. He couldn't cope with a busy classroom or school environment. Now we have a diagnosis and greater understanding of his needs we are ready to try again. The problem is in the UK the options are generally mainstream or special school. Most special schools do not offer a full curriculum for kids who are academically able. So we are hoping a much smaller specialist school where he can access the full curriculum will meet his needs. :pray:
Good luck with your son's education
my nephew has dysbraxia, he's quite bright but socially out of his depth
My sister found a school where the principle knew and understood - her own son was autistic
Hopefully you can connect with the right people - it really makes a difference
Now he is at high school and doing some subjects way above his age

I remember being about 6 and all the kids in the primmers were in singing and it was so noisy, i had my hands over my ears and the stupid old bat teacher threatened to send me out of the class for being naughty
I often think about the kids who got labeled as slow or dumb when i went to school and my heart aches for how the system didn't just fail them, it ignored them
Im thinking things like dyslexia wern't widely understood,
They probably never even taught at teachers college how to (teach them)

My standard 4 teacher (last year at primary school) told my parents he thought i was retarded - boy did i get into trouble after that parent teacher interview - now days a mother would tell the teacher to go to hell
(I did just fine once i got away from primary school) i just have really really bad handwritting and i can't spell


Apr 19, 2004

Had a nice lunch out with and old friend--she is taking up art lessons again and is really enjoying it and I enjoyed hearing about what she is creating. I can't draw to save my life. Stick people are my forte!

My friend told me her adopted cat woke her up @0200 by licking her face/jumping on her chest. LOL. I think the cat wanted to be fed....sleep all day and eat all night....cats life!!:lol-2:

NIRDI shout out :wavey:



Jun 17, 2009
@Niffler75, I am so glad you are in better spirits now that you are getting more support for your son. I know that feeling of relief and it's a great feeling. Good for you for tackling the painting: it's a hard and messy job. It's amazing the difference a fresh coat of paint makes; everything looks so bright and clean. Love your new ring! Beautiful colors and the setting is so pretty. So fun waiting for something to come in the mail. It's a bit torturous though too lol.

@Austina, it's very sad that whatever Shirley is going through is keeping her from enjoying her grandchild. You're a good friend to have such a long conversation with her. I can imagine it was hard on your end but she I'm sure it was nice for her talk with a friend. LOL to your dream! So weird how we hold on to the emotions when we wake up. As for my painting, I'm going to give the beach scene I tried a while back another shot. My ds and his gf seem fairly serious from what I can tell. I think they were friends for a while before they started dating, and they seem to spend a lot of time together.

@Daisys and Diamonds , I'm really sorry you had such a hard time in primary school. The way you were treated was wrong and you shouldn't have had to go through that. It's to your credit you were able to rise above that experience.

@Mamabean, your new ACA is just stunning! You must be having a wonderful time wearing it. We didn't really have a chance to have a conversation with my son's gf - We were on our way out and there was a group of people around us so we really couldn't talk. She was very cute and seemed sweet. so exciting your dil is having a boy! It's really nice of your son and dil to keep in touch so you can interact with Jackson. I know you must miss him a lot.

@missy, wow, that is a beautiful library. I can see why you would love going there. Glad Greg is coming along so well and yes, hopefully he doesn't overdo it! Really great the weather has beenso mild and he can spend some time outdoors. Such a sweet pic of Bobby; He is a gorgeous kitty. I'm sorry you are having a hard time with the loss of Francesca and Fred and I'm sending comfort - losing 2 furbabies close together is very tough. Distractions help but one can't be distracted constantly - although sometimes I wish that was possible - and the quiet times are when the memories and grief creep back in.

@canuk-gal, glad you had a good time at lunch with your friend. Good for her for taking painting lessons, it's great to have a creative outlet. LOL to her cat waking her up...yep, typical cat!

@sarahb, your Jack is so sweet! Good luck tomorrow, sorry you have to go through the procedure but I'm sure everything is going to be fine.

@marcy, glad you were able to get some sleep. I think that really helps a lot when one is sick. It's good you stayed home, especially since the weather is so lousy. Your biscuits look so delicious. Love your pics of the stained glass show, really pretty. It's wonderful that a local medical institute is going to list Marty's gym as an affiliate and I'm hoping it works out well for him.

