
Noisy Neighbors... ughh

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Sep 10, 2007
These two girls moved in next to us last fall. They played their music SUPER loud at all hours of the day or night so DH went over one night and asked them politely to turn it down. Since then, we''ve called the courtesy officer once or twice for their noise getting out of control. The apartment puts out a newsletter every month and the past 2 or 3 months there has been a section reminding neighbors to be considerate as far as using loud voices and listending to TV and music loudly. I feel like NOTHING is getting through to these girls! Since the spring semester has started they have had this one guy over almost every night... I can hear the girls screaming and giggling and the guy''s obnoxious laugh... its 2:17AM right now
. I really want to take our newsletter and circle boldly the part about noise consideration and put it on their clip by their door. We''ve already talked to the girls and complained to the management so I don''t feel like there is much left we can do.
I know this is an apartment and that people are close together and everything... but I rarely heard our neighbors for the first year we lived here. Then all 3 sets of neighbors changed in the fall and its like a freaking frat party now.


Nov 1, 2003
If its music call the cops.


Sep 10, 2007
Right now its just screaming and singing... haven''t heard music in about a week or two.

I even tried moving our sound machine closer to the seperating wall to drown out their noise.... I turned it up allllll the way and it still didn''t work. I can''t sleep and I can''t study... basically I just have to sit here and get angry.


Nov 1, 2003
if it is anything above talking then call the cops and have them come out for a noise complaint.


Sep 10, 2007
I have... but I''m starting to feel bad about it and reluctant to call anymore. I know there are much more important issues they should be tending to. This is an important issue for ME but the cops probably get annoyed.


Oct 4, 2007
Date: 2/5/2009 3:42:04 AM
Author: strmrdr
if it is anything above talking then call the cops and have them come out for a noise complaint.

Ditto call the police they will come and warn them


Sep 10, 2007
At what point does everyone think the noise is ok and at what point do you all think the cops should be called?


Apr 6, 2006
Noise after 9 or 10 pm on a week night that is continuous and annoying.

Don't worry about bothering the police. If they have an emergency or something more important to focus on they won't come. But if they are out and about noise disturbance is part of keeping the peace. Sometimes noise can escalate or be an indication of a problem. If you live in a college town the police are probably going to be more tolerant. You do not have to give your name to the police either. You can make an anonymous complaint.


Nov 1, 2003
Date: 2/5/2009 3:59:50 AM
Author: oobiecoo
At what point does everyone think the noise is ok and at what point do you all think the cops should be called?
When all other options have been tried and it continues.
Most places if its before 9 or 10pm weekdays or midnight on weekends they wont take the complaint.
Like was posted above if they are busy they will log it but not respond.
It will come up the next time someone calls that they have been called before.


Aug 12, 2005
I totally agree with calling the cops when this keeps happening after 10 pm. These girls are not being reasonable, why should you put up with it? When I was in college my roommate and I lived above some guys who were super loud and obnoxious at all hours of the night, it took me maybe 6 phone calls to the cops and they finally got the point. We had a few mysterious pranks played on us in the meantime, but nothing violent and no serious damage was done so it turned out ok. Sometimes you just have to be a harda$$ and not back down.


Sep 10, 2007
I put the newsletter on their door this morning and circled the part about noise consideration. I heard them take it off and laugh. If this hasn''t gotten through to them (which I doubt it has) then I''ll call the police next time. We have a courtesy officer at our apartment... should I call him or the city police?


May 18, 2008
Date: 2/5/2009 10:20:18 AM
Author: oobiecoo
I put the newsletter on their door this morning and circled the part about noise consideration. I heard them take it off and laugh. If this hasn''t gotten through to them (which I doubt it has) then I''ll call the police next time. We have a courtesy officer at our apartment... should I call him or the city police?
City police. If the has been there before and these girls don''t care, then they aren''t going to care if he shows up again.


May 27, 2008
Call the police. Man if I were in your shoes I''d be calling daily until it stops. There''s no excuse for being that rude!


Dec 16, 2007
Okay...I''m clearly going to be in the minority here...but, you live in an apartment and the although it''s annoying, it happens.

