
Need jeans suggestion for my hubby!

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Mar 26, 2006
I figured since you all were so up on the jeans scene for women that you might be able to help me with my husband''s latest clothing problem too. He has finally broken down and admitted that he needs to replace his blue jeans. The problem is he''s tall and skinny and most jeans (even just the "easy fit" styles) look ridiculous on him. He really needs "slim fit" but there doesn''t seem to be any such thing any more; everything is baggy baggy baggy... Oh, one more thing--HE''S CHEAP!!! All of his jeans to this point have come from the GAP OUTLET (not even the regular GAP, but the damn OUTLET!), but they have recently discontinued the ones that he used to buy.

Does anyone know of any reasonably priced jeans that come in a slimmer version? I could probably get him up to $50 a pair, but certainly not any more than that.

Please help me help him not look goofy when he walks out the door!
hi there!
i have a bf with the same "situation" as your husband... it's been a chore to find him pants that fit right.... now don't be scared when i say where we found the solution to his "problem"...... but hollister and abercrombie have some great slim fit jeans and they do make jeans without holes or destruction... acually, the hollister jeans fit him the best and are under your $50 budget.... maybe it would be best to just buy them for him so he doesn't have to walk into the store.. it's a little overwhelming... that's what i do for my bf..... believe me...... we are wayyyyy out of their target customer age range.. but if the shoe... or pants fit.... well then so be it ;)
there are a lot of more expensive designer jeans that fit skinnier guys too, but those would be over your budget.... g*star is a great brand...
hope that helps!
Vizsla - Thanks for the suggestions! And you hit on a very important point that I forgot to mention--happy hubby doesn''t want his jeans to look like they were run over by a truck, so the ripped up/holes thing is not an option.

There''s an Abercrombie near me; I''ll check them out this weekend.

Is Hollister a store like that too? I don''t think I''ve ever heard of them (we''re in Chicago).
oh i''m sure they have a hollister by you.... they are everywhere all of a sudden...

and don''t worry... they do make nondrivenovertruck jeans ;) and you really can''t tell by looking at the jeans where they are from ... they are really good quality and hold up extremely well.. my bf is a carpenter and "retires" his old jeans to "work jeans" and those things just won''t die... which is good.....

this is the hollister stores near you.. i think....

G111 Woodfield Shopping Center
Schaumburg, IL 60173

the hollister fit that my bf likes is the boomer low rise slim boot...

at abercrombie bf likes (make sure to go down an inch for waist.. their sizes run really big - vanity sizing .. gotta love it) baxter and remsen

hope this helps!
i totally know what you mean. FI is 6'' and has little skinny legs.

he found some at express for men. i couldn''t believe it! i''m not sure which ones, but they are very dark, boot cut, low rise & slim fit. they fit him fantastically!

thanks for the holister & A&F. will have to look there too, if that''s even possible for him
Woodfield is just 1/2 hour away--I''ll go there this weekend! And jcrow, didn''t even think of express--Michigan Avenue here I come!

By the way, I''m glad to find out that my hubby is not the ONLY may in America that''s tall and skinny and doesn''t want to look like he''s wearing his daddy''s jeans, LOL. Based on what I have seen in the stores I was beginning to think that was the case...
ok, please don't laugh but my step dad is tall and thin and loves levi's. He had to search to find a store that stocked his size but I think he bought his last few pairs at JC Penny. they really look great and are pretty stylish for a plain jean.

ETA: he doesn't like the baggy look either.
Oh and Dee Jay, my hubby just bought some new jeans at Banana Rebublic. They were around $50 a pair I think. My hubby is tall, not thin though and doesn''t like baggy jeans and found some there that work and look great. they do have the new low pockets thing going on though and I don''t know if your hubby would like that or not?
There''s a Levi''s store on Michigan Avenue too--I''m there! As for the low pocket thing... hmmmm...

