
Need your help ladies please


May 14, 2011
I need the experts advice here please because yes I am still cluless. I found a "to die for ring" OEC diamond 1.25 ct Now the setting is what really did it for me I just love it it has my name written all over it. I'm sure it's not for most, my son kida went hum mom you have particular taste and my daughter said mom I won't say it's ugly because it's(the ring) you lol. So my question is how much would you pay for a ring with these specifications.

Set in the center is a large, round, European cut 1.25CTS diamond measuring 6.8 MM in diameter. This diamond is superbly cut polished and proportioned, similar to today's ideal hearts and arrows cut with a 62% depth, 55% table, a medium culet and no fluorescence. This diamond is of I color (looks like a G color) and VS2 clarity, clear and brilliant throughout and ultra bright, white and fiery. This is a high quality diamond with absolutely no visible imperfections, even up close! The total diamond weight is 1.90CTS.

My husband put in an offer today but I would just like to hear what you wonderul ladies think before I tell him to pull the trigger.

Thank you all
Hard to know what to ball park it at but the specs sure sound nice! With an OEC - its also a visual assessment - not just specs!

Can you cut and paste a pic to share with us?
Hi Enerch,

this is it What would you pay for it ( if you really, realy liked it and were me lol)


Oh yes, I've seen this and thought it was really pretty! IIRC, I thought the asking price was kind of high. That said, I'm really bad at figuring out what a reasonable price would be. I think I'd probably start at 3500. :read:
Thank you! Junebug
I'm no good at guessing! I'd never make it on The Price Is Right! Maybe $3-$4K??

It is a beautiful ring and if you like everything about it and have no need to change a thing, then that makes it even more of a great deal if you can get it for a bargain! ForteKitty, gypsy and dreamer are amazing at pricing. Hope they pop in!
I know nothing about this (as evidenced by the fact that my gut was $7-8k), but just wanted to say I think it's so beautiful!
I like it too with the antique "bow" setting. The numbers on the stone look good and the facet pattern looks nice, and as you state the performance is great too. Most importantly, you like it a lot. Remember the owner probably paid 1/3 (or less) of the price he is start your offer low.

Here is an OEC on GOG for comparison, but that is retail.


Good luck!
Oh ladies thank you all for your replies, I really like it and this would be the "forever one" ........... but 5,200 is the lowest he will go. Do I go for it. Looking at the stones ariel posted still seams it would be a decent price in cmparison , so what to do?
If $5200 is in your budget and you love it, go for it. But please make sure you have a return option and get it appraised to make sure those stats are correct. I think 1.25 ct, I VS2 are super stats for an OEC. If it has no hidden chips and those are the true stats (or close, say color no lower than a J), the price seems fair to me.
Is this from Empire 26? If so I did not know you could negotiate price with them.
Gem they do have a return policy, but they're in the states I'm in Canada.......what if the stats are not what he says and then says I swithed stones, does that happen? A friend made me think of that (thought never crossed my mind) but if dealer says the stone is what it is stated on the appraisal what is my recourse?

Ruby,yes it's empire 26 and hubby called with offer after auction was over and no they're not very negociable.
I haven't done this myself, but what some PSers have done is ask for the ring to be mailed to a well respected appraiser before it is shipped to you. The appraiser could be in the States, so the ring only has to cross the border into Canada (and you pay the taxes on that) once, and only in the case that the ring is as described.

I suppose it is possible that the seller could claim you changed out the stone, but it's unlikely. Ebay sellers tend to give overly optimistic estimates on their stones, especially old cuts. So unless the stones comes with a GIA report, you can expect the color and clarity grades to be lower than advertised, but within reason. So the stone could be a J-K, SI1. As long as it faces up white and is eye clean and without chips, I would still say it's a fair price, esp. if you love the setting and won't have to spend any more money getting it re-set (like many PSers do).

I believe there is a list of PS-approved appraisers somewhere in the Resources section, look around for it. Or do a PS search for OEC appraisal, and see what people say about getting their stones shipped to get appraised before committing to buy. Or post a question in RockyTalky, you would probably get responses there more quickly if you are trying to make up your mind soon.

Good luck with this! If you go through with it, please come back with a bunch of photos!
Thank you for the info gem, much appreciated xo
hey cluless! My OEC was purchased from a vendor in California and once I received it, I had it appraised at a local (and well regarded) B&M appraiser here in my city. There was an issue and I emailed with the vendor and had a further price reduction, but I do love love LOVE my diamond!

If you can get a 14 day return period and then have it assessed in your city, that could also be an option. Or, as others have said, ship it first to a PS appraiser and then ship to you... but you will have to pay the GST and PST for your province. I'm in Ontario and it was HST I had to pay (the combo of the two).

