
My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciated.


Jun 11, 2015
Hi everyone, I hope i can get some opinions with my situation: I recently received my new BG e-ring last week and proposed over the weekend! My fiance is over the moon with the ring by the way (it was a total surprise).

After some of the initial excitement of the proposal (Saturday) simmered down, I explicitly told her the next day to be very careful with it as the design she likes- a 4 prong "Truth-head" without horizontal bar- is very delicate. Immediately after gently testing the center stone, she realized it wiggles/slightly spins already! I did some research online and said this should not happen but is common and would be best to tighten the prongs.

I immediately emailed Brian Gavin on Monday to let them know my situation. I reached out via live chat today and from my sense, it appears the tightening will be little/no cost, however the shipping I will have to cover (I am from Canada). I am a bit upset about the situation, as I ensured we were very careful with the ring and that it was never knocked. Lesley said it might have came loose during transit and that I was warned ahead of time that there is no warranty because my design was "custom". I had full intentions to have maintenance/tightening regularly by a local jeweler, however i just didn't expect it would be after 1 day :|

I was relatively happy with BG so far and intend to purchase our matching wedding bands there, but I am a bit disheartened by this and how this plays out will decide whether I would purchase with them again. Glam shots of the delicate BG ring is below.



Aug 29, 2014
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

One day?! Thats outrageous. I would be asking for someone higher up. I would not be paying shipping on that.


Have them cover the cost of having a jeweller do it in your city.


Dec 17, 2008
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

Yep, I would be rather annoyed with the point of not having my wedding bands done by them. Basically they are
saying they can deliver you anything and "to bad for you". If shipping caused the stone to come loose or what
your GF did while she had it for one day then this setting is not fit for wear (IMO). However, I'm thinking that maybe the
stone was not set that well in the first place (I could be totally wrong) but I think they should bite the bullet on this one
and pay shipping.


Feb 14, 2005
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

Azc128|1437516631|3905805 said:
After some of the initial excitement of the proposal (Saturday) simmered down, I explicitly told her the next day to be very careful with it as the design she likes- a 4 prong "Truth-head" without horizontal bar- is very delicate. Glam shots of the delicate BG ring is below.


Honestly - I'm not surprised. Taking those horizontal bars out likely weakened the structural integrity of the head. Someone in your "show me" thread mentioned this as well and recommended good insurance for a reason. I'm sorry you have to deal with this so soon, and I'm glad you didn't lose the stone.


Jun 11, 2015
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

Thanks for the comments so far. To be fair, BG warned me ahead of time with the design, but I had full intentions to tighten the prong regularly by a local jeweler and just didn't expect it to wiggle right away. I'm not trying to lay blame on anyone, however how could I know if the ring was sent loose in the first place? I guess this is the price you pay for purchasing online...Sigh*

BG is a reputable company and I want to give them the benefit of the doubt on how this plays out. Should I try and speak to BG himself directly? I am at work, and Lesley will be sending me the details about shipping it back. I will be speaking with my fiance tonight after work :(

I did come across an older thread that someone had a similar problem within a week of receiving it, however I'm not sure if their setting was "customized". It seemed like BG was able to cover the shipping.



Nov 27, 2012
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

As far as the diamond coming loose during shipping.... I've mailed a ring back and forth to a vendor and the diamond has always been secure. The ring has always been right where it should be in the slot of the little box they put it in. I could see if the ring had come out of the slot and been knocked around that's a possibility. I hope they will take care of the shipping for you. Sounds like a beautiful ring.


Apr 28, 2008
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

ecf8503|1437517644|3905819 said:
Azc128|1437516631|3905805 said:
After some of the initial excitement of the proposal (Saturday) simmered down, I explicitly told her the next day to be very careful with it as the design she likes- a 4 prong "Truth-head" without horizontal bar- is very delicate. Glam shots of the delicate BG ring is below.


