
Now I really did it :((


Jul 1, 2014
Hi Everybody---28 chilly degrees here in sunny AZ this morning, but at least no snow to shovel or icy rain to go down the back of your neck!

Well I celebrated Finn's return to full strength too soon. He fell on Friday, he and Maggie were gamboling happily around the house after their bath and we heard Finn cry out, which he NEVER does, so we knew it was bad. Wouldn't weightbear on the good hind leg, the one which was pinned and operated on 11 years ago and has been his main strength. Took him in for an x-ray, no break. Looked like the operative work and pins was undamaged. He did have an effusion in the knee, though. I'm taking him for laser treatment starting tomorrow, laser is good for soft tissue damage, etc. I am starting to think I've got a Thanksgiving/birthday curse going now :roll:

So my trip to San Diego is cancelled because I won't leave my sweet boy with the dogsitters during this time. Last year, 6 weeks of reduced activity returned him to good status so I'm hoping this works for him in this case. When he is recovered, I plan to RUN to San Diego.

I talked to the wonderful Serena at H. Moradi about sending the bands to me since I can't get to the store just yet and I wanna birthday pressie wah wah wah ;( The band I really love has some damage to it and they don't want to fix it unless I buy it AND their bench jeweler says it doesn't need fixing, that the rubies are secure (in my experience repair people say this when either they can fix it, or it just flat cannot be fixed at all) as they are.

I'll post a pic. You're going to see the yellow gold rim up from the shank, look closely there are sections where the rim is missing.




Jul 1, 2014
The pic above, the ruby diamond band has milgrain and engraving. Its awfully thin but that could be just fine. The sapphires and diamonds in yellow gold are pretty but I'm not sure about it. It's a half band, btw.

What do you guys think about the marquise/ruby antique band yg and platinum? I love it BUT I don't want a ring I can't wear for fear of losing the stones. Moradi wants $1450 for it at this point in the discussion which I think is too much, $1200 is the most I want to pay for this particular ring and that would be if it was repaired. I don't want to have them send it to me because if I have to send it back that'll be around $75 for nothing (to me, for them they need insurance on it, etc.). If it was fixed and $1200 I'd buy that sucker today.

The tiny diamond/ruby band, they are saying $1100 and that is definitely too high, I think $850 is more appropriate, the stones are teeny tiny.

The marquise ruby band has not sold, I first saw it in July/August.


Jun 17, 2009
Hiya everyone!

Missy, the cat shelter is SO awesome, Greg did such an amazing job and I really hope the kitties take advantage of such a great shelter.

Love your ode to Kristie - So cute!

The pic of Frankie warming himself by the fire is so sweet, your fireplace is lovely.

Your new purchases sound nice, I hope you love everything. It's always fun to get new things to wear. I understand your feelings about the earrings. Sounds like you do love them but I know what you're saying about having reservations. Chances are they will be available for a while so you can still think about it - see what I mean? I am so bad and such an enabler! But seriously, I do get your concerns, bling is always such an expensive purchase, and it's important to feel 100% sure about it.

I understand your concerns about the basement too Decisions like this always seem to have cons as well as pros but it sounds like you'll be living there for a while even if it's not your forever home and it would be so great for Greg to have a workspace. And yes, there is something to be said for doing things to make life more enjoyable right now.

Marcy, glad you like my letter to Santa hehe! I saw it on Facebook and thought it was cute. I love your poem about gaining weight during the holidays, made me laugh! And unfortunately it's true in my case lol.

Jimmianne, I'm hoping you're feeling better. You must be getting excited about your trip!

Kristie, so sorry to hear about Finn, I hate reading he's injured…and I'm sorry you had to cancel your trip, but I totally get it and I'd do the same. I'm really hoping with some rest he'll bounce back fairly quickly. Hugs to you, I know you've been having a very stressful time with these doggie health issues.

I like all the bands you're considering! I get a little discouraged at the price of bands in general, they just seem overpriced to me. The marquise/ruby band is gorgeous but I do see what you're talking with regard to the damage. There's always the chance it would hold up ok but so hard to know for sure. You would think moradi would at least give you a lower price because of it, but unfortunately that's not always the case. The ruby band is pretty too - a little pricey, but maybe it's worth it if you're going to wear it a lot and get enjoyment out of it. I'm not familiar with Moradi, will they negotiate? I bought a vintage eternity band off Ruby Lane a few years ago and paid more than I wanted to, but I ended up really loving the ring and wear it a lot so I guess it was worth it. I like the sapphire ring too, my only thought is that the sapphires seem just a bit dark. But something like that is personal preference and at the end of the day you just have to go with what speaks to you. Keep us posted!

Speaking of bling, I've been shopping around on all of the usual second-hand suspects (ruby lane, ebay, etsy, etc) for something for Christmas and just not finding much so I decided to buy a new marquise ring from JA - it fits my budget and I have always liked the marquise shape. I ordered it yesterday and I'll post a pic when it comes. I'm pretty excited about it, hopefully I'll like it lol.

