
Need opinion: light pink/peachy sapphire/spinel


Feb 10, 2018
Hi everyone,

I've been reading for a while and after looking at all your beautiful CS, I've decided to find a stone for myself :oops2:
This would be my first purchase; my budget is (sorry to say) very low, around $100-300.

I like light pink/peachy pink color, and for the sake of durability I'm choosing sapphire or spinel. I think my best bet for the budget would probably be spinel. I'm hoping I can still get a decent CS that is eye clean and not have a big window. I prefer buying from US vendors since shipping would be faster and cheaper :oops:

I've looked around and found some stones within my budget. Please tell me what you think about them.

Pastel pink spinel 0.54 ct; 6.04 x 4.15 mm
(Does the center have a window? I'm still learning to spot a window)

thumb_37676.jpg thumb_37674.jpg
Vivid pink orange spinel 1.11 ct; 7 x 5 x 3.8 mm
(I'm loving the left pic but it looks too red on the right pic)

Pair of pink spinel 1.77 ct tcw; 5 x 7 mm

Round brilliant concave pink spinel 0.51 ct; 4.82 mm

I think I read that the pics with darker background would have darker stones irl. Should I be concerned with the ones I posted above? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much!
The top one has a small window, it's hard to tell though with the pair because they are tilted away from the camera. The third one I cannot evaluate properly because it's on a dark background, which enhances color. It is cut well though.

With peachy spinels, sapphires,or any peachy gem for that matter, I would look for a color shift to a much less desirable color in certain lighting and poor cutting. The top stone has both issues.
Thank you for looking at the pics!

The round concave one is from Etsy, would it be considered impolite if I ask the vendor for pics on a white background? Or on a direct sunlight?
He described the stone color as rose pink, not treated, VVS, and it has a minute amount of silk inclusions.

Are there any other questions that I should ask a vendor before buying?

With peachy spinels, does the color shift to a much less desirable color would mean it goes really dark/blacking out? Can i avoid choosing such a stone if I ask the vendor for more pics in different lighting conditions?

I don't know if this would help (since it's also on a dark background), but these are other pics of the concave spinel:
il_570xN.979680234_8y02.jpg il_570xN.979680238_q2yd.jpg

Thank you again for imparting your wisdom!
It's not unreasonable to ask for additional pictures, in various lighting, and on a different background.

When I say "less desirable color, " I mean anything that you would deem less desirable. For me, this would be a stone that goes way more brown and/or gray and/or extinct (blacking out). The ultimate opinion is yours though.
Thank you for the advice, TL. I've never seen a peachy spinel/sapphire in real life, but I think if it goes too brown until it loses all the pink, it would bug me.

I'll try asking the vendor for more pics while browsing some other places as well.
I'll keep you posted!
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Hi everyone,

I've been reading for a while and after looking at all your beautiful CS, I've decided to find a stone for myself :oops2:
This would be my first purchase; my budget is (sorry to say) very low, around $100-300.

I like light pink/peachy pink color, and for the sake of durability I'm choosing sapphire or spinel. I think my best bet for the budget would probably be spinel. I'm hoping I can still get a decent CS that is eye clean and not have a big window. I prefer buying from US vendors since shipping would be faster and cheaper :oops:

I've looked around and found some stones within my budget. Please tell me what you think about them.

Pastel pink spinel 0.54 ct; 6.04 x 4.15 mm
(Does the center have a window? I'm still learning to spot a window)

thumb_37676.jpg thumb_37674.jpg
Vivid pink orange spinel 1.11 ct; 7 x 5 x 3.8 mm
(I'm loving the left pic but it looks too red on the right pic)

Pair of pink spinel 1.77 ct tcw; 5 x 7 mm

Round brilliant concave pink spinel 0.51 ct; 4.82 mm

I think I read that the pics with darker background would have darker stones irl. Should I be concerned with the ones I posted above? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much!

Hi Skylight! I like the third option too and recognise the vendor who is considered very very good.

But I’d advise you that your budget is not actually that low for spinel. Maybe keep looking unless you have a time constraint. May I ask what is your ideal size and are you looking more for a ring or earrings?
Hi Gemobsessed!
Your opinion is very reassuring, thank you! My ideal size would be around 5-7mm (round/oval/cushion). I'm looking to someday set it on a ring, but that would have to wait.