@Scandinavian, thinking of your mother and I hope she's feeling better. And I'm hoping for good news. Yes, that diamond you posted is beautiful but your ring is absolutely gorgeous. A 5 carat stone, pink diamond halo...just fabulous. I am so sorry about the issue with your neighbor, this is the last thing you need right now.

@Tekate, I'm sorry your brother is having such a hard time; it's difficult seeing a family member struggle. And so sorry both you and John are both sick - please take care, get lots of rest, and feel better soon.

@Slick1, sending you good thoughts and some calming vibes as you handle everything you have going on. Being extremely busy wears a person down, I hope you can get some time to unwind.

@AV_, did you ever make it to the gallery? You pictures are so beautiful.

@Jimmianne, great news about your eye! And your new band looks perfect with that gorgeous diamond. So good to see a picture of Joy, it's been too long. Good to hear the weighted blanket is helping you sleep. Getting a good night's sleep seems to be challenging these days.

Had a good weekend...pretty much the usual, dh and I went out to eat and watched some golf and football. Ds stopped by and we did take-out. I ate a lot this weekend lol. Did a little painting too, which was fun. Not much else going on...going to the gym, a few errands, and puttering around the house. I did go out for a walk since the weather is nice here right now.

Sending healing vibes to everyone who's under the weather...Have a good Wednesday!
Last edited:


Jun 8, 2008
GM lovely ladies.

@sarahb good luck on your lithotripsy today! Sending bucketloads of good luck dust for a successful and easy procedure with minimal recovery time. (((Hugs))).

@Tekate how are you and John feeling today Great Kate the warm and wonderful?
Thank you for taking the time to read the NIRDI family song lol and I preferred the Addams family as well but I think I was OK with the Munsters. Just preferred the Addams family. Honestly I cannot remember that far back haha. My poor memory. Sending continued healing dust and lots of love your way. XOXO.

@marcy how are you feeling today? So happy you stayed home yesterday to recuperate. Thank you for noticing the snaps and for enjoying my "The NIRDI family" song. LOL. I am easily (as I know you are) amused and it bears (haha bears) us well in life I think. Glad you got "only" 4-5" of snow. And yay that the cleaning lady made it to you yesterday. Hope you had a good night's sleep and wake feeling all better. XOXO.

We went to see the new Tom Hanks film today, I think it’s called A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood. It’s about Fred Rogers the children’s TV personality. Honestly, it was rather strange, and I’m still undecided if I enjoyed it or not.

I think I will wait for it to come to cable. When I am not sure if I liked a film or not generally it means I didn't like it when I really think about it. We saw a good film on HBO. I think it was called "Prisoners". We did have a good walk yesterday and it was less hard on Greg too. We did about a mile again so not bad. We went to Warby (moved near us woohoo) and I almost bought another pair of sunglasses LOL but I resisted. I love my sunglasses and love the variety too.

That is sad Shirley cannot appreciate the baby as she would have years ago. Very sad. When our minds are robbed of our "normal" thought process and memories there is nothing sadder. :(
Sending you and Colin hugs.

Hi lovely people, well I managed to get some more painting done today. I feel this year like am starting in 'spring clean mode' a bit early. I think because we are making good progress with support for my son I feel like I have more energy now to tackle other jobs that need doing.
I had a lovely email from the teacher who came to visit my son last week. She is confident all the finance issues will get the sign off so we can get going with the new school. It will be slow going initially as she to my sons early life experiences before we adopted him he does not easily trust adults.

Good afternoon (by you I think it is afternoon now) @Niffler75. Wonderful news that your son's teacher thinks it is all going to work out well. I also have no doubt that with your love and support your DS will overcome his early life challenges. Sending you continued good thoughts and gentle hugs to you and your DS. It's so great that you are getting painting accomplished. Very productive week for you.

Had a nice lunch out with and old friend--she is taking up art lessons again and is really enjoying it and I enjoyed hearing about what she is creating. I can't draw to save my life. Stick people are my forte!

