
COLIC, what helped your babies??


Nov 24, 2006
Okay, one of my babies is extremely colicky and I feel soooo bad for him as I hear his tummy rumble, lots of spit ups and he has gas. ;( He cries during feeds and cries a lot a night and in the weee hours of the morning. My other twin is pretty easy going so that helps. Any suggestions? I have used gripe water, mylicon, swaddling, (I ordered a swing for newborns from Fisher Price), I have the FP upright sleeper (which helps w/spit ups, less of them but still spits up), we tried zantac (doesn't seem to help), lots of burps, and patting his back while he lies on us. I heard from a friend belly massage helps, any other suggestions? thanks so much :wavey:

ps I know it will pass but I wish I could help him feel better as he seems uncomfortable. poor little guy.
Skippy, have you tried having his sleep on your chest? I know it is not recommended, but I found that if I stripped Ryder to his diaper, and I laid back in a recliner or else in bed, and then nestled him on my chest, legs pulled up, head turned totally to the side so his nose was clear at about breast level, and then put a finger or a binky in his mouth, when fussy this would often calm him down and he would sleep! Once he was OUT for a good 20-30 minutes, I can transfer him often to his own bed.

Anyways, looks forward to suggestions. Ryder also is gassy and uncomfortable, usually at 1-5am :rolleyes: and suggestions are welcome too. It is not every night, thank goodness, but at least half of them.
Oh Skippy, you poor thing! Oliver was also colicky and it didn't let up until around 6 weeks adjusted and he wasn't quite "happy" until around 10 weeks adjusted. You're around 4 weeks, right? Hopefully in a few weeks it will start getting better on its own. Nothing worked for us either. We tried most of the same things you did plus a few other reflux meds... and nada! He just had to grow out of it :(sad In the meantime, like Dreamer said, he did a lot of sleeping on us!!
Kunzite|1311559947|2976079 said:
Oh Skippy, you poor thing! Oliver was also colicky and it didn't let up until around 6 weeks adjusted and he wasn't quite "happy" until around 10 weeks adjusted. You're around 4 weeks, right? Hopefully in a few weeks it will start getting better on its own. Nothing worked for us either. We tried most of the same things you did plus a few other reflux meds... and nada! He just had to grow out of it :(sad In the meantime, like Dreamer said, he did a lot of sleeping on us!!

Did he settle when he slept on you? I find this really interesting, don't you? The physical touch seems more important for some babies than others.
DD's colic lasted until she was almost 3 months. In the mean time we drove her around the neighborhood (she'd fall asleep in the car seat), bounced her around in different positions, let her sleep in her swing, and spent many sleepless nights with a crying baby. She'd start up around 9 pm, like clock work.

I hope your little one finds some peace and a comfortable sleeping position. It seemed sleeping on her belly was the most comfortable for my DD. She's 24 now so I don't know what is and isn't the "approved" sleeping position. Good luck.
have you tried prevacid? That made a difference for my son, after zantac didn't help at all.

Other things that helped were sleeping upright, and time. Sorry, it just sucks. But it doesn't last forever.
Skippy - is he on any special preemie formula? Sometimes the high-cal stuff (Neosure or Enfacare) can be rough on the tummy. Grace is also colicky and spits up a ton so we use the added rice formula which helps a lot. She still spits up but not nearly as much as she did before. Hope the little guy feels better soon!
We used Similac Sensitive for formula (along with BM), gripe water, Mylicon, upright napping/sleeping (got the crib wedge too), and extremely slow flow nipples to help him not take in as much food at once. Sorry, I know it's rough, he will grow out of it but it's tough in the meantime.
I am SO sorry. My DS is 5.5 months, had colic and has "the reflux from hell" as his GI specialist said. Unfortunately, some nights there simply isn't anything you can do until the baby is tired enough to sleep. Usually, though, colic resolves by 3 months after a child's due date. It is EXHAUSTING and stressful. Nothing sets post partum depression in motion like a colicky kid.

