
Need some info on movers

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Dec 29, 2004
I''ve done some searches but not really getting what I need yet. I have yet to fill out online quotes...

If you''ve moved cross town (as I know cross country or interstate is a different kettle of fish), would you be so kind as to give me a ballpark of what you spent? I know things might be more pricey here in California, but right now I am absolutely clueless on cost . I will fill out quotes but I''d be interested in a general idea of what you moved and what it cost.
for me i moved about 45 miles away. So we didn''t want to drive back and forth picking things up and just rented a great big Budget truck it ended up costing us like $150 with gas and miles but we had to drop it back at the original place other wise it would have costed more if we dropped off where we lived as they would consider that like a one way trip.
$55 to $65 per hour (includes two men, truck, blankets, minor disassemby of bed etc.) are average. I've moved four times in the last 6 years (most recently in June). I just picked movers off of craigslist, or the internet (Starving Students, Two Guys, or the like). No one has ever broken anything yet and I have a large flatscreen, Noguchi table that weighs 200#, Saarinen that weighs 300#, lots of artwork.

I do my own packing (buy boxes from Home Depot, or order online from U-Line and have them shipped to your home). A typical one bedroom move with heavy furniture, drive time, garage full of boxes and tools runs around 5 hours max. I don't think I've ever paid more than $300ish.

Edited to add, this isn't a fill out online form type of deal. Just phone a few places. Forms are more for big moves to another state (done one of those too...$3800
oops just reread your headlines. you are looking for moveRS... lol... sorry never done the mover thing - we moved everything ourselves, 3 bedroom house, and had a couple of friends. Our sitter watched the kids while we did everything....
Usually $50-60 an hour for movers (not including packing, etc.). Last time we moved locally it was about $600 and that was for a 2 bedroom apartment with a lot of junk.

Then boxes (unless you are willing to scour for free boxes) can be expensive too-add another few hundred dollars for supplies if you want nice new boxes, need to get lots of tape, etc.
I moved across town (maybe 7 miles!?!?!) from a one bedroom condo to a 3 bedroom house and paid over $1200, maybe $1400, don''t recall. I would call that being slightly ripped off, but I didn''t have to carry a thing, and they actually helped me pack up a lot of my things because I was running behind schedule. They did work quickly, and the move occured over two days. They stored my stuff in their truck overnight due to closing schedule, so maybe not that bad . . . .

The last time I moved, from the 3 bedroom to a 5 bedroom, we moved a lot ourselves on a u-haul and then hired two kids off of Craigslist to help with the heavier items. I believe we paid them around $160.

Live and learn.

I would be careful about finding a mover from an on-line site. You never know if they will show up, and sometimes they charge a heck of a lot more than they quote you!!!! The craiglist people I found work through a small local company, had reviews, etc.

Is this sort of thing on yelp? Maybe you can find a review source for local movers?
TGal, I''m not sure how far you''re moving, but that can factor into the price. Most local movers charge per hour rates, and the amount of time includes the driving time between places times two (to account for round trip). Also, some places have a minimum number of hours, so you may be looking at a $500 minimum.

I moved about 45 miles 5 years ago, and the total cost ended up being about $1000. I moved again the next year about 1 block away, and it was about $700. The extra $300 was for the drive time. For reference, I live in a two bedroom, and I packed everything up myself.
They always show up (they''re real businesses, not just a couple of drunks with a truck), they have schedulers/dispatchers, forms, insurance, etc.

Anyone paying more than $65/hr in LA/Valley/SouthBay/OC area IS being ripped off. I was quoted $65 in June and negotiated the rate to $60 (times are tough, feel free to negotiate - at worst they''ll say no). Like I said, I''ve done this 4 times in Los Angeles.
When my sister moved last year, she filled out a form on the internet and then interested companies bid on the move. She chose the one she wanted from the bidders. The entire transaction went well.
Movers from a reputable nation-wide company: $375 (they charged by the hour but I don''t remember how much or how long it took honestly!)
Replacement washer after they dropped mine: $450
Replacement dining room table/chairs: $300
Cracked bedside tables and all the knobs bent on my dresser because nothing was padded: Can''t afford to replace now!

Lesson learned: rent a u-haul and pay friends with food/beer/whatever they want!! It''s still cheaper and won''t take four months of calling EVERYDAY to get enough money back to cover the gas I spent driving everywhere to do my laundry...

I moved my 1/2 of a 2 bedroom apt to a 3 bedroom house but most of the furniture was already moved in.
Last time I moved was 4.5 years ago when we bought the house - moved from 3BR apt to 3BR house.

Professional movers ran $120/hr for a weekday move; weekends were $160/hr.

Moved LR/DR furniture, plus 2 bedrooms and office. Rest was boxed items; no major appliances.
A cross-town move in the west burbs of Chicago cost $550 in 2004 moving from a 2 Br/2Ba apt. to a 2Br/1Ba house. Total time was ~6 hours, there were 4 guys. I think part of the $550 was a $80 tip but can''t remember exactly how it worked out.
Tgal, when DH and I moved last year across town (in Orange County), I think we only paid about $300! We were shocked at how reasonable it was. I don''t remember the name of the company but I can find it out for you if you like since I imagine they do moves in LA as well. They did a great job.
Thanks Mrs, I''d be interested!

