
My Experience with Lockes

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Jan 18, 2005
Oh wow. Well, a picture is worth a thousand words. Dem, I''m so sorry!


Jul 19, 2005
Demelza, I''m so sorry to hear about all your troubles that you''re experiencing with Locke''s!

Do you still have your old setting? It was beautiful!


Oct 30, 2002
haha my absolute first thought was....dem just shoulda kept the crooked head setting...she''ll only have this one for a year or so before she changes her mind and gets another style anyway!
*ow don''t hit me!*

sucks about the issues. hope the new company gets it right.


Jan 18, 2004
Wow! Where to start?

Re: the snootiness/stamping/diamond color issue: My first mounting wasn''t stamped at all -- not a trademark stamp OR a platinum stamp. I was told that this was an oversight and that both stamps should have been present in the shank of the ring. I know they told Sunkist that her ring wouldn''t have a stamp and it does, so I don''t really know what to make of their policies re: setting lower color stones. I understand why some people would be turned off to the idea that they have to "approved" before spending nearly 2k on a platinum solitaire setting, but I also understand what Lockes is trying to do by building a reputation as an exclusive boutique. Personally, I think it''s all a little silly, but if that''s how they want to do business, that''s fine by me. I just think that their mountings should be worthy of the stones they''re setting in them.

Diamondlove -- I very much appreciate the spirit of your post. I think it''s wonderful that your mounting turned out well. I am so, so glad for you and your ring is truly stunning.

Lynn -- Yes, you''re right that I am out a bit of money in shipping/appraisal costs. Lockes did reimburse me for shipping the ring one way and they did cover the cost of shipping back to them for the second remake. I am, however, out the money it cost to ship to and from Rich, and, of course, for Rich''s invaluable appraisal services. Granted, it was my choice to have the ring appraised and one could certainly argue that it is not at all their responsibility to cover those costs. It is a shame, though, to be out that money with no mounting to show for it. That, too, of course, was my choice, but it still stinks.

Jelly -- Yes, I do still have my SC mounting and still really like it. The head was damaged a bit during the last reset -- partly a result of metal fatigue, I was told -- which is one of the reasons I decided to do a reset at this time. I''ll probably have a new head put onto that ring. The cost will be minimal and there won''t be any more porosity issues with the prongs.


May 24, 2005
Wow, that just stinks all around. Thank you for sharing that and hopefully the next ring will be made with much better craftsmanship and much less difficulty.


Nov 15, 2005
Oh my goodness, Demelza! I am stunned and in shock! I thought I was the only one that was having problems with their Lockes setting, I'm so glad that you shared. The picture of your crooked head made me gasp! I think it's worse than mine. Also, mine is crooked when you look at the shank seeing the full circle. OH MY GOODNESS! Now that I look at it the way you posted, mine looks a little crooked that way too! It's hard to tell though, very slight. Now I'm thinking of just leaving my ring the way it is and not sending it back to them! All of my prongs appear to be set correctly and on the diamond, but I haven't had it looked at by any other jeweler. It doesn't wobble at all in the setting.

To all who commented about my experiences with Lockes you do all have the story correct. And I agree with all of your comments that a company who is selective and prejudicial against grades of diamonds that they will set so that they can have a superior and elite product and who are then not delivering the quality of product that they promise is operating in an unfair way to the customer.

I am so sorry that you are having so many problems with your setting. I truely understand you choice not to continue with Lockes and I don't blame you after all they put you through. I'm scared they'll put me down the same road now...


Oct 30, 2002
sunkist..ITA re the whole selective about setting stones then they end up with botched settings. seems like with all the people coming and going over there they have some really serious operational issues as well to address. no one wants to pay what, $1700? for a setting and be put through the wringer on if your stone fits the criteria THEN get a bunch of botched attempts at settings. this is their signature setting, how hard can it be to find someone who does it right?


Nov 15, 2005
Date: 10/17/2006 8:30:31 PM
Author: Mara
sunkist..ITA re the whole selective about setting stones then they end up with botched settings. seems like with all the people coming and going over there they have some really serious operational issues as well to address. no one wants to pay what, $1700? for a setting and be put through the wringer on if your stone fits the criteria THEN get a bunch of botched attempts at settings. this is their signature setting, how hard can it be to find someone who does it right?

Yep, exactly. That is why I cannot understand why we now know of 2 of their signature settings that they have made in the past 3(?) months that do not stand up to their Quality Assurance posted right on their website.