I think what I will have to do is go and buy a bunch of jeans at different stores for him to try on at home. (How good a wife am I? -- NOT! I''m just trying to find pants that I don''t mind looking at on his skinny little butt, LOL!)
I love getting jeans and pants for Greg at Banana...they fit pretty well and make his butt look nice too. TMI I know but I hate baggy boy jean butt. Anyway I will have to check out Hollister and I figure AE probably has some cute jeans as well. Greg is tallish and has a nice build, he is a little on the leanish side vs beefy with a smallish waist. I think he's got a 33 waist and a 34 inseam. Random note, my dad and Greg have almost the EXACT same build, as I found out when I got their measurements for the suits for the wedding, I was like wow I guess what they say about subconsciously looking for a man like your father is somewhat true in this instance? I think the only thing that was diff was Greg's arm measurement was like 1/2" longer. But shoulder width, waist, and inseam were all the same! Too funny.

I just went to the Abercrombie site and I felt like I had been looking at ******, LOL! Those pics are a little racey. Whew...

(As a side note, if I get the happy hubby jeans from there, do the awesome abs come in the bag too?!)
i told you not to be scared ;)

yes.. the place is a bit intimidating.. but the quality of their clothes is so wonderful... and you can always order on-line and pass up the store experience all together......

but watch out.. hollister is just as bad..... ;)
My fiance bought his jeans at Walmart. They''re Levis and cost like $20. They''re plain dark denim, and are slim fit (they might be called "classic fit" or something).

The only thing is that fiance needs 30Wx34L, which is a hard to find size, and they don''t seem to stock that. So he bought 32L. And they are a little too short. But if you want something really cheap and you don''t have hang-ups about buying clothes at Walmart (like I do
) then it might be worth looking.
Hollister and A&F have the same parent company I think, so their styles are very similar but Hollister are slightly cheaper. AE has some great boot cut jeans that are 34L; those might work for you.
We also buy my hubby''s jeans at Banana - he is tall and has a hard time finding jeans that fit him. They are not "baggy" or low either. They have in between sizes too, he wears a 35 there. Express also fits - but their style these days tends to be a bit on the "metro-sexual" side - and that is so not his taste.
Oh god, there were so many posts on here that made me laugh I don''t know which one to post... *wipes eyes*

Good to know... FF has, well, no sense of fashion and always looks like he''s dressed in clothes 4x too big for him. He''s also the tall-and-lean type, but he''s so prickly about clothing (too many years of mom trying to dress him
) I daren''t make a suggest yet... but I will keep it in mind for when we''re married, as I slowly replace his old jeans with ones that fit...
I mentioned to the happy hubby that I was going to make it my mission to buy him some new jeans this weekend and we was like, "you don''t like the ones that I got at the Calvin Klein outlet last Sunday?"

WHAT JEANS did he get at CK on Sunday? We went to an outlet mall our way home from a weekend trip, and we did go our separate ways to shop, but I never even saw him with a bag in his hand. (Turns out he bought LOTS of things and just kept putting the bags in the car because he didn''t want to carry them around.)

So I had him put these mystery CK jeans on and I was just HORRIFIED. They drop straight from his waist in a puddle of denim to his ankles. HUGE swaths of fabric.

Of course being the loving wife that I am I said, "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING???"

His defense was that they are "comfortable." Sure, if I was wearing a mu-mu that dropped straight from my shoulders to the ground that would be comfortable too, but I''m not going to do it.

Now I have to not only buy him new jeans but find a way to get these other ones back to the outlet mall, which is about an hour-and-a-half drive away.

I think this counts as grounds for divorce!!!
hi larious! LOL!

why is comfort the #1 thing for guys? even when it looks so BAAAADDDD ;)
don''t they know how much we women suffer to look good?

on a side note.. my bf and i were discussing halloween costumes and, swear to god, the first thing out of his mouth was.... "well, it has to be comfortable" ... it''s a halloween costume! you are supposed to be uncomfortable all night...duh! so i told him.. .well then go as michael keaton from Mr.Mom... because he just wore a crappy flannel shirt and jeans and has a beard so you don''t have to shave for the next few weeks" .... "perfect" he says.... ahhhh i''ve created a monster ;) does that mean i have to be terri gar? ;)

good luck in your denim search.....
I love Sevens and Diesel on my husband. Since he doesn't like dropping over $100 on his jeans, he'll usually order them on eBay.