Hope everyone is having a good day so far! Will check in later!

eta: Here's a blurry pic of the tree, didn't realize it when I took it - it's the nicest fake tree we've ever owned haha. We have always put the tree in the living room but this year my daughter suggested putting it in the family room so we could see it all the time, and it was such a great idea! Of course my husband (who doesn't like change) balked a bit at first but even he agrees now it was a good idea.



Jul 1, 2014
Oooooh, Junebug, the tree is so pretty and glowing, thank you for sharing the pic, it has improved my day and made me feel like I should get a tree up this year :wavey: :appl:

Thank God you're getting some bling, SOMEONE here has too and right away dammit!!! I'm feeling bling starved enough that after seeing Patty's gorgeous huggies from Costco I went there today and got right to the jewelry case. They had two !2! diamond and ruby bands in the case, really really pretty and at $1100 and $895 a lot more reasonable than the damaged band from Moradi. They just don't have that 'antique' aesthetic. Junie, PLEASE post ring pics when you get it, okay???/ We are counting on you, girlfriend! :lol: Someone has to pick up where Marcy left off!!!!

The more I think about it, I don't like the idea of buying a damaged jewel and at that price point. I certainly wouldn't feel cavalier about it if rubies started slipping out. Right now, with Finn in Sick Bay, it would just feel like acquiring ANOTHER problem, which I need like I need a hole in the head. My Finn and your mom, they are getting up in years and we love them and want to fix every single thing for them that we possibly can. Always in the back of our minds. No wonder I'm chomping at the bit to buy something sparkling and pretty. I hope she's chugging along now, at baseline.


Jun 17, 2009
LOL Kristie, you are too funny! Yeah, last week while I was home I was saying things like "oh, I really don't need another ring; the money should go towards something else;it's not a good idea to spend the money right now…yadda yadda yadda" Yep, Saint Junie :halo: Two hours back at my mother's house and I'm saying "to he!! with it all, I'm buying something!!" :devil:

I hear you on buying a vintage piece with damage - I love antique/vintage jewelry but sometimes they show wear and vendors still expect people to pay retail prices for them, it's frustrating.

I guess my mother is doing ok, although we're dealing with increased fatigue and sleepiness - this has been going on for several years but has gotten worse recently. She's been checked out, doesn't seem to be a specific reason for it. No wonder I need the distraction of new bling :cheeky:


Jul 1, 2014
Change of season, junie, winter is cold and dark with shorter days and longer nights. Seasonal affective disorder kind of.


Jun 17, 2009
azstonie|1449023026|3956249 said:
Change of season, junie, winter is cold and dark with shorter days and longer nights. Seasonal affective disorder kind of.

Ah Kristie, I think you might be right, she started getting noticeably sleepier during the day just around the time the days started getting shorter.


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, your apartment sounds toasty warm. I am usually cold so that sounds wonderful. I wore 2 shirts and one sweater to work today and yes I got cold. I am delighted to hear your eye is getting better. I did finish the book I was reading. It was “The Survivor” the last Vince Flynn book. He passed away recently from cancer and his publicist finished his last book and released it. It was really good. Thanks for the recommendation of a good movie. I’ll watch for that. I got the newsletter done and posted online. The December newsletter almost writes itself because I have 2 pages and 1 joke I use every year. There is a poem written using Twas the Night Before Christmas but about star gazing, then the physics of Santa Claus which is a cute read, and a drawing of Santa using a star map and using Rudolph’s red nose to read the map. The rabbits are behaving, mostly. The cat shelter is fabulous. Greg did a wonderful job on it. I scored a few discounts online but nothing major. It sounds like you have some nice things coming your way. The double pizza does sound intriguing. I can understand being anxious and worried about the project at the beach house. I know it can’t be cheap and it’s always a concern that it may not turn out as expected. I am sure Greg knows enough about building to stay on top of how things are going. I am sure it will turn out fabulous for you.

Jimmiane, I am glad you are feeling better but you absolutely deserve to be hanging out in front of the TV and enjoying some treats.

Hi Sharon! Happy Birthday! I keep thinking about your earrings; they look like they just glow. Very pretty. I love dangle earring but always reach for my stud earrings.

Kristie, I am so sorry to hear Finn fell and got hurt. Hugs to you and him. I hope the laser treatment works wonders for him. One of the guys from where I work is at our place in Gilbert and posted on FB it was 33. His comment was “I thought I was getting away from the cold”. That is chilly for you guys. I see what you mean about the rim, it is a pretty ring. The ruby stackable is great too. LOL “where Marcy left off”. Now I have a reason to buy more bling – you guys need me too.

Junebug, your Christmas tree looks great. Is it a real tree? Since Marty is leaving Saturday I whined tonight “when are we putting up the tree?” Hopefully he’ll surprise me someday this week while I am at work. I used a slightly different version of your Christmas line in my Christmas poem and worked in the 10 pounds one as well. I swear cookies may as well just jump right on my hips. Did you order the F marquis? It looks really pretty. I love marquis shapes. Okay I love all shapes of diamonds but I think marquis look very classy and elegant. You definitely deserve some new bling.

