
Need help on 2 stones


Sep 22, 2015
Both at WF

1.312 f vs1

1.362 f vs2

With the VS2, you can see the cloud from the side view at about 5-6" with the right lighting. It is light in color, and not at all obvious to the eye. 100% eye clean from the top.

The H&A pattern seems to look more precise on the 1.312, I can't tell which agsl pattern I better?? Also should I be looking for a VS without clouds?

You're overthinking - these are 2 super-ideal, eye-clean stones. If you're worried about the cloud in the VS2, then get the VS1. Both have superb H&A patterns. I like the slightly fatter looking arrows of the VS1, but that's nitpicky.
Yeah, I am being a bit OCD, but I want to get the best one for the $$. I makes it harder when I can't see them side by side or in - person.

I think I will need to see if they do side by side viewing. I know they are both very good and if the light return photos will have no impact on performance then I guess I should just flip a coin.
The HD video of the diamonds shows a clear winner in my opinion. One is a lot more explosive, weird as that is the HCA 0.8 the other is HCA 1.5, I know it should to make a difference but video does not lie.
You are overanalyzing the videos! That is a very specific view with very specific lighting and not so much like real life lighting. Both stones are outstanding! The VS1 is a clarity grade higher and the VS2 is a little larger. You could draw a number out of a hat and be fine with these two! I personally like VS1 clarity so I'd probably choose that one. But those are the only two relevant factors with these two stones, in my opinion.
Thanks, that's why I am asking here. I figured if one has more fire in the same controlled light that would mean it's going to be brighter in general. Yeah, I am over analyzing this but i am not in the trade. I do appreciate everyone's help.

So if they are going to have exactly the same light performance is 7.00 vs 7.11 going to be noticeable? If not I think the higher clarity is better. Not Trying to be difficult just trying I get the best one I can.

I sincerely appreciate the diligence you and others show when trying to get the best stone! It is important to me, too, so I actually love posts like yours. Much more fun than helping the guy who doesn't care about specs but just wants the biggest, cheapest stone!

There will be a very tiny visual difference in size. I'd take the VS1 with that little difference. If the second stone was over .2mm greater in size, then I might choose the larger stone. F VS1 in a H&A diamond is a fabulous choice!
Do either of these have more light leakage than the other or are painted? I did get a side by side video made under different lighting and they both looked about the same. The 1.36 looks bigger, I thought I could see the arrows pattern better on the 1.31. I almost wish I did not see the spotlight videos in the link in my first post. The 1.31 had a lot more fire. I guess seeing these in person would be a better way to make the final decision.
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