
Name one thing that is stressing you out atm and one thing that is bringing you joy


Jun 8, 2008
Sort of like a vent thread and rejoice thread all in one.

I'll start.

1. Stressing me out at the moment are mysteries. Things that cannot be easily figured out and remediated. Some less critical than others but annoying nonetheless. Like at this moment a leak the experts are having trouble figuring out and fixing short of getting a whole new roof. But that really isn't an issue that is causing me too much stress as I put that in perspective and the issue causing me more stress are issues having to do with health. But I am hopeful it will all be resolved.

2. One thing causing me joy. Hard to say just one thing but I'll keep it to one.
Right at this moment my dear Francesca who is sweetly purring in my lap. Her sweet little triangular face. Beautiful and so freaking adorable with her tongue in between her teeth hanging out. LOLOL. Is she a kitty or is she a dog? :love:


Care to share your atm stress and your atm joy?
Here's hoping the joy outweighs the stress today and every day. I always remember "Joy shared is joy doubled and sorrow shared is sorrow halved".

Calvin & Hobbes is a source of endless wisdom and joy :))

I have too many things stressing me out to pick only one... lol
Calvin & Hobbes is a source of endless wisdom and joy :))

I have too many things stressing me out to pick only one... lol

LOL me too but I thought by limiting it to just one would make it all that much more manageable. Believe me you don't want me to share my complete list of worries. I don't even want to see my whole list written down.:eek-2:

And yasss, as you probably can tell I love Calvin and Hobbes. They have life down pat.:halo: I wanna be Bill Watterson when I grow up.:geek:
What a great thread idea, Missy! Thank you for starting it!

1. My big presentation today to company execs. It will be 1 1/2 hours long and I HATE public speaking!!! I only slept a few hours last night because of nerves so now I'm doubly nervous that I won't be as sharp as I should be. ;(

2. It's FRIDAY and I'm only six hours away from being done with this monster presentation, so there's that to look forward to, haha!!!
Where the heck I'm going to live. My house in Boston is turning into something approaching my perfect house. it's solid, light, airy, hugely welcoming, and very, very livable. It's well insulated, well ventilated, well heated and cooled. It's completely networked, etherneted and NAS'd (not words, I realize) and I love my garden. But...


It's in Boston.

This is hugely convenient as my DH works in Boston and it's a half hour commute from our front door to his seat at the office, so it's a massive improvement to when we were living in Westchester Co., and he was commuting to Wall St. And he can work from home one, or even two, days a week. Awesome, right?!!

But we know almost no one here, have no close friends here, and after 19 years away from home, we'd love to get back to Australia. My 2 best girlfriends from home are getting sick of spending all their vacations shlepping back and forth to this side of the world, and since being in a plane accident when I was 28, long haul flights frighten me, so I just don't do them.

So. We had a house in Australia as well. But recently, we let that go. And I just don't know how I'll go living once again in a place where the internet is slow, I can't find shoes to fit my feet, and I can't self refer to dr's. Once I go home, I'll almost never see my God kids again, nor my best friend here in the US. Also, if I go back to Australia, I have to relocate my dogs, and that will be stressful and terrifying for all of us. So the alternative is....

We live in California. But it really DOES bother me that - one day - that whole place is gonna fall into the ocean. And who would my DH work for out there anyway?? My Aussie friends would be more willing to travel back and forth to LA, and even I would be more likely to get on a plane to go home. But it's still not like we can meet up for lunch, or drop around for a cup of sugar, y'know? Alternately, it puts me in the same area as my Godkids and my best friend in the US. But when would we go there? Do we shoot for early retirement for DH, completely rejigging our finances? Or do we stay here till we're older than dirt and move out there, or back home, when we're too old to enjoy it?

I am so stuck on this and actually have tears of frustration in my eyes as I type. I have been going round and round on this for a decade. And now, as health issues compound, and I see my time running out, I'm desperate to get...somewhere.

On the other hand, it's a bright, blue sunny day here in Boston and the snow from Monday's frigid temps has all gone. And DH is working from home. And my dogs are *not* barking. So all teeters in fine balance, just for today.....
What a great thread idea, Missy! Thank you for starting it!