Marty made spaghetti and meatballs for supper. He’s going to be gone next week; I’ll have to go back to either making my own supper or pick up window food. I plan on working on Christmas cards and baking cookies while he is gone.

A few of Marty’s gifts arrived in the mail today. I need to pick up a few things more for his stocking but some of the things I bought him are larger than I expected. That stocking will fill up fast. I ordered him some custom golf balls with “Killer Rabbit Casino” on them. I found some little chocolate pieces that look like Guinness beers. They also had some flavored Guinness chips so I thought how can I go wrong with those?

Since you guys are twisting my arm and forcing me to buy more bling Marty mentioned at supper we need to go to Denver so I can look at sapphires. He already bought me something from Apple so I don’t need another gift but I won’t resist. The place I go often has unique sapphires that I usually can’t resist. I had a peach sapphire from them that was heart shaped but I just didn’t like it in the rings I tried so traded it in. So I always ask for what they have in peach first. I also want a larger orange sapphire and they run cheap for sapphires. My traditional blue upgrade is what I am leaning towards the most. They had a killer cushion about a year ago but I passed on it; too much money. I may cave if they still have something like that.

Have a great week.


Feb 27, 2007
Here is our tree from 2013. You can see it has a rabbit infestation.



Oct 24, 2012
You guys are so awesome. I love all your updates. Please forgive me if I write multiple posts. I'll write whatever I remember.

Missy, those kitty condos are just fabulous! Seriously. Greg's work is amazing. He should sell those on SkyMall. 6 compartments, two levels. I think it's so funny that Francesca and Tommy are territorial about their home, and Sammy is "what's all the fuss?" Too bad Sammy is nervous around people. I bet you would love having her (is it a her?). Three cats isnt too much. Your poem is awesome. You are really gifted. The poet-Doctor. What a renaissance woman. I know what you mean about spending money. I'm nervous about buying a $50 jacket. I'm giving up my fancy gym membership too. $170/month. Going to the low rent one to save some money. I'm saving by not buying lunch at all. I'm so proud of myself when I can save money. In a way for me, it's more like "not wasting money". KWIM?? I have been too spoiled for too long. I don't need a lot of the stuff I buy. Anyway, I think you and Greg are planners and you should enjoy your life. I am sure you at both savy at saving and investing. I hope Greg gets full enjoyment out of the dug out work room!

Sleepy. Will post more tomorrow.


Dec 9, 2013
AZ, you are cracking me up! Yes, for pity's sake, someone must by us some bling - and pronto!
Bring on the NIRDI bling. :dance:

Saint June, you definitely deserve treats!
If your Mom's health checks out, then it seems natural to sleep more for someone who has lived a long time. I noticed that with my parents too. There is nothing easy about any of this. Did I mention that you deserve treats? : )
I often wonder why "they" don't put elders on Ritalin or other stimulants to help them engage more in life. We tried that with my Dad in his late 90's and it helped, but my Mom didn't keep up with it. I think she preferred him sleeping in front of the TV than taking the car out when she wasn't looking : ) Meanwhile, I've been reading so much about music helping people - playing music from a more lively time of their lives. It seems to be a key to unlocking energy and making people happy.

My trip is in 2 days. Added to the stress are changing plans. Yesterday my dd said we are now scheduled to stay in DIjon longer and I can take the train from there to the airport... no. no, no... that would mean changing car rental, train ticket and two B&B reservations....just when I thought I had the whole thing under enough control to not feel totally frazzled. The whole thing about her living that far away from me is still freaking me out, and then this rush-around visit. ugh. Just venting. Trip nerves, maybe. I have to remind myself that much of what we stress over is based on perceptions and I need to keep reminding myself of the positives.
Oh lordy, these shorter days don't help either! but if I keep my eye on the prize... [flea markets/bling stalls/small-town estate jewelers/chocolate shops heh-heh]

I love seeing your Christmas trees. So magical.
I planted 6 Christmas trees several years ago and they are harvest-size this year. I don't have the heart to cut them down! Maybe just trim them up and have some big branches in the house. It would be nice to decorate for the housesitter. Please keep those Christmas photos coming!

I just got Joy out of the safe this morning - I have not worn her in a month. Wow! like having a new ring. She makes me so happy. Resting your bling makes a lot of sense...and IKWYM, Missy. I have the urge to acquire more when I don't wear everything I have. I just tell myself I'm an enthusiast, a collector. So true. For all of us.

Happy Birthday, Sharon :appl:

ugh this post is all over the place, but I am thinking fondly of you all and hoping your Wednesday goes well.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Kristie, how is Finn this morning? I am keeping my fingers crossed that he is steadily improving and sending more healing vibes his way. I also hope Ms Maggie is doing well and that her poop is good. Haha we talk about poop here a lot don't we. :drool:

What did I miss when I went to bed last night. Any bling decisions? Keep us posted OK. Not to sound all mysterious or anything (I leave that to Jimmianne and Marcy hehe) but I think you should share what happened yesterday re the bling and the woman whose name begins with the letter S. Of course you might just want to wait to see what transpires but I am still mad on your behalf though I stand by the fact it was not meant to be. However she behaved very unprofessionally IMO. Anyway better bling is in your (near) future!

