
New England Gem Lab Experience

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Feb 14, 2007
Today I drove down to the New England Gem Lab to meet with Cindy to have my recent purchase appraised. It is really rare these days to find the type of service and honesty in any retail establishment that I found in hers. Not only did I get what I consider to be a fair, accurate appraisal, I also was rewarded with a wealth of diamond knowledge about both stones themselves and how they are sold. As I walked out I was surprised to see than we had spoke for nearly two hours, and in that time I''m pretty sure I about tripled my diamond knowledge.

I can''t explain how weird it is to give your stone to someone without showing them your cert, and in a couple minutes they can give you all the info on the stone....and what they say matches the cert you are holding in your hand. Really was kind of neat. I was also able to play with her set of color master stones, and that was really something I wish I could have done before I bought my diamond. I don''t think it would have changed my decision on which stone I bought, but it really showed me the color differences. Aside from the masters I was also able to see flouresence for the first time in person, as well as a prime example of a diamond that we would probably consider to be a complete disaster. That was pretty cool too because I was able to compare my almost perfectly cut (yah I said it) stone with one that was bigger, but completely dead looking. I suppose sometimes size just doesn''t matter.

As far as my appraisal...if I tend to plug James Allen too much as it is, I will probably do it even more often now
Glad you had a good experience! And it IS fun to play with their stuff and look at your stone up close and personal.

JA has always gotten good reviews, we''ll just add yours to the list.
Can she do the same thing with stones that are already set?

I''m having a custom set made and would like to get a separate appraisal to confirm everything that I paid for.....

Is she in Old Lyme, CT ? Is it worth a 45-60 minute drive?
That''s great that you had such a positive experience! Do you mind if I ask how much she charged?

My best friend actually lives right outside of Manchester and once we purchase my ring, I will obviously want to get an accurate appraisal for the insurance company. She would be a convenient option for me...

Her fee schedule can be found here

I drove about an hour to meet her but her shop is about 3 minutes from my parents so I am down there a couple times a month anyway. I think it would be way worth it to drive an hour. She does grade stones that are set, I had her appraise my entire ring. The only thing is it can be a little harder to grade color while the diamond is set. She had it right on the money anyway
I definitely think it is worth the drive to go see Cindy. I have gone down there (about 50 min ride) twice and will be going again soon. She is very fun to talk to and has a wealth of knowledge. She makes you feel very comfortable and is willing to help you learn all about your stone.

I had my original ring appraised by a GIA appraiser the first time and his appraisal was no where near as complete. He took no photos and he tried to convince me that he could have gotten he a better deal and then proceeded to show me his stones and get me to return my WF one. Cindy does not sell jewelery so there is no pressure at all. She grades your stone without seeing the cert and has been spot on with the specs the times I have gone. Plus you are not paying too much insurance on an inflated appraisal!!! That''s money you can save to spend on more stones!!

I highly recommend going to see her!

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