PP, Starving Students was the first one I thought of, but they have HORRIBLE reviews and a million complaints to the BBB. I''m sure I could get lucky and their rate is cheap but I am not sure about using a company that seems as dodgy as all buggery.

I did find a small company that serves LA with great reviews on I still need to research further. They quoted 3 guys and a truck at $120/hr and said it sounded like a 4-5 hour job max. I guess that doesn''t sound too unreasonable considering that PP is saying she paid no more than $300 to move one bedroom and that took 5 hours.

Thanks everyone for your input, it is much appreciated. We are moving, I am so excited!!!!!
Where are you moving Tgal??!
Date: 8/11/2009 11:50:22 AM
Author: Jas12
Where are you moving Tgal??!
Into your new house Jas! Are ya ready for me?

Just a mile down the road. I love the area we live, but just am sick of living in an apartment.
Date: 8/11/2009 11:58:59 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 8/11/2009 11:50:22 AM

Author: Jas12

Where are you moving Tgal??!
Into your new house Jas! Are ya ready for me?

Just a mile down the road. I love the area we live, but just am sick of living in an apartment.

Did you buy or are you renting?

I''ve used Starving Students in the past but I think I got lucky. I also helped the guys myself and I am wondering if the fact that I was constantly around made them treat everything nicely. I can understand why you would want to avoid them with such dodgy reviews.
How exciting that you're moving, TGal!

I've used Delancey Street Foundation a couple of times, and have nothing but good things to say about them. The foundation helps rehabilitate troubled men and women, and one of their enterprise programs is Moving. Everyone I've come into contact during my last 3-4 moves has been a true professional!

I last used them in May '08 to move my parents from one end of the Valley to the other- I believe that they quoted me something like $75 for three or maybe four men- don't remember. Like PP, I pack up all my stuff, and just use them for moving the boxes and furniture to their truck and then into the new place.

Note that they do operate all over the L.A area- I used them for my moves to and from the South Bay.

Check them out:
We're moving on Saturday, from a 3rd floor 1 bedroom/1 bathroom 600 sq ft. apt. to a 1st floor 2 bed/2bath 1100 sq. ft. condo in NC. We're also going to empty out the storage unit we've had for a few months since we won't need it anymore. We were quoted $90 per hour for 3 guys and their own 26' truck. This particular company also charges a $50 traveling fee. If we wanted only two movers, it would have cost about $75 per hour, but we want it to go as quickly as possible so we hired three guys.
Claritek, we are renting.

Charger, thanks for the recommendation. Delancey has rave reviews on movingscam forums and I called for their rate. Interestingly, they were more expensive than I thought! $130 per hour for 3 guys and a truck, $30 fuel surcharge and fees for materials if they have to wrap anything. The only nice thing is they have a 2 hour minimum vs the 4 hour minimum that I got with STS movers. They''re still in the running though....
Date: 8/11/2009 2:07:59 PM
Author: ZoeBartlett
We''re moving on Saturday, from a 3rd floor 1 bedroom/1 bathroom 600 sq ft. apt. to a 1st floor 2 bed/2bath 1100 sq. ft. condo in NC. We''re also going to empty out the storage unit we''ve had for a few months since we won''t need it anymore. We were quoted $90 per hour for 3 guys and their own 26'' truck. This particular company also charges a $50 traveling fee. If we wanted only two movers, it would have cost about $75 per hour, but we want it to go as quickly as possible so we hired three guys.
Sounds like a deal compared to what I am getting!
Wow, that''s great Tgal, did you post some pics on another thread somewhere?
Date: 8/12/2009 12:14:29 PM
Author: Jas12
Wow, that''s great Tgal, did you post some pics on another thread somewhere?
Hi Jas, no I didn''t. While this home is an improvement, it''s nothing to write home about.

Thanks everyone for your help. I thought I''d come back and update on some threads where I asked for assistance. I used STS Movers. Reviews can be found at and their (basic) website at

These guys were fabulous. Can''t say enough good things about them. The owner, Don, came and did the move with two guys who were very nice. They were anal about packing everything up with blankets and shrinkwrap (which didn''t cost any extra) and although in the beginning he said he thought it would take 6 hours max, it only took 4 hours. He didn''t charge me transit time (30 minutes) since I paid him cash, so at 120 bucks an hour the move cost me $480. Totally no stress and he had a great east coast sense of humor to boot. I was totally pleased wtih the move and the money was well spent.

Thought I should come back with my verdicts since everyone was so helpful! I would have been interested in using Delancey but STS was cheaper in the end I think. For a So Cal move (they do some interstate stuff too though), I would highly recommend STS movers.
We're moving a three bedroom house approximately 20 miles and it's going to cost us around $600. That includes 3 movers and a truck (26' I think) at a rate of $85/hour.
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