First and foremost the book "Happiest Baby on the Block" was helpful. The 5 Ss helped us develop an approach to bad nights. We also would trade off who was soothing and who was getting a break in another part of the house.

Our son slept in a reflux seat (I think it's called a tummy trouble seat and it's made by Summer.) for the first few months of life. The seat is at a 30 degree angle, the optimum angle to minimize spitting. It does not have head support, though, so we added a crescent support designed for car seats. It vibrates for 20 minutes and then turns off. I felt safer with him sleeping in this than a regular vibrating seat because it's lower to the ground and straps him in at hips and chest. We needed this because our guy couldn't control his aspirate and would choke while spitting in his sleep.

We used Dr. Brown bottles with preemie nipples from day one because I always recommend them to patients. When nursing I found a shield helped slow my letdown so he could handle the flow better.

We found Colic Calm helpful, but have the baby wear an old bib while giving it!

It's important to remember that reflux meds for babies (zantac, pepcid et al) are NOT designed to reduce spit up. All they do is reduce discomfort from acid while spitting. The spitting won't improve until the sphincter atop the stomach matures and strengthens. Reflux often peaks between 4 and 6 months and then resolves.

I have political issues with Good Start, but I have to say they really do make a good formula. It's the only one (after Alimentum, Nutramigen, Neocate and two hospitalizations!) that my DS can tolerate. Their protein source is whey whereas Similac uses casein and enfamil uses a combo. Breast milk is higher in whey. Whey is better digested and tolerated. It is casein that causes the curdled appearance in baby spit up. Similac has a whey formula in clinical trials to compete with good start. FYI all enfamil AR and similac sensitive RS for spitting and enfamil restfull are, are formula with added cereal.

Good luck!
Wow, Munchkin, this was amazing information!
Dreamer_D|1311570557|2976158 said:
Kunzite|1311559947|2976079 said:
Oh Skippy, you poor thing! Oliver was also colicky and it didn't let up until around 6 weeks adjusted and he wasn't quite "happy" until around 10 weeks adjusted. You're around 4 weeks, right? Hopefully in a few weeks it will start getting better on its own. Nothing worked for us either. We tried most of the same things you did plus a few other reflux meds... and nada! He just had to grow out of it :(sad In the meantime, like Dreamer said, he did a lot of sleeping on us!!

Did he settle when he slept on you? I find this really interesting, don't you? The physical touch seems more important for some babies than others.

I'm sure the other preemie mamas in this thread can attest to the power of kangaroo care too! Our NICU was very big on it as it's said to make babies less prone to apnea and bradycardia, not to mention the soothing/bonding for both mama and baby. That's obviously on the extreme end of what you mean by physical touch, but it certainly works! Too bad he won't sit still long enough for any kangaroo time these days :cheeky:

Skippy, I also meant to suggest trying a different formula. That was one of the things our pedi was going to have us try after all else failed, but we just waited it out because I didn't want to switch off BM.
we also added a bit of rice cereal into his bottles after a bit to thicken it up and help it stay down, this definitely seemed to help.
Mara|1311694590|2977071 said:
we also added a bit of rice cereal into his bottles after a bit to thicken it up and help it stay down, this definitely seemed to help.

My friend used the rice cereal and she said this seemed to help more than the meds. Her DS's voice was raspy from crying so much. ;(
MARA, thanks so much for popping in!!! I love that you, a HLT friend for many years lets me know, that this too shall pass. Knowing ladies I have been friends with for awhile who have gone through the same is comforting!!! thanks woman!

KUNZITE, aww, poor little O!!! You and I have lots in common!!! thank you so much!!!

SWINGGIRL, I hear 3 months is the norm! I have 2 more to go. hehe thanks!

nfowife , I might ask for previcid if the zantac still doesnt work in a few weeks!

DIVA, thanks so much!!!

DREAMER, thanks!!!

SS, I tried the Dr. Browns but I might try them again! We have soooo many different bottles! thanks for all your tips!

THANK YOU SO MUCH everyone!!!

