
New diamond concerned about h showing vanilla in certain lig


Apr 17, 2014
Hi and thank you for your help.

I recently purchased a 3.17 radiant, crushed ice style. My husband and daughter were with me. It is an H, VS2. The sparkle is amazing; it is sometimes difficult to see the stone for all the sparkle. One of my friends said that she had to touch it because it looked like a million different stones sparkling at her. My husband, daughter and I liked it the best of the many we looked it. We did not see this at the time, even looking at different lighting situations - but now I notice in certain lighting environments, it looks vanilla. Other times, it looks absolutely colorless. It has medium florescense. Is this likely due to the florescense, and would you be bothered by this, or would you just relax and enjoy. Thank you
Re: New diamond concerned about h showing vanilla in certain

Some people can see warmth in H colored diamonds under certain lightings. It seems like you're pretty color sensitive. I'd just enjoy the diamond. But if you don't like warmth and can still exchange, it's best to exchange for a higher color diamond.
Re: New diamond concerned about h showing vanilla in certain

It's probably picking up the color from it's surroundings.
Re: New diamond concerned about h showing vanilla in certain

Thank you,

I am hoping that is it. I do think I am color sensitive also. I am going to a price scope appraiser next week and hope that helps me.
Re: New diamond concerned about h showing vanilla in certain

likediamonds2020 said:
We did not see this at the time, even looking at different lighting situations - but now I notice in certain lighting environments, it looks vanilla. Other times, it looks absolutely colorless.

H is not a colorless stone and it should not be expected to appear as such, particularly when featured in a larger, fancy-shape stone, such as yours.

Some people are not bothered by the color and some actually enjoy it!

If you're looking for a colorless stone in the size/shape you're talking about, and you're color-sensitive, you will have to look at the colorless range (D,E,F) or at the top of the near-colorless range (G).

Is the stone graded by GIA or AGS? If it is graded by another lab, that could also be a factor here.
Re: New diamond concerned about h showing vanilla in certain

I compared it to a G and they looked the same at the time. This one was just so much more alive. I am glad I am seeing the appraiser in a few days. I can see if I am bothered and need to upgrade the color.
Re: New diamond concerned about h showing vanilla in certain

I had an H color diamond (AGS graded) and it had a noticeable vanilla/pinkish/tan tint to it in certain lights. I have owned a J and an I that looked much whiter. Perhaps your diamond has a brown or yellow undertone that is showing though.
Re: New diamond concerned about h showing vanilla in certain

Did you still enjoy your H?
Re: New diamond concerned about h showing vanilla in certain

Here is my H 3.66 stone . I never notice color in it unless I put it on top of a colored piece of clothing hmmm that is my finger under the stones

Re: New diamond concerned about h showing vanilla in certain

1. Radiants trap color.
2. I can see color in H radiants too, but what you are seeing might also be the environment. My F asscher looks vanilla in Nordstroms Cafe, it's something about the lighting and the beige walls in there, you would swear my stone is a K. It's very strange.
3. It's not due to fluorescence. :wavey:
Re: New diamond concerned about h showing vanilla in certain

Radiants can be almost chameleon like in their ability to pick up color from their surroundings, and will look different depending on the lighting they are in, the color of the walls, the color of the sky if you're outside, the trees, etc. It's one of my favorite traits about them. I'd personally enjoy the stone very much, but if the color annoys you now, it's only going to become more noticeable as time goes on. The stone needs to be mind clean for you to enjoy it.

That being said, where's the pictures??? :naughty:
Re: New diamond concerned about h showing vanilla in certain

Thank you for the help. I love, love, love the radiant crushed ice look and all the sparkle. Guess I will have to decide after the appraisal appt. Most of the time, I do love it. I am not so computer literate as to adding pics. Again, love the radiant and would not choose another shape.
Re: New diamond concerned about h showing vanilla in certain

I wouldn't worry about it if you love everything else about the stone and it mostly looks O.K then it is probably fine. Nearly all diamonds can look tinted or weird colourwise in some environments. Everything I own regardless of colour looks like crap and tinted in my car for example. You get under the wrong lighting or in the wrong colour rooms and even D,E, F and G stones can pick up and reflect colour.

H is not ice white but on the flip side of that, radiants do have a habit of picking up surrounding colour as the others have said. The only exception to this rule would be if it has an EGL certificate in which case you probably have a much lower colour than a H.
Re: New diamond concerned about h showing vanilla in certain

arkieb1|1397794245|3655372 said:
H is not ice white but on the flip side of that, radiants do have a habit of picking up surrounding colour as the others have said. The only exception to this rule would be if it has an EGL certificate in which case you probably have a lower colour than a H and that could explain what you are seeing.

This is a great point.

Is your stone a GIA H? If it's not then... it's probably not an H. In that case, you can have it unset and send it to GIA for grading to find out what you really have.
Re: New diamond concerned about h showing vanilla in certain

Oh, I.m glad you said that - it is in the car that it looks so vanilla, and that is when I got concerned. Maybe the tinted windows. The GIA appraiser can recheck my color at my appt. Thank you all!