
My new rings from BGD!

I don't know whether or not the Tiffany repro from Vatche would have trouble with a shared prong ring either. It would depend on how high the prongs were on the ering and how low the diamonds would be set for the shared eternity ring. You could maybe ask Jonathan or Yeuketiel their opinion on this.

I would think that Mark Morrell would be able to work to make both of the rings doable; the bigger question might be how amenable he would be to all of this. Perhaps it deserves further discussion with him at this point. This option is a great deal of money; I'd almost want to somehow insure that it WOULD work - no diamonds eating into the prongs - and have it in writing before I proceeded.

Your current ering looks like it would work with the Tiffany band but I get the sense that while it might be OK, it's probably not the ering you wanted to end up with.

This is a hard call to make and I don't know which way you are leaning. Maybe you come up with the best solution if you take the money part off the table for a moment and realize which would be the absolute best option for you if money wasn't an object. Realistically, we all know that it is but once you decide what you'd really like to do, then maybe you could move forward on the finance piece. I don't really know how else to break it down to come to a reasonable decision that you would be happy with.
MissGotRocks|1326390354|3101326 said:
I don't know whether or not the Tiffany repro from Vatche would have trouble with a shared prong ring either. It would depend on how high the prongs were on the ering and how low the diamonds would be set for the shared eternity ring. You could maybe ask Jonathan or Yeuketiel their opinion on this.

I would think that Mark Morrell would be able to work to make both of the rings doable; the bigger question might be how amenable he would be to all of this. Perhaps it deserves further discussion with him at this point. This option is a great deal of money; I'd almost want to somehow insure that it WOULD work - no diamonds eating into the prongs - and have it in writing before I proceeded.

Your current ering looks like it would work with the Tiffany band but I get the sense that while it might be OK, it's probably not the ering you wanted to end up with.

This is a hard call to make and I don't know which way you are leaning. Maybe you come up with the best solution if you take the money part off the table for a moment and realize which would be the absolute best option for you if money wasn't an object. Realistically, we all know that it is but once you decide what you'd really like to do, then maybe you could move forward on the finance piece. I don't really know how else to break it down to come to a reasonable decision that you would be happy with.

MGR, now I'm wondering where I got the idea that the Vatche would work with a shared prong ring! I think I remember someone saying somewhere that the Vatche could be worn with a variety of wedding bands. I think your point about that is a very important one that must be clarified before I can make any kind of informed decision. In Bliss's thread about her new Tiffany repro Vatche, I saw that someone asked a question about whether Bliss's shared prong rings work with the setting without damage. Bliss hasn't replied yet, but it may be that Bliss hasn't had it long enough yet to really tell. Plus, at least judging from her thread, it looks like she may frequently change which combinations of rings she is wearing and so she might not have a lot of time with the shared prong/Vatche e-ring combinations yet.

Mark has said several times that he doesn't advise putting a diamond band (what he calls a "blinger"), that isn't channel or bead set with his style of bead setting, next to one of his rings - unless they're designed at the same time, by him. I imagine he could also design an e-ring around an existing diamond band, though I don't know that he would do that. I feel reasonably certain that anything he designs would work in terms of the diamonds in the band not eating the prongs/basket of the e-ring, but I would still have questions: Would the e-ring stone then be set very high, and if so, how high - and how would I like that? Would there be metal on the sides of the band to protect the girdles, and how would I like that? Like you said, I would want absolute assurance that there wouldn't be any eating into the prongs - and, just as important, that I would like the looks of the rings. From reading on his site and talking to him, it appears to me that by the time we would get to that point in the process (drawings and/or CAD), I would likely be in for some custom development fees that I would forfeit if I decided not to go forward.

I guess it all feels so ... complicated! Though I love MM's designs, and I really do, I don't know if will there be a big enough difference for me to think it was worth the additional money. Even if I take the money part out of the equation, would it be worth the angst of not knowing for certain (or at least with reasonable certainty) that I would be happy in the end? I don't have the answer to that, yet, either!