1. My big presentation today to company execs. It will be 1 1/2 hours long and I HATE public speaking!!! I only slept a few hours last night because of nerves so now I'm doubly nervous that I won't be as sharp as I should be. ;(

2. It's FRIDAY and I'm only six hours away from being done with this monster presentation, so there's that to look forward to, haha!!!

Good luck Kristy!!!
@mrs-b (((Hugs))). Life is not easy. From my perspective you’re meeting all challenges and conquering them. Sending you buckets of good wishes and wishing you good health. XO.
@mrs-b (((Hugs))). Life is not easy. From my perspective you’re meeting all challenges and conquering them. Sending you buckets of good wishes and wishing you good health. XO.


1. One of my hardest working staff quit the day after cashing the bonus check. Wants more opportunities. I thought we were giving those here, plus a promotion and a nice bonus.
2. Nothing yet for joy category. But the day us still young and I might get lucky:Up_to_something2:.
1. One of my hardest working staff quit the day after cashing the bonus check. Wants more opportunities. I thought we were giving those here, plus a promotion and a nice bonus.
2. Nothing yet for joy category. But the day us still young and I might get lucky:twisted2:.

Wow one, that’s just not right of your employee. At least she/he could have stayed on until you found a suitable replacement.
And two, here’s hoping your joy category gets quickly filled today with something that far outweighs any stress you’re feeling. Fingers crossed!
Stress - waiting on MRI results

Joy - beautiful sunny day (SoCal)
Stress - DH's job, ALWAYS
Joy - gratitude for the big things (family, health, necessities) and the small things (a perfect cup of coffee, snuggling with my pups, etc.)
Stress: My weight, despite my efforts it does not want to budge, I'm trying IF again to try to get it down.

Joy: Belated Celebration of DH's 40th birthday tomorrow night with a couple of friends. We are doing an escape room and then going to hibachi which I am super excited about because my kids have never been and will probably find it very fun.
Stress: the GFCI plug in the garage went out again so the garage freezer and refrigerator are plugged into a cord running into the laundry room. :x2 Thank goodness it has been below freezing and my stuff didn't thaw.

Joy: I am having lunch with my bestie today.
Stress: the GFCI plug in the garage went out again so the garage freezer and refrigerator are plugged into a cord running into the laundry room. :x2 Thank goodness it has been below freezing and my stuff didn't thaw.

Joy: I am having lunch with my bestie today.

Hi @redwood66 I don't think it is a good idea to plug your fridge/freezer into a GFCI plug because they are too sensitive to voltage interruptions. Maybe plug it into a non GFCI plug. Just change your receptacle. For less than 5$ you can fix your problem.

Enjoy lunch with your bestie today!
Stress: My weight, despite my efforts it does not want to budge, I'm trying IF again to try to get it down.

Joy: Belated Celebration of DH's 40th birthday tomorrow night with a couple of friends. We are doing an escape room and then going to hibachi which I am super excited about because my kids have never been and will probably find it very fun.

Stephanie, I just read an article about IF and how it can be the best way to lose weight...good luck! I am linking it here for you but not sure you can click onto it.

Happy belated 40th to your DH!
Stress - DH's job, ALWAYS
Joy - gratitude for the big things (family, health, necessities) and the small things (a perfect cup of coffee, snuggling with my pups, etc.)

Yes to all the stuff you listed that brings you joy. Sorry about your dh's stressful job. Hug your sweet puppies from me please.
Stress: I know this is a first world problem, but our trip to Hawaii. My husband applied to a month long program out there through his school and we figured there was no way and kinda forgot about. And then they told us he'd been accepted and we had to book tickets/housing. While we could do it, it ate up our extra savings which makes both of us nervous because we both like to have a big cushion in the accounts. We hope when we get there the fun of it will overcome the stress of how we got there.

