
Need opinions! $ on diamond or setting

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Mar 11, 2009
FF and I had picked out a setting with a wedding band. The set is customized and beautiful. However, becuse it''s a custom set, we''d need to get it all at once. This means less money towards the diamond. So basically FF wants to know if I want the custom setting with a .75 G, VS2 or if I would want just a simple solitare and get a 1 carat diamond with the same stats. Thoughts? Should I go for the bigger diamond and sacrafice the setting or go with the smaller diamond and the custom set?

Black Jade

Aug 21, 2008
Date: 6/19/2009 9:08:55 PM
FF and I had picked out a setting with a wedding band. The set is customized and beautiful. However, becuse it''s a custom set, we''d need to get it all at once. This means less money towards the diamond. So basically FF wants to know if I want the custom setting with a .75 G, VS2 or if I would want just a simple solitare and get a 1 carat diamond with the same stats. Thoughts? Should I go for the bigger diamond and sacrafice the setting or go with the smaller diamond and the custom set?
If I were getting it for me, I''d go for the 1 carat diamond and sacrifice the setting. But I am not into beautiful settings. I prefer simple solitaires. Which do YOU prefer? Are you in love with the setting?
A .75 diamond with those stats is going to be beautiful, especially if it is ideal cut, and in my opinion, it is going to look sizeable. I have a .65 which is an AGS ideal and people are impressed with the beautiful stone, all the time. You sound as if you are leaning towards getting the setting.
Something to think about is that if you are not getting married right away, might you not have more money later for the wedding ring you wnat, even if it didn''t exactly match?
Good luck. Honestly, to me it sounds as if you can''t lose.


Jun 2, 2009
Get the better setting.

Now take a second, and think about how you reacted to when you read that- was your first thought "Ok!" or was it more, "Buuuut, the diamondddd...." If it was the latter, you want the diamond, and if it was the former, you want the setting!

of course, if it was neither, then you really are in the middle of the road, and I hope some of the advice these ladies give you will help!


Jan 17, 2009
I had the EXACT same choice to make.

I chose the diamond.

Because it is very unlikely that we will be able to upgrade on the diamond ever, but i will be able to upgrade the setting and get the side stones i wanted... i have had the e ring for 5 months and it is a little too small so when i get my wedding band i am having my e ring resized and shaved down a bit to make the band ''softer'' which will probably keep me happy for a few more years and once i have the eternity ring after a year of marriage, i will probably start thinking about the new setting the year after that.


Apr 21, 2008
i would definitely go for the larger stone now and get the fancy setting at a later date.
maybe as an anniversary gift or something?


Mar 2, 2009
I agree. If you think you''d be happy with a .75 ct diamond for the rest of your life (or at least the next few years), then get the setting. But if part of you would miss that 1 ct, I''d say go for the 1ct because it''s much easier (and cheaper) to upgrade the setting than the diamond. So get the size you want now.

I have a simple solitaire, and I love it! Even so, I''ll probably have to get it reset in 10-15 yrs just because of wear and tear. I"ve only had it for a year and I''ve already scratched the heck out of it.

Iowa Lizzy

Jul 2, 2008
Hi Treasure! Are you willing to sacrifice on color and clarity at all? Maybe go down to an I color and an eye clean SI1? That might bump you up to closer to 1 carat in your price range. Or even if you could hit that magical number just BELOW 1 carat. That way it will face up just about the same as a 1ct, yet the price will still be good. Something between .90 and 1.00?

Are you buying the stone online or at a B&M? If you have the option to get the setting from this local jeweler, but can source the stone, I''d head over to Rocky Talky to see if anyone over there can help you find a bigger stone that still fits your budget.

If none of this is feasible, I say go for the bigger stone and get the simple solitaire. Then save up some dough before the wedding and get a gorgeous wband. Are you the sort of person that will always look at the diamond and secretly wish it was just a little bigger? Then I think you have your answer.

Sorry for rambling. Interesting topic for conversation.


Mar 11, 2009
Thanks for all the suggestions and imput! FF and I went back to the place where we want to buy the ring and I tried on some solitare settings. I wasn''t really happy with them and am still head over heels for the orginal e-ring setting that we looked at. However, we came up with a compromise. We''re going to buy just the e-ring and get the wedding band customized closer to the wedding (which won''t be for 2 years). That will give us time to save up for the band and the saleslady had a really neat idea for a customized wedding band that I actually liked better than the matching wedding band we were looking at before. She showed us a 1.10 carat, I, SI1 Lazare cut diamond (which is ideal cut)that was ridiculously white and eye-clean. She even took us outside so we could see it in the sunlight. It''s 7K, so that will increase the cost by around $500 plus the wedding band. FF wants to pay for the engagement ring all by himself but we talked about me helping him with the wedding band when the time comes.

Anyway, this seems to be a great compromise and I''m really happy with it!


Apr 28, 2008
I am glad to hear you''ve figured it out!


Nov 15, 2008
How great to hear that you''ve figured it out so well. Can''t wait to see pics of your new ring.
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