
Need Sapphire/Aqua Engagement Help

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Sep 26, 2009
Hey Guys,

Been reading this forum for a few days and I finally decided to post and ask for some help.

I am preparing to propose to my girlfriend of 2 years soon and I know that she would be interested in a non-traditional engagement ring featuring a lighter blue stone. My research has shown me that the best choices are either Aquamarine or Sapphire although I have been steered away from aqua''s since they aren''t as hard as the sapphires.

What are the best places on line to shop for these types of stones on-line? I haven''t had much luck determining what are the most reputable places. I''m looking for something in the 2-2.5 carat range preferably a cushion cut or something similar. Any suggestions on particular stones would be much appreciated as well.

Thanks so much for you help this forum is a great resource.


Mar 2, 2009
You can try as they carry many cushion cut sapphires.

I would recommend a montana sapphire since they come is very strikingly gorgeous light blues, but they are rarely found in the 2ct range.

Did you have a specific budget in mind?

For something really out of the box (if that's what the gf likes), here's a picture of a cool bi color sapphire from The Gem Trader. It is still availabe for $411.



Dec 12, 2008
MTG that is gorgeous!!


Sep 26, 2009
To be honest I am not that price sensitive and am more interested in being pleased with the ring/stone while also getting a good value. $5000 is around what I have been thinking but I''m flexible on price in both directions if I''m happy with the stone.

Along those lines I''ve noticed huge differences in the prices on different sites such as The Natural Sapphire Company or simplysapphires. Is that almost entirely based on the stones being untreated?

That sapphire is great but I think I''m looking for something with dimensions that are a little more square.


Jan 18, 2008
hi double,

with your budget I would have a sapphire custom cut. You're correct, they are second hardest after diamonds, so much more suitable for an e-ring than aqua.

This sapphire colour chart may help you get an idea of what kind of colour you're after, and you could send the link and your choice to vendors to help them find you a stone to cut.

I would recommend for custom precision cutters:
Jeff White (White's Gems)
Gene Flanigan (Precision Gem)
Gary Braun (Finewater)
and Peter Toracca - sorry I don't have his site name, but just google.
Also Richard Homer.

Others may have more to add to this list than I.
Sorry I haven't put the links in for you - it's pretty early in the morn where I am, and I haven't slept much

I've just this last couple weeks gone through my own sapphire search - I am going with Jeff White. My thread is just a couple down incase it helps at all.
I can highly recommend his service and "eye".

Sounds like it will be a great ring, good luck!


Mar 2, 2009
I agree, with that generous of a buget, I'd go custom with a precision faceter!

Although, my current favorite light blue sapphire is this one from Ed at Wild Fish Gems. It's a 7mm untreated Montana.

I know you're looking for a squarish shape, I just post it as an example of the Montanas and the cold light blues that they can come in since it sounds like you aren't necessarily looking for the traditional, deep kashmir blues.



Sep 26, 2009
Thanks for all the advice guys!

I''ve been reading some of the other recent sapphire threads and I agree that it seems like people are having good experiences with the custom cut sapphires. Arjunajane I appreciate the suggestions on cutters and would love to hear anyone weigh in with their good/bad experiences.

For my budget I would be happy to spend less if its possible. There''s always the honeymoon to consider :) She''s expressed a preference for me to spend less on the ring and more on the honeymoon so anything I can save and still be happy with my purchase is great. To be honest I''ve had a little bit of trouble ballparking the cost of the gem since there seems to be such high price variance between different vendors. Do you guys have any idea what type of prices I should be expecting to get a 2.0 carat sapphire custom cut? I think I am fine with light heat treatment if that helps.

MakingTheGrade the color on that sapphire is perfect.


Mar 28, 2009

Congrats on your pending engagement, one thing you have to take into account as well is the cost of the setting, is the setting as important to you and your fiancee as the stone, or are you going for a simple setting etc etc, so you might want to split your budget between stone/setting/leftovers for honeymoon and tweak it as you progress.


Sep 20, 2009
Date: 9/26/2009 9:35:25 PM
Author: DoubleStein
Thanks for all the advice guys!

I''ve been reading some of the other recent sapphire threads and I agree that it seems like people are having good experiences with the custom cut sapphires. Arjunajane I appreciate the suggestions on cutters and would love to hear anyone weigh in with their good/bad experiences.

For my budget I would be happy to spend less if its possible. There''s always the honeymoon to consider :) She''s expressed a preference for me to spend less on the ring and more on the honeymoon so anything I can save and still be happy with my purchase is great. To be honest I''ve had a little bit of trouble ballparking the cost of the gem since there seems to be such high price variance between different vendors. Do you guys have any idea what type of prices I should be expecting to get a 2.0 carat sapphire custom cut? I think I am fine with light heat treatment if that helps.

MakingTheGrade the color on that sapphire is perfect.
Prices on sapphire depend on color, clarity, cut, size and treatment. The lighter blues are not regarded as ideal in the market, so they tend to be cheaper (but the lighter colors tend to display more brilliance and fire, so they can be very attractive). Inclusions of any kind tend to be very visible in lighter stones, so you''ll want the cleanest stone you can find for such a special ring. Prices go way up for unheated sapphire, especially in larger sizes.

As far as treatment goes, I''m not sure there is any such thing as "light heat treatment" for sapphires. Heat treatment for sapphire is usually done at temperatures around 1500-1700 degrees centigrade. I laugh whenever I see a sapphire treatment described as "gentle heat". You wouldn''t want to put your hand in the oven when they''re cooking!

You may find be able to find sapphires meeting your requirements starting at around $2000. There''s no upward bound on what you can pay.