I messaged the vendor, and he replied within 10 minutes with the pics! I'm very very impressed.
Here they are:
1)Direct daylight

2)Fluorescent handshot

3) Incandescent hand shot

Please tell me what you think about them.
Thank you!
Pink in sunlight and more peachy in fluorescent. The tone is light so it doesn't "black out." i don't know the vendor from the pictures you provided, but I'm glad they provided additional views in various lighting and backgrounds. Good luck on your decision.
Thank you so much TL for your insight!
I've placed an order for the spinel, will send you pics after it arrived. The vendor is KosnarGemCo, he's having a sale right now.

A bit out of topic, but I'm wondering whether PSers usually use special tweezers to examine their newly arrived stone..? I read in the forum that a PSer accidentally damaged a stone that he/she ordered. I felt really sorry for him/her, and I definitely don't want it to happen to me. Would it be a big no-no to just hold the gemstone between your fingers when examining it?
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Hold the stone in your fingers, but it's best to keep in a protective gem jar.
Hi Gemobsessed!
Your opinion is very reassuring, thank you! My ideal size would be around 5-7mm (round/oval/cushion). I'm looking to someday set it on a ring, but that would have to wait.

I messaged the vendor, and he replied within 10 minutes with the pics! I'm very very impressed.
Here they are:
1)Direct daylight

2)Fluorescent handshot

3) Incandescent hand shot

Please tell me what you think about them.
Thank you!

It’s lovely! The concave cut helps make it look so bright. Well done! :)
@TL Now i know what i need to buy, thank you!
@Gemobsessed Thank you for the support, it is much appreciated :)
Hi Gemobsessed!
Your opinion is very reassuring, thank you! My ideal size would be around 5-7mm (round/oval/cushion). I'm looking to someday set it on a ring, but that would have to wait.

I messaged the vendor, and he replied within 10 minutes with the pics! I'm very very impressed.
Here they are:
1)Direct daylight

2)Fluorescent handshot

3) Incandescent hand shot

Please tell me what you think about them.
Thank you!

Congrats on this BEAUTIFUL spinel! The Kosnars are my absolute favorite people to work with and I am so thrilled that Brett won an AGTA award for his cutting (1st place - "all other faceted" category). That's a huge deal!

Allyce is so sweet. After losing a tourmaline from them in my car (it must have fallen under the floor upholstery into an inaccessible no man's land), I mentioned it offhand to Allyce and she surprised me by sending another. She 100 percent didn't have to do that, and I 100 percent wasn't expecting it, but was delighted.

Anyway, congrats again!
Congrats on this BEAUTIFUL spinel! The Kosnars are my absolute favorite people to work with and I am so thrilled that Brett won an AGTA award for his cutting (1st place - "all other faceted" category). That's a huge deal!

Allyce is so sweet. After losing a tourmaline from them in my car (it must have fallen under the floor upholstery into an inaccessible no man's land), I mentioned it offhand to Allyce and she surprised me by sending another. She 100 percent didn't have to do that, and I 100 percent wasn't expecting it, but was delighted.

Anyway, congrats again!

Thank you very much Woweezowee!
I'm sorry you lost your tourmaline, but glad you got a new one! They have an astounding level of customer service there.
I didn't know Brett won an AGTA award, thanks for telling me that! I'm happy for him, too, and now I'm even more excited waiting for my stone to arrive!
51967F7B-FBF0-43D5-A874-C205A4F55976.jpeg DCDFA6F4-5AF0-4CC2-8DFD-4DCD895D73FC.jpeg
It's beautiful! I love the color :kiss2: Do you have any plans to set it soon?

Hi Skylight, no setting plans yet but mine is 4.5 mm and yours is 4.8 mm so we should definitely bounce off ideas with each other! Here is one from @MissyBeaucoup and another from elsewhere bother meant for smaller stones

Do you have any ideas yet?
Gemobsessed, those are very pretty!
The one from @MissyBeaucoup would require many CS friends to accompany the center stone, though :whistle:

I like flower/snowflake/star shapes:
maxresdefault.jpg Hannah.jpg il_fullxfull.1163129446_s3v5.jpg
But I'm afraid those rings might break the bank..