DS, post some video or something so I can quit thinking about this for a while! :lol:
Demelza posted her Tiffany repro ring a few years back. I think she did have some trouble with the shared prong/ering. I can't look right now but you can do a search on her name and find the thread - her repro was made by Superb Cert. It's worth the read I'm sure; she is always a very informative poster!
blueiris|1326387245|3101275 said:
Yssie, thank you so much for your opinions; I really appreciate it! I honestly don't know yet if I would always wonder "what it", or if I would be perfectly satisfied with the Vatche setting. The look I'm going for is so common and "basic", nothing like the special ring you have!

Somewhere on MM's site, he says that changing elements or size (for a different size diamond, for example) involves reworking things and that each ring is an original for that reason and so I think you're right about it being semi-custom. I don't know if it still qualifies for the custom fee (which would likely be double in my case, since he'd make the band as well).

As far as your other questions, he says somewhere on his site that he is happy to talk about ideas and wants input from the customer before the designing begins, and even along the way, but that he also wants trust from the customer that he will build the ring(s) to be both structurally sound and aesthetically pleasing (I'm paraphrasing). He has a little section about "would-be designers" working with him and it doesn't sound like that's the route he likes to take! But in my case, there is nothing too complicated about any of this; basically, we're talking about an e-ring like his others only built to accommodate a shared-prong wedding band without damaging the prongs, and a shared prong wedding band. I just question if it's worth it to me, monetarily - will I notice "enough" of a difference to be happy I chose to pay for MM's work? I honestly don't know. As for being unhappy in the end, if it came to that, I have no idea what would happen (it makes me nervous to think about it, though!)

I am so happy for you that you are pleased with the outcome from DBL, especially after all you went through and the previous disapointment! I :love: :love: :love: your ring!

"Aesthetically pleasing" to whom? I am confident VC thought his ring was aesthetically pleasing, and Yssie had a different idea about what that looked like! (For the record, Yssie, I think your DBL ring is much improved over the VC design!) That being said, in order to get what we want, we first have to know what that is and be willing to take the risk to get it and have the willingness to speak up with the vendor to work with us to get it...and to start over again if necessary. I am not sure what I want yet, so I have taken DS's signature to heart. "When in doubt, don't." :saint:

My problem is that I want one of everything I see here so I don't have to make a choice! :lol: :lol: :lol:
And no new laptop yet. DH is doing the specs and ordering it: it is his area of expertise!
Hope he can get your laptop ordered SOON, ON!

BlueIris...when I tried on the real Tiffany the other day, I realized that the shank is high where the head sits. I did not feel that their smaller shared prong rings would be a problem because they sit so low. sna's wife has the larger band with stones that are something like 15-18 points, plus her fingers are very thin below the knuckle which means her rings may flop against each other. I recommend to him that she wear a spacer band because I do think hers could be damaged. But he didn't think there was any damage to the prior setting. I think when knuckles are larger than the lower finger area, there could be concern if the rings are so loose they can hit each other. In that case, bead set or channel set might be safer if the person doesn't want to wear a spacer.

The only hesitation I would have about MM personally is that if he made me a set and it wasn't 100% like I wanted or expected, I would be SICK beyond words to have spent all that money. His shared prong ring is gorgeous but it does have a lot more metal than some others like the Tiffany. So you may get better protection but you have more metal. I would feel so much better ordering something that I knew he had already made one exactly like it. So in that respect, the Vatche is safer for me in that it is fine quality, custom made for my stone, but it is a known factor how it is going to turn out. But I am still waiting to see sna's wife's ring to make a final decision.