May 26, 2009
I am so glad to hear you are going with a colored stone and not an know what(shhh..the certain non-colored stone I don''t really like)..with that kind of budget you have a multitude of options and you will get something really nice..since it is an e-ring it will be worn quite a bit so something hard would be good like a sapphire...what you need to do is find some stones that you like and post them for the ladies on here to give some input on..they are very helpful and can steer you in the right direction on color, cut(or custom), and price..when you spend that kind of money(over $1000) it''s good to get some advice or help

ma re

Aug 10, 2008
With that budget I''d do my best to make sure the stone is certified - just in case you missed that bit of info.


Jan 18, 2008
Date: 9/26/2009 9:35:25 PM
Author: DoubleStein
Thanks for all the advice guys!

I've been reading some of the other recent sapphire threads and I agree that it seems like people are having good experiences with the custom cut sapphires. Arjunajane I appreciate the suggestions on cutters and would love to hear anyone weigh in with their good/bad experiences.

For my budget I would be happy to spend less if its possible. There's always the honeymoon to consider :) She's expressed a preference for me to spend less on the ring and more on the honeymoon so anything I can save and still be happy with my purchase is great. To be honest I've had a little bit of trouble ballparking the cost of the gem since there seems to be such high price variance between different vendors. Do you guys have any idea what type of prices I should be expecting to get a 2.0 carat sapphire custom cut? I think I am fine with light heat treatment if that helps.

MakingTheGrade the color on that sapphire is perfect.

Hi Double,
no worries, glad to help as I was happy to have PS's help with my search/decision and it was much appreciated.

As far as pricing - sapphire prices literally are the Wild West! This much I have learned.
It's completely all over the place, and mainly depends on where you go and what kind of colour you want.

This is why I suggested going straight to the cutter - it is almost always cheaper, as you don't have "middle man" charges of retailers, be they B&M's or online. I find the prices on the Natural S. Co. and simply sapphires websites to be nutso! This is due to a combo of factors, such as retail space, maintaining that large inventory etc.
I just find that with these cutters, there's no BS, basically!

As you've seen my thread and the description of the stone I'm getting, I can tell you if I were to try to find the same thing on one of those sites it could easily run 2-3 times as much as what JW will be charging (and that's with native, not precision faceting).

If you don't mind heat treated, it not only allows for a lower budget mark but also widens your choices, as un-heated sapphires can be few and far between in exact size, cut and ct combos. Same with lighter blues, won't be expensive as deeper tones typically.

I agree with the others that have mentioned Montana sapphires if you really want that light blue look - I believe they are the closest that come to an icey colour.
Personally, if I were going to go light this is the kinda light I'd be looking for - (this is a JW stone). Just personal opinion.

As far as getting an actual price quote, you are really best to contact the various vendors and just see what they have. I spoke to all of the ones I mentioned (except R. Homer) in my search, and all were very helpful and friendly.
In the end, you will mainly be dictated by who has what suitable material to cut your desired stone at the time - I quickly found ordering a sapphire is not as easy as many other gems

If you want just a ballpark, from your description, I think you could achieve it in about half your original budget (or potentially less.)

Did you see if you could determine what colour range you were after using the Cross jewellers chart? The names are silly, but gives a good jumping off point, for beginners like me.

hope my basics help you!

SAP032 JM.jpg


Sep 26, 2009
Hey guys thanks again for all the help!

I''ve spent some time browsing Jeff White''s website and I have to say that I am impressed. I''m definitely leaning towards that option and looking forward to getting him touch with him.

For colors I am looking in the Sweden Princess Blue range from the chart that arjunajane provided. I''ve attached a stone from Jeff''s website that has the color I am looking for.

The light blue 1.16ct Montana has the color I was originally looking for but obviously not the cut or size but is a good indication of my color preference.

Tell me what you guys think!

Lovinggems i''ve started looking at settings and should have some pictures to post of my ideas soon!



Sep 26, 2009
Here is another stone that jumped out at me. It has a slight almost purple color to it which I know would be something she would like.



Jan 18, 2008
Hi again double,

I''m glad you''re enjoying the eye candy on JW''s site, its lotsa fun!

Out of the two you posted, they really are quite different colours.
The montana''s are quite icey, and are pretty different to anything else available (to my knowledge, I''m happy to be corrected).

The second one is getting more towards the traditionally favoured Sri Lankan (Ceylon) shades - I would also call that one light-medium with some violet, from the one photo. I suppose I should say here to discuss photos vs real life with your chosen vendor - even though cutters do their best to represent accurately, stones will look quite different once you get them home than in studio pics.

That asscher is quite close to what I was after in colour, a tad lighter - as I really wanted a violet undertone.

As I mentioned, they''re pretty different - do you know which your girl will like best? I''m not sure if you''ll find a Montana with purple/violet, but it''s def. worth asking.


Apr 22, 2004

Your budget is definitely sufficient for what you are looking for and I also second the recommendation for a sapphire since it’s a tougher stone that will hold up much better for an engagement ring stone. The next step is to decide if you mind heat treatment or not. Pricing will be quite different between the two, however, “gentle” heat treatment is also acceptable in the market. Your options of stones will also be larger should choose to go heated but it’s up to you.

The 2 stones you posted are quite different from what I envisioned that you are after. I guess pictures definitely are more accurate than words.
The Montanas are generally on the small size (1 ct thereabouts) and usually show either some green/yellow with a touch of gray. It’s pretty rare to find a pure blue Montana.
The second stone is not what I consider a light coloured sapphire. The colour is actually more of a medium light tone but lower saturation.
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