If it''s just talking or laughing or whatever...I doubt the cops will give the issue the time of day...can you imagine how that call would go? "Hello officer, I''d like to report a noise neighbor is laughing to loud"....haha. Most police officers will only come out on a noise complaint if it''s party related...even loud music doesn''t all do the trick (DHs best friend is a police officer).

If you''re seriously upset, write a note to the neighbors and leave it on their door. Explain kindly that you''re a student and that your studies are being compromised. Don''t forget that you''ll get more bees'' with honey than with tell them that prehaps after 10pm you''d appreciate a little quiet, but that you aren''t trying to be bossy or rude. If these are infact younger girls, they are simply celebrating their independence and flexing their "first place" muscles...everyone did it when they first moved''s very common.

And remember, you cannot control people. You can give them gentle pushes in the direction you wish they''d go...but in the end...they will laugh and sing and dance if they so choose to. Just because you find his laugh annoying doesn''t mean they do, and when you get "b*****" about things of that nature it takes away the credibility of your argument. Try to find compromise in this...and don''t be unreasonable in your expectations of them too. They also pay good money to live there. It''s often times things like this that push couples into home ownership...having your own space is often a big factor in why people stop renting and start owning. Maybe you and your husband have outgrown living in cramped quaters and should consider moving on?



Sep 23, 2008
Date: 2/5/2009 3:59:50 AM
Author: oobiecoo
At what point does everyone think the noise is ok and at what point do you all think the cops should be called?

If i hear screaming that i cannot actually determine it is in good fun.. and at 2 am, call the cops.

and push back with your complex. i don''t put up with paying way to muc for a small place just to hear my neighbors.


Dec 31, 2008
I heard my neighbor screaming one night. She is a REALLY QUIET, nice cat luvin'' lady. She apparantly had a gentleman caller and was quite vocal.
My DH and I laughed, and said, well one night of passion in 2 years isn''t that bad.

Then we got new neighbors, and they play RockStar everynight. It is loud, shakes the walls. Fortunately it stops at around 9 or 10 sometimes. It really makes us miss the cat lady.


Sep 10, 2007
Date: 2/5/2009 10:58:47 AM
Author: Italiahaircolor
Okay...I'm clearly going to be in the minority here...but, you live in an apartment and the although it's annoying, it happens.

If it's just talking or laughing or whatever...I doubt the cops will give the issue the time of day...can you imagine how that call would go? 'Hello officer, I'd like to report a noise neighbor is laughing to loud'....haha. Most police officers will only come out on a noise complaint if it's party related...even loud music doesn't all do the trick (DHs best friend is a police officer).

If you're seriously upset, write a note to the neighbors and leave it on their door. Explain kindly that you're a student and that your studies are being compromised. Don't forget that you'll get more bees' with honey than with tell them that prehaps after 10pm you'd appreciate a little quiet, but that you aren't trying to be bossy or rude. If these are infact younger girls, they are simply celebrating their independence and flexing their 'first place' muscles...everyone did it when they first moved's very common.

And remember, you cannot control people. You can give them gentle pushes in the direction you wish they'd go...but in the end...they will laugh and sing and dance if they so choose to. Just because you find his laugh annoying doesn't mean they do, and when you get 'b*****' about things of that nature it takes away the credibility of your argument. Try to find compromise in this...and don't be unreasonable in your expectations of them too. They also pay good money to live there. It's often times things like this that push couples into home ownership...having your own space is often a big factor in why people stop renting and start owning. Maybe you and your husband have outgrown living in cramped quaters and should consider moving on?

DH and I would love to buy a home... we just don't want to be stuck in this town for any longer than neccessary though. I don't think peace and quiet is too much to ask in any home/apartment/condo/whatever. This isn't a dorm or sorority house! I understand there will be SOME noise and thats fine... but making it a habit of having guys over till 3am and singing karaoke and standing outside in front of our door practically yelling is not ok. The previous neighbors who lived there were quiet... sometimes I could hear their TV from outside but never from inside our apartment. They even had 2 huge dogs and I never once heard them bark. These apartments aren't the hollow, poorly built ones that go up around here where you can hear a pin drop outside. They are older, solid, and fairly well insulated so we shouldn't be able to hear much noise at all. That tells me these girls are incredibly loud. We tried being nice by asking them nicely to please turn down their music, etc. They clearly have no respect or consideration for others though.

ETA: We chose this apartment because it is known for being quiet and family oriented, not filled with crazy students. We would have moved somewhere else if we knew these new girls would be moving in later.


Apr 26, 2007
I notice you said that you''ve already talked to them - how did that go? Did they shrug it off, promise to do better but backslide ...?

I vote for calling the cops, but I don''t know if it will be effective: I think it will depend on your local police dept. and how they handle it, frankly. But I don''t think you should feel guilty about it. It sounds like a necessity.

Another technique - slightly passive-aggressive but apparently effective - would be to simply fight fire with fire. I have one friend with incredibly noisy neighbors. She invested in a boombox and some classical CDs. Now, apparently, a few minutes of Bach will tip them off that it''s time to knock it off ....


Sep 10, 2007
Date: 2/5/2009 12:10:17 PM
Author: Circe
I notice you said that you''ve already talked to them - how did that go? Did they shrug it off, promise to do better but backslide ...?

I vote for calling the cops, but I don''t know if it will be effective: I think it will depend on your local police dept. and how they handle it, frankly. But I don''t think you should feel guilty about it. It sounds like a necessity.

Another technique - slightly passive-aggressive but apparently effective - would be to simply fight fire with fire. I have one friend with incredibly noisy neighbors. She invested in a boombox and some classical CDs. Now, apparently, a few minutes of Bach will tip them off that it''s time to knock it off ....
They just said they''d be quieter when we talked to them... they were for maybe 2 weeks. My last attempt was to turn my TV up to the loudest volume to give them the hint to turn theirs down... it didn''t work. I could still hear them over my own TV so I''m sure they couldn''t hear the tv either.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 2/5/2009 12:02:52 PM
Author: oobiecoo

Date: 2/5/2009 10:58:47 AM
Author: Italiahaircolor
Okay...I''m clearly going to be in the minority here...but, you live in an apartment and the although it''s annoying, it happens.

If it''s just talking or laughing or whatever...I doubt the cops will give the issue the time of day...can you imagine how that call would go? ''Hello officer, I''d like to report a noise neighbor is laughing to loud''....haha. Most police officers will only come out on a noise complaint if it''s party related...even loud music doesn''t all do the trick (DHs best friend is a police officer).

If you''re seriously upset, write a note to the neighbors and leave it on their door. Explain kindly that you''re a student and that your studies are being compromised. Don''t forget that you''ll get more bees'' with honey than with tell them that prehaps after 10pm you''d appreciate a little quiet, but that you aren''t trying to be bossy or rude. If these are infact younger girls, they are simply celebrating their independence and flexing their ''first place'' muscles...everyone did it when they first moved''s very common.

And remember, you cannot control people. You can give them gentle pushes in the direction you wish they''d go...but in the end...they will laugh and sing and dance if they so choose to. Just because you find his laugh annoying doesn''t mean they do, and when you get ''b*****'' about things of that nature it takes away the credibility of your argument. Try to find compromise in this...and don''t be unreasonable in your expectations of them too. They also pay good money to live there. It''s often times things like this that push couples into home ownership...having your own space is often a big factor in why people stop renting and start owning. Maybe you and your husband have outgrown living in cramped quaters and should consider moving on?

DH and I would love to buy a home... we just don''t want to be stuck in this town for any longer than neccessary though. I don''t think peace and quiet is too much to ask in any home/apartment/condo/whatever. This isn''t a dorm or sorority house! I understand there will be SOME noise and thats fine... but making it a habit of having guys over till 3am and singing karaoke and standing outside in front of our door practically yelling is not ok. The previous neighbors who lived there were quiet... sometimes I could hear their TV from outside but never from inside our apartment. They even had 2 huge dogs and I never once heard them bark. These apartments aren''t the hollow, poorly built ones that go up around here where you can hear a pin drop outside. They are older, solid, and fairly well insulated so we shouldn''t be able to hear much noise at all. That tells me these girls are incredibly loud. We tried being nice by asking them nicely to please turn down their music, etc. They clearly have no respect or consideration for others though.

