
New Year''s Resolutions

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Nov 24, 2006
I was wondering if anyone made New Year's resolutions?

Here are mine.
1. Excersice and eat healthier for weight loss.
2. Study more so I can pass the CPA exam.
3. More house cleaning.
get and keep the last few pounds off and keep them off...really

try not to lose my temper with my kids when they are on my last nerve

be neater and more organized with the stuff I hate doing...

I resolve to get my husband to learn to cook like DeeJay''s man.....

Date: 1/1/2007 12:38:34 PM
Author: canuk-gal

I resolve to get my husband to learn to cook like DeeJay's man.....


Very funny (but very yummy too, if you can swing it, LOL!).

And for my resolutuion: By this time next year I will be *thin* (exact definition of *thin* yet to be determined... ).
1st Resolution: WATCH MY STEP! I was laid up with foot problems twice last year. Last August I stepped on a rock at the beach just right (or wrong) so that I got a bone bruise on my heel. I couldn''t put *any* pressure on that heel for two solid weeks. This caused me to walk funny which in turn caused my back to ache. Then a couple of weeks ago I fell forward down the stairs on a Friday afternoon after work and sprained my ankle (same foot). There was a pen on the steps and I slipped on it. The heel took a week and a half to be back to normal, the bachache is still here.

2nd Resolution: Clean out my closet. Rather than being a place to store my current wardrobe, it''s turned into a shrine for expensive clothing I used to love and wear back in the 90''s when I had a job that required it.
Write a novel. Publish it. Use proceeds to buy diamonds!

1) Exercise and eat more healthily. This time next year I will be my ideal weight
2) Try to save money more. I find that it just dissapears from my bank account
3) Keep studying hard in college
4) Have a bit more me time
I''m making more specific goals this year.

Short term for the next month:

1) 2 miles on the treadmill 4 times a week, come hell or high water!

2) Organize all my art and craft supplies and set up a craft station

3) Keep the clutter out of my kitchen, and specifically, off the table.

4) Plan and organize next month''s short term goals.

Long term goals for the year:

1) Get a meal planner and follow the food guide pyramid -- plan and prepare a balanced nutritional plan for myself and family.

2) Have the entire house organized and a system in place that includes hubby and both kids working with me as a team.

3) Be in the habit of exercizing regularly and maintaining a system to stay on track.
1. STUDY 2 hours a day until Jan. 24 and then 4 hours a day until Feb. 24 for the VA Bar Exam.

2. PASS THE VA BAR EXAM (it's my second time around...

3. Stick to the budget I have made (so that I can pay off crappy law school loans!)

4. Run/bike 3 miles, 2x a week by April.

5. Complete 90% of projects at work by the presribed deadline.

6. Bill at least 1 application more than is expected for the quarter.
sew for two hours every afternoon after school. finish elizabethan . make eleanora de toledo dress by may.
To live more in the moment.

Since I moved away from my fiance and family, I''ve noticed that I am constantly looking toward the future. My thoughts are always "I can''t wait until 3 weeks from now". Or 3 months. Or 3 years. I haven''t been particularly happy in my job or in my new city, but I think the first step is to change my thinking. I need to be enjoying the moments that I do have, because who knows really what will happen in the future.
Date: 1/2/2007 11:05:06 AM
Author: basil
To live more in the moment.

Since I moved away from my fiance and family, I''ve noticed that I am constantly looking toward the future. My thoughts are always ''I can''t wait until 3 weeks from now''. Or 3 months. Or 3 years. I haven''t been particularly happy in my job or in my new city, but I think the first step is to change my thinking. I need to be enjoying the moments that I do have, because who knows really what will happen in the future.

This is such a good one. I''m always thinking, "When the kids get a little older...when they are both in school full time...when I can leave them at home by themselves, etc." I am realizing that by doing that, I''m wishing away their childhood, in a way. I always lived in the moment with my first one, but when the second came along and I knew our family was complete, I started thinking about the future more and it seems like my second child has gotten bigger much faster and the time just flies.