As for me, Jon emailed and said he was working on his website from home today, so either his asst. could do the video today or I could wait until tomorrow. I really need to hear his commentary, because I just cannot see in a video what he sees in person. He hasn't emailed me back again, but at this point, I guess it will be tomorrow. I hope y'all are around because I will also need input! I asked him to throw in 2 other cuts just so I could see how they all compared, even though I am 99% sure I will stick with a regular rb.
Here is a rather lengthy thread from Demelza trying different bands with her Tiffany replica. The prevailing thought seemed to be that the shared prong ring would eat into the prongs. Again, it all depends on the height of the ering and the wedding band. If the same vendor makes both rings, you'd have a better shot at them not touching but I don't know if anyone would guarantee that. Course, you could have the prongs remade every so often or wear a spacer - not sure if either one of those options is a go for you. I just couldn't 100% recommend that you spend the money on the rings without having some vendor input though - if you go with the replica and a shared prong eternity ring, you'd still be spending lots of money!

DS, I hope how soon the video comes - must be hard waiting! If for some reason this new stone is not a go, will you continue to wait to see if your current stone sells or will you go ahead with the reset of your stone?
MissGotRocks|1326398938|3101433 said:
Demelza posted her Tiffany repro ring a few years back. I think she did have some trouble with the shared prong/ering. I can't look right now but you can do a search on her name and find the thread - her repro was made by Superb Cert. It's worth the read I'm sure; she is always a very informative poster!

Thank you, MGR! I found several of Demelza's threads and in reading them, I got to go on a number of reset journeys with her. From what I could tell, the reason she changed her Superb Cert (which she had for a year) was that when she changed her diamond, damage was done to the head of the Superb Cert setting. The head could be replaced but she decided to take that opportunity to change the entire setting to a Michael .. something. It looks like that one didn't work out too well either so she changed it again, and ironically, it looks like for her last reset (at least that she posted about), her setting is sort of like my Grace!

Demelza concluded that she couldn't wear her shared prong band (from Signed Pieces, I think) with her Superb Cert ring without tearing up the prongs. She had a Scott Kay band to try out with it (it looked like it was bead set, but I'm not sure of that) and after looking at it for a while, she decided to send that back. At the end of that thread, she was going to just keep wearing her plain band that matched the engagement ring and keep wearing her shared prong band on her right hand.

Reading all of that, I felt two things: not so silly for wanting to reset my ring so soon after getting it, and ... a bit of anxiety, reading all she went through and that in spite of trying to make sure everything went well, she still had troubles or things she disliked. I also couldn't help thinking of the expense of it all.

Owies Nana, thanks for your input! I think I know basically what I want: a six-prong pretty head, with no bar, and set high enough so it can work with a shared prong diamond band, but not too high so it is awkward looking or awkward feeling, and no metal on the sides of the diamond band. The problem is, I'm not sure all those "wants" are compatible!

DS, I'm pretty sure that the reason I see that flopping and contact with the prongs that I talked about earlier (and didn't capture in the photos) and that you mentioned with sna's wife's rings is because my rings are big on me, especially now that it's winter. And you have expressed exactly what I said to my husband last night about the extra cost of using MM: how sick I would be if it wasn't just what I wanted in the end. I am not sure I'm up for that kind of anxiety and angst, which is why I've said the Vatche feels like a safer choice, just as you said. I too don't like the amount of metal on the sides of the shared prong ring MM has; maybe that can change but I doubt it, given what he said to me before about putting more metal on his bead set rings to prevent the diamonds from contacting the prongs. In that shared prong set, the two rings also fit together very well, which is an entirely different prospect than a plain band and a diamond band working together. But I am encouraged that the real Tiffany e-ring you tried on appeared like it would work with lower set bands. That gives me hope.

Ah, darn it! I was hoping you'd have your video and photos today, but I agree with you that Jon's commentary is very important. I'll be so interested to hear what you think!
MissGotRocks|1326405519|3101530 said:
Here is a rather lengthy thread from Demelza trying different bands with her Tiffany replica. The prevailing thought seemed to be that the shared prong ring would eat into the prongs. Again, it all depends on the height of the ering and the wedding band. If the same vendor makes both rings, you'd have a better shot at them not touching but I don't know if anyone would guarantee that. Course, you could have the prongs remade every so often or wear a spacer - not sure if either one of those options is a go for you. I just couldn't 100% recommend that you spend the money on the rings without having some vendor input though - if you go with the replica and a shared prong eternity ring, you'd still be spending lots of money!


