
Newbie need help diamond buying... Please


Mar 10, 2016
Should i get this one? The last one i look at was too deep as on my earlier posted and this one is 2.12 G VVS2 XXX
29k its good enough for the price?
Thank you for looking

That one is showing a little leakage in the center, but it is probably okay. For that amount of money, I'd personally want better. What vendor are you looking at? It honestly would be easier for people to show you stones.
We want to stick with GIA and about G color and VVS clarity how much you think it would be? We went from 25k budget to 30 now and i dont want to go up further :roll:
Okay, it is also listed on ED which is where I assume you found the pics. Can I ask why you would not want VS1? I guess I can see the mental reasons for wanting VVS with D-E color, but VS1 is totally clean and will expand your options a little. You will find it hard to see inclusions with a 10x loupe with VS1.

However, I don't see anything just over 2 cts in G VVS-VS with a 100 cut score on ED, which usually (but not always) will be the best cut there.
Listed on ED?
No VVS1 was my husband ideas and he know nothing about diamond :) i dont mind VS as long as its eye clean. Do you have any suggestion?
The stone you listed is on Enchanted Diamonds, too:

I am really looking but I don't even see a better one at G VS1.

When I expand to G VS2, I came up with these superideal cuts which are AGS graded.

It is possible to find GIA graded stones that have close to equal cut to the ones above, but I just don't see any right now that are close with the specs you want. So the one you are looking at might be as good as any currently available if you want GIA. You can see more photos on Enchanted Diamonds than BN, but not all have ASET images.
Oh wow i didnt know that and the price go up when its go on BN too :? And do you think i should get it should i wait and whats different between GIA and AGS? Sorry too many question :D
i try to stay under 30k:(
AGS is a much smaller respected lab, but they do narrow down their highest cut grade (ideal) much more than GIA does with their excellent grade. GIA is the most widely known accurate lab, though. I have had stones from both labs.

I am just not in love with any under $30k, G VS+ 2 ct stone at this moment. I think that your original stone is probably as good as any available and likely will be fine. It can't hurt to order it because you can return it if for any reason you didn't find it to be to your satisfaction. The price is good for G VVS and the size is very nice at 8.3mm, too.
Last question :) did you see the 2.03 G VVS2 on the ED that have 100 score
Is that one better?
Thank you so much for you help and i will post the picture when i get it :)
Yes, I did see that one, but the cut didn't exactly thrill me enough to go with a smaller stone over the one you originally chose. That's shows that the 100 score isn't fool proof.

Awesome! Can't wait to see it!!!
Thank you so so much and i very appriciate your help
Diamondseeker2006 :)
Dancing fire