So I might go for a simpler design:
Or even a solitaire, depends on how much things will cost.
Thinking of going to a local jeweler to check what they have, since going with an existing setting should cost less than going custom.
Thank you for posting my ring, Gemobsessed! I like the star and flower shapes too. I was happy to find green garnets with a similar color intensity to the ruby, so it feels balanced.

Congratulations on your pretty new spinel, Skylight! You found a great vendor and a very reasonable price. It sounds like you might have gotten bitten by the gem bug! :appl:
Thank you for posting my ring, Gemobsessed! I like the star and flower shapes too. I was happy to find green garnets with a similar color intensity to the ruby, so it feels balanced.

Congratulations on your pretty new spinel, Skylight! You found a great vendor and a very reasonable price. It sounds like you might have gotten bitten by the gem bug! :appl:

Hi MissyBeaucoup!
You have lovely rings, and the green garnets are definitely a good match for the ruby.

Thank you, couldn't have done it without all of you PSers! I love reading about all sorts of things in the CS section, CS is so much fun! PSers are so nice and helpful, too!
Gemobsessed, those are very pretty!
The one from @MissyBeaucoup would require many CS friends to accompany the center stone, though :whistle:

I like flower/snowflake/star shapes:
maxresdefault.jpg Hannah.jpg il_fullxfull.1163129446_s3v5.jpg
But I'm afraid those rings might break the bank..

So I might go for a simpler design:
Or even a solitaire, depends on how much things will cost.
Thinking of going to a local jeweler to check what they have, since going with an existing setting should cost less than going custom.

Gorgeous!! I may just copy the last one. I saw a similar one once. It’s so dainty and pretty. Perfect for pink !!

Thanks for a clearer view. Here’s another version.

Thank you Gemobsessed. Looks different with a round center stone, do you like it?

I just checked my mail, and my pink spinel is here!
I haven't mustered the courage to take it out of the box haha...
Forgive my bad pics:
1) Tried taking pic on top of a loupe

2) Under the kitchen's fluorescent light

3) Next to my window

To my untrained eyes, the color when put next to my window is similar to pantone 244U:
Even prettier out of the box!
Okay, finally got it out of the box!

Here are more pics (today is cloudy, though):

Congratulations! :appl: That's a pretty stone. I don't mind the color shift at all. I think it gives it character!

What do you think?
@minousbijoux Thank you!

@suzanne2 Thank you! In real life it actually looks a bit dark in the center, and a tad purplish in my kitchen. Even though I was looking for a more peachy tone, I like this one, too, so I'm keeping it.

I have a question about the gem box (gem jar?): If I put the spinel on the white velvety part, and then press the lid of the box to close it, won't it scratch the gem table/facets?
And everytime I pry the lid open (slowly), the spinel falls onto the lid with a thud.. Will it make scratches, too?
I'm now afraid to close the lid lest it will make tiny scratches haha..
@minousbijoux Thank you!

@suzanne2 Thank you! In real life it actually looks a bit dark in the center, and a tad purplish in my kitchen. Even though I was looking for a more peachy tone, I like this one, too, so I'm keeping it.

I have a question about the gem box (gem jar?): If I put the spinel on the white velvety part, and then press the lid of the box to close it, won't it scratch the gem table/facets?
And everytime I pry the lid open (slowly), the spinel falls onto the lid with a thud.. Will it make scratches, too?
I'm now afraid to close the lid lest it will make tiny scratches haha..

Your little plastic gem jar won't scratch a spinel. At all. But I do have a suggestion for opening it so the stone doesn't fall into the lid, bounce out, and possibly get lost under the sofa...Open it upside down. The stone will stay in place.

Spinels and sapphires are fairly tough. handling them with your fingers, rolling them in your palm and even picking them up with gem tweezers is quite safe. Enjoy your beautiful stone!
Your little plastic gem jar won't scratch a spinel. At all. But I do have a suggestion for opening it so the stone doesn't fall into the lid, bounce out, and possibly get lost under the sofa...Open it upside down. The stone will stay in place.

Spinels and sapphires are fairly tough. handling them with your fingers, rolling them in your palm and even picking them up with gem tweezers is quite safe. Enjoy your beautiful stone!

That's a relief..and what a great suggestion! Thank you suzanne2!
I just wanna play with my new spinel and stare at it all day in various lightings, if that makes sense :lol: