
New star ruby ring for DH


Jun 26, 2007
I hope you guys aren't tired of me posting my projects!
Yesterday, I bought some gems, and DH claimed this star ruby.
So I made him this ring tonight. The stone is not transparent, but I liked the dark red color. I was thinking of an industrial, rugged kind of setting, to compliment the stone. I'm so glad my DH likes jewelry!
IMG_20190421_131239327.jpg IMG_20190421_154140.jpg IMG_20190421_211800.jpg IMG_20190421_195622056.jpg IMG_20190421_210705587.jpg

And below is a photo on DH's hand. He likes it!
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You are so impressive! Nice job!
Very nice! Is there any chance he will let you take a pic with it on his hand?
Very nice! Is there any chance he will let you take a pic with it on his hand?
The last photo is the ring on his hand!
I have 'old lady' hands, and his hands look better than mine these days!
So cool! :appl::appl::appl:
You did a terrific job! I hope he loves it.
You did a terrific job! I hope he loves it.
He says he likes it, and he's wearing it now. He's hard on his jewelry, so I hope it survives! Long ago I made him a ring with an indicolite, and he totally scratched up the stone. This stone might last longer, I hope!
Wow, how talented you are! This is great!
Fabulous Stracci! Great proportions and beautiful has a wonderful restfulness in the placement of the forms. He is one lucky guy!
I will NEVER tire of seeing your projects stracci!
They give me such inspiration!!!
How long did it take you to make that ring??

It looks perfect on his hand btw!!
I love this Star Ruby ring and it looks amazing on your dh's hand @stracci2000 :love: Wonderful job and gorgeous ring!
It turned out great! And how cool that you made it yourself!
I will NEVER tire of seeing your projects stracci!
They give me such inspiration!!!
How long did it take you to make that ring??

It looks perfect on his hand btw!!
Well, I'm slow and I take a lot of breaks!:lol:
Actual work time, planning, cutting, trimming, filing, polishing, petting the cat, etc., Maybe 2 hours?
Two things about this are so awesome, first that you can make a ring that looks so amazing and the second is having a husband that actually takes an interest and enjoys wearing jewelry!
I’m so impressed you made the ring yourself! So talented!!! :appl:
I love this, it looks great! What an amazing gift to give your husband!
The last photo is the ring on his hand!
I have 'old lady' hands, and his hands look better than mine these days!

Thanks Stracci.......I made an assumption about whose hands they were! Again, good job and glad he's already putting it to good use.......:appl:
It looks fantastic! I'm really impressed. Interesting design and well executed, too.
Looks great on him! I love your design, which has a beautiful balance and energy of classic forms, curved and triangular.