
My Gelin Abaci tension diamond fell out!


Mar 1, 2016
Has anyone heard of this happening before? I'm shocked that this happened, thankfully, I found the diamond. I thought they were not supposed to fall out under normal use?!?!
That is very concerning! I'd be calling your jeweler - it could be a setting issue. I'd either a) make sure you have insurance should it happen again b) go with a more skilled jeweler in setting the stone or c) find a safer setting for the diamond.

I'm so glad you found it!
I"m pretty sure Gelin has a rather long warranty but, of course, warranty doesn't mean you'll never have a problem, only that they'll fix it. Call your jeweler. It's likely that if you have someone else set it, it'll void the above mentioned warranty unless it's another GA authorized dealer. Ask before you proceed.

I second the observation that you should make sure you're on top of your insurance.
This is very concerning as I'm a fan of tension settings.
I'm looking forward to hearing what Gelin Abaci itself says about this.
Angelam|1456843666|3997855 said:
Has anyone heard of this happening before? I'm shocked that this happened, thankfully, I found the diamond. I thought they were not supposed to fall out under normal use?!?!



Is your diamond okay!?
Thanks everyone. Yes, the diamond is okay, I don't know what made me look down but thankfully I did and saw it. Jeweler said to bring it in and they will have Gelin and Abaci look at it. I'll let you know what happens! It does sound like they will stand behind their product but we will see!
Jeweler was able to put the diamond back in, phew!
Did they offer any explanation as to why the diamond might have dropped out of the setting?
What is the likelihood of this happening again?
What can be done to reduce the chances of this happening again?
Chrono|1456932623|3998447 said:
Did they offer any explanation as to why the diamond might have dropped out of the setting?
What is the likelihood of this happening again?
What can be done to reduce the chances of this happening again?
Sorry to be off topic, but your avatar is very distracting.

To the OP - I hope they are able to figure out why that happened and hope your diamond stays put from now on!
Angelam|1456889311|3998240 said:
Jeweler was able to put the diamond back in, phew!
Hummm...strange,.. :confused: most jeweler don't have the correct equipment to reset a tension setting. local authorized GA dealer will not touch a tension setting, b/c every Gelin Abaci tension setting are custom made to fit that particular size stone. I have been wearing a GA tension setting for over a yr now and the stone is still intact.

Does your GA setting have numbers stamped inside the ring?
I'm surprised to hear your jeweller was able to pop the stone back in. I was under the same impression as Dancing Fire that the stone would have to go back to GA. If it were me, I would insist it go back to be inspected & fixed properly. Otherwise, I'd be afraid to wear my ring.
ccuheartnurse said:
I'm surprised to hear your jeweller was able to pop the stone back in. I was under the same impression as Dancing Fire that the stone would have to go back to GA. If it were me, I would insist it go back to be inspected & fixed properly. Otherwise, I'd be afraid to wear my ring.

I was thinking the same thing. Was your diamond originally set by GA or by your local jeweler?
Angelam|1456889311|3998240 said:
Jeweler was able to put the diamond back in, phew!

WHAT!?! :eek: :hand:

I'd contact Gelin Abaci (GA) directly to discuss this.
If they tell you they don't talk to the public, insist that they do because there may be an issue with the jeweler itself.
I'd first ask whether that jeweler is an authorized dealer for GA.

I suspect GA will be surprised and object to the jeweler setting a stone in their ring.
I believe GA has proprietary knowledge/processes/jigs that optimizes/preserves optimum holding capacity of their rings.
While not absolutely impossible your jeweler has that too, it's unlikely.
Even if they did, to keep the warranty intact, and keep my peace of mind, I'd insist only GA touches the ring.

As mentioned GA custom makes each ring to each diamond.
But I wonder whether this jeweler accquired a used GA tension setting and just put another diamond (yours) into an existing GA setting before you bought the ring and never told you that.
IOW perhaps the ring was not made by GA to hold your diamond, and was made weaker by your jeweler taking the old diamond out and putting your diamond in.

Just guessing.

FWIW I've had a GA setting for close to 10 years.
No issues.
ccuheartnurse|1457022606|3999115 said:
I'm surprised to hear your jeweller was able to pop the stone back in. I was under the same impression as Dancing Fire that the stone would have to go back to GA. If it were me, I would insist it go back to be inspected & fixed properly. Otherwise, I'd be afraid to wear my ring.
Something doesn't jive here.. :confused: is not like you can just slide the stone back into a tension setting. Every stone 'MUST' be set by its manufacturer.
Dancing Fire, I agree, as I do with Kenny as well. I had looked at GA settings back in 2003 as my then fiance was over the moon with how cool the rings were. The jeweller did stress that GA would have a huge hand in how the stone would be handled & how safe it would be but in the end I went with a safe 4 prong ring. I always remembered what the jeweller said, that GA is a very proactive company if anything happens to their rings. I'm curious & I hope the OP comes back to explain how & who took care of the stone. :think:
Thank you for your post. Please have your diamond and ring sent to us through the authorized jeweler where you made your purchase.