Honestly - I'm not surprised. Taking those horizontal bars out likely weakened the structural integrity of the head. Someone in your "show me" thread mentioned this as well and recommended good insurance for a reason. I'm sorry you have to deal with this so soon, and I'm glad you didn't lose the stone.


I'm sorry, but I am not surprised. This is not a safe design. I don't understand why you took the bars out. If you want a simple solitaire, there are others out there that don't need those bars, but this is not one of them.


Mar 19, 2014
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

Since you're shipping it back for tightening, can you seek your gf's opinion on if she would like to add the bars? Might as well make it as secure as possible now instead of tightening every now and then.


Apr 6, 2006
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

BG did warn you about the design and the risk of removing the bars. There is a reason why they don't offer that style. While the design is pretty it is not structurally sound and my guess is the stone will continue to loosen up with everyday wear. I can understand why they don't want to pay for shipping this time or in the future. I hope you get insurance because a good wack could loosen up the stone enough to fall out.


May 15, 2013
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

Mmm, in my opinion BG should not have accepted your order if they thought it was that unsafe! And you should have taken their warnings seriously. No use crying over the past though. Have BG change the head. I am sure your GF and you do not want to lose the diamond. It will be worth the additional costs.

I hope you come to a good solution.


Apr 2, 2006
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

First of all, I think BG's argument that the stone came loose on shipping is bogus, particularly if the ring stayed secure in its holder slot during transit (that is, if the ring wasn't bouncing around loose in its box). Even if that it what happened, it's the seller's responsibility to package an item appropriately for shipping unless they inform you upfront that it might not survive their usual method of shipping, and give you the option of some alternative. If you buy fine crystal online, particularly from a seller that regularly deals with crystal,then you have the right to expect your crystal to arrive intact. If it doesn't, the seller doesn't get to say - sorry, that's a risk you take with crystal! Similarly, it was BG's responsibility to package your ring in such a way that it would arrive intact - even if that meant shipping it in something other than a pretty ring box, or putting extra padding inside that pretty ring box, or even charging you more for a more structurally secure shipping box.

That said, I agree with acinom that BG should not have accepted the commission if they felt that strongly about the design. I'm curious - does your sales agreement say about the integrity of the design?


Aug 18, 2013
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

I know some people are suggesting BGD may have some culpability in producing a ring which they knew not to be sound. I am not one of those people.

They're a retailer and a manufacturer and you're a client and an adult. They warned you - and then they made you exactly what you wanted, no doubt after you assured them that you'd be careful, that you'd maintain the ring, and accept all responsibility for its well-being (you said as much in your posts). They didn't give you a warranty because this was your own design - not theirs.

I think to turn around now and say that how this plays out will determine whether you do business with them again is extraordinarily unfair. This played out exactly how one might have anticipated and now they're offering to help you to the extent that your absence of warranty allows. I can understand Lesley saying that the diamond might have loosened in transit. It might have. She didn't say it definitely did - just that it might have. A dozen different things might have happened. Either way, I don't think this is their responsibility one iota - in fact - I think it was their expertise that indicated to you this was a poor design decision.

Just to note also, your fiancee had been wearing the ring for a day before you discovered the loose stone. We all think we're careful with our rings, but we wave our hands around, we put rings on and off - almost always touching the setting, we show other people our rings and they touch them - and so on and so on. It is most likely that it was during this day that the stone became loose. In fact, it's entirely possible that your fiancee 'testing the stone' made it loose. She has to have touched the stone to do this, and that's probably all it took.

The jewelry experts at BGD really do know what they're doing, and I hope you take their advice and get a cross bar put in and enjoy your ring for many years.


Jun 11, 2015
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

Thanks for all your opinions. This design was actually inspired by a LaurenB piece that my best friend had purchased for his fiance recently. My fiance said that prong design was "absolutely perfect" and she was over the moon with her ring. She loved that it was simple, low setting, the prongs outlined the diamond profile and not a lot of bulk at the bottom of the prongs. I sent BG a video of this ring but they said they cannot craft this style but had a similar style in the "Truth-head". I asked if the horizontal bars could be removed and they said it is not recommended and would be a "customized" piece. I made sure I ask what this risk was for the diamond to fall out or be loose and Catherine says it is very likely if it was knocked.

