
Need Experts Help On 4.15ct Round Appraisal

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Feb 23, 2003
To The Resident Experts:

Today I got to visit with my Great Aunt who owns a beautiful 4.15ct Round Diamond ring with Baugettes that I have drooled over since I was just a little tyke. Well last time I saw her I told her to go get it re-appraised because it was an OLD ring, and I was really curious what the stats were (because she couldn''t find her original appraisal done years ago)

I wish I had brought my Ideal Scope and 10X loop with me that I got - but of course, I wasn''t thinking about diamonds on my way out I was thinking of the big Easter BRUNCH! But anyways....

Well this is what I was able to get from it. Unfortunately there was NO Sarin done - just general measurements and such. I want to know your thoughts. (it''s the center stone I care about finding the true value for her) I will then tell you what they appraised it at after I get your opinions.

Round Brilliant
4.15 Ct
J Color
10.40-10.45 X 6.21

They said:
Cut = AGS 3
Color = AGS 3
Clarity = AGS 2

So - even though I don''t have the actual angles and such - seeing CUT as AGS 3 didn''t sit well with me. How can they even say that if it isn''t an AGS Lab grading them? I did see he was certified with AGS and GIA - don''t know if that matters. How are those measurements I gave you? Hard to believe because it sparkles like you wouldn''t believe! I try it on every time I see her!

Anyways - all your opinions and comments are welcomed and urged!

Dancin Girl


Sep 3, 2000
AGS retail store members use an AGS system that gives a cut grade. It may not be the AGSL itself. Once upon a time, only AGS members used their own system. THen they gave it out to everyone else.

An AGS 3 can be a very good looking diamond, just like an AGS 2 can "look" lovely. Grading of top quality cutting is more than what the eyes see.


Aug 15, 2000
Dancin Girl.

Everyone it seems expects their diamonds to be AGS 0 stones. The fact is only a small percentage of stones actually are AGS 0 cut grades, and most of the ones that exist, have only been cut in the last few years.

One also needs to remember that the AGS cut grade system is very broad, and is not the exacting grading that many consumers think it is.

Only 17 facets are analyzed, rather than the 57-( or 58 with culet) and even then the grading is based ON AN AVERAGE!

It sounds like the report you are relying on was made a while ago, and if you really want accurate and pertinent information it needs to be checked again.

I hope she is carrying proper insurance on the stone, and that the valuation report has been recently updated.

In order to render an opinion of the stone, it needs to be seen.



Feb 23, 2003

Sorry if I was unclear - this appraisal was just done! Her old appraisal she could not find anymore, so after me hounding her on the specs of it, she got it re-done. :) Those are all the up to date stuff she just got. I am just saying I was surprised that the cut wasn't better graded because it seems to reflect light great - and I know worse cut stones usually do not. I wish she could get a sarin on it, but she won't let it out of her sight to send it away - and I don't blame her.

She DID have insurance on it for years and years - but they stopped. WHY you may ask? Well it was costing them so much money- they couldn't handle it anymore. (they are in their 70's) She only wears it on special occasions - hardly ever will she wear it out in everyday type of things.

One day the insurance agent called them and asked "I want to talk to you about the insurance policy on your boat" -- my aunt was like "I don't have a BOAT??" He then proceeded to mention the amount of the policy and she said "Oh that's not a boat, that's my diamond ring!" The guy almost hit the floor!


Anyways - any ideas on what it may cost?

Dancin Girl


Aug 15, 2000
Actually, it is easy to see how the agent got confused. Most Jewelry is insured under a "type" of policy called Marine coverage.

If the monetary valuation report is for the purposes of acquiring insurance, one needs to know how the company settles its claims.

There are several types of insurance policies, and how the item is valued needs to parallel how the company or its adjusters settle claims.

There is replacement type coverage, and also As Agreed Value type insurance. The appraiser should have asking which type of coverage you were getting so the valuation is done properly and accurately - particularly on a stone that large.

An appraisal using retail prices, when the company goes to a "wholesale" source to replace it, is just throwing premium money away.

There is a lot of insurance information on my site to help you with this.



Oct 30, 2002
AGS 3 as a cut means stone is an AGS 7 because of the shallow crown, and its very beautiful, I get many compliments. All the AGS rating means is that one of the dimensions on that stone is an AGS 3. So it could have an AGS 0 crown angle, pavilion angle, table, culet etc and if the girdle or the depth is AGS 3..that is what the entire stone is rated. So it may be just one item that is throwing it off. This is why the AGS ratings do help somewhat but not with my stone, the AGS 7 does not at all reflect in the beauty of the stone. My stone looks better than my coworkers AGS 0/1 stone, hands down. This is why it's difficult in my eyes to just use AGS ratings to gauge cut as it's not necessarily black and white. If someone told me they had an AGS 0 stone, I wouldn't think much of it. But if it was AGS 0 H&A with true hearts and arrows, it would mean more from a cut perspective in my eyes.

Also on the AGS 3 for color. Isn't that a G? I thought D was AGS 0, E was AGS 1, and F was AGS 2...G being AGS 3?

Just as IF is AGS 0, VVS1 is AGS 1 and VVS2 is AGS 2.

That rock sounds beeeeauuutttiffullll. Maybe if you drool over it enough you will get it for your very own one day. Heirloom stones are the best!


Sep 3, 2000
At one time AGS 0 color was D and the upper half of E. AGS 1 in color was the lower half of E. Maybe this has been changed to reflect GIA grading at this point, but it was not that way for a long time.

Any current AGS members know the present system???

Richard Sherwood

Sep 25, 2002
I'm not an AGS member, and I don't know if they've revised their system, but this is what I've got on their color grading.

GIA vs AGS.jpg
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