ETA: We chose this apartment because it is known for being quiet and family oriented, not filled with crazy students. We would have moved somewhere else if we knew these new girls would be moving in later.
Okay, unfortunately, it''s not you''re place to say what''s appropriate and what''s not when it comes to these girls social calanders...clearly, for these girls, having karaoke parties at 3am is part of what they enjoy doing. So, although it''s not your cup of''re not their cruise director, you know?

Just like you feel entitled to having a certain quality of life by living do they. It may not sync up with yours, but that''s life--no one said it was going be fair.

I still think handling it directly is your best bet. If they are "yelling" outside of your the door, and tell them you thought someone was being attacked out here they were yelling so loudly, you thought they probably needed help. If it''s a matter of loud singing, write a note and tape it to the door...or walk over in the middle of their jam session and knock on the door to ask them to please quiet down.

I too have neighbor issues...parking issues to be exact...but that''s just part of living in a world with other people. Not everyone is going to have the same life style as you.

When I bought my first condo (which was apartment style) it was located in a college town, and there was big medical school. My building was pretty hot with medical a lot of people were "sublets"...and always coming or going. Well, the particular summer I moved in, the neighbor next door aburptly moved out. Apparently, the actual owners of the place never came to do a final walk-through, and in good faith just turned off the "power" and left the apartment sealed up. Well, about 2 weeks or so later, I started getting big fat huge black flies in my apartment. Hundreds of them. The same thing was happening to my other neighbors as well. I had a cleaning lady at the time, and my home was spotless, so I was not only grossed out--but totally confused as well. turns out the sublet who fled left all sorts of food in the place...all over the countertops, in the cabinets, and pantry...and when the actual owners sealed up the place without doing a walk through, the food just rotted out...causing maggots, which turned into flies, which ambused our floor. IT WAS AWFUL!!!! So, needless to say, the owners had to do an emergency cleaning...but oh my God, it was horrible. So, Oobie, be thankful you''re just dealing with noise and not a plauge of flies....


Apr 26, 2007
Date: 2/5/2009 12:16:55 PM
Author: oobiecoo
Date: 2/5/2009 12:10:17 PM

Author: Circe

I notice you said that you''ve already talked to them - how did that go? Did they shrug it off, promise to do better but backslide ...?

I vote for calling the cops, but I don''t know if it will be effective: I think it will depend on your local police dept. and how they handle it, frankly. But I don''t think you should feel guilty about it. It sounds like a necessity.

Another technique - slightly passive-aggressive but apparently effective - would be to simply fight fire with fire. I have one friend with incredibly noisy neighbors. She invested in a boombox and some classical CDs. Now, apparently, a few minutes of Bach will tip them off that it''s time to knock it off ....
They just said they''d be quieter when we talked to them... they were for maybe 2 weeks. My last attempt was to turn my TV up to the loudest volume to give them the hint to turn theirs down... it didn''t work. I could still hear them over my own TV so I''m sure they couldn''t hear the tv either.

Huh. Well, okay ... if they were quiet(er) for two weeks, I''m betting they think they''ve been good: you mention that they *did* stop with the really loud music, and took up, er, other habits instead. How flea-sized does your brain have to be to think that karaoke is better than a CD? That, I do not know. But it sounds like they''re sort of willing to work with you (perhaps they didn''t notice the gradual return of the noise?), so ... even though it''s a pain in the ass and you shouldn''t *have* to, I''d go over there again, preferably in the early evening before anybody is tipsy or embarrassed in front of their friends, and tell them that you appreciate the efforts that they''ve made so far, but you can STILL hear them, and could they please consider taking the song and dance on the road? Hopefully they''ll have a little sympathy and act like human beings. If not, wash your hands of it, and put the cops on speed-dial.


Nov 1, 2003
Date: 2/5/2009 12:50:42 PM
Author: Italiahaircolor

Okay, unfortunately, it''s not you''re place to say what''s appropriate and what''s not when it comes to these girls social calanders...clearly, for these girls, having karaoke parties at 3am is part of what they enjoy doing. So, although it''s not your cup of''re not their cruise director, you know?

Just like you feel entitled to having a certain quality of life by living do they. It may not sync up with yours, but that''s life--no one said it was going be fair.
There are rules for civilized society.
Some times some people need a rather large nudge to live within them.
oobiecoo has every right to sleep thru the night and not be interrupted by inappropriate behavior.

Personally I handle it myself it took 4 times pounding on the door of my neighbors apartment and telling them to turn it down before they got the message.
They now only play loud music in the basement where the only room I can hear it in is the kitchen or in my basement.
That is acceptable and I don''t bug them about it.
My right to quiet trumps theirs to be loud both by law and by common decency.


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 2/5/2009 12:50:42 PM
Author: Italiahaircolor

Date: 2/5/2009 12:02:52 PM

Author: oobiecoo

Date: 2/5/2009 10:58:47 AM

Author: Italiahaircolor

Okay...I''m clearly going to be in the minority here...but, you live in an apartment and the although it''s annoying, it happens.

If it''s just talking or laughing or whatever...I doubt the cops will give the issue the time of day...can you imagine how that call would go? ''Hello officer, I''d like to report a noise neighbor is laughing to loud''....haha. Most police officers will only come out on a noise complaint if it''s party related...even loud music doesn''t all do the trick (DHs best friend is a police officer).

If you''re seriously upset, write a note to the neighbors and leave it on their door. Explain kindly that you''re a student and that your studies are being compromised. Don''t forget that you''ll get more bees'' with honey than with tell them that prehaps after 10pm you''d appreciate a little quiet, but that you aren''t trying to be bossy or rude. If these are infact younger girls, they are simply celebrating their independence and flexing their ''first place'' muscles...everyone did it when they first moved''s very common.

And remember, you cannot control people. You can give them gentle pushes in the direction you wish they''d go...but in the end...they will laugh and sing and dance if they so choose to. Just because you find his laugh annoying doesn''t mean they do, and when you get ''b*****'' about things of that nature it takes away the credibility of your argument. Try to find compromise in this...and don''t be unreasonable in your expectations of them too. They also pay good money to live there. It''s often times things like this that push couples into home ownership...having your own space is often a big factor in why people stop renting and start owning. Maybe you and your husband have outgrown living in cramped quaters and should consider moving on?

DH and I would love to buy a home... we just don''t want to be stuck in this town for any longer than neccessary though. I don''t think peace and quiet is too much to ask in any home/apartment/condo/whatever. This isn''t a dorm or sorority house! I understand there will be SOME noise and thats fine... but making it a habit of having guys over till 3am and singing karaoke and standing outside in front of our door practically yelling is not ok. The previous neighbors who lived there were quiet... sometimes I could hear their TV from outside but never from inside our apartment. They even had 2 huge dogs and I never once heard them bark. These apartments aren''t the hollow, poorly built ones that go up around here where you can hear a pin drop outside. They are older, solid, and fairly well insulated so we shouldn''t be able to hear much noise at all. That tells me these girls are incredibly loud. We tried being nice by asking them nicely to please turn down their music, etc. They clearly have no respect or consideration for others though.

ETA: We chose this apartment because it is known for being quiet and family oriented, not filled with crazy students. We would have moved somewhere else if we knew these new girls would be moving in later.

Okay, unfortunately, it''s not you''re place to say what''s appropriate and what''s not when it comes to these girls social calanders...clearly, for these girls, having karaoke parties at 3am is part of what they enjoy doing. So, although it''s not your cup of''re not their cruise director, you know?

Just like you feel entitled to having a certain quality of life by living do they. It may not sync up with yours, but that''s life--no one said it was going be fair.

I still think handling it directly is your best bet. If they are ''yelling'' outside of your the door, and tell them you thought someone was being attacked out here they were yelling so loudly, you thought they probably needed help. If it''s a matter of loud singing, write a note and tape it to the door...or walk over in the middle of their jam session and knock on the door to ask them to please quiet down.

I too have neighbor issues...parking issues to be exact...but that''s just part of living in a world with other people. Not everyone is going to have the same life style as you.

