
New to 4-prong setting and not sure I like it/ ? about culet

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Mar 7, 2005
I''ve had a new setting since Tuesday. I love it... but I''m not yet used to the 4-prong after looking at a 6-prong Tiffany style for 11 years.

The new 4-prong is nice in that I can finally see more of my stone (without having to turn it "just so") but the position of the diamond in the new head is so low, that I cannot see the culet anymore. It appears almost squashed down into the head. With the old 6-prongs, the diamond''s culet was set just above the bottom.

The diamond appears smaller to me than it did in my 6-prong setting, and I''m trying to determine why. Hubby & I are planning to upgrade to a larger stone-- around 2cts-- so I have time to decide whether or not I like the 4- or 6- prongs. But I (like most people, I''m sure) want my diamond to look as large as it can.

Does a "low set" stone look smaller than a higher setting?
Does a RB look larger in a 6-prong typically?
Is it preferred to set the diamond high enough in the setting that the culet is visible?

Thanks again.


Jul 25, 2004
I find that the lower the head, the smaller the stone may look compared to the band of the ring. Just think of it, the diamond is closer to your eye, making it a little larger, compared to the band, which is a little farther from the eye, making it a bit thinner. But together, this makes the diamond seem even larger if it is just in a tad bit higher head. It''s all about perspective!

Lynn B

May 9, 2004
Date: 4/9/2005 9:50:54 PM
Does a 'low set' stone look smaller than a higher setting?
Does a RB look larger in a 6-prong typically?
Is it preferred to set the diamond high enough in the setting that the culet is visible?

Thanks again.
I don't know the answers to your questions. My old setting was higher than my new one and my new one (a little lower) makes my stone (IMO) look a lot larger. But I also went from a wide band to a narrow band, so that probably had much more to do with it.

Regarding your second question - I will be interested in seeing what others say. My old setting was a split prong (basically 8 prongs) and I've noticed that my stone looks much larger in the new 4-prong setting. But again, the whole ring is different so it's hard to say that it was the platinum head and the prongs.

I could see my culet very visibly in my old setting. It's not so visible in my new one, although it's certainly there if I look. I think it's all a matter of preference and also of course, the style of the head and the size of the diamond. I don't miss seeing the culet so obviously. I really like my new platinum head. I personally much prefer 4 prongs over 6. I just like the look a whole lot better, I love the way it makes a RB look, and I think it shows off the stone (and the arrows) more.

BUT, in defense of 6 prongs, I have heard that 6 prongs do hold a diamond much more securely than 4-prongs. With only 4, if you lose one prong, you probably lose the stone.
That scares me but I get my ring checked frequently and also have it insured.



Oct 10, 2004
Some argue a higher setting makes the stone look larger. This would be because our brains take distance (and depth) into account when evaluating how big something is, so set the diamond a little higher from the band, and it gives the illusion of greater size.

I have a feeling that the size "difference" between a four- or six-prong setting is again just perception. With a four-prong setting, you look at it and perceive the stone as ending where the edges of the stone end. Possible with your six-prong the six prongs sort of formed an illusory circle around the stone that made it look bigger to you.

I''ve attached a pic to try and convey what I''m explaining very badly in words. Lynn B, I hope you don''t mind but I used your gorgeous ring as an example. In the pic I have made the two diamonds exactly the same size, and drawn a red line around them to try and show where I think the four-prong vs six-prong setting makes you perceive the edges of the stone. Hope it makes sense!

Bluedawg, I ADORE your ring, I drooled over it a lot! Any perception of the diamond as smaller is probably just a bit of trick perception, but you could always consider putting a six-prong head on the ring if it really bothered you, when you upgrade to your 2 carat. FYI, I think your ring is stunning and you''ll probably get used to the difference, but if it really does bother you then consider a six-prong head on your ring.



Oct 10, 2004
Here''s what I''m talking about for a six-prong head on your current ring. It will probably look clunkier than your current head (I love your current delicate prongs!) but it might be worth considering if you find the difference is bothering you.



Oct 30, 2002
I think alot of times 6 prongs make the stones look smaller as they cover up more of the stone but I do see what the thought is regarding an illusionary line around the 6 prongs...hmmm.

I''ve never had a 6 prong so I can''t say 6 vs 4, but I will say that I think lower set stones do make the stone look smaller, when I have tried on lower set 2c stones they do not look as big to me as some other 2c stones I have tried on. I prefer a slightly higher head now, but nothing super high. I am also used to that.

re: the squashed stone and seeing the culet, my new stone uses the same old head as my smaller stone and i can''t see the culet nor clean it super well, it actually drives me nuts. BUT I wanted to use the same old head and I liked not having to get a whole new head since I just plan to upgrade again next year, so why the addt''l expense, but I find I do prefer a head where I can see the culet even just slightly and also clean it and the pavilion more easily.

If your stone is squeezed into the head, that should be simple to fix if the head can be widened a bit maybe? Or maybe they used a too small head? My old setting had alot of room between culet and bottom of head...its'' only since they put the new stone in and stretched it (per my request) that it is tighter. But, a total preference it seems. I would imagine some people like the entire head filled with a stone!


Jul 7, 2004
I find that if it''s closer to the band it looks smaller. Its the illusion of the band''s thickness. The higher the stone the bigger it seems because it''s farther from that thickness.

Also, I find that more prongs makes the stone look bigger just because there is more "white"ness around the stone.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Date: 4/9/2005 10:21:25 PM
Author: Lynn B

Date: 4/9/2005 9:50:54 PM
Does a ''low set'' stone look smaller than a higher setting?
Does a RB look larger in a 6-prong typically?
Is it preferred to set the diamond high enough in the setting that the culet is visible?

Thanks again.

BUT, in defense of 6 prongs, I have heard that 6 prongs do hold a diamond much more securely than 4-prongs. With only 4, if you lose one prong, you probably lose the stone.
That scares me but I get my ring checked frequently and also have it insured.

i think most 4 prongs might be more heavily constructed so it''s harder to break then the 6 prong setting,does that sence ?

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Date: 4/9/2005 9:50:54 PM

Does a ''low set'' stone look smaller than a higher setting?
Does a RB look larger in a 6-prong typically?
Is it preferred to set the diamond high enough in the setting that the culet is visible?

Thanks again.
i think a low set does make the stone look smaller.i don''t know if a 6 prong would make the stone look larger but,it would make it look more round.i like the culet to be visible.


Mar 7, 2005
Again, you guys gave great feedback and I appreciate it very much.

Indecisive, thanks for your compliments and your illustrations. I agree that the circular look of the 6 prongs creates an illusion of a bigger diamond.

I definitely like the 4-prongs, mainly because it allows so much more diamond to show. I think the extra light coming in makes the stone more bright as well.

When I do get a new diamond, I think I''ll make sure that the head used isn''t as "heavy-bottomed" as my current one and perhaps set it a bit higher than it is now. Also, I think I will ask that the diamond be set so that culet is visible-- it seems weird to not see it.

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