I can assure you that my fiance has been very careful. She is elated with the the ring and is very cautious and she feels it is an expensive piece. I proposed Saturday night around 10pm. We got home at 1am and right away she put the ring back in its box. I mentioned the design to her and being careful when we woke up Sunday morning and that's when she "checked" the ring.

I simply asked if a center diamond could be loose during the crafting of the ring. I knew the full on risk of this design but I don't regret my decision as this was what my fiance loved and wanted. I'm just a bit upset because I didn't expect it to come loose after such a short period of time or the possibility that it was already loose before I received it.



Oct 6, 2014
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

Could it come loose in shipping? Yes.

Is it more likely it came loose in just the few hours of time your fiance (congratulations!) had it on her hand? I think so.


Aug 29, 2014
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

If this setting is SO delicate that it will come loose in shipping or in a few hours of wear, you have got to adjust it. You cannot drop it to a jeweller every night to tighten and pick it up in the morning, or risk loosing your stone. If it came loose in shipping, who's to say it won't come loose if they ship it back again? I think you and finace need to talk about altering the design a bit =\


Jun 11, 2015
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

Fair enough, but If it came loose during shipping as they claim could be a possibility then I wish BG did not accept this order. I just got the impression that the design would have a high possibility of coming loose if it was knocked. Thanks, I will deal with BG accordingly as I am still waiting on their email re. shipping instructions.


Apr 2, 2015
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

A knock on the ring could loosen the stone absolutely. Really if she wants to wear her ring more than on just special occasions, such a design is not practical. A knock could occur as she's getting into her car. Or out of her car closing the car door. You see what I'm getting at? It doesn't have to be a big or hard knock to loosen it. If that design was the only thing that would make her happy, then she and you need to be aware of the implications.

I would choose another setting so that you both do not need to be constantly worrying about the diamond falling out. And I'm guessing she wants to wear it and enjoy, not worry! There are a few solitaire settings BGD has that "hug" the stone.

Good luck to you both!


Jun 18, 2015
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

TrakHack|1437582474|3906104 said:
Could it come loose in shipping? Yes.

Is it more likely it came loose in just the few hours of time your fiance (congratulations!) had it on her hand? I think so.

...very doubtful, the diamond was just set incorrectly.

However, mistakes do happen even to the best of them, and it's easy to resolve.


Dec 7, 2004
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

As the famous quote in Ghostbusters II, "shxx happens" Whether the stone came loose in shipment, or not secured properly, BGD should stand behind their workmanship and get it right. I am surprised that they are asking you to pay return shipping. I do not know who you are working with but you should call Leslie, she is the best! I have bought many items from them, they have repaired things, to my 100% satisfaction. Is it possible that your fiancé hit the ring on an object? You might want to look at the prongs, and shank and see if any indentation. It is possible. Just call Leslie, she will resolve things for you, she is a doll!


Apr 28, 2008
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

I understand that your fiancee liked the design, but she needs to understand that what she likes and what's practical are two different things. Explain to her that the design is structurally not sound. This ring won't stand up to one week of wear, and certainly not a lifetime.


Oct 27, 2007
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

You might have a look at a Sholdt design that Brian Gavin calls the Minnie. It looks very similar to your inspiration pic and to the ring you received. It's a stock piece that's been produced countless times and is well tested.


Sep 16, 2007
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

Azc128|1437518361|3905829 said:
Thanks for the comments so far. To be fair, BG warned me ahead of time with the design, but I had full intentions to tighten the prong regularly by a local jeweler and just didn't expect it to wiggle right away. I'm not trying to lay blame on anyone, however how could I know if the ring was sent loose in the first place? I guess this is the price you pay for purchasing online...Sigh*

BG is a reputable company and I want to give them the benefit of the doubt on how this plays out. Should I try and speak to BG himself directly? I am at work, and Lesley will be sending me the details about shipping it back. I will be speaking with my fiance tonight after work :(

I did come across an older thread that someone had a similar problem within a week of receiving it, however I'm not sure if their setting was "customized". It seemed like BG was able to cover the shipping.


