
nervous about purchase

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Oct 17, 2002
I am really nervous about buying a stone online. I had initially wanted to get the stone from Jonathan at Good Old Gold, or from Barry at SuperbCert, for the main reason that they had pics of the diamond online as well as the brilliancescope reports. The brilliancescope reports are very important to me, as I have seen stones with the same HCA score drastically different on the BS. Ideally, I''d want an H&A, AGS0, HCA <= 2 stone with great BS reports.

Anyhow, I have found a stone from Jonathan that is perfect. It has a great BS report, but the stone is a D color, VS2 clarity, and is a bit pricey. I found another stone from that is about 25% cheaper (it''s a G/VS2). The Jonathan stone scores a 1.2 on HCA, but has an absolutely stunning BS report. The niceice stone scores a 0.6 on the HCA, has many pics and the cert online, but has no BS report.

Should I take the chance and go with the cheaper niceice stone, hoping that it is as good as the goodoldgold stone, or should I pay the premium to get the BS report as well as the D color? I am confused, please help!

Specs on the niceice stone are:
60.9% total depth
56.0% table
34.4 crown angle
40.6 pavilion angle
0.2% culet
1.9% girdle (sl. thick)

Specs on the goodoldgold stone are:
60.9% total depth
56.0% table
34.2 crown angle
40.9 pavilion angle
0.3% culet
0.7-1.5% girdle (thin)
OOOOHHHHH I feel your pain. Don't be nervous about making a diamond purchase online. You will know more about your diamond, than you would ever know about a "maul" diamond.

IMO you would be happy with either diamond, BScope or no Bscope. I guess the bottom line is how much are you willing to spend? Is it more important that you get a colorless diamond or save a few dollars?

As I was looking at diamonds, I kept picking out diamonds that had higher HCA, say from 1.1 to 1.4.

Good Luck!
That's the thing...I don't really care about the 'D' color in the GOG stone. It's a nice thing to have, but not essential. I am most concerned with which diamond will have a better cut.
May I ask the size of the stone? I would seriously consider the G & save 25%. Also, what are the stone's measurements?

Would it be possible to see both & then decide?

Only *your* eyes are going to tell which fits you better.
As a competitor of GOG's we'd like to say that you should feel quite comfortable buying a diamond from either of them... We know both Jonathan personally and have nothing but good things to say about him and the diamonds that he sells... As far as the G color, VS-2 clarity diamond you found on our site being 25% less than the D color, VS-2 clarity stone that you found on Jonathan's site - we're sure that you realize that the difference in price is due to the difference in the price between a D and a G color stone give or take a nickel... The odds are that either diamond would make you happy, it is really a question of whether you prefer a D or a G color stone, there is a visual difference in color between the two stones so this is a decision that you must make for yourself...

We are unable to provide our customers with Brilliance Scope images due to a change in how GemEx is going to be marketing their product and services from now on... People seeking independent Brilliance Scope scans should contact Bill Lieberman of Accurate Appraisal or GemEx themselves...
I am not concerned with G vs D color. The only concern I have is that I do not know if the 0.6 HCA niceice stone will have as good a cut as the 1.2 HCA GOG stone, since the niceice stone has no BrillianceScope tests to go with it. Am I being too picky?
BOTH diamonds are cut just fine.
Poopeater, they both seem to be very well cut. One can run every test possible - the only full proof test your *eyes*.

If you want an opinion, save the money - buy the "G". If I remember correctly, you are on a budget (we certainly were "back then" - 25% savings was quite a sum - and relatively still is). Quite frankly, it sounds like an awesome stone. Why don't you ask niceice's opinion. If you absolutely hate it, return it. I have a feeling it will be on fire.

Good luck. EIther way, you financee should be proud that you care so much to get something special.
Was "financee" a Freudian slip?

I agree with Fire & Ice. Use your eyes if both are good cuts, and go with the savings.
Thanks for the feedback, everyone. I have decided that the D/VS2 is definitely too much stone for me. I can't justify paying the premium for the D color. Thanks again!
On 3/21/2003 10:49:57 AM Lanee wrote:

Was "financee" a Freudian slip?

I agree with Fire & Ice. Use your eyes if both are good cuts, and go with the savings.

Oy - you made me chuckle. I *do* remember at the time my fiancee had a hard time parting with the cash. As a credit to Leonid, if this website was up and running in the early 80's, my fiancee would have saved himselp a heap of embarrassment at his local jeweler! He had NO idea how much a diamond of 3/4 to 1 c cost! He needed a financeer (sp?)

Poop eater - you go for it!!!
LOL @ Richard! I guess I should share the story. Back in college, I used to have a reputation for eating really bizarre things. I remember eating deoderant, car polish, soap, lotion, perfume, hairspray, napkins, paper money, cafeteria food
, rancid meat, etc.

Anyway, someone eventually asked me to eat poop, which I did NOT! Even though I didn't eat that, the name still stuck.

Hah hah hah!


I'll bet your body system is craving some lacking nutrients.

Great story. Weird, but great.

Heh heh heh
Yeah, I bet it's missing something. I'm still in that phase of life where I eat whatever I can get my hands on, but am still like a walking broomstick.
I guess car polish doesn't really stick to your ribs!
lol @ shurikt. I don't think I have that problem. I never had cravings for these things. I would only eat them on a dare. I don't do it anymore. The only non-food stuffs that I eat now are doritos
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