My friend told me her adopted cat woke her up @0200 by licking her face/jumping on her chest. LOL. I think the cat wanted to be fed....sleep all day and eat all night....cats life!!:lol-2:

NIRDI shout out :wavey:

Glad you had a wonderful lunch with your friend. LOL our cats love to wake us up too. This AM (and I am talking 2AM) Bobby was screaming/crying loudly as he often does. When I got out of bed I found that the playpen we keep Oliver in during feeding times (so the others can eat without him devouring all their food) had collapsed (due to the weight of a cat jumping on top lol) and the litterbox on the side with all the litter out of it. Oy what a mess and LOL they are rascals indeed.

I am with you. I love art and wish I could draw and paint but have no talent at all. My parents and sister are very talented in that area but sadly I can barely draw a stick figure. So I get how you are feeling. I love enjoying other people's creations so it works out that way I guess.
Enjoy the rest of the week Sharon and stay warm. XO.

@Daisys and Diamonds thank you. He's not bad looking but he needs an attitude adjustment yanno? I am glad your nephew got into a good program at school and how awful you were misdiagnosed that way. And I agree completely. What a tragedy the system failed them by ignoring them. :(
Sending you hugs.

@Scandinavian good morning. I hope it is a good week for you and your mother and grandmother. Thinking of you guys every day and sending hugs.

@Slick1 how are you feeling? Almost done with the dental work? Thinking of you and hoping your week is going smoothly and that you are feeling good. Hugs.

@junebug17 sounds like a lovely weekend with your DH and DS and glad your week is going smoothly. Thank you for your empathy and I know you understand. I am having a hard time compartmentalizing to function well but doing the best I can. I think of them much of the time and it paralyzes me in a way. The grief runs deep.

How lovely you are enjoying your painting. I wish I had some talent in that area. I live vicariously through you and my friend M and also @Jimmianne who is so creative. I think there are a number of creative NIRDIs. I have no skill with painting or drawing but get pleasure from seeing what you girls create.

@Mamabean good morning and I hope it is an ACAmazing morning for you. Hello Libby and Summer Fling. How is your week going? So wonderful you are getting a grandson. Exciting! And hoping your DH stays healthy despite all his traveling. Hugs to you.

@AV_ I am curious too if you ever made it to the art gallery...looked like quite the amazing collection of art and artists alike. Hope you are having a good week dear girl. XOXO.

We had a good day yesterday. Walked about a mile and went to the newest Warby Parker that is near us now woohoo. Almost bought yet another pair of sunglasses but so far I am resisting. It is a very dreary week from today on and hope we can get out today despite the rain. Supposed to be heavy downpours Friday early when we have to head to the surgeon for Greg's first followup so not thrilled about that. I don't love riding in cabs when the weather is slippery. But hopefully it won't be as bad weather as they are predicting now.


Have a wonderful Wednesday lovely ladies. XOXO.


Jun 8, 2008
@bling_dream19 how is your week going? I am loving your Valentine's additions each day. Dreamy! Our taste in jewelry is similar. :love:


Jan 3, 2020
My sunstone ring arrived! I am really happy. :mrgreen2: It is very saturated and glowy as I know some sunstone can be rather pale. There is a slight bi colour to it and is red/orange red depending on the light. Sparkly copper platelets under loupe. It's 11x9mm and has yellow beryl side stones. It's a bit shifty to photo but see below. Did I get an ebay bargain (£79)?

20200205_141145.jpg 20200205_140603.jpg


Jun 8, 2008
My sunstone ring arrived! I am really happy. :mrgreen2: It is very saturated and glowy as I know some sunstone can be rather pale. There is a slight bi colour to it and is red/orange red depending on the light. Sparkly copper platelets under loupe. It's 11x9mm and has yellow beryl side stones. It's a bit shifty to photo but see below. Did I get an ebay bargain (£79)?

20200205_141145.jpg 20200205_140603.jpg

STUNNING! I replied on your thread about this ring. It is TDF gorgeous. I LOVE the stone and setting both. It looks amazing on you @Niffler75! A great purchase. Enjoy in health and blingy joy. ❤
I don't know anything about sunstones but in my novice opinion it sounds like you got a sweet deal. I mean the setting alone has to be worth that, no?


