
Need opinions on AGS 0 and Holloway Cut Adviser results

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Feb 12, 2002
Ok. Here are my diamond specs taken from both GIA and Sarin report:

shape - round brilliant
measurements 6.25 - 6.31 x 3.91 mm
weight .94 carat
depth 62.3 %
table 56%
Girdle thin to medium, faceted
Culet None
Polish Excellent
Symmetry Excellent
clarity grade VS1
Color grade G
Flourescence None

.94 ct
total depth %62.2
crown angle ' 35.3 (35.2 - 35.3) 0
crown height % 16.0 (15.8 - 16.3)
pavil angle ' 41.0 (40.9 - 41.1)
pavil depth %42.9 (42.8 - 43.0) 0
culet % 0.5 V. Small 0
Table size %55.8 (55.6 - 56.0) 0
Girdle Thickness 1.5% (1.1 - 2.0) 0 Medium
Proportion 0

Now I bought this diamond and was facinated by it. Then even more facinated when my local appraiser was stunned by it. Now if me and my appraiser loved it, how come Holloway Cut Adviser throws in a "very good" rating with "very good polish"?

I am entering something wrong? GIA reports shows excellent for polish.. I compared this diamond side by side to 1.15 CT Very Good cut/polish and mine simply blew it away.

Another question.. Is it possible to detect a H&A diamond with the naked eye? I can see at least some of the arrow pattern (couple of arrow points) looking at my diamond from the top. Just wondering...

Any comments on these measurements, the diamond, Holloway Cut Adviser, etc are appreciated. I want to make sure I made the right decision before my return time expires ( 2 weeks)



Dec 31, 1999
Hi Crosado…

Besides it has smaller diameter (less spread, looks smaller for its weight) than other ideal cut diamonds. 0.94 carat Tolkowski cut should have 6.33 mm in diameter (not 6.28 mm). This also adds penalties to the HCA score.

This stone is still cut better than many others but not as good as true ideal. Symmetry and polish play secondary role here.


However if the price is right and you like the diamond you don't have to return it. Were you able to see diamonds with a little shallower crown and pavilion (closer to Tolkowski proportions)?

Also keep in mind that not everyone like a look of ideal cut stone or you might not see a difference at all.

Hope this helps.[/u][/u]

Garry H (Cut Nut)

Aug 15, 2000
hi C,

you and the appraiser seem to be considering GIA pol and sym grades to be the same as proportion grades. They are not and should never be confused. A diamond can rate Ex Ex on GIA and have the worlds worst proportions. There are plenty of examples.

Leonid has acurately descirbed the situation - loose diamonds like yours allow a little nore light in the back, but they often have very good fire for other difficult to explain reasons.
if you want to know lots more read the tutorial here and

regards Garry
PS it is a very good stone, not a godd, fair or poor stone :)


Dec 31, 1999
for ideally symmetrical stones for jewelry store environment and ideal-scope.[/u]



Feb 12, 2002
Ok awesome comments and thanks a lot for the imput. Once again as with everything exciting in life the more I search the more I find there is to learn.

Garry I love your site and I will problably read everything on it before the end of the week. The same with your site Leonid and thanks a lot for the simulation. Now all this is a bit clearer to me.

Garry, I think my appraiser knew a lot more about the stone that what she really told me. All I wanted from her was to know if I spent well my money and she said that I did. I think so too and I am relieved. I do recall she mentioned a couple of details about the angles, cut, etc that may be the missing link to better scores with the advicer. Actually I am now sure about it but my focus was on making sure I made a good buy all other details where just pluses to me.

So let me throw 1 extra thought at you guys.. I know you may want to stay away of refering other names. brands, etc. but from all my research so far into diamonds it appears like the best cut diamonds are Eightstars??
and yes I have seen all the other sites I am refering versus hearts on fire, supercerts, yara yara ;-)

Leonid do you happen to have a Diamond Calculator simulation for an eightstar diamond? Can you paste it on this post? I am die to see one..

Again thanks so much for the info.

Carlos (crosado)


Dec 31, 1999
Crosado... I cannot make exact 8* simulation using DiamCalc now because some of 8* facets are cut in non-standard way to avoid minor light leakages. You probably know that 8* diamonds cut to get perfect firescope image, i.e. no light leakage and perfect 8* pattern in firescope.

As to your question whether 8* is the most beautiful diamond, you have to decide it for yourself by comparing different ideal cut diamonds. It’s a matter of taste and (hate this cliché) “beauty’s in the eyes of beholder”.

:tongue: [/u]


Feb 12, 2002
Ok 1 more quick question/comment... after reading some more about light leakage on this area of the diamond..

Is it true that light leakeage on this area are of most concerns when diamonds are set on a prolong ring because this area will appear dark when set?

Also, I read that most appraisers tend to disminish or don't pay too much attention to leakeage on this area when looking at similar loose stones because the way the view the stone against direct light sources therefore stone will shine more rather than area appear darker..

If my two points above are in track.. then what potential effect if any will a tension set have on this diamond as the stone will be suspended in the air with light sources entering from all sides??? :halo: :praise:

In other words.. what happends if there is light coming in from below to meet the light that could leak from that area?

Just wondering! :)

Garry H (Cut Nut)

Aug 15, 2000
Yeah you got the hang of it :)
Trouble is there is less light geting in from the hand side than there usually is from above where the lights usually coming from.
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