When I bought my first condo (which was apartment style) it was located in a college town, and there was big medical school. My building was pretty hot with medical a lot of people were ''sublets''...and always coming or going. Well, the particular summer I moved in, the neighbor next door aburptly moved out. Apparently, the actual owners of the place never came to do a final walk-through, and in good faith just turned off the ''power'' and left the apartment sealed up. Well, about 2 weeks or so later, I started getting big fat huge black flies in my apartment. Hundreds of them. The same thing was happening to my other neighbors as well. I had a cleaning lady at the time, and my home was spotless, so I was not only grossed out--but totally confused as well. turns out the sublet who fled left all sorts of food in the place...all over the countertops, in the cabinets, and pantry...and when the actual owners sealed up the place without doing a walk through, the food just rotted out...causing maggots, which turned into flies, which ambused our floor. IT WAS AWFUL!!!! So, needless to say, the owners had to do an emergency cleaning...but oh my God, it was horrible. So, Oobie, be thankful you''re just dealing with noise and not a plauge of flies....

Italia I have to disagree with you here. These girls may have a right to do what they want in their apartment but now they are infringing on Oobie''s rights to enjoy HER apartment, which isn''t ok. So how is their right to make crazy noise in the middle of the night more important than Oobies? And what about other neighbors that are being disturbed too? I don''t think it''s something you just have to deal with when this is clearly more than just laughter or the tv being a touch too loud.

Oobie you might want to check your lease and see if there is a noise clause in there, and I DO think it''s important to get it documented by the police if they don''t knock it off when you speak to them nicely about it. The reason is that when there is police documentation you have more of a case in the event that you decide you want to break your lease, etc. ESPECIALLY if the leases have a no noise clause OR your state/city has a "quiet enjoyment of your residence" clause (this would be in tenant-landlord law and basically gives everyone the right to quiet enjoyment of their premises or something to that effect-many states have laws like this.)

And don''t feel bad about calling the police. It will be lowest on their priority list so if they have more important things to do, they will. If they don''t, they''ll respond.


Sep 10, 2007
Date: 2/5/2009 1:12:24 PM
Author: strmrdr

Date: 2/5/2009 12:50:42 PM
Author: Italiahaircolor

Okay, unfortunately, it''s not you''re place to say what''s appropriate and what''s not when it comes to these girls social calanders...clearly, for these girls, having karaoke parties at 3am is part of what they enjoy doing. So, although it''s not your cup of''re not their cruise director, you know?

Just like you feel entitled to having a certain quality of life by living do they. It may not sync up with yours, but that''s life--no one said it was going be fair.
There are rules for civilized society.
Some times some people need a rather large nudge to live within them.
oobiecoo has every right to sleep thru the night and not be interrupted by inappropriate behavior.

Personally I handle it myself it took 4 times pounding on the door of my neighbors apartment and telling them to turn it down before they got the message.
They now only play loud music in the basement where the only room I can hear it in is the kitchen or in my basement.
That is acceptable and I don''t bug them about it.
My right to quiet trumps theirs to be loud both by law and by common decency.


Apr 25, 2007
DH and I would love to buy a home... we just don't want to be stuck in this town for any longer than neccessary though. I don't think peace and quiet is too much to ask in any home/apartment/condo/whatever. This isn't a dorm or sorority house! I understand there will be SOME noise and thats fine... but making it a habit of having guys over till 3am and singing karaoke and standing outside in front of our door practically yelling is not ok. The previous neighbors who lived there were quiet... sometimes I could hear their TV from outside but never from inside our apartment. They even had 2 huge dogs and I never once heard them bark. These apartments aren't the hollow, poorly built ones that go up around here where you can hear a pin drop outside. They are older, solid, and fairly well insulated so we shouldn't be able to hear much noise at all. That tells me these girls are incredibly loud. We tried being nice by asking them nicely to please turn down their music, etc. They clearly have no respect or consideration for others though.

ETA: We chose this apartment because it is known for being quiet and family oriented, not filled with crazy students. We would have moved somewhere else if we knew these new girls would be moving in later.

Have you considered splitting the difference and looking into renting a house? It would likely cost less than new ownership, would eliminate the shared-wall phenomenon you're dealing with, AND give you the flexibility to not be "stuck in this town for any longer than necessary", you know?

I hope you work out a good solution soon; bad neighbors can make even the calmest person insane. I feel for you.


Jul 27, 2007
Oobie, I''m so sorry you have noisy neighbors...they are the WORST!