Go Kristie go with your exercise and Fitbit! So proud of you! :appl:

Callie, did you check out the Demiswoon? I could never pull it off because 1" heels are my max lol but I think you could rock it! :appl:

Junie, I love your tree! So pretty. We are planning to put ours up very soon. Last year we waited till Dec 24th (I think it was that late) and the year before that we actually bought our tree Dec 24th haha. This year we are all set as we ordered a really pretty tree that is artificial. Never thought I would use those 2 words together lol. But I am a convert now because the real trees were destroyed little by little by our kitties and it was just a mess. Though I so loved the smell of the douglas fir that filled the house. Does Zoe attack your tree at all or is she wiser than our kitties? ;-)

Ooh I am so excited to see your marquise ring from JA. When is it due to arrive? I hope you LOVE it. :appl:

I hope your mom starts feeling better and more upbeat and I bet Kristie is right and your mom is affected by seasonal affective disorder. I know many who are somewhat affected by the shorter days and longer nights with me being one of them. But only a few more weeks and then the days start getting longer so woohoo for that. :appl: Really looking forward to the longer days. Just a few more weeks and we start climbing out of the darkness hole!

Marcy, love that 2013 tree with the killer bunny infestation haha. :cheeky: I have to see if I can find pics of our trees from seasons past. YES to the sapphire and Apple product!!!! Please please get a beautiful sapphire. You deserve it and we live vicariously through all the NIRDIs who buy bling. :love: Remember it is all part of the NIRDI family and needs to be added to the collage don't you think. :bigsmile:

Thanks for sharing the book you are reading and I am going to check that out. It sounds as if it is right up my alley interest wise. Glad you finished the newsletter and I bet everyone enjoys it and the joke you included. It sounds entertaining!

It is so toasty warm in here I had to take 2 showers yesterday despite all our heat being off. Well at least I had to burn some calories sweating right haha cause my mouth doesn't stop eating and every little bit of calorie burning helps right? :lol: This is one aspect of winter I hate the over heating that happens indoors. I just know work is going to start being too hot and it can become intolerably hot during the cold weather so just going to see how that goes. It's one thing in our apartment as I can just open the windows or even put on a fan or a/c if need be. But at work there are no such adjustments. OK sorry jumping ahead worrying right now whereas I should just wait and see. :roll:

When is Marty coming back from his trip? I am with you and hope he gets that tree up for you!
I like what you bought him for the holidays so far. You both are really good about that. I haven't done a thing for Greg yet though I suspect his gift is going to be the new basement for his workshop plus the shed Julio built so I think I am done with his gifts. Now it is my turn. :naughty: :cheeky:

OMG I am going to email you girls with earrings I sort of love that I found on ebay but it is over my budget really and it has post backs which I hate. The vendor said they could switch the posts out for lever backs which I prefer but that doesn't help the price point. But just going to send the earring link to you girls later to get your opinions. I know Kristie loves it and even said she would get her ears pierced for those....hahaha that is high praise. Greg isn't crazy about its art deco style (though he loves art deco) because it has 3 baguettes coming out of the earring that rests on the ear. I know I am messing up the description. He isn't crazy about that design. However the pear dangles of those earrings are TDF. Chunky monkey antique pears. Sigh. :love: Anyway it is much more than I wanted to spend. But want your opinions too so sending the link to you girls.

LLJsmom, thank you. You are so kind. I will pass everyone's lovely comments about the cat shelter onto Greg. He is a love to do all this for the kitties and will do anything he can to help them. How can I not love a great guy like this? When I first met him he didn't have any experience with cats and all he knew was he was horribly allergic. That was when I only had 3 cats. And now we have 4 and they are a whole new bunch than the 3 I had when we were dating. Thank goodness for (15 years plus of) allergy shots and meds. He's a keeper. :love:

I am so with you re saving money and totally get what you mean. Save where you can so you can splurge where you really appreciate it! I always bring my own lunch to work and in fact make lunch for Greg to bring to work too. I cannot cook but I make a mean sandwich for him. ;-)
And great idea to change your gym membership to a less expensive club. You still get the same workout right?
So glad you are doing what you can and saving where you can but enjoying all the same and not skimping on quality of life issues and the rest will follow. I promise! And I totally agree we should all enjoy our lives, live in the moment while keeping an eye on the future but not letting it rule our every moment if you kwim. Moderation.

I think this is the weekend of your full marathon right? Sending fast running vibes your way LLJsmom!!! :appl:

Jimmianne, So glad you are enjoying Joy. She is a beauty and deserves to be adored. Umm do you need me to keep her warm while you are away? I happily accept. I'll stop by the airport on your NYC stopover. Happy to oblige. :devil:

OMG I would be freaking out too if my DD wanted to change all the travel plans at this late date after you arranged everything. But yes, keep it in perspective and keep your eyes on those proverbial prizes (bring on the bling!). It will all work out. And I hope you are feeling completely better now and before you know it you will be in France. 2 more days woohoo! We will miss you! Please check in every now and then if you can but no pressure OK? It's just the holidays and we will sorely miss your presence but are thrilled you will be living it up in France. Carpe Diem and Joie de vivre ! And lots of hugs.

