
Nicknames (not screen names)

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Aug 8, 2005
What are some of your 'unique' nicknames (names others refer to you by).

1. Lizzy (short for Lizard, LONG story).
2. P'Lizzy (short for Pooh Lizard, also a LONG story)
3. Laylee (instead of Layla).

And if you want to share your stories about your names... go for it (mine would be way too long, seriously).
1. Jam
2. Jammer
I have the most ridiculous nickname ever, and it''s my screen name. Except depending on how happy he is, my DH will add more words onto the end. Last week in an email it was "Monkeypiemunchkinfacebutt.''I have no idea!

If he''s sleepy, or lazy, it''s just Monkey, or Munchkin.
Lol, MonkeyPie, he sounds like my FI! I get called Cutie, Cutie Bear, Cutie Pie Bear
, Buddy, and Monkey Butt. I started calling him Gorilla Face and he didn''t like it very much

I''ve also been called Red (red hair), but that''s pretty much it. People do seem to like to use my last name though.
1. Gecko. (I''m always cold and DH was looking for a cute cold blooded critter to call me....)
2. FizGig. Look up an old movie called the Dark Crystal for an explanation. This was my Dad''s nickname for me.
3. Dani (short for Danielle).
lil T....
and T.

and I think that is just due to being lazy.
Muffin- I used to have a blueberry muffin every morning for YEARS when I was really young.

Then, people tend to get realllllly creative with my first name, Meg.

Leggo my Meggo, Meggers, Megret, Megadeath, Megatron, Megalasaurus, MegLeg, Megeroni and Cheese (wish I was kidding).. I''m sure I''m forgetting more.
hehe I like leggo my meggo
I have two nicknames:


I have a friend who is called moose!
1. Mommy
2. Steph
3. Dee---maiden name began with a D and my friend started calling me that in college
4. Marcia--nickname by a guy in high school (a dear friend) because he said I looked like Marcia Brady when she was on the show
5. Babe--I don't even know if my hubby still knows my first name, this is the only thing he ever calls me!
Date: 3/11/2009 5:25:58 PM
Author: dragonfly411
I have a friend who is called moose!

Really? A female friend? I thought I was the only one!
Date: 3/11/2009 5:33:55 PM
Author: Haven
Date: 3/11/2009 5:25:58 PM

Author: dragonfly411

I have a friend who is called moose!

Really? A female friend? I thought I was the only one!

I gotta know - where did your nicknames come from?
Yes a female, her real name is Camalyne
When my dad and aunt were in school, they had this really awful principal whose first name was D'Ward (I think...I may be getting this mixed up with another story, which is why my dad calls his sister Clyde...but anyway...). Somewhere along the line, my dad and aunt started calling babies "Dwardlings," and thus, my cousins and I were affectionately known as "Dward" by our parents.

In college, I was in the marching band, and one of the "rites of passage" (cough, pseudo hazing rituals) was for bandos to get nicknames. Mine was actually kinda cute (a variation on my maiden name) and I was still surprised when, my senior year, I'd have some freshman coming up to me from a different section of the band calling me by the nickname. I'd think "Really? That STUCK?" I'd never really had a nickname before.

And DH and I have strange nicknames for each other... whenever one of us uses a really strange turn of phrase, it will usually turn into a proper noun instead - like a few years ago when we were in Mexico, my DH asked if I was changing into my "swimsuit bottomtops" - and so every now and then, I'll hear something like "Hey Swimsuit Bottomtops, what do you want for dinner?"
Most of mine have my first name in there (which is very short and sorta sounds like a nickname in itself) so I won't share those
but... musey is a nickname, an old one that no one really calls me anymore, but one I liked the sound of.

My dad calls me squirt. I think he adopted it from a comic strip, though I forget which one (any ideas? maybe For Better or for Worse...). Or maybe I really liked the soda as a kid? No clue.

The other girls on my high school dance team called me Princess. I was blissfully unaware until later on that it was intended as a dig at my family's economic status and my ethnicity (I was the only caucasian girl on the squad). So I unintentionally did what they tell teens to do when people make fun of them: ignore and/or turn it around into something good.
Swimsuit bottomtops! I love it!

Camalyne''s a really cool name. I love it.
My entire family has always called me Maleficent. FI cut it down to "Malle"

In case you weren''t a Disney princess growing up, this is who they are talking about:

I have a new one everyday. Most of the time it has some "pookie", "-poo" or "-bear" variation.

