
Need Advice on 2 diamonds!! I dont know what to choose!!


Jul 27, 2011
Hi there, I am hoping someone can help with the specs below to help me choose a diamond!!
Diamond 1- Gia certified-
1.50 c si1
Crown - 33
Pav - 41
Table- 58%
7.42 x 7.45 x 4.47
Round brilliant
Triple ex
Depth 13.5
Girdle 1.7 medium faceted
No culet
No fluro
No comments
Ian concerned about the crown and pav measures? Are they too far apart?

Diamond 2
Diamond 1- Gia certified-
1.52 c si1
Crown - 35.5
Pav - 41
Table- 56%
7.31 x 7.35 x 4.58
Round brilliant
Triple ex
Depth 15.5
Girdle 2.2 medium to slightly thick faceted
No culet
No fluro
Some comments

Both stones have been confirmed as eye clean to the
Naked eye by the supplier.

Comments on price, specs and which stone is better based on the
Specs would be appreciated! ESP re crown/ pav measurements?

Also, I have heard the price jumps up a lot at 1.5 versus a slightly smaller
Stone at say 1.45 to 1.49? Is that true?

Based on these specs , can I please have some expert opinions
on both quality, price and which stone is better?
Also, is there a big price difference at the 1.5 mark versus
A slightly smaller stone at say 1.45 to 1.49?


Sep 9, 2008
Prefer #1. #2 probably will have some leakage.

There is a large $/carat jump at the 1.5carat mark.


Jan 21, 2010
Ditto on #1.


Jan 11, 2006
For one thing, look at the diameters. #2 is deeper and faces up smaller. Always look at that because you want a 1.5 ct. stone to be 7.4mm.

Yes, there is a big price jump at 1.5 cts., but you will have a hard time finding a selection of stones in the 1.4 range.

Just out of curiosity, what is the color on these stones? You have c SI1 written for both of them and there is no c color!


May 18, 2011
Stone-cold11|1311771096|2977904 said:
....will have some leakage.
Hopefully this isn't considered highjacking the thread but what is "leakage"?


Jul 27, 2011
Also, does anyone have an opinion on cavity inclusions? Should they be avoided in larger stones?


Jan 18, 2009
Agree that #1 is better...the mm is closer to what you'd expect from a 1.5ct. You are likely paying a premium to get over 1.5...let us know the color and we can look into it more. From the price, it looks like you may be looking at F color?


Sep 9, 2008
Depends on what is the clarity grade of the cavity and location, should not be a problem with SI1 and better grade. If you are worried, get the stone loose and schedule an appointment with an independent appraiser to look at it.

Leakage, light leakage, not all light entering from the crown is reflected but goes out from the pavilion.


Jul 27, 2011
Hi there,

Thanks for your comments.

It looks like everyone prefers the 1.50 stone. Sorry – Can’t believe I left the colour out! They are all F colours.

In regards to the 1.5 stone ( SI1), I am a bit concerned about the inclusion types. It has various inclusions, but I am concerned about what appears to be a cavity (or it may be a crystal??). I have read some feedback in relation to cavities where even though they may they may not be visible to the naked eye (as confirmed by the supplier), they tend to catch dirt once wearing the ring therefore making them visible? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Although the inclusion is not in the centre, it is towards side of the table but may still be in a bad spot? Another reader mentioned getting the cavity assessed? This surprised me as I thought cavities were I internal, not external cavities.

Your advice on cavities and other inclusions on the 1.5 cert would be appreciated!

In terms of quality and price, should I wait to find something better as these certs are not great?

I also want to compare a 1.40 stone (yes – you are correct, stones in the 1.4 range are hard to find!!! Please refer to the attached cert.

Based on the specs provided, is the size difference between the 1.40 stone and 1.50 stone that noticeable to justify the price difference ($18500 to $16,200)?? What do you think? The 1.40 also appears to have a cleaner table versus the 1.5 stone (although confirmed as eye clean by the supplier).

Based on the specs and prices of the attached certs, what would be the recommendation from the experts please ?? :o) Which diamond would you get? I do tend to prfer the bigger sizes but also want to consider best quality for money.

Overall – are the specs I am looking good for the price? I want to ensure I am not paying too much??
Also, should I be prioritising another type of spec? I am worried based on my small knowledge of diamonds that I am not considering something else that is important as a part of my purchase? In saying that, I am still not completely sure about the best crown/ pav measurements as I know that these are important in terms of the brilliance/ sparkle of the diamond so your advice on these specs would be greatly appreciated!!

Where do you recommend I look online for more competitive pricing? I found these from Australian importer.

Also, what does the AGS rating on the 1.5 stone mean? It says AGS1 rating but it has a GIA triple excellent rating. Please explain.

All GIA certs are dated in May and June 2011

Sorry for the lengthy email but I am just so unsure!!!! :o)

Thanks so much!

Kind regards,


  • Stones x 3.pdf
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Jan 18, 2009
For the 1.5ct stone, I think your prices of 18k is on the mark. I don't think the 1.4ct looks as good from an HCA perspective. If you're looking for vendors, you can see a list of PS vendors in the Resources tab "Featured Sponsor"


Jul 27, 2011
Thanks!! Would you recommend the 1.5 as a good stone to purchase? If it is not that great, is it workth looming more for better specs? that is, if the specs are not that great?
Thanks, Vanessa


Aug 14, 2009
okay, just looked at your attachment.

Nessandadam41|1311826362|2978627 said:
Hi there,

Thanks for your comments.

It looks like everyone prefers the 1.50 stone. Sorry – Can’t believe I left the colour out! They are all F colours.

In regards to the 1.5 stone ( SI1), I am a bit concerned about the inclusion types. It has various inclusions, but I am concerned about what appears to be a cavity (or it may be a crystal??). I have read some feedback in relation to cavities where even though they may they may not be visible to the naked eye (as confirmed by the supplier), they tend to catch dirt once wearing the ring therefore making them visible? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Although the inclusion is not in the centre, it is towards side of the table but may still be in a bad spot? Another reader mentioned getting the cavity assessed? This surprised me as I thought cavities were I internal, not external cavities.

Your advice on cavities and other inclusions on the 1.5 cert would be appreciated!

1.50 F SI1 - inclusions on the report are listed in order of most to least "severe" - so a crystal(s) is the grade making inclusion (the reason it is SI1 and not VS clarity). The cavity is low on the list - would not worry. Determine what eyeclean means to *you* - clean from faceup from 6"? from 12"? w/ 20/20 vision in most lighting types. From the sides, or tilted through the crown? and have the vendor vet the stones to your specific requirements.

In terms of quality and price, should I wait to find something better as these certs are not great?

I also want to compare a 1.40 stone (yes – you are correct, stones in the 1.4 range are hard to find!!! Please refer to the attached cert.

Based on the specs provided, is the size difference between the 1.40 stone and 1.50 stone that noticeable to justify the price difference ($18500 to $16,200)?? What do you think? The 1.40 also appears to have a cleaner table versus the 1.5 stone (although confirmed as eye clean by the supplier).

Based on the specs and prices of the attached certs, what would be the recommendation from the experts please ?? :o) Which diamond would you get? I do tend to prfer the bigger sizes but also want to consider best quality for money.

scrap the 1.40 F SI1 - 41.4pav w/ that crown.

Overall – are the specs I am looking good for the price? I want to ensure I am not paying too much??
Also, should I be prioritising another type of spec? I am worried based on my small knowledge of diamonds that I am not considering something else that is important as a part of my purchase? In saying that, I am still not completely sure about the best crown/ pav measurements as I know that these are important in terms of the brilliance/ sparkle of the diamond so your advice on these specs would be greatly appreciated!!

Where do you recommend I look online for more competitive pricing? I found these from Australian importer.

Also, what does the AGS rating on the 1.5 stone mean? It says AGS1 rating but it has a GIA triple excellent rating. Please explain.

Someone took a scan and compared the proportions to AGS proportions charts (which rate "best" to "worst" from 0 to 10). AGS and GIA are independent authorities - so they don't always agree on what is good/better/best, though there is considerable overlap... that is *not* the grade AGS would give - AGS considers analysis of a 3D ray tracing simulation as well as proportions from charts to determine final cut grade.

I like the 1.50 - all the info we have points to a bright, spready stone.

All GIA certs are dated in May and June 2011

Sorry for the lengthy email but I am just so unsure!!!! :o)

Thanks so much!

Kind regards,
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