
my wife bent her tacori help


Aug 28, 2007
My wife comes to me today and says I bent my ring I dont know how....Argggggh
What can we do??
As you can see the design has been compromised and the sides are bent. I purcahsed the setting from baley banks and biddle custom for my rock but they ae out of business!!!


Ask to any jeweler to repair but I don't know if it's possible!

I don't understand how your wife could bent her ring like this! It's really terrible! :knockout:

I'm sorry for you... :blackeye:
can i somehow send it to tacori?
I think you might need to call Tacori to see if they would work on the ring. I've read somewhere that if the Tacori's bought at BBB were on sale, that it might not have the designers warranty on it. But it can't hurt to ask Tacori themselves. Also, is the ring insured? If you have insurance you could probably get it replaced as long as you have damage as part of your insurance. Good luck to you.
No this was not on sale as i spent alot on the setting ,it was custom for my rock before they went out of business. Can I call tacori direct? But my ring is appraised at 18k so that would probably mess up my insurance right?
Ouch! She really bent it good!

I would call Tacori and explain the situation to them. Depending on what they say, you might or might not want to file an insurance claim. Your insurance company may pay for the repair.
it can't hurt to call Tacori. Is your wife related to Uri Geller by chance?
nope no relation, why? I wrote to tacori on the contact us section on their website. Hopefully i get an answer. Anyone have their number?
Tacori stands by their work, so go to the website and say yes to the concierge service thing. They should be able to help point you in the right direction. Other than that I don't think you can contact them directly via phone.

Good Luck!
It is trashed, file an insurance claim for a replacement setting and have the main stone checked carefully.
There is no way that tacori is or should be responsible for that.
Wow .. I have never seen a ring bent like that. I don't think it is salvagable.

What in the world happened?

Whatever it was, I don't see how Tacori can possibly be held responsible, though if they will fix/replace at reasonable cost I would certainly take them up on it..
Yup, that is completely messed. I cannot see why Tacori's warranty would cover damage like that, it looks like it went through a garbage disposal!

File an insurance claim, that is what insurance is for.
I have to agree with everyone, file an insurance claim.

Tacori is really good with their warranty coverage but I don't think that they would be willing to cover this. It IS worth a shot for "just in case" purposes.

I'm sorry that happened :(
lulu said:
it can't hurt to call Tacori. Is your wife related to Uri Geller by chance?

it's a joke... Uri Geller is a psychic that bends spoons :tongue:
ouch, that hurts to look at. I think your going to have to file an insurance claim, it does not look like the result of poor craftsmanship by Tacori.
I can see how that would happen, honestly: it looks like your wife whacked her hand against something and caught the ring just so, bending it as the juncture of the crescent. I bet the sizing beads kept her from feeling it as much, which is lucky for her hand. As for whether it's a craftsmanship issue, that's hard to say ... we can't diagnose porosity from the photos. But, yeah, definitely get in touch with Tacori and see if they can repair it (or if it's worth it, frankly, without damaging the structural integrity of the ring). Worst case scenario? You have insurance.
I wonder if it was the large distance from her finger to the edge of the ring provided by the soldered balls that allowed whatever it was to gain an even stronger hold on the ring than a ring that sits flush on her ring. Does she have any idea how this happened, maybe she was attempting to grip something very tightly and the ring sat at an angle?

If Tacori is willing and able to repair her ring can they reintroduce enough strength in that small area so that the ring doesn't buckle again at the same point with an even weaker force the next time?
Good luck! I have had a ring bent like that and it was basically toast. If it was just the shank, they would've been able to replace it, but it was bent up into the design and they could not guarantee that they could fix it. Mine only had two tiny side stones, but some engraving work on the side.

It took me years to get over the sadness since it was my original e-ring that I wore on my right hand at that time. It was a platinum setting and it just got all bent to heck and back. I am hard on my rings I admit, but honestly I didn't do anything major. Wish I took a picture to show people, but it was amazing how much bent out of shape it was. It really makes me cautious of what I buy now (style wise). I also have more of a love for white gold now because of it too. I have vintage rings that never looked as bad as that one :(

Good luck and I hope you can get it replaced easily. I have little hope personally that it would get fixed.