May 11, 2013
For everyone who has had kidney stones here I would please like you to ensure your calcium level is good, not even remotely raised. I believe my sister died of this:

My sister had kidney stones about 6 years before she died. When my sister was 4 she had thisé-Syndrome-Fact-Sheet,

although at the time they called it polyneuritis rather than poliomyelitis, nerves vs muscles, my sister had a trach scar that was huge, her heart stopped beating, and she was paralyzed from the neck down, but gradually came all the way back due to the nature of autoimmune disease and my mother working vigilantly and constantly re-teaching her how to walk, it was a very hard time for my sister and my parents, me? I was 2 and lived basically with my grandparents while my sister was in the hospital in the city. But for the rest of my sister's life my mother was uber, crazy, insanely, schizoid worried that my sister would relapse or die, it really screwed up my life in many ways.

When my sister arrived at the hospital in '16 she was in heart failure, she had pancreatitis, her kidneys totally failed, after her first go over etc the doctors told my BIL that her kidneys would never work again, and her had a lot of calcification but they thought she would make it, well she didn't. That pancreatitis must have been horrible for her, my sister was stoic and stupid and highly intelligent and well educated.

So she up and died and my BIL declined an autopsy so we will never know. Her death cert. said heart failure. One doctor said to my BIL that maybe it was a blood cancer that caused the high calcium, but no way to know. She didn't have lung cancer which I believe she thought she had.

So please ensure if you have elevated calcium to not let your doctor slide it by.
Last edited:


Jun 8, 2008
For everyone who has had kidney stones here I would please like you to ensure your calcium level is good, not even remotely raised. I believe my sister died of this:

My sister had kidney stones about 6 years before she died. When my sister was 4 she had this, although at the time they called it polyneuritis rather than poliomyelitis, nerves vs muscles, my sister had a trach scar that was huge, her heart stopped beating, and she was paralyzed from the neck down, but gradually came all the way back due to the nature of autoimmune disease and my mother working vigilantly and constantly re-teaching her how to walk, it was a very hard time for my sister and my parents, me? I was 2 and lived basically with my grandparents while my sister was in the hospital in the city. But for the rest of my sister's life my mother was uber, crazy, insanely, schizoid worried that my sister would relapse or die, it really screwed up my life in many ways.

When my sister arrived at the hospital in '16 she was in heart failure, she had pancreatitis, her kidneys totally failed, after her first go over etc the doctors told my BIL that he kidneys would never work again, and her had a lot of calcification but they thought she would make it, well she didn't. That pancreatitis must have been horrible for her, my sister was stoic and stupid and highly intelligent and well educated.

So she up and died and my BIL declined an autopsy so we will never know. He death cert. said heart failure. One doctor said to my BIL that maybe it was a blood cancer that caused the high calcium, but no way to know. She didn't have lung cancer which I believe she thought she had.

So please ensure if you have elevated calcium to not let your doctor slide it by.

Thank you so much Kate for sharing this! I just read this to Greg and we will make sure his calcium levels are good. I am so sorry your sister died from this. From anything but especially from something that could have been prevented. Heart and gut wrenching. Sending you warm gentle hugs and my heart to your heart. {{{Hugs}}}


May 11, 2013
I wrote the above yesterday morning but never had a chance to post due to Autievirus, which is worse today.

Please know know that I am reading and I care.

@Niffler75 take care and your ring is blinglistic (stole that from @missy ) quite magnificent. I was never a fan of yellow gold altho in my life yellow gold was much more popular, when I was engaged in 74 I had a white gold, tiffany style engagement ring next time I became in engaged in 87 yellow was IN IN IN and for decades it's all I had till white came back! but lately I have been quite nostalgic about 14K 18K and of course 22K!! ha.. your ring is so goldilicious! (thank you again Missy!). and I am sooo with Missy your son has you and that's it, you are a lioness.. so glad things are working out for you sweet mom! xoxo

@missy you and Greg the Gorgeous look Marvelous, happy and sweet. Lucky us! Missy I love each and every pair of boots you wear, I think you rock rock rock boots, it's such a bitchin cool look..I got rid of my boots b4 moving back to hotternhell TX but I see everyone is wearing them here hahaha it's 80 and they are wearing uggs, which makes me a bit sad 'cause I donated all my boots to Goodwill before leaving ME.. mistake, I'll get a set or 2. You look beautiful Missy but more importantly you look happy.. makes me happy!. oh Missy you probably saw munsters and addams family in rerun while you are a boomer we are at opposite ends of the boomer explosion.!