OK girls, today is a workday for me. I sort of have big work news but not sure if it means bad news for me (and others) because when there is a shakedown it can mean anything yanno? Plus it is hard for me to get excited when someone else (even someone we don't like) gets unpleasant news so I am not feeling any joy at this news at all. Even though my friend R texted me last night saying she is thrilled because he was a d**k. The clinic director is leaving and we think he was told he had to leave.

My girlfriend S texted and then called me yesterday afternoon as soon as she found out and let me tell you the news spread fast because then my girlfriend R texted me and she doesn't even work there anymore. :o She found out about the same time I found out as someone else texted her and that person also doesn't work there anymore.

Not sure what happened and will try getting details today. Suffice it to say that since the clinic director has been in charge (I think over 7 years now) almost every clinician (with the exception of a few including me) has left as well as many employees there and each one has complained to HR about this person. But nothing was ever done so not sure what happened now to cause this huge change but as far as I know he is leaving in a few weeks. Dec 24th. That fast. But this is all hearsay so I'll see what I learn today. Not jumping for joy because first of all I do feel a bit badly for him if he was pushed out even as my friend says he is a d**k. He is mean and mean spirited and there was no need for the way he acted all those years and he did make people's life miserable at work but having said that he still has a family and I do feel sorry for him if he doesn't have another job yet. It is not a good time of year to be let go. OK enough surmising on my part.

Sorry to have blathered on and on this morning. And all before my second cup of coffee too lol. Off to get more coffee and wishing you all a good day girls! :wavey:

Adding pics of our Christmas trees from 2013 and 2014. First pic is 2014 (we spent the holidays at our beach house in 2014 top pic) and second (bottom) pic is our tree from 2013 when we spent the holidays in Brooklyn. This year we are planning a beach house visit during the holidays and I will definitely share the 2015 tree pics when we get our tree up and decorated.




Dec 9, 2013
Missy, that IS good news, even though it's tough for the guy.
I see you had someone waiting under the tree for Santa : )

pa. Joy thanks you for your kind offer!
I'm sure Puff would love to perch in your tree over the holiday too.
He did something very sweet - for the first time he whistled in my presence and then tried to copy the tune I whistled back. Usually I can hear him in the other room whistling and talking to himself, but the moment he sees me he stops. I think this is progress!
Also he is having a blast chasing the dogs - runs around on the floor trying to bite their toes when they get too close to me. He is my green White Knight LOL


Oct 24, 2012
Kristie, I hope Finn is doing better. Breaks my heart to think he actually yelped in pain. Did you do the laser treatment yet? I really like the marquise and ruby ring. Bummer that it's not in the best condition. I have a feeling the blue Nile stuff must still be on sale so you can always go back later if you like it.

Junebug, your tree is gorgeous. Motivates me to get ours done earlier this year. I can't wait to see your marquise ring. Until I saw the very beautiful marquise flower necklace from my jeweler I wasn't a fan. But when I saw how beautiful a very white, very well cut marquise can be, I changed my mind. I think they can really highlight and enhance other stones when used in larger pieces of jewelry. Maybe that is why we see so many of them in fancy royalty jewels. I'll post a over pic of that necklace I am actually coveting a bit.



Oct 24, 2012
Jimmianne, what is going to happen? Are you changing your plans? Great to wear Joy again huh? Hope your flight to France will be smooth and uneventful. I know you will have a wonderful time with your DD. And you will be able to do some serious damage. Cartier is such a great deal in France. Just saying, ya know? :Up_to_something:

Marcy, love your tree!! You are just the most thoughtful wife, ordering customized gifts and getting them so well in advance. My daughter keeps bugging me to get a gift for DH but I keep putting it off. Requires too much brain effort. He should just go buy whatever he wants. It's all joint money anyway. I'll be happy to wrap it. But Marty totally deserves it. What husband encourages a wife to go bling shopping. Poor Chemgirl got a toilet seat (not sure if you read the thread). That's all I'll say about it. I love sapphires. I just had an idea today. I'll share it later. Take lots of photos and share hose with us. Speaking of pics, thanks for the collage. It's fabulous!! I love seeing our gorgeous pieces.

Callie! Just thinking about you.

So my full marathon is this Sunday. I'm not thinking about it. Just denial. Too much room
For self doubt. Did I not train correctly? Am I too tired? Will the weather (rain projected) make it too hard? I don't know and must stop. I did have an amazing idea (if I must say so myself). I wore my sapphire band with my ering for just a second and it reminded me how much I liked my old plain setting with a diamond and sapphire eternity from Tiffany way back when. So it just occurred to me that when I ask Victor to make me an eternity band, I should get it with diamonds and sapphires. The blue just makes the white of my diamond Pop!!

