Both at WF
1.312 f vs1
1.362 f vs2
With the VS2, you can see the cloud from the side view at about 5-6" with the right lighting. It is light in color, and not at all obvious to the eye. 100% eye clean from the top.
The H&A pattern seems to look more precise on the 1.312, I can't tell which agsl pattern I better?? Also should I be looking for a VS without clouds?
1.312 f vs1
1.362 f vs2
With the VS2, you can see the cloud from the side view at about 5-6" with the right lighting. It is light in color, and not at all obvious to the eye. 100% eye clean from the top.
The H&A pattern seems to look more precise on the 1.312, I can't tell which agsl pattern I better?? Also should I be looking for a VS without clouds?