Aug 8, 2006
Dear Demelza,
I am so sorry to hear about the problems you had with Lockes setting.
After seeing DiamondLoves and Matatoras pictures, I also was going to get the setting and changed my mind at the last second as two people I dealt with were let go. Last one was Maria, I just never heard back from her the last time before I was faxing over the paperwork, I thought it was so strange, I emailed and emailed and noone ever responded.
I took that as a strong sign and went with another setting, secretly hoping one day I can reset my diamond into lovely Lockes.
I really hope they fix their QA process. Its a shame that such a beautiful setting is poorly made.

*hug* I hope that you find another gorgeous setting to reset your pretty stone into.


Lynn B

May 9, 2004
Date: 10/17/2006 8:51:32 PM
Author: angel777
...changed my mind at the last second as two people I dealt with were let go. Last one was Maria, I just never heard back from her the last time before I was faxing over the paperwork, I thought it was so strange, I emailed and emailed and no one ever responded...
Dem (and Angel, too),
Just being nosy
... but how did you guys find out that these people you were working with were fired? Did they actually tell you this at Lockes?!
(And Dem, was your first manager's name Maria or has more than one manager been fired recently?!) This story is just sooooo bizarre to me!


Jan 18, 2004
Date: 10/17/2006 9:13:37 PM
Author: Lynn B
Date: 10/17/2006 8:51:32 PM

Author: angel777

...changed my mind at the last second as two people I dealt with were let go. Last one was Maria, I just never heard back from her the last time before I was faxing over the paperwork, I thought it was so strange, I emailed and emailed and no one ever responded...

Dem (and Angel, too),

Just being nosy
... but how did you guys find out that these people you were working with were fired? Did they actually tell you this at Lockes?!
(And Dem, was your first manager's name Maria or has more than one manager been fired recently?!) This story is just sooooo bizarre to me!

The way I found out is that I kept emailing her and hearing back from someone else. I really wanted to talk to her specifically since she'd been really helpful and finally I was told that she was "let go" (I assume that means fired as opposed to laid off??).

Lynn B

May 9, 2004
Date: 10/17/2006 9:38:48 PM
Author: Demelza

The way I found out is that I kept emailing her and hearing back from someone else. I really wanted to talk to her specifically since she'd been really helpful and finally I was told that she was 'let go' (I assume that means fired as opposed to laid off??).
Yeah, that means fired. OY, that's just so unprofessional.

Honestly... anywhere I have ever worked we would never say that someone -- ANYONE -- was LET GO (read FIRED!), especially to a "customer" for Pete's sake. Something simple like, "So-and-so is no longer with us..." or "... doesn't work here anymore" is truthful without sounding so intentionally... SNARFY -- not to mention potentially libelous!


Aug 17, 2005
WOW- I don''t have much to add, just wanted to say that I feel for you and I applaud the fact that you wrote about your negative experience here on RT.

I hope that your gorgeous stone finds it''s "home" soon!


Aug 8, 2006
Dear Lynn B,
no one ended up answering my numerous emails, so I called Lockes and was told that Maria was let go. :|
Its a shame, she was a very very nice person to work with.
Something is definitely not right with them letting go of such nice people.
She was always very polite and informative.


Jan 18, 2004
Date: 10/17/2006 8:21:33 PM
Author: sunkist
Oh my goodness, Demelza! I am stunned and in shock! I thought I was the only one that was having problems with their Lockes setting, I''m so glad that you shared. The picture of your crooked head made me gasp! I think it''s worse than mine. Also, mine is crooked when you look at the shank seeing the full circle. OH MY GOODNESS! Now that I look at it the way you posted, mine looks a little crooked that way too! It''s hard to tell though, very slight. Now I''m thinking of just leaving my ring the way it is and not sending it back to them! All of my prongs appear to be set correctly and on the diamond, but I haven''t had it looked at by any other jeweler. It doesn''t wobble at all in the setting.

To all who commented about my experiences with Lockes you do all have the story correct. And I agree with all of your comments that a company who is selective and prejudicial against grades of diamonds that they will set so that they can have a superior and elite product and who are then not delivering the quality of product that they promise is operating in an unfair way to the customer.

I am so sorry that you are having so many problems with your setting. I truely understand you choice not to continue with Lockes and I don''t blame you after all they put you through. I''m scared they''ll put me down the same road now...