MUNCHKIN, aww your poor little one! It is tough; you feel bad for them when their tummies hurt. thanks for all the info, you know a lot! Wow I can't believe they sell formula w/rice cereal when RC is so cheap! I guess that is a way for them to make money. I hope your little guy is lots better!

I ordered a sling since i have 2 babies. My son loves being held (I think it helps comfort the pain) so this may help long term. We are still experimenting w/bottles which is tough. I wish our NICU didn't use the fast flow nipples that they got use to but I think that gets them to gulp air. I am trying everything but like Mara said it will pass. THANKS FRIENDS :wavey: I appreciate your input and advice :halo:
Oh Skippy, I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I wouldn't wish colic on my worst enemy! The only thing that worked for us (sadly) was transitioning from BM to formula (similac sensitive) and then adding rice cereal to his bottles followed by zantac at 12 weeks (pedi #1 didn't believe in medicating infants). I tried eliminating dairy, gluten, caffeine, tomatoes, and numerous other things from my diet and we couldn't figure out what was triggering his issue, but it was clearly something because switching to formula helped a lot.

We also let A sleep in his bouncy seat for ages, because we discovered that bouncing him in it while swaddled would settle him down. If you have one, swaddle the baby and put him in the seat on the floor in front of the couch. Then use your foot on the front leg and press down to make the seat bounce. Aidan liked to be bounced HARD, I was concerned about SBS on occasion, but it was the only thing that settled him down sometimes.

We also found that the position of his infant car seat really aggravated his reflux/colic, so drives in the car never worked for us.

Also, I read somewhere that laying the baby on his right side helps a lot with gas and reflux, so we held Aidan in the cradle hold but with his head on our left side a lot while doing the 5 Ss of the baby whisperer.

Good luck! Aidan's peaked at 6 weeks and then got progressively better as the months went on. The rice cereal definitely helped but we didn't see real relief until he went on zantac at 12 weeks.
Also worth noting, if the colic gets worse and is accompanied by serious projectile vomiting on a regular basis, then take LO in to be seen and ask to be checked for pyloric stenosis.
Hudson_Hawk|1311723314|2977463 said:
Oh Skippy, I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I wouldn't wish colic on my worst enemy! The only thing that worked for us (sadly) was transitioning from BM to formula (similac sensitive) and then adding rice cereal to his bottles followed by zantac at 12 weeks (pedi #1 didn't believe in medicating infants). I tried eliminating dairy, gluten, caffeine, tomatoes, and numerous other things from my diet and we couldn't figure out what was triggering his issue, but it was clearly something because switching to formula helped a lot.

We also let A sleep in his bouncy seat for ages, because we discovered that bouncing him in it while swaddled would settle him down. If you have one, swaddle the baby and put him in the seat on the floor in front of the couch. Then use your foot on the front leg and press down to make the seat bounce. Aidan liked to be bounced HARD, I was concerned about SBS on occasion, but it was the only thing that settled him down sometimes.

We also found that the position of his infant car seat really aggravated his reflux/colic, so drives in the car never worked for us.

Also, I read somewhere that laying the baby on his right side helps a lot with gas and reflux, so we held Aidan in the cradle hold but with his head on our left side a lot while doing the 5 Ss of the baby whisperer.

Good luck! Aidan's peaked at 6 weeks and then got progressively better as the months went on. The rice cereal definitely helped but we didn't see real relief until he went on zantac at 12 weeks.

HH, aw I am sorry you went through this too! We have M on zantac but it isn't really helping too much. He is 3 months old but is according to doctors like a 1 month old so even though he is older since he was born preemie, he is in the newborn phase. I laughed because I thought if colic was going to hit us it would have happened in the NICU, boy was I wrong!! It happens w/adjusted age. My new motto is this too shall pass, which is so true. I just feel bad for peoples little ones who's tummys seem to hurt them so they cry for long periods of time. Ours hits in the evening. He is super happy in the mornings though, and the baby smiles and laughs are fun to see and make me realize it must be colic!!

