
My ring pics from WF!!

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I don''t know if I can wait for pics until tomorrow night...maybe WF should just send it to me first?
Tawn....I am telling you, you are too damn funny
...if you ever come to NYC we have to go for cocktails!
~~Wow atroop!! Your ring is gorgeous!!! I love the engraving and pave'', Yum!!!!
OMG! That is not only a gorgeous ring, but I think that WF has knocked my socks off again! That is by far my new favorite and the most amazing WF ring I have ever seen! If you don't like it, I'll gladely take it off your hands...

Oh I am really going to be drooling when I see the hand pics...too bad the BF is out of town, b/c I really want to show it to him right now...I might have to throw our Ritani idea out the window.
Thanks Bling Diva , Thanks Appletini....I am very excited....I told Denise at WF that I was floored when I saw the pics....I can''t imagine how it will look in person
It''s going to be even better in person! Remember how I wasn''t sure about mine from the pics...but it''s really gorgeous in person! It''s going to knock your socks off because the pictures aren''t "alive" like your ring will be in person! Does that make any sense?

Definite yes on the cocktails...and that goes double (guess that means we''ll be drinking doubles?) for you if you ever make it to San Diego!
Tawn that completely makes sense
...I agree with you.....The fact that Leon from WF told Denise that it was Fabulous makes me more excited...if that is possible...

I have a few friends in San Diego....exactly in La Hoya and Carlsbad.....I have to get my booty their one day...I would love to bring the kids to the famous S.D. Zoo

12 more hours until Fedex opens
Ladies it is 10:10pm here and I am going to attempt to sleep
....Hopefully the morning will come quick and I can get to the Fedex Office at 9am....
to pickup my NEW BABY

Good Night....

You''re 3 hours ahead of me, so you''ll have it by the time I wake up! I''ll be thinking of ya! Drive safely, so you get home in one piece so you can put it on!

I''m only 10 minutes from the Zoo...and SeaWorld and all that stuff! Let me know if you ever get out this way! We''ll send the hubbies out looking at bikes and we''ll go to Tiffanys!
Good Morning....well it is 3 hours until Fedex opens its doors......I just tracked it and it was departing Memphis at I think it won''t be here in NYC at 9am...I may have to wait a little linger
but we will see.......

I can''t believe I got some sleep.......speak to you all later
Hang in there Atroop, it will be worth it!!!! Keep busy, clean out a cupboard or manicure those nails so they are all ready to go!! So excited for you!!
Date: 9/30/2005 6:29:45 PM
Author: atroop711
Thank you all very much .....I have waited 10 years for my diamond...(I opted for a CZ when we got engaged...I made him take back the 2 ct RB he bought so we wouldn''t start out our lives in debt and told my husband that when we are ready we can get the ring) like they say.....

This is just an fantastic story. Atroop.....and yes, great things DO come to those who wait!

WOW - it''s stunning. Really, reeeeeeeeeeeeally stunning! Congrats!
Atroop, that ring is so beautiful. I love your design. It really has that antique feel that you were going for. Great job. Please, please, please post hand pics as soon as you get it. P.S. you will probably have it by 9. My ring didn''t leave Houston until 8:42 p.m. and it was here in RI for quarter to 9 the next morning. Hope you slept better than I did while waiting.

I hope you are on your way home from FedEx with that ring on your finger! I''m on pins and needles waiting for hand pics!
Thanks to all of you for posting to me......and for your words of encouragement... were right...the ring was there when they opened this morning...unfortunately I will not be able to go get it until around 3pm....we are working..but cutting our day short....

I will let you all know how it is as soon as I can......

Working today and busy with my girls has made the moring just fly!
Date: 10/1/2005 11:44:26 AM
Author: atroop711
Thanks to all of you for posting to me......and for your words of encouragement... were right...the ring was there when they opened this morning...unfortunately I will not be able to go get it until around 3pm....we are working..but cutting our day short....

I will let you all know how it is as soon as I can......

Working today and busy with my girls has made the moring just fly!
whap, whap, whap. That is the sound it makes when Shay37 bangs her head on the computer desk repeatedly. You''re killing us, girl. Get back to us as soon as possible.

Shay make me laugh as much as Tawn
.....I promise I will get back to you all ASAP
The ring looks very substantial in the pictures (aka lots of metal) but one thing I have learned from pictures esp from WF is that the ring is usually 999999.99999% of the time, more delicate in person than in the big blown up 40x mag pictures. I have seen rings in pictures and then in person where I was blown away at how different of a ring it looked! aka like their halo rings, in the pix sometimes they can look a bit 'metally' or thick but in person those things are very delicate and *thin*!

I can't wait to see hand pictures!
Count me in as an official member of the WAITING BREATHLESSLY (and not so patiently) GANG!!

Girl, you are going to make me SO REGRET my lack of octagonal halo. And 1.77???!!! AWESOME.

Dizzy with anticipation. Step away from the Street Fair, step away from the Street Fair. Have you no mercy!
decodelighted you crack me up!!!!

I will keep you posted....
It''s there all alone and lonely waiting for you...wondering why you haven''t picked it up yet! That poor little ring, I feel so badly for it! Maybe I should adopt it?


Seriously though, what torture to know it''s there but having to wait! Thank goodness you''re doing something fun rather than having a root canal etc...
Oh the agony of waiting, I know it well!!!! I can''t wait to see these pics. I have to say that this ring is just in a league of it''s own. The design is outstanding and the workmanship is just incredible. Won''t be long now!!!! Hang in there!!!!!!!

We know good things come to those who wait, but....

Come on already!!
I have stuff to do today...I''m useless for anything else until I see it on your finger!

PS. Hope your streetfair thing went well!
WOOOOOOOOOW ATroop! You have been keeping this little surprise under wraps!
I sooooo canNOT wait to see those pics of that beauty on your hands! Man I WAS going to the gym but now I want to sit and wait to see pics
Hey I just did a search and you DID show pics of your wax, I said it was gorgeous then but seeing the final pics is just breathtaking!
I just got back from an afternoon of shopping and thought for sure we''d have pics. I think I hear you ring, its saying "my mommy doesn''t love me anymore, appletini please come rescure me from FedEx! Pretty please with a cherry on top!"
...I can''t post my pics...the files are too large...I don''t know how to convert...any help out there?
DAMN! Atroop! I don''t know how to do that, maybe try saving it under a different file format? Like bitmap instead of jpeg?? ohhh I don''t know, someone help her QUICK!!
I know...I am so sorry but we have been trying everything.....
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