All major services for our tension rings should only done only by us to maintain the integrity and strength of the tension holding your center diamond. If the authorized has serviced the ring themselves please let us know. Each tension ring is secured with 65 to 95 pounds of pressure. If some impact has compromised this pressure then the diamond can come out just like any traditional 4 or 6 prong setting. We are happy to examine the ring and provide the authorized jeweler with our findings. Any additional information you can provide is always appreciated. Thank you.
Nice to see the company itself posting here, and standing behind its product.

It reinforces my suspicion that the issue reported here was not Gelin Abaci's fault.
My peace of mind about my ring and it's maker is restored. =)
A thread like this can be very damaging to a company's reputation.
It takes years of hard work to build a reputation but only a moment's carelessness to lose it.

To the OP Angelam, please follow up and post more about this.
It would be nice to learn the whole story since what you've posted leaves it as a bit of a mystery.

Is your jeweler one of Gelin Abaci's authorized dealers?
If so, when you send the ring back to GA via your dealer could you kindly post the outcome?
I wonder if they will make a new setting for your diamond, and who will pay for it.

If your jeweler is not an authorized GA dealer I'd stop wearing that ring as I suspect its diamond-holding ability has been compromised by whatever your jeweler has done to the setting.
I'd be worried that your diamond may fall out again.
Just an observation - the op only has 3 posts, and it all relates to this topic.

It has been under 1 week of the ops post. Perhaps it is a timing issue to post.
gregchang35|1457218104|4000322 said:
Just an observation - the op only has 3 posts, and it all relates to this topic.

It has been under 1 week of the ops post. Perhaps it is a timing issue to post.

Not getting what you mean???
What I am thinking is that it seems odd that someone with a warranty issue would only post 3 posts relatively quickly and then not return. Hence my point about being under a week and not enogh time to comment. Just posting and running.
I'd rather give the OP the benefit of the doubt and assume he/she is telling the truth, is just busy, and will return.
Perhaps everything was true, but the OP is now embarrassed and will not post again.

But it's also possible the OP was a shill/troll or a competitor just trying to do damage to GA's name, or spread fear about tension settings.
Fear is the most powerful and contagious emotion.

It seems reasonable to me that tensions settings are much more safe than settings with those relatively-tiny prongs.
Prongs can catch on something and bend and let go of a diamond by just putting on a sweater.
In 10+ years I've read reports of this here and the owner had no idea anything happened.
Tension settings are so beefy that if you experience a trauma strong enough to bend them open you'd probably end up in the ER.

Hopefully the OP will return to finish the story (s)he started.
kenny|1457287358|4000596 said:
I'd rather give the OP the benefit of the doubt and assume he/she is telling the truth, is just busy, and will return.
Perhaps everything was true, but the OP is now embarrassed and will not post again.

But it's also possible the OP was a shill/troll or a competitor just trying to do damage to GA's name, or spread fear about tension settings.
Fear is the most powerful and contagious emotion.

It seems reasonable to me that tensions settings are much more safe than settings with those relatively-tiny prongs.
Prongs can catch on something and bend and let go of a diamond by just putting on a sweater.

4 prong settings aren't really all that secure, true. But with a 6 prong, you'd have to essentially damage 3 prongs before the stone fell out.

Hope the OP comes back for an update.
We get a lot of posters who just come here to get the answer to one question and then disappear - sometimes even before acknowledging the responses that have been posted. Angelam* could figure his/her problem has been solved, so no need to check back here. I hope that's not the case though - the "fix" doesn't make much sense to me, either.

* When I see the OP's screen name, I can't help but think of that old Juice Newton song - "Just call me angel of the morning, angel... just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby..."

You're welcome. :wink2:
I have a stone that is tension set about 30 years old now never had it checked and wear it approx 2 times a week doing all sorts including gardening (felling trees) so they are safe IMO
Wow, decided to look and see if anyone else had this problem and saw this old post to which I never followed up on! Guess I was lucky I haven’t actually worn the ring since. Sounds like I should have had it sent directly to Gelin Abaci which I found out is out of business! So guess I’m out of luck on that. I may just cut my losses at this point and have the diamond reset. Thanks for your replies and sorry for not following up on my post!