This is a lousy car pic taken at night, but I loved how it looked in the day. It will be exactly the same width as the ering. It will cost a ton but I am willing to save up for it. Victor should be able to source tiny sapphires right?



Feb 27, 2007

LLJsmom, I know what you mean about how it feels good to find ways to save money. I got the Tiffany Christmas catalog and they had earrings in there that matched that marquis pendant you posted. They are twins. Good luck in the marathon this weekend. The sapphire band with your solitaire looks fabulous! I didn’t think of personalized golf balls last year until the week of Christmas. It was too late by then.

Jimmianne, we do get pretty excited when one of us has a new bling project in the works. That is an interesting what your said about how music can help or impact people. A friend of ours has a grandson about 8 months old now who has some eye / brain disability – they don’t connect or process normally. Anyway he absolutely loves and responds to music. They won’t know for years how much if any they can work around it. Sorry you are having pre-vacation jitters but you loved your trip last time and I am sure you’ll have an equally great time this round as well. I tried to tell Marty that logic the other day if you put up a ring for a while it is bigger and brighter when you get it out. He just looked at me like I was nuts. But that is exactly what Joy did for you, right?

Missy, we finally gave up on live Christmas trees once we figured out they were responsible for giving me and sometimes Marty too – bronchitis. We both went in to the doctor and he asked us – do you guys have a live Christmas tree? Next year we bought our artificial tree and we both didn’t get really sick at Christmas time. I seek out those really warm overheated spots. I am always cold. Marty will be gone from Saturday to Friday. I think the basement and shed definitely counts as a Christmas present. I swear Marty and I should technically be good for the next 125 years. Wow such excitement and drama at work. I hope things shake out okay after the dust settles. Your trees look fabulous.

Kristie, I hope Finn is doing okay today.

I was busy at work. I met Marty for supper then we went to Sams Club. I stocked up on paper products. We got a few cases of bottled water for the family Christmas and we picked up Marty another wireless remote for his PS4. They only had sweet tea so I guess Marty will have to pick up 6 packs of unsweetened tea at the grocery store. I had to work for a while tonight. Marty put up the tree and got out our little door greeters. We can work on ornaments tomorrow night.

Take care.


Dec 9, 2013
Marcy, Please tell Marty it's a scientific fact that a diamond gets bigger after a nice "safe" treatment...97.4% of diamonds get 0.25% larger and brighter after 15 days in the safe. [Also, you can mention that killer rabbits who bite bears more than once a week lose their teeth at a rate 50% faster than killer rabbits who bow down to bears' superiority on the battlefield].

LLJsmom, I am not changing my plans. I have, however, made notes on alternate train schedules and Hertz locations in Dijon just in case.
OMG I can't go into Cartier haha but, my pet sitters might be able to afford it! That's where a lot of my trip cash ends up. :wall:
I'm excited for you about the marathon. No need to think about it now. Just Do It! right? You are an amazing runner and have no need for self doubt. You can only go toward it knowing that it will be a wonderful experience, and let any other thoughts that don't serve you well fade from your mind. I can read my emails from PS while away, but can't respond, but I will be eagerly looking forward to hearing about it, and will be cheering you on on Sunday!

Love the diamond flower/star. A great 24/7 piece.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

LLJsmom, love that necklace and thanks for posting it here. Really beautiful. Don't worry about the marathon. You will do great. Just go and do your best and you will succeed. Think of all you have overcome to this point.

Marcy, thanks for yesterday. I really appreciate you and our friendship. That is interesting about the live christmas tree aggravating or causing bronchitis. Well just another good reason to go artificial. And some of these artificial trees look great. Yours included and hopefully ours too. Yay for Marty putting your tree up last night woohoo. Cannot wait to see pics. :appl:

Jimmianne, smart plan going ahead as first decided but knowing alternate options just in case. Glad you will be reading here even though you cannot respond. So you are with us even while in France. You will have an amazing trip and looking forward to hearing all about it when you return. :appl:

How sweet Puff whistled for you. Love that! As for your vacation and traveling and hiring pet sitters why don't you just send dear Puff to me and all the rest of the crew too. I won't charge you a penny to take care of them and then you can go to Cartier and buy bling. :love:

Kristie, good luck with Finn's treatment tomorrow. Hoping he is doing much better and that the treatment helps him get to 100%.

I am a little bit nervous today as I made an emergency appointment with a retinal specialist as I have been experiencing some new and distressing retinal symptoms since yesterday morning. Fingers crossed it is just a vitreous detachment with no ill effects and not a retinal tear or detachment. I am going in at 8AM and hoping to be able to go into work later as long as my eyes are OK and no treatment is necessary.

Have a good day girls and hope to be able to check back with you later telling you all is well. (((Hugs))).


Jul 1, 2014
Hey Friends.

I'm so glad to read everyone's postings here. It takes my mind off my problems with poor sweet FInn. The Christmas trees, the new bling, the OLD bling (lol), trips to France, it all helps me right now.

Long story short: The vet and his staff made several mistakes this week.