@sarahb as Missy said, good luck today, all will go well and easy! take care sending dust your way for a good day! xoxox

@marcy staying home from work? always a good thing, better for you and your people.. wish our country didn't make us feel like we HAVE to go in.. a healthy workforce is much better for everyone. Hope you are feeling better, i"m soso but we will watch Autie for a few hours tomorrow, all day Friday and sometime this weekend as my son and DIL have a planned meetup with one of Michael's friends since middle school and his friend's wife.. Mike is in heaven that we are here. so I have to get better. Face timed Autie yesterday and she isn't sick anymore.. oh to be young.. xoxoxo

@Austina Tom Hanks is up for an academy award, he won't get it because he's been awarded 2 I believe already, but I have read it's a very good movie, as Mr Rogers was a hero to many people who grew up watching his show on PBS. (public broadcasting) my son's grew up on Sesame St and Barney so we didn't see Mr Rogers or maybe I thought it was just tooo sweet don't remember but Fred Rogers is revered by many as is Tom Hanks! not seen the movie yet. So sorry that Shirley is not interested in the baby Austina :( :( she has a wonderful family and friends. Dementia is the robbing of one's soul almost, I saw it in both y inlaws.. my MIL did the slow dance to decline over 14 years it was heartbreaking, my FIL was stealth he was a very very quiet man, an EE and said little until my BIL visited his parents and found checks all over the place from dividends etc and after this he found dunning notices that my FIL had not paid is monthly fee at the retirement home in over a year! this system had a entrance deposit which was 90% refundable when one leaves (whichever way :) ) My MIL died last April and we have yet to get that back.. so the retirement home had plenty of money they could use, but they had to pay late fees of a year, quite expensive in the long run. It was a great place, they moved from apt living, to assisted care to the dementia unit. I will say it was very expensive, (12K a month), so the interest was a lot. a whole lot of stuff had to go on for my BIL to get control of his parents assets, what a messy situation, and extremely costly to my Inlaws because they had refused to allow any of their children to be privy to their assets, so my BIL had to go to court.. then it was over a year, lawyers, lawyers and more lawyers, judges, guardian ad litems, John was interviewed several times by lawyers attesting to his brother's character (okay his brother has more money than John's parents) which is was and always will be stellar, he's a very good man.. Took 2 years to get everything settled. THIS is why we have allowed our son's access to our bank accounts and be able to view everything we own to ensure we are on track, both our sons are good guys. Long story.. sorry! xoxoxox hope all is well in your neck of GB! xo

@canuk-gal Cats are so loyal it's crazy, and they love their people, they are just quiet about it! sounds like your friend has a great kitty! xoxoxo (waiting to hear what is up your sleeve in the bling department this year! xoxoxo

@Scandinavian HI scandi! hope all is well, I'm not keeping up like I should be.. but hope your mom and gram are doing very well and you too, I am interested - if you don't mind - on hearing how your lawsuit goes.. one of my oldest (known her since we were in kinder) bought land and was to build a new and bigger house so she needed to sell her sweet cottage on the Pomperaug River in Connecticut, turned out that half her house was on her neighbors property! when she and husband bought the lake house they renovated it, BUT they bought it with personal loans because it was so cheap then so there was no research of deed or surveys, quite the pickle! but they worked it out with the neighbor, no lawsuits. Hope yours is settled soon. If we stopped suing life would be nicer. xoxoxo

@Daisys and Diamonds hope all is going well in NZ! are you experiencing the same drought as Australia? have you had rain? how's the heat? In Austin TX we have had the most bizarre weather, 80 degrees F 2 days ago, 31 today with possible snow flurries! all quite strange imho.. hope your family is well DD :) xoxoxo

@Mamabean hola! still rockin that gorgeous ACA! it's beautiful, how's the hubster? hope he's feeling better.. can you share what month your new grandson is due? how so very exciting!!!! I think babies keep us young.. we are watching Autie on and off for the next 3 days. love the heart diamond Joanne! I love that your husband loves you and gives you the resources to buy what you like! not so my hubster, he'll indulge but we are saving for Autie's college now so that comes first :) plus I have plans to repurpose some of my old stuff, just gotta slowly bring it by the hubster! I woke up this a.m. feeling worse today than yesterday and was again up on and off all night coughing.. dreary day here.. sending love and hugs your way girl! xoxoxox