Sunkist -- I''m sorry you''re having to go through this. I really am. I absolutely do not think you should just settle for the mounting you already have if the workmanship issues bug you at all. That''s just not right. I thought about doing that myself and maybe that''s okay when it comes to a less than delicious plate of pasta at a restaurant or a sweatshirt from the Gap, but not when it comes to something this expensive and this meaningful. I really don''t know what''s going on there, but it does seem like there has been quite a bit of upheaval over the last few months and perhaps our mountings got caught in the fray. Hopefully they will do their best to get your mounting back to you in excellent condition. And in a timely manner! In fact, I think they should make it a number one priority. Please do keep us posted!! I really hope it turns out well for you this next time around!


Jan 18, 2004
Date: 10/17/2006 8:51:32 PM
Author: angel777
Dear Demelza,

I am so sorry to hear about the problems you had with Lockes setting.

After seeing DiamondLoves and Matatoras pictures, I also was going to get the setting and changed my mind at the last second as two people I dealt with were let go. Last one was Maria, I just never heard back from her the last time before I was faxing over the paperwork, I thought it was so strange, I emailed and emailed and noone ever responded.

I took that as a strong sign and went with another setting, secretly hoping one day I can reset my diamond into lovely Lockes.

I really hope they fix their QA process. Its a shame that such a beautiful setting is poorly made.

*hug* I hope that you find another gorgeous setting to reset your pretty stone into.


I can''t believe no one got back to you. None of my emails went unanswered; they were just unanswered by the person I was hoping to hear from. I do know of one other person who was let go recently, but I never dealt with him. I think Sunkist did and I think it was the man who helped Matatora. Anyway, all these personnel changes do not do much to inspire confidence. It has occurred to me, as DiamondSeeker suggested, that perhaps the jeweler who made Mat''s setting is no longer with the company and his/her replacement just isn''t producing the same kind of quality?? I hate to speculate and perhaps that''s not fair; it''s just hard not to want to figure out exactly what''s going on since it really is kind of baffling.


Nov 15, 2005
Ya, the other guy that left (and I don''t know if he was fired, or just left) was the guy that helped Matatora. I wish I could find him somehow, he told me he lived in Los Angeles before NY. I wonder if he came back. But he was not a manager, I don''t think.

Anyways, I''d really like to hear from them what is going on here, and why they are turning out more than one unacceptable ring when they are considering themselves on par with Tiffany''s.

DiamondLove, when did you receive your ring? And Demelza, when did you receive yours? I received mine around Sept.5th. I''m just wondering if there''s any sort of pattern here.

I''m going to wait to send my ring in until after the wedding. And before I do send it in I''m going to ask them about all of this, see what their explanation is, and have them tell me that they will send me a perfect ring back. Again, thank you so much for sharing Dem! It helps to have more insight, rather than just my own, as to what is going on there.


Mar 18, 2006
I haven''t posted in awhile but when I saw this post I needed to say something. I''m so glad that you told your story Dem because I was very close to getting this setting also and was days away from making a final decision. I pondered about Locke''s but their just was something about them that wasn''t sitting right about them. I too heard about their many turnovers and to me that is a big red flag. Now, I am working on having this exact setting made by Maytal Hoftman. I already contacted her and we just need to finalize some details, but thankfully your post has reassured me on my decision. I do also find it funny that they don''t advertise their signature setting on their website. If it were my company I would have that on the home page but its nowhere to be found on their site unless I missed it but I doubt that. I wish you good luck in getting the setting you want and I also love your diamond. Your G/VS2 is my sweet spot and hopefully I get that when I upgrade in the future


Mar 18, 2006
Another thing I forgot to mention... I too dealt with Maria and she responded to my first email but as to the second one I sent there was no reply and now I know why and she was the Manager at the time.


Jan 18, 2004
Date: 10/18/2006 2:47:56 AM
Author: sunkist
Ya, the other guy that left (and I don''t know if he was fired, or just left) was the guy that helped Matatora. I wish I could find him somehow, he told me he lived in Los Angeles before NY. I wonder if he came back. But he was not a manager, I don''t think.

Anyways, I''d really like to hear from them what is going on here, and why they are turning out more than one unacceptable ring when they are considering themselves on par with Tiffany''s.

DiamondLove, when did you receive your ring? And Demelza, when did you receive yours? I received mine around Sept.5th. I''m just wondering if there''s any sort of pattern here.