I hit my breaking point with these mistakes. I don't know if my darling dog is going to make it, if his leg doesn't heal--- its over. Having to handle the chaotic poorly functioning vet clinic makes me frustrated and then the medical errors themselves make my BLOOD BOIL because I'm trying to save my dog's life and they are making this challenging when they should be working to give my dog his very best chance at holding on to his life. I am just a wallet to these people. I want to cry but I also want to let them have it at the same time. Clearly I'm not handling this well. I've never felt "rich" but apparently I appear to be rich to this vet and his staff because we don't complain about costs and when the dogs need something, whether its hip replacements in Houston, TX, or procedures or allergy immunotherapy or physical therapy and rehab, Bob and I have gone without and made sacrifices so that the dogs have these things. We never comment about the money (that's our job as their owners) but we want the vet and his medical staff to focus on getting my dog well without regard to what they think we "have" financially.

So today I'm making an appointment for FInn to be seen at the new clinic (and an appointment for Maggie too although she is not in a crisis).

The next 90 days will tell us whether or not FInn is going to make it. We've got to do everything we can to heal the leg. He goes for laser therapy to the leg tomorrow and we plan to do a twice-weekly treatment plan for as long as he needs it/benefits from it. We have turned the living room into a pen for him so he cannot run, slip or jump when not under our direct supervision. He is on the leash to go outside to pee/poop and take a sunbath (good for morale!).

Thank you for reading and all the support and encouragement you've all given us.


Jun 17, 2009
Hi all, will write more later but wanted to offer some support to our dear NIRDIS who are having a rough time right now…

Missy, I am so sorry to hear about your eye situation, I have everything crossed that it turns out to be nothing serious. I'm so glad you're getting it checked out right away (but not surprised, you're pretty smart), and I really hope you're ok. Thinking of you, please keep us posted and hugs to you.

Kristie, I am so very sorry about Finn and the stress involved with his treatment, you are certainly doing everything in your power to help him heal and keep him comfortable. I think it's a good idea to take him to another clinic, and I'm hoping they can offer some additional advice and course of treatment. Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you, and that I am always here for you to offer whatever support and comfort I can. ((((hugs))))


Jun 8, 2008
Hi girls, saw the retinal specialist and I have a complete posterior vitreous detachment in each eye. Bottom line I am ok. Thank you for all your good wishes and support junie and kristie and Marcy!

Kristie, I am so upset for you and Finn. Sending more healing vibes your way. I will call you as soon as I can. I'm all blurry now and going to work today and will be busy but will call you. (((Hugs))).


Oct 24, 2012
Missy, so glad your eye injury is not serious. Phew!

Kristie, just keep advocating for Finn. I know you will find the right vet. And you are taking great care of him at home. I am sending him lots of healing vibes.


Dec 9, 2013
AZ, I am glad Finn and Maggie are seeing someone new. I wish you the best and hope it's a positive experience and your perseverance pays off!

Missy, good that you are OK. I have it also and the light flashes have been going on for years now. I keep thinking if I drink more water I won't dry up as fast and my eyes will settle down lol
But I know none of it is very funny : (
Just glad it's normal wear and tear for you and nothing beyond that!


oh - ps. I just got a couple of under armour t-necks. They look good, are warm but lightweight and have thumb-holes in the sleeves.
I got them to wear under tunics on my trip, but realize now they are more for people like you who bike or do sports in cold weather. They are a bit warm for indoors. Heck, Missy, you probably already know about them.


Jul 1, 2014
Finn is walking today, toe touch weightbearing, on his injured leg, I wanted you guys to know :appl: Thank you for sending all the good vibes our way. Tomorrow he gets his first laser treatment on the knee (I wish I had a home laser for MY knee, they are fabulous) at the new vet/clinic. We are feeling very optimistic for him today.

I also had one piece of marvelous luck: Both Finn and Maggie go to the canine dermatologist/allergist. He's a nationally known guy and he is the go-to clinic for pharmaceutical companies with their drug trials. Finn was a trial dog for a greatly touted yet secret anti-itch medication. He did GREAT on it. It took 2 years for it to come out, it is called Canine Atopic Dermatitis Immunotherapeutic, or CADI. I took Finn in November 2 for his first CADI on its release and he has done super well on it. No itch. He sleeps through the night on it. It cost $165 for the injection and the blood work that you do every time you have it. Okay, anything to keep Finn and Maggie healthy and happy. The study coordinator from the dermatologist's office called and offered us FREE CADI for 1 year for BOTH Finn and Maggie. That's like around $5000 for the year. All I do is keep a log of when itching breakthrough happens after the injection---28 days, 45 days, 60 days, etc. Apparently some dogs get 28 days of itch relief and some dogs got 6 months of itch relief from one injection. So although the med is USDA approved and released, Zoetis is still gathering information on dose duration.

Its good news for sure!

Jimmianne, here in Arizona we feel polyester is the devil :evil: We only liked it in Anchorage and Juneau if it was that special kind that wicks moisture off and out!!!

LLJs, you know you love that marquise pendant. It looked SMASHING on you, come on!!!!