@junebug17 I too am happy you enjoy painting and I so agree with @missy that @Jimmianne is brilliant like you! @missy you are brilliant in writing that is amazing to me too! I'm with @canuk-gal stick figures and roses are red violets are blue is the extent of my ability in the arts.. but my family was full of wonderful art people, my mom, sister, aunt and youngest brother were/and/are very good, my dad was awesome with woodworking, seriously he could build anything and my younger brother was FANTASTIC at metal work.. really awesome.. me? can't say what I was great at.. probably my law classes, loved them! everything about me was logic and research, no art! but I appreciate it very much. Hope your week is going super! all love to you ! xoxoxoxo

@Slick1 how's things? hope you are feeling well, next week I start the journey with my new PCP to get to a ID doc and then hookup with a orthopedic surgeon, my orthoped here is only into knees and hips, so I'll need a referral to someone else in his practice as it's all a part of the big ARC (Austin Regional Clinic) network here. gotta get a new shoulder, but I cannot till we are totally sure my osteomyelitis is gone.. right now my jaw feels sore.. I dunno, it's all so tiring I'm sure you get it. xoxoxo!

@av how are things in Espana! such a beautiful place! such lovely people, such great food! xoxoxo

Whoops hit enter by accido! hahaha.

so I will end it here for now.. try to keep up but miss the bulls eye on occasion! sending love to all the NIRDs.

Kate ThE GReat xoxox


May 11, 2013
@missy you are so good for my soul, thank you! please do make sure Missy.. my sister - for all her brilliance - smoked.. so mom, our brother both died of lung cancer and my sister was afraid she had it I think and so does Katie btw, actually so did my BIL, but she didn't. I dont believe that she myeloma either, her symptoms were not of cancer imho. But she sounded like she had a severe case of pneumonia when she died, but that was caused by the heart failure, accumulation of fluid around her heart because it was calcified, Katie won't talk about this because she said to me "please don't tell me about something that could have been prevented" so I never really went into depth with her because it could have been prevented if it were parathyroid disease, I even mentioned it to my sister years earlier because of the kidney stones because there was a nurse mom who was in my son's cub scout pack and she had it and told me back then had they not found out about it she would have died of diseased heart.. my sister hadn't been to a doctor in years at least 12 years before she died.. she took a lot of my heart with her. xoxoxoxo


Feb 27, 2007
@marcy :lol-2: Hopefully it will arrive tomorrow(wednesday). My poor postman. I really don't know what he thinks of me! :evil2:

My little boy had such an awful time when he first started school we took him out to home educate him. He couldn't cope with a busy classroom or school environment. Now we have a diagnosis and greater understanding of his needs we are ready to try again. The problem is in the UK the options are generally mainstream or special school. Most special schools do not offer a full curriculum for kids who are academically able. So we are hoping a much smaller specialist school where he can access the full curriculum will meet his needs. :pray:

@Niffler75 I hope this new school works great for your son. Your sunstone ring is gorgeous. Love the color of your glowing gemstone.



Feb 27, 2007
He is so gorgouse

Good luck with your son's education
my nephew has dysbraxia, he's quite bright but socially out of his depth
My sister found a school where the principle knew and understood - her own son was autistic
Hopefully you can connect with the right people - it really makes a difference
Now he is at high school and doing some subjects way above his age

I remember being about 6 and all the kids in the primmers were in singing and it was so noisy, i had my hands over my ears and the stupid old bat teacher threatened to send me out of the class for being naughty
I often think about the kids who got labeled as slow or dumb when i went to school and my heart aches for how the system didn't just fail them, it ignored them
Im thinking things like dyslexia wern't widely understood,
They probably never even taught at teachers college how to (teach them)

My standard 4 teacher (last year at primary school) told my parents he thought i was retarded - boy did i get into trouble after that parent teacher interview - now days a mother would tell the teacher to go to hell
(I did just fine once i got away from primary school) i just have really really bad handwritting and i can't spell

@Daisys and Diamonds I believe it’s the Luck of talking to the right person. Some people are more in tune with what’s going on and some sadly aren’t.
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