
Need help - Final decision between 2 EC Ritani stones


Oct 12, 2015
Hey guys,

I've been reading these forums like a maniac the last two weeks and likely learned more in those 2 weeks than the previous two months of research.

I'm trying to choose between two emerald cut stones and was hoping to have your help. Differences in colour/clarity are immaterial. Carat size is materially different but both face up rather similarly in size. I've been dealing with Ritani and have been thrilled with the customer service and having HD Video available immediately certainly helps.

Which of the two stones would you choose (price is within $200 of each other):

1.35 H VVS2 EX/VG (7.52x5.17x3.50) 64% table 67.8% depth - eye clean


1.21 G VS1 EX/VG (7.33x5.12x3.34) 65% table 65.3% depth - eye clean

Additionally, my wife-to-be has what I consider very small fingers (3.75 ring size) - would a 2.5mm band look too wide on her finger? I wanted to get a daintier band (1.6-1.9mm) but I'm worried about durability. I found a nice setting at Ritani and would prefer to do both steps at once but was looking for a bit of advice.

Thanks in advance everyone.


Jan 11, 2006
I sort of prefer the ratio of the G stone better, because the other is going to be more elongated. But since emerald cuts are deep, it is good to get as large as you can. Her fingers are tiny, which will help! I don't think Ritani offers ASET images, but that is what we'd really need to see which one has better light return. But they both look pretty good from the videos.

As far as the shank width goes, I like 2mm for durability, personally. Can you show me the setting you are thinking about that is 2.5?


Oct 12, 2015
Thanks Diamondseeker,

I asked for ASET imagery but they haven't gotten back to me yet. Both diamonds are on reserve until Monday end of day, but I'm sure I can extend. Given what I've seen from many other vendors I really do feel comfortable picking between the two, but at this time I just don't know which direction to take.

Cathedral-style setting below in 2.5mm

Similar cathedral-style 2.0mm as well, that I am just noticing now:

I like the tapered style of the 2.5mm band better than the 2.0mm band. I wonder why the first style is only offered in that width. I wonder if they'd be able to craft it at 2.0mm?


Aug 26, 2015
My experience with Ritani is that they do not provide ASET or Idealscope, but will offer a Sarin report, at least for round diamonds. Their gemologist should be able to look at the 2 diamonds side by side for you and provide an opinion.

Are you planning on previewing the diamond at a local jeweler prior to purchasing? My jeweler had all the Ritani settings I was interested in as well as a wide variety of other brands, so it may be worth it to take a look if you have the time. They charged the same retail prices as the Ritani website, but I would have to pay sales tax. According to the Ritani reps, you still have 30 days to decide the buy a setting from them and they will pay for all the shipping costs. Also, for me it was nice to be able to see the diamond in person for such a big purchase.

I'm also interested in getting a band that is as thin as possible. My gemologist was able to show me the two rings I was interested in side by side. One has a 2.4mm band width and the other has a 2.0mm band width. However, even though the rings both look pretty similar to me, the 2.0mm band is significantly more expensive, so I'm hesitant to pay the extra cost just for a thinner band and will continue looking around for other options.



Oct 12, 2015
Thanks to you both,

I'm glad to see that its difficult to tell the difference between the 2.4 and the 2.0mm bands in terms of its width. It makes me more comfortable to go with the 2.5mm. I'm located in Canada so unfortunately I need to pay local sales taxes on the purchare (roughly 1350 CAD) and the closest Ritani Jeweler is a 3 hour drive away so its not exactly plausible to have everything delivered in advance. My wife-to-be and I currently live across the country from each other and only see each other every 6 weeks with our next visit scheduled for Oct 30th in Niagara Falls. Its important to me that i have everything ready for that date since we won't see each other again until the Christmas Holidays with my family, and I'd prefer this to be a private experience.

Having said all of this I am very comfortable in both diamonds and think I will be satisfied with both decisions. I was just wondering if anyone noticed anything that stuck out at them, either from the specifications or the videos that might make one or the other a "no go".

For instance, in the video for the first diamond, I just noticed this morning that there is a small inclusion directly on the edge of the girdle (near the end of the video) that is quite visible. Given its location I'm wondering if it will be a problem when viewing the diamond from the side once its set.


Oct 12, 2015
Does the feather on the girdle matter


Jan 11, 2006
No, feathers are not a concern in VS1-VVS clarity stones.

I think 2.5 is just a little too wide for a stone that size especially with her small fingers. The thinner shank will make the diamond look larger. I'd go for 1.8-2.2 max. Then the wedding band can be the same width or a little wider. These are cast rings so they are going to be made in the width stated. But I agree, I am not in love with the shank on the 2mm one.
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