It is a beautiful ring, that's for sure!!! If you are happy with the price and the diamond, as you see it now, it may be worth purchasing then evaluating ---- provided you get that 14 day return written in to the purchase agreement. Good luck!
Hey Enerchi, I'm glad that things turned in your favor, there's no doubt I love the ring but this would be the first big purchase I make online and am extremely nervous and let's not even talk about the hubs lol I'm surprised he actually didn't resist all that much lol. They do have a very good return policy. He did relist it so I don't even know if he's still willing to let it go. I'm sitting on the fence right now maybe I just need someone to push me off ;))
I have purchased from them before. Also there is another thread on Rocky Talk of someone who was interested in one of their pieces and spoke with them on the phone.

Empire 26 is basically a pawn shop. But they do have some nice jewelry. Problem is that they tend to be a bit generous in their evaluations. And they are not that friendly when there is a problem.

Unlike when I purchased, they now have a decent return policy. So if you really love it, go for it. Their so called retail prices are WAY over estimated according to the appraiser who checked my ring. Yes, it was very nice, just not exactly as described. It was priced OK, but no where the 70% off they claimed.
Hi Ruby, thanks for the info, still nervous about the purchase but feeling a little push to jump lol. Should I just wait it out till this auction ends or do I call and say remember Monday.....
I would call. But ask to speak with one of the owners if possible. Try and avoid emailing with the people who answer questions for the site, as they are basically useless.

Like I said, they do have nice jewelry. And they have been on ebay for a long, long time so they do have credibility. Just make sure to have the ring evaluated within the 14 day return policy.

As far as prices, I have found them to be fair. Not nearly as good as they used to be, but certainly not gouging, either.
Thanks again Ruby much appriciated, starting to feel a little more comfortable. Do I refer to you as my enabler lol
You are very welcome. And I hope my info gave you that little nudge. It is a very beautiful ring and I like the pattern of the OEC. Cannot wait to see handshots.
I think $5200 is very reasonable. I have a 1.1 carat OEC from JbEG coming and we paid just over $4K - stone only(so maybe we got ripped off, lol). Just make sure you can verify the specs of the diamond.
I called and spoke with the vendor, we agreed on a price, he posted a private listing for me at our agreed upon price and I bought it. End of eBay auction listing! That phone call may be a good opportunity for you to speak with the vendor, ask your questions, confirm the return policy... and maybe even negotiate a few hundred further off the cost! The call shows you are significantly interested - more so than an email to him.

Good luck! Hope you get it!
Ruby it is a very beautiful ring as for hand shots if I do get it, trust me you don't want to see them lol I'll post the beauty alone

ahhhhh I see 2 more enablers maccers do we get to see your beauty? Thank you for chiming in

Enerchi what can I say somehow it doesn't surprise me you're helping with the push lol
Cluless|1354754585|3323607 said:
Ruby it is a very beautiful ring as for hand shots if I do get it, trust me you don't want to see them lol I'll post the beauty alone

ahhhhh I see 2 more enablers maccers do we get to see your beauty? Thank you for chiming in

Enerchi what can I say somehow it doesn't surprise me you're helping with the push lol
:lol: :naughty: :lol:
Well... I work with the skills and talents I have!! so if enabling you to purchase some bling is one of my skills... tee hee, then I expect we shall have a new thread on the SMTB forum pretty soon??!! :Up_to_something: :lol:
..........and a talented lady you are, I'll sleep on it and see if I get the nerve to call tomorrow.
IMO, table is really too large for a typic OEC.
Hi stci, what would that mean? When I saw it to me it looks more like a transitional from pictures of other transitionals that I've seen, he says it's from the 20's so that would put it right there? See told you I'm still cluless lol
Well ladies..... hum excuse me ...............Enablers lol I did it ! She's here and she's a true beauty. A huge thank you to all that enabled me I really wanted her and was just so afraid that I was making the wrong call just on her looks. I don't know what to say I never thought something this beautiful would be mine(it's surreal) and yet she is. At the same time I have a very heavy heart because I wanted more than anything to share this with my mom, I know she would have been happy and excited for me. I decided to keep quiet about the purchase and surprise her once it was sized and on my finger with it, see she was blind and in a nursing home I thought telling her would be pointless it was better that she would have felt it and I would describe it to her then and there. But the surprise was on me suddenly on January 28 she passed away. Her name was Lucia I think I'll name this beauty Lucille ( as in the Kenny Rogers song You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille) in her Honor.

Dad passed away 9 months ago on April 18 It's been one though year.

I've attached a couple of horrible cell phone pics, hopefully one of my kids will have the time to take decent pictures and do this beauty justice. The hand shot is my daughter it's way too small for me :cry:




Can't wait to see some good photos. In that first one, the diamond just seems to be throwing off so much light.

You have definitely had a hard year. Wear this and every time you look at it, think of your wonderful parents.