Thank you, MGR! Yep, that's the same thread I found, and you also noted about the shared prong band decision.

I just don't like the idea of a spacer; I feel like it would feel too crowded on my finger. Having to send my ring away to be remade isn't such a great option for me, either. And you are so right about not spending the money on any reset or band until I know it will be okay because it IS expensive no matter what I do!

Editing to try to add a photo from Bliss's thread, showing her smaller eternity with her new Vatche. It looks fine to me in terms of not rubbing but I'd love to hear what those with more experience think.

And editing yet again to say that I'm wearing my plain band (I've only put the Tiffany band on a few times and take it off right away since I know it will be sent back) and can clearly see that the prongs on my basket are rubbing against the band as I'm typing. If my hand is hanging by my side, then of course it flops the other way, but seeing this makes me seriously doubt that I could wear even the low Tiffany shared prong with the Grace.


Yes, from that picture it looks okay and it would be okay if the girdles weren't exposed and rubbing on metal. Diamond will cut metal anywhere on the ring if it rubs constantly. You might want to call ID and ask them about the Vatche and a shared prong ring that they could make that would possibly work. I would just be hesitant to get the Vatche ring from one place and the shared eternity from another in the hopes that it would all be alright. Such a shame that such a beautiful ring turns into a metal eater! I too wouldn't want to go into something thinking that I'd have to redo it from time to time - too much time and additional money spent just to maintain.
I think the shared prong band Bliss has is perfect. Demelza unfortunately did a lot of reset experiments that were difficult for her, but we all gained knowledge from them! I think the SP/Facets eternities are nice quality and fine for stand-alone bands, but they are not set low enough to wear with an e-ring. So that really explains that. Thanks for posting the thread,'s been a long time since I have looked at that thread, but it does remind me that I really do like the Tiffany repro! And it looks good with almost any band!

BlueIris, I also don't have a lot of room on my lower finger, so even though I sometimes like the look of 3 rings, they don't look good on me. There's no reason you can't end up with 2 rings that can be worn together even when one is a shared prong. But if you go with a Tiffany repro e-ring, you will probably want to go with Tiffany or Memoire for the shared prong unless we can identify any others that are set that low.

And yes, it is hard waiting on the video. It is such a feeling of uncertainty because I don't know what to do! But MGR, if I don't buy this stone, I will wait a little longer rather than just reset my current stone right away. I'd want to give it a little more time so I am sure about it either way.
MissGotRocks|1326407607|3101561 said:
Yes, from that picture it looks okay and it would be okay if the girdles weren't exposed and rubbing on metal. Diamond will cut metal anywhere on the ring if it rubs constantly. You might want to call ID and ask them about the Vatche and a shared prong ring that they could make that would possibly work. I would just be hesitant to get the Vatche ring from one place and the shared eternity from another in the hopes that it would all be alright. Such a shame that such a beautiful ring turns into a metal eater! I too wouldn't want to go into something thinking that I'd have to redo it from time to time - too much time and additional money spent just to maintain.

The part I put in bold in your post is very helpful (as is the rest of your post) because I was so confused yesterday when I showed the photos of my Grace with the Tiffany band and opinions were that the Tiffany band would work fine with my current e-ring because the doughnut would keep the band from coming too close. But later I thought, what about the doughnut? Wouldn't that get damaged?

It seems like the "final answer" may be that it's impossible to get a typical shared prong ring to work with any plain metal e-ring band. And that is such a disappointment! But I will call Yekutiel tomorrow and see if he can help answer some questions.
Ooops, I did not see your final edit before I wrote my response. I had my reply screen up for awhile as I had a couple of interruptions.