My father always looked forward to retirement and put enjoying life on hold until then. About 2 years before he was supposed to retire he had a major heart attack and died. It''s a life lesson that made a huge impression on me.
1) more sleep
2) focus on the doughnuts in life, not the holes (one of my late mom''s favorite expressions)
3) downsize possessions, trade up on quality
4) pay down debt
5) keep the 1994 Pink Mercury Tracer running
6) make healthy choices (food, exercise, etc.)

and most importantly

7) KEEP at 1-6 !
I would like to get my odd sleeping hours in line with fi and go to bed earlier/get up earlier. I''m pretty good with cardio, but I want to get back to lifting regularly.
1)eating healthier (my eating habits have gone down the loo with my crazy intern schedule and lack of food choices available at the hospitals)

2)get more toned up (i''ve lost my abs to intern flab

3)be more conscientious about my savings (i.e. decrease my purse budget/allottment adn stop using crazy schedule as an excuse for a "Reward" -- aka shopping spree!hehe...i''ve been bad this year)

4)finish up "doing" my house (we''re still not totally unpacked a year that not sad?!

5)make a better effort of staying in touch with friends and family (again,,i''ve been using my crazy schedule as a crutch...bad

I would love to add better sleep schedule but unfortunately that is not under my control
1. Floss MORE (as in not just the week before my dentist appointment)
2. Work out MORE (for health and body)
In no particular order:

1) Buy and hang some nice art work for my house. There''s NOTHING on the walls and we''ve been here 2 years!
2) Lose the 5 lbs I gained over Thanksgiving/Christmas
3) Be more patient with my kids
4) Be more attentive to hubby
5) (Hopefully) get some home improvement stuff done -- remodel kitchen, indoor/outdoor electrical projects

The floss more is too funny! I love that one. I should floss more too.
Date: 1/2/2007 4:57:19 PM
Author: Skippy123

The floss more is too funny! I love that one. I should floss more too.
I probably should too...
I need to go back to getting physical therapy for my neck. I have had neck surgery, but still have 3 herniated disks. I have degenerative disk disease, from years of horseback riding, gymnastics ( fell on my head too much
) and playing competitive tennis. So as much as I hate it, I need to get back to it. My range of motion needs to improve. Backing my car out of a parking space is agony for me. So I hope I can get some relief from PT. Having another surgery is not an option, disks are too close to my spinal cord.
the same one I made last year:

Never to make a New Years Resolution...
Eat better and work out for weight loss. And stick to it. This includes militant monitoring of trans fats in products to eliminate them from anything we eat as vigilantly as possible...I read an article the other day that mentioned some things you might not realize have trans cocoa mix, pancake mix...unreal.
I had to throw out the Nestle's and the Bisquick. I thought that was just flour, baking powder, salt, sugar...etc. Jeez.

Definitely floss more.

Stop procrastinat....
to use Quicken
1. pass the CPA exam (2 parts down, 2 to go)
2. keep in touch with friends
Oh deliciouspear that is awesome!!! Which parts of the CPA exam did you pass?
I''d like to lose about 10 pounds, eat healthier, and get more exercise
Date: 1/2/2007 6:21:30 PM
Author: Kaleigh
I need to go back to getting physical therapy for my neck. I have had neck surgery, but still have 3 herniated disks. I have degenerative disk disease, from years of horseback riding, gymnastics ( fell on my head too much
) and playing competitive tennis. So as much as I hate it, I need to get back to it. My range of motion needs to improve. Backing my car out of a parking space is agony for me. So I hope I can get some relief from PT. Having another surgery is not an option, disks are too close to my spinal cord.
It''s amazing what type of back problems one gets from horseback riding! I have back pain and a stabbing pain in my neck/shoulder that my doctor cannot diagnose nor does he seem too concerned about
. LOL, but that won''t stop me from riding
I can only imagine the issues that await me further down the road...
Date: 1/2/2007 10:55:57 PM
Author: Skippy123
Oh deliciouspear that is awesome!!! Which parts of the CPA exam did you pass?
I passed FAR and AUD
and I am taking REG next monday! I a little nervous about that one. I''ve heard it is the most often failed section. I studied tax in school (and now practice) so that should help but it has also driven me not to study quite as much. I hope to finish the exam by the end of February. Can''t wait to get my life back!! Between work, study and sleep, there is not much time left. I''m excited to spend time with DH again out side of meal time.

Good luck with your studying!! Have you started yet?
Don''t forget about the huge portion of law in addition to the tax. I am an auditor and when I was taking the sections I was flying all over the US for a special project and didn''t study as hard as I would have liked to, so I guess that is reason I made that my resolution. I will only be traveling the min amount so that should give me more time to study. I think if you can pass FAR you can pass anything. Great job!!!!
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