On a little side note....
We were waiting for a table at a restaurant in New Orleans not long ago and the hostess was so enamored with his "jeans" (hmmmm), she actually sat us right away. (had I not been starving, I might have questioned it)
the funniest is greg's jeans from before he met me...he still has a pair or two that he wears for when he works on the car. they have holes and stuff now, but the worst part is that they are like a super super light wash which is so 80's and then they are like TAPERED leg and SUPER tight around his butt and front area. it's friggin hilarious. these things are the ultimate is nastiness. he's always saying to me 'don't you think i'm sexy' when he has them on because he knows how much i hate them...i just can't stop laughing. the tapered skinny leg just KILLS me. but he used to wear these out in public before they got old and had holes, these were basically his primary jeans. i'm like well thanks to the jeans, they kept you single for ME!!! hehee. he has had some of these for like 7 years!!
within the first month of dating, we were shopping for new clothes for him.
Date: 10/10/2006 11:35:43 PM
Author: Galateia

Good to know... FF has, well, no sense of fashion and always looks like he's dressed in clothes 4x too big for him. He's also the tall-and-lean type, but he's so prickly about clothing (too many years of mom trying to dress him
) I daren't make a suggest yet... but I will keep it in mind for when we're married, as I slowly replace his old jeans with ones that fit...
Haha... I love that... now that you mention it, "prickly" is the perfect description for my FI's clothing attitude too!
He has always dressed fairly well... simple and safe, nothing big and oversized... so receives compliments from time to time. Which unfortunately has convinced him that if he just wears different color combinations of the same general outfit (zip-up pullover sweater, or fitted long-sleeve t-shirt, and jeans), he's all set. And needs NO outside suggestions whatsoever, namely from me. In BR the other day, I tried desperately to get him to try on a lightweight sweater with VERY subtle stripes in two different shades of dark blue. I cannot even convey to you how simple and classic it was. His response? "I just don't like things like that."
Like WHAT? Things that are NOT pullover sweaters in one solid color?? Sigh.

PS - After a 15 minute "discussion" in Banana, he bought the shirt in a huff and proceeded to wear it the next day. It's officially in the rotation... and I'm pretty sure he secretly loves it.
This thread has my crying! I am laughing so hard.
My husband can take his jeans off without unbuckling his belt. I HATE that look! He is completely buttless in his jeans!
I so want to redo him! Poor guy... just got married and now it''s change change change. He has one nice pair that he got from Banana Republic, but he seldom wears them.
If anyone can teach me how to teach him to dress his age without totally p***ing him off, I''d be eternally grateful!
So I again broached the subject of new jeans with the hubby last night and he was genuiney shocked all over again that I didn't LOVE the CK ones.

"But they're so *comfortable*!" he kept repeating. (As if comfort = looks good.)

I wonder if I could somehow shrink them A LOT by washing them in hot water and drying them on super hot so they didn't look quite so ridiculous...

And Mara, you're not the only one who has a hubby with old clothes lurking around. I bet if I went into his closet right now I could find things that he bought long before I met him (9 years ago). Just last year I got him to ditch this HORRIBLE brown kinda hairy sweater with a rolled neck and cuffs that had stretched out to the point that they flapped in the wind. He still mentions how much he misses it every now and then.
OMG!! This is so funny. DH looks so handsome when he goes to work...Guess why??? Because I pick out all of his work clothes!!! He picks his own casual clothes which usually consists of Quiksilver Ts, shorts and flip flops. He, too, loves his Gap jeans. Recently he got a pair of Kenneth Cole jeans. They''re a tighter, lower fit than he usually wears and they look great. DH is tall and lean also. Have you tried a store like Loehman''s? Sometimes they can have designer styles that you will like at prices that he will like. Good luck shopping!!!
Work clothes are easy for the happy hubby. He buys THE SAME style of pants from the Brooks Brothers OUTLET over and over again (lighter weight for summer, heavier for winter, four different colors--or should I say four different shades of khaki!) and his shirts are almost universally BLUE with a button down collar. BORING--but he always looks presentable, and that's all that counts!
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