I don't think Yekutiel is going to be able to answer that question. The reason is, I know for certain that it has more to do with the fingers and how loose the rings are as to whether the low shared prong rings such as Tiffany and Memoire will be a problem. My fingers have a little pad on the palm side which helps my rings stay in place better. I had no problems at all when I wore my Memoire band with any of my settings, and the Tiffany would be the same. If your rings flop, then yes you will need metal edges..either bead set, channel set, or something other than shared prong. I believe Bliss did get a spacer, but I am not sure which rings she wanted it for. I also don't think you'd be satisifed with a shared prong band that wasn't extremely well made. I would be particular about where I bought one.
DS, won't even Bliss's shared prong rub against her ring and eat the metal, to an extent, anyway? We need a jeweler to answer these questions but based on what Mark said to me, I know how he feels - and that's why he puts more metal on his bead set rings.

I like Bliss's shared prong ring too; it's set so low. Do you know who made hers?

I think you're wise to give it enough time to make certain what you want to do about a stone since you're already without it. I hope you'll have a clear idea when you see everything what you want to do because I know how uncomfortable that feeling of uncertainty can be!

Edited to add:

I just saw your latest reply - so maybe I need to wear my rings a little tighter. I tried them on my right ring finger just now, and lo and behold, they don't move around nearly as much. But then in the summer, I will be hating how tight they feel. UGH!

(Another edit here) BUT even on my right hand, with the rings standing upright, the doughnut and the band STILL touch! Meaning that the doughnut will still be rubbing against the edges of the stones in a shared prong ring.

And you also answered my question about Bliss's ring (spacer). I may have to give up this whole idea.
Good heavens, I hope you can make sense of the post right above this one. LOL! Even I am confused by my back and forth craziness! :lol:
Haha! It is fine for the metal on the e-ring to touch the metal on the eternity ring. It doesn't look like to me that Bliss' diamond girdles are touching the e-ring at all.
Even right at the bottom, DS? It looks to me like the diamonds are touching right there.

I am SO disappointed at the thought that I won't be able to wear a shared prong ring. I'm actually MAD! It's the look I like and the look I want. I was so excited when I saw how good the Tiffany shared prong ring looked. Boo hoo!

Thank you, AllThingsLuxury!
BlueIris, I'd call a couple of the vendors who manufacture jewelry to get their thoughts as well. It won't change the facts but they may have more suggestions for types of ering/shared prong band combos that work better than others. VC has done several very pretty rings we've seen as of late so maybe he would have some good, solid suggestions. Call Jonathan at GOG and maybe get Bill Pearlman's perspective on the Memoire (low set) shared eternity with a solitaire setting. They might know of a different solitaire setting that would work better so although it might not be the solitaire you had in mind, it might achieve the total overall look. The more you talk to these people, the more you learn. They might suggest rings you've never thought of that you might really love!
No, I think that doughnut is low and hits the metal setting, not the diamonds. That is the way my solitaire rings do with my Memoire band. I can post one side shot that I happen to have, but you can't clearly see it in this picture, either. The stones don't touch the e-ring, though.

New Rings 049.jpg
MGR, I'll give what you suggested a try! I don't want to give up quite yet.

DS, thank you for the photo. I was struck by the difference in where your Memoire band comes on your H Levi setting, vs. where the Tiffany band I have comes on my Grace setting. When the rings are straight on my finger (not leaning at all), the band comes up maybe 1/5 - 1/4 of the way up the ring! Whereas with your rings, the Memoire doesn't even come close to the bottom of the prongs.
Hmm, then is your stone set super low? My Leon was set low like that, but I really didn't have wear on the prongs simply because the rings didn't hit each other. I actually have a picture of that but with the Legacy band.

I'm guessing it must be, though I never realized it. I showed my husband the photo of your H Levi/Memoire and the photo of Bliss's Vatche/shared prong and he also saw the differences between those two and mine.

This photo shows it pretty well.

Edit: Here's another - not a great photo but shows the heights well.

Another edit: My husband also commented on the height differences (off the finger) between the shank of my e-ring and the band, and pointed out that those heights are much more similar in your photo of the H Levi/Memoire.