I''m going to wait to send my ring in until after the wedding. And before I do send it in I''m going to ask them about all of this, see what their explanation is, and have them tell me that they will send me a perfect ring back. Again, thank you so much for sharing Dem! It helps to have more insight, rather than just my own, as to what is going on there.

I received my first ring at the end of August, right before Labor day. I would imagine the same person who made mine also made yours since they were produced at almost exactly the same time.

I think it''s good that you''re waiting to have the ring remade till after the wedding. It might be too much stress to do it before; and, also, maybe by the time you are ready, they will have straightened out their personnel issues.

If you do find out what''s going on over there, please do let us know!


Jan 18, 2004
Date: 10/18/2006 3:56:49 AM
Author: fashionsweetie
I haven''t posted in awhile but when I saw this post I needed to say something. I''m so glad that you told your story Dem because I was very close to getting this setting also and was days away from making a final decision. I pondered about Locke''s but their just was something about them that wasn''t sitting right about them. I too heard about their many turnovers and to me that is a big red flag. Now, I am working on having this exact setting made by Maytal Hoftman. I already contacted her and we just need to finalize some details, but thankfully your post has reassured me on my decision. I do also find it funny that they don''t advertise their signature setting on their website. If it were my company I would have that on the home page but its nowhere to be found on their site unless I missed it but I doubt that. I wish you good luck in getting the setting you want and I also love your diamond. Your G/VS2 is my sweet spot and hopefully I get that when I upgrade in the future

Thansk, FS! I will look forwad to seeing your ring. I''m sure it will be beautiful -- I have heard that Maytal Hoftman does really fine work.

I think you hit the nail on the head when you said that something about the company just doesn''t seem right. At least right now -- perhaps things will settle down for them shortly. That is what I kept coming back to when I was trying to decide whether to pull the plug on the project. I kept getting reassured by differrent staff members that all would be well and that they only employ master craftsmen, but, in the end, my gut was telling me to walk away, despite their generous offer.

Can''t wait to see pics of your new setting!


Nov 19, 2004
oh my. what an ordeal!
thanks for taking the time to share demelza.

i hope all is well with you!


Apr 18, 2006
hey all,

Just a quick visit during lunch but just wanted to say that I''m not sure exactly when my fiance had my ring made but he proposed around mid August so it had to be prior to that time-- possibly end of July to early August?

They also might have more than one person making the rings so it may also depend on who it is?

I was thinking of this dilemma and could these mistakes also be a result of the settings being hand made rather than made from a mold? It''s supposed to be ''better'' to be hand made but then there are also more room for human error which results in issues when QA isn''t strict enough or if the person is having an off day and does not catch the issues. Either way they need to fix any and all issues of course and at their expense.

Again, I wish you guys didn''t have to be going through these issues.



Jan 18, 2004
Date: 10/18/2006 2:03:08 PM
Author: diamondlove
hey all,

Just a quick visit during lunch but just wanted to say that I'm not sure exactly when my fiance had my ring made but he proposed around mid August so it had to be prior to that time-- possibly end of July to early August?

They also might have more than one person making the rings so it may also depend on who it is?

I was thinking of this dilemma and could these mistakes also be a result of the settings being hand made rather than made from a mold? It's supposed to be 'better' to be hand made but then there are also more room for human error which results in issues when QA isn't strict enough or if the person is having an off day and does not catch the issues. Either way they need to fix any and all issues of course and at their expense.

Again, I wish you guys didn't have to be going through these issues.


I think you bring up a good point, DL. These rings are handmade and will not be absolutely, perfectly symmetrical. That's just the nature of the beast and I was reminded of this by Lockes several times. That is one of the reasons I wanted Rich to take a look at the second mounting because I wondered whether I was simply being too picky and expecting too much out of a handmade piece. Clearly, that wasn't the case and the problems went far beyond reasonable variances in a handmade ring. The main problem, as you suggest, is that there doesn't seem to be anyone checking their work before it leaves the shop. I can't imagine how either mounting got beyond the jeweler's bench let alone the sales rep or manager who should have been checking to see that all was in order before sealing the Fed Ex box. I was told that these rings should not be looked at under a microscope as it may take away from their jeweler's handiwork; however, none of the problems I noticed on the first mounting required a loupe, let alone a microscope, to be visible to the naked eye. Unfortunately, we're not talking about minor imperfections here.