Jul 1, 2014
Junebug, thank you and pet that sweet teeny Zoe for us :angel:


Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, I tried to tell Marty out logic but he thinks I’m a flake. If I wear my ring without a band (because we all know I don’t have enough of them) my diamond seems bigger too. BTW I don’t have DSS. I love your “facts”; I will definitely use the one on killer rabbits losing their teeth for biting on bears too often. I love it! Good idea to avoid doing email overseas; Marty’s cell phone bills are horrid when he’s out of the country. I like those undershirts. They help keep me less cold.

Missy, thank you! I was worried about you and I am glad I was able to help. I was so relieved your eye is okay. I got bronchitis yearly around Christmas from 3 years old and on – with all my allergies I am surprised a doctor never connected the dots. We got our tree decorated tonight. I’ll get a picture soon. I think the artificial trees are really nice anymore.

Kristie, I hate to hear the problems you’ve had with the vet clinic. I hope the laser treatment works well for Finn and he gets better and stronger with every visit. Hugs to you. Finn and Maggie are your babies of course you will do everything you can to help them get better. I am glad Finn can go out and sunbath for a while. That always feels good. Hugs to all of you. I am sending healing PS dust and vibes his way. I am delighted to hear he is walking today. That is great to get CADI free for a year. Sweet deal.

Hi LLJsmom.

Our tree is up and decorated. Marty hung our snowflakes on the garage lights and I hinted I’d love it if he put up the lights outside. We’ll see. He feels bad doing things like that when he is supposed to be working.

Have a great evening and tomorrow is Friday.




Feb 27, 2007
How my day started out my day. Silly rabbit.



Jun 17, 2009
Hi Girls! I typed out a post and then my computer froze and I lost it; it's late and I'm kind of wiped out but I wanted to check in quickly with you all -

Missy, I'm so glad you're ok! I'm very relieved it didn't turn out to be anything more serious.

Yes, our tree is artificial; we bought it last year on sale after Christmas, this is the nicest one we've ever owned. It looks better IRL lol. We switched to artificial many years ago because I was tired of the mess real ones make. Every year, try as I might, I ended up with brown yucky water all over the carpet. My mother has a table -top tree and thankfully Zoe leaves it alone.

I should get the marquise ring sometime next week, fingers crossed I like it! It was a bit of a spur of the moment purchase - I had been looking at vintage/antique pieces, and just didn't see much in my price range when the idea of the marquise popped into my head.

Wow, sounds like a big change at work for you - I feel bad for him as well, but unfortunately it sounds like his behavior and the way he treats people has caught up with him. He sounds like a very difficult man to work for so I can see where people would feel relief about it.

Jimmianne, I'm so sorry about the last minute trip stress but it sounds like you've got a handle on it now. I'm so excited for you, although as missy said we'll all miss you so much! But I'm thrilled for you and know you will have a fabulous time. Thanks for sharing the story about your father, I'm starting to think this is just the next phase we're entering into with my mother. The music suggestion is good, I'll give it a try.

LLJsmom, try not to stress about the marathon, just give it your best shot and enjoy the experience, I have faith you will do fine! It is so admirable that you are even doing it. I love that necklace! :love: Oh my gosh, so pretty! I think a sapphire and diamond band will look amazing with your ering.

Marcy, glad to hear your tree is up, the pic you posted is beautiful. Did the rabbits make it onto this year's tree? Love the idea of a peach sapphire, they are gorgeous! I'm excited for you and I hope you find something you love in Denver. I decided to go for the J stone in a rose gold solitaire, I just liked the shape a little better. I think I'll be ok with the color. Hopefully I'm ok with the size haha! Love the pic of your door greeter, so cute! And that rabbit…he's small but so mean!

Kristie, that is such wonderful news about Finn! It made my night! I gave Zoe some extra pets to celebrate! And that is fantastic news about the medication - my gosh, what a savings for you!

I know I've missed a ton of stuff, I will do a better job of keeping up, I promise. Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you all, and so happy missy is ok and Finn is showing improvement!


Oct 24, 2012

Kristie, you're so right. I really want this necklace. Just not in the cards right now.

Thanks for letting me share.



Dec 9, 2013
AZ, Terrific news about Finn!!! :appl: !!!

Marcy, you should have warned us - - - what a disturbing scene of bear abuse, and to attack the one in the back so the others don't see! sneaky, very sneaky.

LLJsmom, a great marathon experience to you. Love that necklace, maybe you will make a happy discover as I did with my WF quatrefoil on LT. We can put that thought out to the universe and see how the Law of Attraction comes through. Funny...writing that made me think of this---> tumblr_mspxzp6pt41qkj4l8o1_500.gif

June, thanks for the kind words. I am so looking forward to seeing your marquise!

Missy, I hope you have fun holiday-decorating in the cookie factory : )
btw, love the cat-in-the-hat.

Hugs to everyone - Elle, where is the hug emoji?!

Thanks for all the good wishes. I will miss all of you too, You make my days brighter in more ways than one : )
See you in two weeks. :dance:
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