Our babies sleep in the car. I heard dryers work too? I probably won't try it. Our bouncer sort of works. We try all sorts of things. I have had some luck with the 5 S's so we bought a newborn swing to mimic the swaying motion. Thanks for all your input; I appreciate it!!! Yes, I hear it takes 3 months so thanks and glad Aidan is better, hugs momma
Have you considered switching him onto something other than Zantac like Prevacid or Prilosec? There are other options as well. When A's doc prescribed the Zantac she also prescribed 1.5 ml plain mylanta to use as needed for days when he was having a bad flare. We only used it on occasion, but it helped.
Hudson_Hawk|1311899387|2979364 said:
Have you considered switching him onto something other than Zantac like Prevacid or Prilosec? There are other options as well. When A's doc prescribed the Zantac she also prescribed 1.5 ml plain mylanta to use as needed for days when he was having a bad flare. We only used it on occasion, but it helped.

You are so awesome to think of us HH!!! The doctor suggested that if he isn't better in a couple of weeks so we might try it then? I hope I don't jinx myself but last night he only cried 1 hour and usually it is 3 hours or more. Oh and our Ped did say mylanta as needed in between. I haven't tried it yet. Did it help A? thanks for your help!!!
On the occasions we used it, it really did help. It gives immediate relief by coating the throat vs the zantac which works on the acid production itself.
Skippy I posted some of this elsewhere but thought I would add it here.

Ryder is not really colicy, but he does have gas pains and discomfort and he spits up a lot. He also has a witching hour from 6 - 10 pm when he is often fussy and won't settle to sleep on his own.

I have found letting him sleep on his tummy has basically eliminated his tummy troubles! It is really amazing. I know it is not a choice every parent will make, but after looking into it and talking to my health care provider and getting feedback from other parents, it is a choice I was willing to make. And it really works.

The other thing that has helped is figuring out a way to burp him successfully. Basically, if we are laying down together I roll onto my back and lay him accross my belly, with his hips about even with one of my hips and his head level with my other hip. Then I pat his bum and even jiggle him a little. He will burp that way most of the time. I will then put one of my fingers in his mouth and let him suck it -- he prefers a finger to a soother -- and he will often fall asleep in that position on my belly. I can then either let him rest there and read a book, or else transfer him to his bed.

I have honestly found besharing a savior, in combination with letting my son sleep on his tummy in his cot right next to me. I actually sleep through most of the night. I don't want to bedshare long term, but we will likely do it for about 6 months, unless things change before then. Ryder sleeps in the PNP in the living room until we all go to bed around 10:30, on a good night. On a fussy night, he sleeps in my arms or his dad's arms until bedtime. Then we go to bed together and I nurse him to sleep and move him to sleep in the cosleeper if I can transfer him, then when he wakes at 2:30 or so I bring him in bed with me and latch him on and fall back to sleep! Then around 4:30 perhaps he wakes again and I latch him then I might put him back in the cosleeper when he is asleep again. He wakes regularly in the wee hours, so I bring him back in bed with me around 5:30, and basically nap/sleep and rouse to relatch him regularly. But basically I am getting a very good night's sleep for someone with a 6 week old. I think I spend about 45 minutes awake each night total? Heaven. It takes getting used to sleeping in bed with your baby, and a king size bed is really a must, but boy it makes life easier. So that is my suggestion to try and solve the no sleep thing with a fussy baby, if you can swing it!
DD I just saw this. thanks!! I saw this on reflux

eta: sleeping on his tummy makes him spit up more. We tried. the upright sleeper helps us. I do let him sleep with me at times. He puts his head on my arm so he is still upright a bit. Our crying hits from 7-12 night like clockwork. I am glad the tummy is helping your lo and cosleeping. Miles does burp; he has wet burps.
Okay I thought I would update this in case anyone's baby has colic. Miles no longer has colic; I think it stopped at 12 weeks or maybe 10 weeks adjusted for him. Yay for happy babies :bigsmile:
Yay for happy babies!! Th three month mark really is the turning point.
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