
Need some help with a diamond please

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Aug 3, 2008
Hi everyone/anyone Lorelei if you are out there. I have come across another diamond which seems to be ok although only 5.4 tvp on holloway cut advisor. Can you tell if this stone can be recut? I don''t think it has too much sparkle/brilliance. Eagerly awaiting a reply from someone

Its not ok and you would lose significant diameter cleaning up the girdle and there isn't enough in the crown for a good recut.
You would end up with 1.7ct if you were lucky after a recut.
Date: 1/31/2009 8:08:09 AM
Hi everyone/anyone Lorelei if you are out there. I have come across another diamond which seems to be ok although only 5.4 tvp on holloway cut advisor. Can you tell if this stone can be recut? I don't think it has too much sparkle/brilliance. Eagerly awaiting a reply from someone
Hiya Monny!

I am not the best person to advise here and you know recutting is a complicated business, but I am always glad to try to help! You could ask an expert as to the viability of a recut, but if you would get this diamond even if it wasn't a suitable candidate - I would say keep looking and aim for a better proportioned diamond that you can love from the get go! Personally I wouldn't risk getting one which needed a recut but try to find even if not a top make diamond, a decently proportioned one.
Wow, that is what I call a quick response. Thank''s Lorelei and Karl. I can purchase this stone privately for a very good price, so I thought it was worth a try (if you go back through my posts you will see my other rings and ideally I would love to get a diamond of this size or close to. To get one close in quality to my 1.15ct would be very expensive and not in the budget right now. So was hoping this one might be a suitable candidate. Is it worth having a look at in person or should I not waste my time. It is GIA certed and I checked it out on their website.

I have seen quiet a few J Colours on the forum and they look great..........
Date: 1/31/2009 8:24:51 AM
Author: Monnyjay
Wow, that is what I call a quick response. Thank's Lorelei and Karl. I can purchase this stone privately for a very good price, so I thought it was worth a try (if you go back through my posts you will see my other rings and ideally I would love to get a diamond of this size or close to. To get one close in quality to my 1.15ct would be very expensive and not in the budget right now. So was hoping this one might be a suitable candidate. Is it worth having a look at in person or should I not waste my time. It is GIA certed and I checked it out on their website.

I have seen quiet a few J Colours on the forum and they look great..........
Mon, you are most welcome!

As Karl said there are possibilities such as a significant loss of weight, and you are probably aware that a recut itself isn't without risk. I would really recommend to keep looking for a rock of better proportions though.

You could speak to Bill Bray at if you really wanted to find out more about recutting, he might not be able to give you an opinion on this particular diamond's suitability for recutting without seeing it, but I don't see any harm in contacting him as by all accounts he is a very nice chap and he might be able to advise on what might be doable and if so, what quality of cut might be achievable.
Thank''s again Lorelei for all your helpful advice. I honestly wouldn''t mind if recut it came down to a 1.70ct that would still be great for the price. Having said that I would not have a clue have much it costs to have a diamond recut. I wonder if Gary H would have any suggestions he is a bit closer to home for me compared to your Bill Bray.

From the specs with your expertise would it be a dull stone to look it, eventhough it is a VS? .....
Silly question, of course it would be dull, its a less than average cut. Sorry it''s after 1pm in the morning here, sandman''s coming lol .....
Thank''s Lorelei
Date: 1/31/2009 9:06:42 AM
Author: Monnyjay
Silly question, of course it would be dull, its a less than average cut. Sorry it's after 1pm in the morning here, sandman's coming lol .....
Thank's Lorelei
LOL - no worries Mon! There are different levels of cut as you know and the issue with this diamond is the steep pavilion angle so it is hard to say how dull or bad it would look without seeing it. Some lesser cuts can look worse in some lights than in others and depending on the proportions also as can the tolerances of the individual observing the diamond.

Garry certainly might have some suggestions and advice for you, keep an eye out for him and I will too, then we will try to catch his attention.
Looking for Garry with some input on this diamond .............
Date: 1/31/2009 5:57:03 PM
Author: Monnyjay
Looking for Garry with some input on this diamond .............
Garry is on vacation and left his laptop at home.
He only has internet when he is at a hotel that offers it.
Thank-you Karl. I was going to look at this diamond in person today (Private Seller) (GIA JVS2) but after your advice and Lorelei''s I am a bit up in the air. If it could be recut as you say down to maybe a 1.70ct that is still okay with me, that is still a nice size for the asking price.

Thank''s Mon
Bill Bray recut a stone for me. It came out very nicely but it started off with an extremely thick girdle so there was a lot of excess stone to get rid of.

The cost depends on how long he thinks it'll take to plan and recut it. He can give you an idea of the outcome but there are no guarantees. It's one thing to already have a stone you want recut but it's another to buy one with that intent.

The only reason I considered a recut is simply because the stone was offered to me by a friend at a very reasonable price. It is not a diamond I would consider purchasing otherwise but if it had potential it would be an option. The experts have already given me their views so I am satisfied with their helpful guidance and advice and decided to give this one a miss
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