
Newborn Reflux


Mar 29, 2008
Hi Everyone!! LTNS! I still lurk from time to time...but have not had any time. ::::super sad face::::

I have a new granddaughter!! V has a little baby sister...born naturally and gently underwater last month. Unbelievable experience.

However, Baby I has newborn reflux. So sad. That girl projectile vomited all over me on day 6 (and my favorite skirt). I knew she was experiencing it hours after she was born and fed on colostrum. The docs have ruled out pyloric stenosis as she was packing on the weight...too much actually...even with her persistent projectile vomiting. They told Mom she has to feed small amounts and more often. Baby I sleeps better on her stomach. Other than this, I don't know what else to do to help out. The kid takes forever to burp. She probably dreads it. Boo.... She isn't projectile vomiting anymore, but is clearly experiencing reflux. I don't want it to burn her throat.

Has anyone had any experience with this in their newborn? Any tips or remedies conventional or otherwise?

p.s. Some p.s. ideas on new push present are also appreciated... :::::smiling:::::


Feb 20, 2008
Hi miraclesrule!!! Congrats on the new granddaughter!!! That's great news!

My little Anderson had reflux starting at 6 weeks until about 4 months. His had silent reflux meaning he didn't spit up. I knew he had it because he'd gasp for air and stop breathing for a few seconds. He was choking on the acid that had come up and panicking bc he didn't know if he should swallow it or spit it up. Very scary stuff. Luckily, this is quite common for babies.

We had to keep him upright 20-30 minutes after every bottle. Even the middle of the night ones. We also had him on Zantac, and we had to give it to him 30 minutes before each feeding. So that was a pain as well in the middle of the night. We kept him sleeping on an incline. Finally, we added a little rice cereal to his bottles to thicken them up. We did this before putting him on Zantac, and it helped a little, but we still needed the medicine.

I hope she feels better soon. I could only think of how much he must have been hurting all of those months, but before I knew it, he had grown out of it.

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
my daughter had projectile vomiting for quite some time after she was born. seemed to manifest itself most when i tried to rush a feeding or was hurrying after a feeding to get somewhere. therefore, i found slowing way down and reducing my stress helped her a lot with this.


Mar 29, 2008
I am so confused. I just wrote a response to both of you and it saved as a "draft"...and I don't know how to make the draft appear.



Nov 24, 2006
Hi Here are some tips here for colic and reflux.

keep the baby upright after feeding for about 20 mins.
we have Miles on Zantac
My son has reflux and arches so we bought him this for sleeping which HELPS.

I am sorry. Having my babies in the NICU I found out LOTS of Babies have reflux since their digestive systems aren't fully developed according to the GI specialist. Congrats on the new baby!!! Hope she grows out of it soon. The NICU use to thicken the food with cereal to help it stay down for the bad reflux.

eta: My doctor says sometimes it is hard to distinguish between colic and reflux. That if the meds help it is usually reflux. I also learned at about 4 months they grow out of colic. I am Glad she isn't projectile vomiting anymore though. I understand the feeling of hating to see them hurting. :((


Mar 29, 2008
Poor Babies :(

It is so hard to watch them isn't it? I am so pissed off right now about something else that I need to rant in a thread out I feel like I will cry all night. Ugh!! I think I will do a "Therapy Thread"


Apr 28, 2008
It's so tough for a little baby to have reflux. Unfortunately, I've read that it's pretty common. My son had it when he was first born, and he still has it today to a lesser degree, but it's much better. We had him on Zantac.

Congrats on the new granddaughter!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
It's really common. DD went on medication but since it didn't seem to really bother her we opted to stop. She did sleep on an incline for her first few months which seemed to help. I know it is scary to see but if she is not in pain and is gaining weight then you just have to wait for her to grow out of it.


Dec 16, 2007
Our second son had a lot of gastro upset and discomfort, and sounds a lot like your second grandchild. We basically soothed him, let him sleep on his tummy, and coslept to nurse frequently at night, all things that made him feel better. Very frequent nursing helped too -- I nurse on demand which in the first six weeks was maybe every couple hours. And by six weeks he outgrew it. I am not typically a fan of medication, and certainly not for an infant, so this approach worked for us. Good luck!


