
My old mine cushion is


Sep 20, 2009
Today FedEx came with my engagement diamond. We decided to go with an antique stone. I took some pictures and though I would share. We will mount this in the platinum Ritani plain split-shank halo. We are very happy with the stone and want to thank Wink for all of his help and great customer service. The stone is a GIA graded 1.04 ct, VS1, I color Cushion Brilliant.
It changes a great deal by light source. In low light it is a fire cracker. In daylight, it is a different stone altogether (was cloudy outside) but still beautiful to me.

First, let me share the fire, it's sort of the specialty of the old girl

And a few pictures from around the house and outside.

Lovely MM!!! Congrats on Wink finding such a lovely diamond for you! I am excited to see it set and on your hand. :appl:
Isn't Wink great! She will look lovely in her new setting!
Congrats, it is going to be amazing set!!!
What a great find! Congratulations- Can't wait to see it all finished!
Thanks everyone. Not everyone likes the old "wonky" stones, but that imperfect charm makes the stone very dear to me. I literally fell in love the first time I saw it and called to find it had been sold. I left my name in case something happened to the sale and I was surprised to have a call a few weeks later by Wink. I'm a sucker for the history and romantic notion of it having been cut back in the 1800's. Such a process back then; a man sitting at a wheel and slowly grinding it to shape and polish, following the natural outline of the diamond rough. I love the idea that it comes with a past full of love, and I am one of many who will love it.

Thanks for sharing this with me. The finished ring should be ready in a few weeks, but then I will have to wait until the boyfriend stops cruelly toying with my anticipation. I won't be allowed to see it before he proposes! :lol: Really, he been a gem and I am glad he let in on the shopping and let me pick the antique stone. He wanted a XXX stone in the beginning.




For those who did not see my last post (sorry so many, I am so excited) this is the sample setting from Ritani

It will be stunning set...can't wait to see your new ring!
I love wonky old stones too, have one of these myself. Yours is just beautiful, and the setting will be a love accompaniment.

Congrats! :appl:
Gorgeous stone! I too, love the romantic notion of the imperfectly shaped stones. Definitely adds to the charm. Can't wait to see it complete and hopefully he doesn't make you wait too long!
WHAT A STONE!! that's beautiful!! I too, love the history of an antique stone and the romance of that. You have found a lovely cushion and I am excited for you--- have you picked out your setting? any sneak peaks to what you are going to get?? :Up_to_something: :naughty:
The sisterhood of old wonky stones :) I love PriceScope!

Enerchi, I am going with this Ritani, but having the prongs modified to be double claw. This picture shows the demo ring that the jeweler had sent in to make sure we liked it.

It's a lovely stone - bet you can't wait to get it on your finger :wavey:
Pretty! I find the wonkiness in antique stones endearing too.

ericad|1403973841|3702862 said:
Beautiful! Nothing beats the one-of-a-kind-ness of an old cut - what a gorgeous and special diamond. I love it!

Absolutely...they are all snowflakes.
GORGEOUS setting!! I like the idea of double prongs too--- I now have 3 rings w the double prongs and just ADORE them! plus it sort of feels like a built in safety feature... if one prong fails, there's a back up!! haha!
Extra safety feature is a plus! Thanks for your kind words.

Sunlight pic20140628_144535.jpg

Lovely! Great setting choice, too! :appl: 8-)
Your diamond is gorgeous.
Moneymeister, Your stone is gorgeous and so is the shape. I love old cuts. I can't wait to see it set in the halo setting and on your finger!
Love it :love:
Love the new pics! It is going to be so gorgeous in the Ritani.
Beautiful stone :love:
It will look gorgeous in the setting.
Wow, that is a gorgeous diamond! :love: If wonky=that (i.e. old cut perfection IMO) sign me up!
Looking forward to seeing the ring on your hand and wear in health and happiness. :appl:
Beautiful diamond :appl: Great setting, I love a halo with a plain shank.
I appreciate the feedback. I will be the first to admit I fell in love and committed to the diamond before checking with you all to get feedback. I simply reacted with oooooh...yes, THAT one, thanks. HAHAHA, not exactly scientific. I do love it, but that doesn't mean I made a choice that would be an agreed good choice with the PS crowd, who know their stuff. I don't, tho trying to learn. So, in hind sight when I am sharing pictures, I am also feeling really relieved I didn't pull a huge goof. Ya know, like one of those people on star search who think they have a great talent and sound like a yowling cat. From what I understand, these old cuts are graded by the heart, not measurements like the newer brilliants. If that is so...I am very happy indeed.

THANK YOU EVERYONE for the feedback. You all are my inspiration. I get so much enjoyment reading your posts and seeing your pictures.I am happy there is a place we can share our enjoyment of rock collecting without judgement. I feel happy for all of you when you share a new treasure...sometimes I show the darling almost fiance, who kindly puts up with my constant excitement. Thanks for taking the time to look at my happy diamond posts and give me feedback.

And YES, I cannot wait to get this on my finger in that Ritani!

MISSY! Hope you're feeling better today, (((HUGS))))
I will be the first to admit I fell in love and committed to the diamond before checking with you all to get feedback. I simply reacted with oooooh...yes, THAT one, thanks. HAHAHA, not exactly scientific.

That's the way you know for sure.This is your HG diamond no doubt about it with that reaction. Our feedback is nice and all but in your heart you knew this is the one. It has that something special that called out to you and said make me yours!!! :love: :love: :love:

So beautiful.
moneymeister|1403954604|3702703 said:
Thanks everyone. Not everyone likes the old "wonky" stones, but that imperfect charm makes the stone very dear to me. I literally fell in love the first time I saw it and called to find it had been sold. I left my name in case something happened to the sale and I was surprised to have a call a few weeks later by Wink. I'm a sucker for the history and romantic notion of it having been cut back in the 1800's. Such a process back then; a man sitting at a wheel and slowly grinding it to shape and polish, following the natural outline of the diamond rough. I love the idea that it comes with a past full of love, and I am one of many who will love it.

LOVELY LOVELY OMC! Congratulations! :appl:

I feel the exact same way about my champagne OMC from Kelpie. It's like love at first sight. :)
Missy, thanks so much. That helps me with the concerns that I made the right choice.

JoCoJenn, my dear...that diamond of yours is a real beauty. I remembered it from your threads. I remember saying to myself "I could love that stone" :)

Actually, I could run down the whole series of commenters on this and tell you how much I love your beautiful old cuts <3
@moneymeister - Aww thanks! I am hoping it will be done this week. I only took about a dozen videos and two dozen pictures before sending it off to be set so I wouldn't miss it so much.

Your OMC is a really gorgeous one though, and I bet it puts on one heck of a show for you! Though beautiful in their own rite, I don't know that I could ever love a modern cut as much after seeing these beauties perform. :love: