
Need help ASAP - is this a good deal - all info inside

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Oct 29, 2007

I have a deposit on this diamond and need to know by tomorrow if its a good deal:

Carat: 1.77
round brilliant
color: F
clarity Si1
Cut: VG
sym: G
Flo: none

size: 7.75x7.81x4.85
table: 60%
overall height: 62.3%
crown height 13.5%
pavilion depth: 45.5
crown angle: 33.5
pavilion angle: 42.4
Girdle: thin to slightly thick
star length: 50%
lower girdle half length: 80%

Price: 12k

Diamond looked great and I could only see inclusions under 10x.
I only looked at it in the store. I should have went outside to look at it but didn't think of it.

I am not looking for a perfect stone. I don't think the fire is good but is the fire very important?

thanks for your help
Good deal for the money?? You didn''t say how much you were paying for it. Diamond beauty is really in the eye of the beholder. Not everyone skirts a Ideal diamond around but if you are asking if the diamond is a good deal for its money you will have to post the amount they want for it!
sorry, price is $12k
no, it''s not a good deal.
I would pass, based on the numbers you gave this diamond is very poor and HCA in very high. Althought the price is low for a diamond that is almost 2 cts I would never spend so much money on something like that. Go smaller and get something that looks big because it is well cut and that will be beautiful!
Will this diamond perform very badly? Can someone expand on this? I am new to this and I am not trying to find the perfect Diamond. I was looking for size and color first and then clarity. Is the cut really bad or just average. We looked at diamonds in Tiffany for $35k and this one looked the same for $12k. now I know its not as good as a tiffany stone but will you really notice the $20k price difference?
Yes, i think this diamond would perform badly, IMHO. For many experienced diamond shoppers, cut is MUCH more important than a diamond''s color or clarity. For a stone of that size, an experienced person would certainly be able to spot a bad cut. For 12K, you can find a better cut than that with the same specs. I wouldn''t think twice about passing on this one. In the meantime, do some research and put in the time to learn what makes a stone a good cut. You won''t regret it. 12K is a large investment. Don''t buy something you''d regret if you knew more about it.
Store lights are there to make a stone look good. Now I don''t know what the Tiffany stone was graded at but there you also pay a big premium for the name. This will probably not proform bad so to say unless you compare it to something better, then yes it will. This is maybe the average type of stone you will get at a chain store. Often these stones are cut for size and not quality. A beautiful stone is really in the eye of the beholder. If you are not trying to find the perfect diamond and have $12 to buy a ok stone then you might have a good deal. Most people probably won''t be able to tell or get close enough to tell unless they know about diamonds then Yes they would. Hope this helps!
The impact of cut on the quality of a stone is really up to your and her personal preferences. Which is why I''d spend the time to learn the difference, because otherwise, you won''t actually know how much difference it makes. I was totally clueless to all of this stuff a few weeks ago. But I came to realize how important cut was to me. It might cost a bit more, but you can find a diamond with a great cut and similar specs. Whether it is worth the extra grand is up to you. Here''s an example, but there are many more stones like this.
Thanks for all the help guys.

Will the size difference be very noticable between a 1.6 and a 1.77?
No not on a stone that has a great cut. I feel like we are really having to talk you out of that other stone. That isn''t the whole point here. This forum is really to help educate people and maybe help them get a good deal. Ow and then for great looking but really if you are set on getting big and not great quality then maybe that other stone is for you. Most of the people here on this forum want and look for what is best for them that is why they seek this out. AGS0 stones aren''t for everyone and not everyone has the same personal views or wants. What really is your budget and what are you looking for in terms of a ring?? That might be a good place to start at.
I wouldn''t necessarily be interested in the stone I mentioned. The idea was just to point you in the direction of other options you have. As you can see, there are websites that provide an array of documents to help you analyze a stone''s cut, if cut is important to you. The trick is being able to understand what to look for. The tutorial on this or other sites can help you with that. The width on a well cut 1.6 ct. is probably something like 7.5 mm. The width on the 1.77 ct. diamond you described (cut to maximize table size) is probably something like 7.8 mm, give or take. Somewhat noticeable, depends on your sensitivity to size differences.
I agree that the purpose of this website should be to educate and not guide people to a specific diamond or website. But sometimes, when a new person comes in asking for advice and they are about to rush into a decision, it''s important to get them to slow down a bit and take the time to learn what matters to them. That''s not something you can know until you understand the difference between an excellent and poor cut. A certain diamond might speak to them now, because they are excited about the whole prospect of getting engaged. But will they really be happy with their decision down the line when they learn more about diamonds? So, without pushing them in a certain direction, it still might be of value to slow them down... considering this 12K investment is something they are going to want to be happy with for a very long time.
Chase, that is exactly what I was trying to say. Thanks, apparently I didn''t make that clear. I am looking to find out what it is he wants instead of going round and round answering the same questions. The answer is really no the diamond he has on hold is not a good deal, he could do better. He said though that he isn''t looking for a perfect diamond, what is he looking for???
Yea, I understand. I just used to be "that guy." So I cringe when I hear someone say cut isn''t important and they make it clear that they haven''t really taken the time to know the difference.
I saw your new promise ring and it is beautiful! You did good. What is the big ring going to look like. Lucky lady!
Could I get around the same size and specs for under $15k with a good cut. Can you guys post some examples.
Again thanks for the help.
Look around, i got a 1.74 H si1 Ex Ex EX gia stone that is amazing, same diameter as your stone 7.78 mm for 12,400 so look around....
Do you mind if I ask you where you got it?
Here are a few others in your range: (i''d request the certificate for this one, the cut angles are important if you want to be picky about the cut, and they aren''t listed here. I''d also want to see where the inclusions were if you are picky about finding a diamond that is eyeclean of inclusions). $14,305 with pricescope discount (1.69, F, SI1). (great HCA score (.7) and excellent cut according to GIA but not within AGS0 (Ideal) range)
$13,397 with pricescope discount (1.70, H, VS2). (nice HCA score (1.3) and excellent cut according to GIA, also a candidate for AGS0 (Ideal) range). $14,222 (1.7, H, VS2)
thanks wen : )
Thanks guys, this gives me a better idea of what I should be looking for. The last thing I want is a big stone that looks dead.
Date: 10/29/2007 4:11:50 PM
Author: googie
Do you mind if I ask you where you got it?
Call Union Diamond and talk to Barbara ....
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