Joy: My dad gave me 500 carats of mixed gemstones that were purchases through JTV awhile back that I am slowly sorting through. And recently, he gave me the ones that were individually packed (aka the bigger ones) so now I have more gems to play with. :love:
stress: well that would be my mom....she got very ill in October and has been in and out of the hospital and nursing homes since...she is currently with my sister, she has dementia and is starting to decline, I feel a tremendous amount of stress and guilt over the situation

joy: its friday and I am about to crack open a bottle of wine
Stress: my parents are getting older and my dad is showing signs of dementia. It kind of freaked me out that life insurance almost rejected him because of tests.

Joy: I went out for boba with an old friend.
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stress: well that would be my mom....she got very ill in October and has been in and out of the hospital and nursing homes since...she is currently with my sister, she has dementia and is starting to decline, I feel a tremendous amount of stress and guilt over the situation

joy: its friday and I am about to crack open a bottle of wine

*great big hug*
Anxiety is kicking me around a lot these days. It's the time of year combined with post Christmas. Plus I'm considering a move.

But I have my kitty and some new bling to play with ::)
Stress: our seemingly never ending landscaping. We've been chipping away at our 1/2 acre yard for over a decade and it feels like we'll never finish it.

Joy: my 6 year old son has been cast in a TV commercial, so this morning he is being filmed and just he and I will spend the rest of the day in Melbourne CBD eating and shopping. We don't have nearly enough one-on-one time these days and he's growing up so fast, so I really treasure days like this.
stress: well that would be my mom....she got very ill in October and has been in and out of the hospital and nursing homes since...she is currently with my sister, she has dementia and is starting to decline, I feel a tremendous amount of stress and guilt over the situation

joy: its friday and I am about to crack open a bottle of wine

I'm so sorry, @diamondringlover. I'll be thinking of you and your mom in the coming months. Please don't feel guilty; dementia generates so much work, I'm sure all your family will pitch in as the time arises.

Big hugs to you.
@missy I hope they can find and fix your roof problem. Slowly recovering from a rough year health wise. :blackeye:
Joy...Dear daughter coming tomorrow for the weekend. =)2 Waiting on a project so, bling anticipation :P2

I love reading these responses! @mrs-b Especially yours...My husband and I often discuss where should we end up. Ironically, I am in Westchester Co. Not a good choice for retirement.
Hi @redwood66 I don't think it is a good idea to plug your fridge/freezer into a GFCI plug because they are too sensitive to voltage interruptions. Maybe plug it into a non GFCI plug. Just change your receptacle. For less than 5$ you can fix your problem.

Enjoy lunch with your bestie today!

Oh they aren't plugged into the GFCI but all the outlets on that circuit don't work when the GFCI goes. Actually nothing is plugged into the GFCI. The builder really messed up putting too many outlets on the one GFCI and DH has been using the one on the outside to plug his truck in overnight because it has been so cold. We are going to have to add another circuit breaker to lessen the load on the one.
@missy I hope they can find and fix your roof problem. Slowly recovering from a rough year health wise. :blackeye:
Joy...Dear daughter coming tomorrow for the weekend. =)2 Waiting on a project so, bling anticipation :P2

I love reading these responses! @mrs-b Especially yours...My husband and I often discuss where should we end up. Ironically, I am in Westchester Co. Not a good choice for retirement.

Hi @Sandeek -

Where in Westchester are you? I was in Harrison. Frankly, I'd love to go back there as it's a smidge warmer than Boston, the days are a teeny bit longer in winter, and we had a wonderful social network. We ended up there when we moved from England because we decided we didn't want my DH to commute more than one hour each way, per day. We also didn't want to be in the city, so we drew a circle around the financial district, representing what was an hour away, and then looked from there. Since Harrison was near the ocean and shared a beach with Rye, it was a huge draw card for us, and it was also on an express train line, so we figured commuting would be quicker (utterly wrong, as it turns out). So on balance, we liked living there very much. If we went back there, tho, we'd either buy in Larchmont (better shops and a tad closer to the city) or in Manhattan, which is where everyone told us we should go in the first place. But I was mad keen on the idea of having dogs, so Westchester it was. On this side of the country, I also really like DC. Great shops and restaurants and all sorts of cool stuff to see and enjoy.

What's on your list of options or retirement dreams? I'd love to hear. :))

@missy - is this threadjack ok? Pls say if it isn't and I'll be quiet!