This recently happend to us. We lived in a 2-family house and when we moved in our neighbors were great. Then last fall they moved out and a family moved in that was SOOO loud I just couldn''t take it anymore. Playing Guitar Hero until 3 a.m., running up and down the stairs all night, yelling...I know you understand. Other neighbors called the cops, we talked with the landlords (who had endless talks with them and was trying to throw them out). In any case, we realized that they weren''t going to change and that if we wanted some peace and quiet, we needed to be the ones to move. It really stunk because we''d planned to live there until we bought a house, but last month we did make the move--back to a single family house--and we are so much happier...and more well-rested.

What I took away from the situation is that as much as it stinks, usually if you want some peace you have to make the move...or just REALLY hope they decide to move!


May 18, 2008
I don''t think you should move anywhere just because you have noisy neighbors. You have the right to enjoy a good night''s rest just as much as they have the right to talk and laugh in their own apartment. But just like you have put up with them and their lifestyle, they should meet you halfway.

Are you the only one that complains about the noise? Can you perhaps get a petition from the surrounding neighbors and take it up with the landlord?


Apr 26, 2007
Oh, and one additional suggestion that I wish I''d mentioned to start with - ear plugs! Until your neighbors get the message, there''s no reason that you shouldn''t get your rest. I recommend the ones that they carry in gun shops for use on shooting ranges. V. effective.


Sep 10, 2007
Date: 2/5/2009 1:22:34 PM
Author: fieryred33143
I don''t think you should move anywhere just because you have noisy neighbors. You have the right to enjoy a good night''s rest just as much as they have the right to talk and laugh in their own apartment. But just like you have put up with them and their lifestyle, they should meet you halfway.

Are you the only one that complains about the noise? Can you perhaps get a petition from the surrounding neighbors and take it up with the landlord?

I think we are the only ones really bothered so far. The people above them are new and also fairly noisy. Luckily the only time I hear them is if they drunkenly stomp up and down the stairs around midnight. The girl above us... well I think she lives alone and she JUST moved in and is quiet. I don''t know if she can hear our neighbors though. I think I might write a letter to our apartment manager. She is a sweet old lady and wants this to be a quiet community. I''ll let her know that we love the complex but will need to move out if the late night/early morning noise persists. Maybe that will work?

Fleur-de-lis: We thought about moving to a rental home last year but we wanted to plan ahead like 4-6 weeks so we didn''t end up without a place to live after not-renewing our apartment lease. Everyone we talked to told us we couldn''t try to find a rental home until about 2 weeks before we wanted to move into it. There''s no way I''m waiting until the last minute like that! Rental houses aren''t exactly in abundance here and I''d hate to be stuck without a home at all or with a really expensive one because it was the only one we could find. I guess I could try to find one when our lease is up this summer but at that point we''d only be in the house for a year before we move out of this town. I''m kind of crossing my fingers that the Noisy Nancys next door move out soon.


Sep 10, 2007
Date: 2/5/2009 1:16:15 PM
Author: fleur-de-lis

DH and I would love to buy a home... we just don''t want to be stuck in this town for any longer than neccessary though. I don''t think peace and quiet is too much to ask in any home/apartment/condo/whatever. This isn''t a dorm or sorority house! I understand there will be SOME noise and thats fine... but making it a habit of having guys over till 3am and singing karaoke and standing outside in front of our door practically yelling is not ok. The previous neighbors who lived there were quiet... sometimes I could hear their TV from outside but never from inside our apartment. They even had 2 huge dogs and I never once heard them bark. These apartments aren''t the hollow, poorly built ones that go up around here where you can hear a pin drop outside. They are older, solid, and fairly well insulated so we shouldn''t be able to hear much noise at all. That tells me these girls are incredibly loud. We tried being nice by asking them nicely to please turn down their music, etc. They clearly have no respect or consideration for others though.

ETA: We chose this apartment because it is known for being quiet and family oriented, not filled with crazy students. We would have moved somewhere else if we knew these new girls would be moving in later.

Have you considered splitting the difference and looking into renting a house? It would likely cost less than new ownership, would eliminate the shared-wall phenomenon you''re dealing with, AND give you the flexibility to not be ''stuck in this town for any longer than necessary'', you know?

I hope you work out a good solution soon; bad neighbors can make even the calmest person insane. I feel for you.

Also, the rental homes here cost much MORE actually than purchasing a home. Is it like that most places?
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