But FrekeChild was a long time nickname...
Date: 3/11/2009 6:08:52 PM
Author: fieryred33143
My entire family has always called me Maleficent. FI cut it down to ''Malle''

In case you weren''t a Disney princess growing up, this is who they are talking about:
You sound skeery!!!!

lol love this thread!

FF and I only go by nicknames and never first names when talking to one another. If we used first names when talking to one another, it only seems weird.

Nay (short for my name)

and before anyone jumps to any conclusions...the following are NOT belittling and said in the most sweetest, endearing way...(all names FF calls me because I''m petite 5''4" and thin/tiny bones. He''s 6''2" and I LOVE when he calls me these things, it''s so darn cute!)
Little person
Tiny person
Little one
Little body
or just plain ''Little''...."Hey there Little"

You''d have to hear him say it to see how adorable it is...
Binky - pretty much all my family
Jenbag - my girls
Jellybean/energizer bunny - my high school friends
Bunny - college friends

I can explain bunny - I was the white rabbit in a musical version of Alice in Wonderland. The rest I don''t know how I got them or why they stuck. Nicknames seem to gravitate to me! Nobody ever wants to just say Jen!
I''ve never had a nickname! Maaaaaaybe you could consider my PS username. My first name has only one syllable and my last name doesn''t lend for abbreviations or cute variations.
I''ve always sorta wanted a nickname too.

Date: 3/11/2009 5:29:07 PM
Author: steph72276
1. Mommy
2. Steph
3. Dee---maiden name began with a D and my friend started calling me that in college
4. Marcia--nickname by a guy in high school (a dear friend) because he said I looked like Marcia Brady when she was on the show
5. Babe--I don''t even know if my hubby still knows my first name, this is the only thing he ever calls me!
This just made me giggle for some reason. That is really cute.
Date: 3/11/2009 7:58:24 PM
Author: Clairitek
I''ve never had a nickname! Maaaaaaybe you could consider my PS username. My first name has only one syllable and my last name doesn''t lend for abbreviations or cute variations.
I''ve always sorta wanted a nickname too.

Date: 3/11/2009 5:29:07 PM
Author: steph72276
1. Mommy
2. Steph
3. Dee---maiden name began with a D and my friend started calling me that in college
4. Marcia--nickname by a guy in high school (a dear friend) because he said I looked like Marcia Brady when she was on the show
5. Babe--I don''t even know if my hubby still knows my first name, this is the only thing he ever calls me!
This just made me giggle for some reason. That is really cute.
Well, I can believe that. My husband went one better. Very early on in our relationship it became obvious that he couldn''t remember my name!! In order to cover his tracks he unilaterally decided that he didn''t like my name (not a million miles away from my screen name) and he was going to call me by my 1st name which hadn''t been used for years and years. So at 29 years old I''m running around with two active first names.

Then, having created chaos, never ever called me by that name, referred to me by the name, but never once adressed me as it.

Talk about give a girl a complex!
DH calls me "boo" or "little boo", "tiny boo", etc

The most ridiculous one I share with him though - sometimes we call each other "dolt". Long story. People look at us really strange when they hear us. lol
I'm laughing because I thought my hubby was the only one who didn't know his wife's name! It sounds extraordinarily bizarre when he calls me "Melissa." I know it's something about finances!!!!

I was named Melissa in the early 1960's, way before it was a common name. I was never called Missy, except for 2nd grade when I decided that's what I wanted my name to be. Well.... it didn't stick. I do have a few old (literally) high school friends who call me Missy.

My dad calls me Lucy. As a kid I was constantly taking my shoes off and losing them (in the car, at other people's houses, one time in the grocery store) and he used to sing me a little ditty that went: Put your shoes on Lucy, don't you know we're in the city. He also agreed that I reminded him of Lucy from Peanuts!

When I married, DH's friends started calling me Mel. At first I was horrified! I have a very obnoxious uncle whose name is Mel. Not a good association, but I've gotten used to it.

In college, I was called Malicious..... sometimes Delicious Malicious.

And once I jumped into the black hole of message boards, I became melly. In certain domains known as mellydramatic!

On jewelry boards, you can just call me uppy!!!
FI uses:
Babe (the usual)
Muñi, short for muñeca, which means ''baby doll''

Friends & Fam:
Suzy (my middle name is Susanna)
Bee (friends usually)
Perico (My parents calls me this b/c when I was little they said I ''picked'' at my food like a little bird)
1. Annie (some of my cousins call me this short for Annette)

2. Babe or Baby (my dh calls me this) and when he calls me's just so weird coming from him

3. Chubby (the NN that my family gave me as a baby..and only my very old relatives still call me this and live another day
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