
need help picking a diamond

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Jan 12, 2007
Hi eveyone, I was at a jewelry show today and need help picking between 2 diamonds. here are the specs...

1. Egl graded, D SI1, 1.51 ct
depth 63.3%
width 61%
height 13%
pavillian 44%

2. EGL graded I VS1 1.54 ct, med flour
depth 63.5%
width 58%
height 16%
pavillion 43%

I know GIA is more reputable, but these are just two that caught my eye. The I VS1 looks almost as white as the D in personm and actually has alot of fire ( at least i thought so) .... please adivse!!!

Thank you all!
Too deep; face up small.

welcome to PS, kaf. Try checking into the discussion in yellow at top.
Thanks for the welcome :)

I will look into the discussion you mentioned. I guess my problem is price. I can only pay so much... and both of these rings are around $6000. The spread on the first one is rather small it is 7.16X7.12, the spreadon the second one is 7.31X7.23
You can find a better looking stone for that price online! The depth on both of the stones are way too deep to be nice light preformers. I''m sure someone else on here can chime in and help you find a stone. Best luck to you!
Do your best to find a Class 1 or Class 2 stone as far as dimensions go.

If you don''t know what I mean, don''t buy yet.


I know that anything over 61% depth is considered to be a class III stone. I was just hoping that since the diamond seemed to perform well (at least to me, and I will admit Im a novice) the specs were not that bad.

Thanks to everyone who has given me input... I think you all are right, maybe I should keep looking
HAHA, NO, moosejaw was just having some fun.
Date: 1/12/2007 9:00:37 PM
Author: kaf
I know that anything over 61% depth is considered to be a class III stone. I was just hoping that since the diamond seemed to perform well (at least to me, and I will admit Im a novice) the specs were not that bad.

Thanks to everyone who has given me input... I think you all are right, maybe I should keep looking
If you have not seen an ideal or really nearly ideal perform, you really don''t know what to expect and almost anything will look good to you. (jeweler''s lights don''t ya know)
Don''t settle for the first 2 or 3 you see. Check out specs for ideals. Have them show you some. That way you can decide if it''s worth the premium to you. Also, look at the stones away from those high halogen type lights that are made to show jewelry at it''s best or perhaps the best it will ever look, and I mean ever.
Patience is key here. Don''t bite the fruit if you''re not sure whether it''s an apple or an orange you''re being shown. Student, educate thyself.

Depending on what criteria you want in a stone...there are so many options.

What size, cut, clarity, and color are you looking for?

After reading a few books, it became apparent to me that the cut is HUGE in determining the quality of the stone...and often overlooked by the novice buyer.

Also...if you have read posts from the pricescopers there is most likely a reason the majority have bought from the same 4-5 vendors continually, and the reason GIA certified stones sell at a premium.

My hopes were to find a 1.5 ct RB. I wouldnt mind a stone that was slightly smaller... I just have large hands (8.5 ring size
) so that is why i am trying to find something a larger than a carat, while a carat probably fits in our budget better. We would like to stay under 7000 for the stone. I was hoping for something between H-J color, up to SI2 (as long as it is eye clean). My biggest concern is cut, I know that cut is what really makes a diamond perform. I swear it seemed that the second diamond sparkled like crazy....I have seen H&A diamonds and 000 diamonds, I dont know why... but there was something about this one...I think it was the flouresence
This diamond will get you there in your budget.....

1.42 J, SI2 (looks clean, grade-making inclusion looks to be at 7 o'clock and not readily visible without the magnifier).....$5880. STELLAR price and stone!

Absolutely cannot go wrong here, and it's likely to look FAR better than the I-colored stone with EGL. AGS and GIA are much stricter labs, so they are bit safer in lower colors than EGL.
Date: 1/12/2007 11:38:55 PM
Author: aljdewey
This diamond will get you there in your budget.....

1.42 J, SI2 (looks clean, grade-making inclusion looks to be at 7 o''clock and not readily visible without the magnifier).....$5880. STELLAR price and stone!

Absolutely cannot go wrong here, and it''s likely to look FAR better than the I-colored stone with EGL. AGS and GIA are much stricter labs, so they are bit safer in lower colors than EGL.
I would call Whiteflash and GOG. Ask them if they expect any stones that fit your specs. I would guess that either one could get you a stone to fit your requirements and budget if given some time to look.
Date: 1/12/2007 9:00:37 PM
Author: kaf
I know that anything over 61% depth is considered to be a class III stone. I was just hoping that since the diamond seemed to perform well (at least to me, and I will admit Im a novice) the specs were not that bad.

Thanks to everyone who has given me input... I think you all are right, maybe I should keep looking

NO!!! You read Cuellar''s book. There are a lot of false statements in his book.

Actually, you can do a thread search on him, and may find some interesting things. He uses scare tactics to get you to end up buying from him. If you have sent an email to his link to ask about what they think of a stone, you will likely get an identical email back that I got a long time ago. Previously another person posted, and I posted back the email I had received, and they were identically critical of the diamonds, claimed the diamonds were worth much less than paid for, and claimed they would ''fog out'' which is just outright lying.

Read the tutorials under the knowledge section. When you are done, use the Holloway Cut Advisor under ''tools'' and look for an hca score of 2>
A 1.42 J si2 AGS 000 - $5830 with the discount - need to ask if eye clean

spread is 7.24x7.27

If you do want to go with one of the ones you already found, have the vendor take you outside with it to observe if there are any neg effects from the fluoro (probably not given it is just medium, but you do need to check). I presume the fluoro is blue. Make sure the vendor has a return policy (IN WRITING) if you do not like it - diamonds really have a way of changing appearance in different lighting environments. Sometimes inclusions that are not visible to the naked eye indoors suddenly become glaringly apparent when taken outdoors into sunlight.
Were they graded by EGL USA or EGL elsewhere?
Date: 1/13/2007 4:39:24 PM
Author: :)
A 1.42 J si2 AGS 000 - $5830 with the discount - need to ask if eye clean

spread is 7.24x7.27

Are you even considering the stone that aljdewey posted?? It''s a great value at just under 1.5 carats and a J/SI2 combo. It will face up like a 1.5, but costs drastically less and it has a beautiful image, should be a very nice stone. Stones like this do not last in inventory forever!!
From what I''ve learned about measurements of diamonds, the 2 you are considering from the Jewelry show will look more like a 1.25 carat well cut diamond.

If you go with either of the diamonds from the Jewelry show, you''ll just be paying good money for weight you won''t actually see.

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