8 pt. SP Tiffany4.jpg

8 pt SP Tiffany7.jpg
I felt like I was looking at my own rings there for a second! Yes, your head is low, but the stone is not set quite as low as mine. I wish they'd make the doughnuts a little taller so the head wouldn't be quite so low and then there wouldn't be such potential to have problems with a shared prong. The real Tiffany e-rings definitely had the heads a little higher than these. And of course, the H Levi was an excellent height but not too high, either. I hope we can get some good shots from sna on the Vatche.
I'm glad you confirmed this; I've looked at my ring and thought it was so low, but not having much experience with this, I wasn't sure. It's comfortable to wear and if I didn't want to wear a shared prong ring it would be fine, but sometimes I think it looks kind of squished! I agree that your H Levi looks like the right height. In case it wasn't obvious ;) , I was really disappointed when I thought a shared prong band definitely wouldn't work - but your photo of your H Levi with your Memoire band really encouraged me again!

I hope sna's wife's ring is here soon. I'm really excited to see it, and especially with his wife's shared prong band. I also can't wait to see the prongs; I liked the Vatche prongs much better in Bliss's photos than on the Vatche web site, for some reason. I think the prongs on Bliss's ring look much "swoopier" than on the web site, and I like that look.

I'm looking forward to the video of your diamond, the potential diamond, and any other diamonds in Jon's spotlight today! :appl:
I really think the larger the stone, the more beautiful the prongs can be. They did a great job on Bliss' ring. And sna's will be somewhat close to the size of your stone, too. So you'll be able to get a good idea from that.
diamondseeker2006|1326474137|3102138 said:
I really think the larger the stone, the more beautiful the prongs can be. They did a great job on Bliss' ring. And sna's will be somewhat close to the size of your stone, too. So you'll be able to get a good idea from that.

That will be so helpful! :)

I'm attaching a few photos of a ring I ordered from Blue Nile, just out of curiosity. It's a full eternity, 2 tcw. and has 21 diamonds, so around 10 points each. I thought it would be worth looking at since Enerchi asked me if I'd tried on an eternity with 10 pt. stones. Even though I'm not planning to keep it (though it was 25% off, so the price point is very good), it's well made, and the stones are very sparkly and appear to be well cut. They're H, VS2. The setting is different from the Tiffany one; it doesn't have an air line. Putting the two rings side by side, the stones are just a titch bigger, and a titch taller (it's 2.75mm tall, according to the BN rep I spoke with). I think the stones look just as good as the Tiffany diamonds, which was a pleasant surprise.

I wonder, does going with branded melee (WF, BGD, etc.) make a difference in sparkle? Or is it all about the same in this size?

Here are a few photos - would love to hear if any of you have an opinion on the 8 pt. stones vs. the 10 pt. stones with my diamond.

DS, any news on the video/photos? I'm waiting impatiently, here! :D

BN 2 ct.jpg

BN 2 ct.2.jpg

BN 2 ct.3.jpg

BN 2 ct.4.jpg
I just took a few more photos to show the two eternity bands side-by-side. The BN ring is closest to my hand in all three photos.

BN Tiff 3.jpg

BN Tiff 1.jpg

BN Tiff 2.jpg
I think the ring looks good, and no, I don't think you have to have hearts and arrows cut for little bands. Memoire uses excellent cut and my stones are fine. I think the size of the stones is fine. I just realized my stones are closer to 11 points, and these are almost 10, so I think the size you have now is the largest I would go. BUT, 2.75mm is too tall! And that is why we see a lot of shared prong rings scratching prongs. My Legacy band is 2mm and so is my Memoire band (and I think the Tiffany shared prong is, also). I just try to have all bands close to 2mm in height off my finger. If you check on other bands, then ask the height and stick to no more than 2mm. Memoire is more than BN and other similar vendors, but their height is better and the quality is excellent. They are less than Tiffanys. If you get a price from Pearlman's, ask if they do a pricescope discount because they often will do 20% off.

I got an email from Jon saying that he had been busy with in-store customers and he was rounding up the stones to do the video. So hopefully it will be soon!!! Thanks for empathizing with my impatience!!! :lol:

(Saw your newest photos...can you tell that Tiffany ring is lower or not?)