Jan 18, 2005
DS had reflux and I cut all dairy out of my diet. After every feeding I made sure to get a really good burp and then laid DS down but propepd up, like in his bouncy seat. We did have to give him prilosec but just for a short while. I would exhaust all other remedies before I try the medication route first!


Mar 29, 2008
Thanks daughter is doing a combo of everything you mentioned. She has cut diary out of her diet, co-sleeping to nurse more frequently, and making sure she gets those burps out. I just wish Ivy would spit up right after burping as most babies know, the fresh milk kind. Ivy seems to hold back on the spit up and then when she does,it's thick and nasty. Her little face gets the sour look like she's saying....Ga-ROSS!


Nov 24, 2006
miraclesrule|1315415959|3011728 said:
Thanks daughter is doing a combo of everything you mentioned. She has cut diary out of her diet, co-sleeping to nurse more frequently, and making sure she gets those burps out. I just wish Ivy would spit up right after burping as most babies know, the fresh milk kind. Ivy seems to hold back on the spit up and then when she does,it's thick and nasty. Her little face gets the sour look like she's saying....Ga-ROSS!

my babies do that too! your poor daughter and Ivy. no fun.


Dec 16, 2007
Skippy123|1315420470|3011837 said:
miraclesrule|1315415959|3011728 said:
Thanks daughter is doing a combo of everything you mentioned. She has cut diary out of her diet, co-sleeping to nurse more frequently, and making sure she gets those burps out. I just wish Ivy would spit up right after burping as most babies know, the fresh milk kind. Ivy seems to hold back on the spit up and then when she does,it's thick and nasty. Her little face gets the sour look like she's saying....Ga-ROSS!

my babies do that too! your poor daughter and Ivy. no fun.

Yes, Ryder was like this. He is better at burping now at 10 weeks.

FWIW there is not research to support cutting dairy from her diet as a means of lessening digestions troubles. I only mention it because it is a big tough thing to do and likely does not make a real difference to baby! I would hate to see her making her life harder, especially since a lot of the troubles kids have may just be a normal part of infant development and development of the digestive tract (other disagree, just my opinion).


Mar 29, 2008
Skippy: Boo... ;-( I just hate that little look on there face because I know it must be so unpleasant for them. The odds are in favor of them outgrowing it.

Dreamer: It's good to know that Ryder is getting better at burping as he gets older. I hope the same holds true for Ivy. I also tend to agree with you on the diary issue. Although I am not a huge consumer of diary in general, I think it's a bit extreme to eliminate any an all diary in hopes that it will help with the issue. I don't see a correlation at all. I witnessed my granddaughter showing signs of reflux within hours of her birth and she only had colostrum. I think if eliminating diary had therapeutic value to cure or relieve from the effects of reflux, it would be positively documented and immediately recommended. It doesn't seem to make a difference at all, but ....the power of suggestion. ::::sigh:::::

If anything, the elimination of cheese will prevent me from having to pray to the poop gods for my daughter. Post partum constipation is such a bummer that even if it doesn't help baby, but helps Momma....I am a huge supporter. :D

p.s. I am so glad my daughter doesn't know I write this stuff about her. ::::chuckle:::::


May 9, 2006
I am not on PS much anymore but lurk some here and there. I had to log in and post because both my babies had reflux (my first was severe...she was under the care of a pedi who specialized in breastfeeding, her regular pedi and a pedi GI and we didn't find full relief until around 7 months! :( ) Both were intolerant to both dairy and corn so cutting those foods out of my diet made a HUGE difference (we didn't figure out the corn part until my first was around 6 months...hence why she didn't start really turning the corner until after that). There is a lot of research and info out there about food sensitivities/intolerance and how they are often times related to reflux. I found this helpful: Both my kiddos grew out of their intolerances by 15 months and are now able to eat both diary products and corn. Congrats on the new grand baby and hope the reflux gets better ASAP!
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