Autumn Dreams

Aug 11, 2006
Dem- Thank you for posting your experience with Lockes on this board. Your post is invaluable to those (such as me) who were considering this setting. Your experience and your opinion is important to us (whether good or bad) who come here looking for information, as it helps us weigh out if we want to use that vendor. As you may know, this setting was becoming one of the favorites here on Pricescope. At least people who do decide to go forward with them can be cautious and will know to examine the ring carefully upon receiving it from them.

I too had become very interested in this setting after Matatora posted her pictures of it. I had contacted Lockes in August and was corresponding with Maria. She was always very helpful and very quick to answer my emails. Without your post (and Sunkist too), I would have never known that she wasnt there anymore.

I am now hesitant to drop that kind of money on a setting with a vendor with this many quality control issues. I too would be nervous about them setting my diamond for yet the third time.

So sorry you are going through this and I hope everything will turn out positively for you.

Lynn B

May 9, 2004
Date: 10/20/2006 3:50:16 PM
Author: Autumn Dreams
Dem- Thank you for posting your experience with Lockes on this board. Your post is invaluable to those (such as me) who were considering this setting. Your experience and your opinion is important to us (whether good or bad) who come here looking for information, as it helps us weigh out if we want to use that vendor. As you may know, this setting was becoming one of the favorites here on Pricescope. At least people who do decide to go forward with them can be cautious and will know to examine the ring carefully upon receiving it from them.

I too had become very interested in this setting after Matatora posted her pictures of it. I had contacted Lockes in August and was corresponding with Maria. She was always very helpful and very quick to answer my emails. Without your post (and Sunkist too), I would have never known that she wasnt there anymore.

I am now hesitant to drop that kind of money on a setting with a vendor with this many quality control issues. I too would be nervous about them setting my diamond for yet the third time.

So sorry you are going through this and I hope everything will turn out positively for you.
Well stated, AD.


Mar 18, 2006
Hey all, I just thought I''d mention that Locke''s has a new manager. If I recall the name is Perri anywho, I got a response that Maria is no longer with the company and I inquired in September about the Signature Setting and Maria said it was no problem and that they just needed to approve my stone....long story short the new manager said that Locke''s is no longer accepting outside diamonds to be set in their Signature Setting. They will only set in house diamonds. After hearing all the bull I don''t even care to show a copy of Maria''s email stating that it would be okay to have it done with my stone. I am so dead set on getting that setting recreated. I doubt it would be hard to replicate it and I hope just to piss them off more people show their rings that look like that. I don''t know who these people think they are. If they want to be a snooty jewelry shop then by all means go ahead but at least make sure your jewelry is up to standards.


Jan 18, 2004
Date: 10/21/2006 5:06:53 AM
Author: fashionsweetie
Hey all, I just thought I'd mention that Locke's has a new manager. If I recall the name is Perri anywho, I got a response that Maria is no longer with the company and I inquired in September about the Signature Setting and Maria said it was no problem and that they just needed to approve my stone....long story short the new manager said that Locke's is no longer accepting outside diamonds to be set in their Signature Setting. They will only set in house diamonds. After hearing all the bull I don't even care to show a copy of Maria's email stating that it would be okay to have it done with my stone. I am so dead set on getting that setting recreated. I doubt it would be hard to replicate it and I hope just to piss them off more people show their rings that look like that. I don't know who these people think they are. If they want to be a snooty jewelry shop then by all means go ahead but at least make sure your jewelry is up to standards.

Yes, Perri is the new manager. When did you speak to her about this? Is this a brand new policy that they no longer accept outside diamonds for mounting in their Signature Setting regardless of the color (I know they were not wanting to set diamonds with color lower than H)? They sure are all over the place with their policies. I wonder if it's at least in part a result of these latest quality control issues that they would prefer only to set their own diamonds?? In any case, I'm sorry you're not able to purchase their mounting if that's what you were planning to do; I'm sure you can get it made elsewhere for less money and with even better results. Thanks for the update!


Jan 11, 2006
No, they told Sunkist at the time she had the discussion with them on setting her diamond that they wanted to move toward only setting their own stones in their signature setting (as does Tiffany) and for the time being they''d set stones that were a certain color or above.


Jan 18, 2005
Couldn''t the ring be copied by Quest or Whiteflash? I know there are copyright issues (I''m assuming) so a few minor (maybe better) tweaks and you''ve got your ring.
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