
Need your opinions and my shopping experience.

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Aug 10, 2005
Well my shopping experience so far

This past Saturday I dupped my GF and told her I was busy so I could go ring shopping and boy oh boy did I go from one extreme to the next.

I started off at a jeweler recommended by my mom, she loves the people down there but I had my reservations about them. I only really went there to look at settings since I know that I was probably going to have to shop online to get a quality stone for a decent price. After not seeing any settings I likes I asked the guy to show me any of their GIA or AGS (he said they carry all certs) Ideal cut stones stones in a 1ct, VS-SI1 and G-J range. So what he brings me must have been an EGL K SI2 1ct stone that was very yellow. I said you sure this is an Ideal cut stone he says "Yeah everything I'm gunna show you is Ideal cut"
. After bringing me out many more crappy yellow stones he finally brings out an E VS 1ct supposed "Ideal" (this was also an EGL he told me was GIA- it said E G L on the paper he brought out
) so I whip out my Ideal Scope to take a look at it and there was more white than pink
, I couln't even believe the thing looked good under Holagen lamps
. That was the last straw for me and I left. Now having a headache from the high pressure sales guy wanted me to put a deposit on garbage to hold it cause their diamonds are so fast moving
, I really didnt want to look anymore.

So I knew of one other place to look that is actually right down the road from my house but I wasnt expecting much. I walk in and asked to look at engagement settings and my hopes started to rise as I noticed they carried designer settings. I asked the sales person if they carried AGS and GIA cert stones and she said "yes"
. So I said gave her the specs I wanted and next thing I know a guy comes out of the back with 3 stones and he says "This first one is a Hearts and Arrows Ideal cut". I just about jumped up and gave the guy a hug I was so happy. I told both of them it was nice to fianlly see somebody who carries high quality stuff. I was blown away by how much better a H&A stone is over that garbage the last guy was tryin to sell me. But that is not the best part of the story. I figured OK great I found a place that carries good stuff but how much more am I gunna have to pay, well another "jump up and hug the guy" moment when he is actually below what I have been quoted online

So enough story here are the specs

1.02 carat Round Brilliant SI2 I color
Measurements 6.48-6.54 x 3.93
Depth 60.4
Table 58
Girdle M faceted
Culet None
Polish Good
Symmetry Very Good
Crown angle 35.2
Pavilion angle 40.2
Fluorescence Faint
Price 4,600

The only thing keeping it from being a 000 is the table which scores a 1.
Scores a 1 on the HCA
Is eye clean.

What do you guys think?
Also this jeweler says that all of their diamonds come from Belgium. Any reason to get them from there rather than anywhere else?
Do a comparison online for those specs. And if you think its a beautiful stone that sounds fair to you, get it. But ONLY if it speaks to you and you really think it''s beautiful.
Well everything to me looks great but I was wondering if anything in the specs sounds off. I know sometimes the experts see things that to them are red flags but oblivious to me. Mainly concerned with the 58% table and whether its gunna hurt anything performance wise, the stone faced up just as big as the other triple 0''s.

I''m glad I atleast got one reply I thought I was gunna get skunked
Thanks DoubleB I have actually been looking at those stones too!

I was pretty much all set to buy one of those stones from GOG and in fact on the way home from the first store I said "looks like I have to buy online to get anything good", but then I found the local place. They do have alot more stones to choose from this is just the one that was closer to the specs I was looking for.

Good Old Gold hasn't been ruled out yet. I almost feel guilty for not buying from there since I learned so much from their site
Wow sounds like you are have found a place you could work with. Did you find a setting you like? If so you may want to see if you can get a deal by combining the two. Also I have to say there is something about working with a local.
Date: 9/14/2005 5:27:27 PM
Author: Matatora
Wow sounds like you are have found a place you could work with. Did you find a setting you like? If so you may want to see if you can get a deal by combining the two. Also I have to say there is something about working with a local.

I agree. If i had a good, fairly priced local jeweler I would go there. It''s nice to have a local relationship for cleanings, check-ups etc.

ETA: just re-read and realized that sounds like a dentist not a jeweler LOL
I''ve got a couple of their designer Pave'' settings I''m looking at but cant decide. I''m going back today to look again and finally pick a stone then I will decide on a setting. I''m thinking of taking her two best friends with me to help me pick. I have a good idea what she would love but want to run it by some girls first
. I''m gunna search all day and print out some settings to take with me.

I checked out their website and they say that they will compete with any price even internet prices
. If they sold online I would refer them to pricescope to be a vendor but alas they dont. I would post up a link to their site but I think it a forum no-no right?

They say they get all of their Diomands from Belgium because (direct quote from website) "At (name witheld
) we buy direct from Belgium, the diamond capital of the world." The owners brother is headed there sometime in the next couple of weeks to get more stones.Is there any truth to this, this is the first I''ve heard of Belgium being the Capital of the industry.
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