To clarify, this is not the price you pay for purchasing online, this is the price you pay for requesting a customized setting against the recommendation of the jeweler.


Sep 7, 2004
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

That's a lot of diamond in a very "open" head that only has 4 prongs and is "slit to the navel." LOL It's pretty but I think it's not enough support for that much diamond and it's just waiting to pop open. I have had gemstone rings that are a 4 prong head, and the problem is if you just loosen or bend ONE prong a bit, the stone can tilt and then slide out. Personally, I'd choose to have the standard Truth head, or I'd find another setting with more support, like a partial bezel. Generally when you have only 4 prongs, you must compensate by some other means: Set the stone lower than that setting does; have side bars (which you didn't like); have some VERY thick prongs, etc.


Feb 19, 2014
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

I had my ring made last year by a pricescope darling... and my center stone was moving within a week ( amongst other issues). It may be nothing your fiancé did.. ultimately I had to have my prongs replaced... yes - REPLACED.


Oct 24, 2012
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

telephone89|1437582710|3906105 said:
If this setting is SO delicate that it will come loose in shipping or in a few hours of wear, you have got to adjust it. You cannot drop it to a jeweller every night to tighten and pick it up in the morning, or risk loosing your stone. If it came loose in shipping, who's to say it won't come loose if they ship it back again? I think you and finace need to talk about altering the design a bit =\

^^ Agree!! Maybe it's lucky you discovered it so early. It must tell you that this setting is not secure, regardless of when it got loose, shipping or waving her hand in the air. Alter or change the setting so it's more secure. Next time, she may not notice it until she is staring at an empty setting!


Nov 12, 2007
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

I dunno if it's really a problem with the setting. My OEC is in an extremely similar temp setting (which was made by Lord of Gem rings on eBay, so nowhere near BGD quality) and seems very secure. Maybe it wasn't set quite right, or took a beating during shipping? I bought my ring PreLoved and it was shipped via DHL all the way from Austrailia to the U.S. and no issues. I would probably try once more with BGD and definitely get insurance for the ring in case this happens again. Good luck!



May 27, 2013
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

Does anyone know - if the ring does have insurance on it - will the insurance pay for the shipping? Just curious.


Aug 8, 2015
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

Any update on what happened with your ring?


Jul 7, 2004
Re: My BG e-ring is loose after one day! Opinions appreciate

mrs-blop|1437578057|3906074 said:
I know some people are suggesting BGD may have some culpability in producing a ring which they knew not to be sound. I am not one of those people.

They're a retailer and a manufacturer and you're a client and an adult. They warned you - and then they made you exactly what you wanted, no doubt after you assured them that you'd be careful, that you'd maintain the ring, and accept all responsibility for its well-being (you said as much in your posts). They didn't give you a warranty because this was your own design - not theirs.

I think to turn around now and say that how this plays out will determine whether you do business with them again is extraordinarily unfair. This played out exactly how one might have anticipated and now they're offering to help you to the extent that your absence of warranty allows. I can understand Lesley saying that the diamond might have loosened in transit. It might have. She didn't say it definitely did - just that it might have. A dozen different things might have happened. Either way, I don't think this is their responsibility one iota - in fact - I think it was their expertise that indicated to you this was a poor design decision.

Just to note also, your fiancee had been wearing the ring for a day before you discovered the loose stone. We all think we're careful with our rings, but we wave our hands around, we put rings on and off - almost always touching the setting, we show other people our rings and they touch them - and so on and so on. It is most likely that it was during this day that the stone became loose. In fact, it's entirely possible that your fiancee 'testing the stone' made it loose. She has to have touched the stone to do this, and that's probably all it took.

The jewelry experts at BGD really do know what they're doing, and I hope you take their advice and get a cross bar put in and enjoy your ring for many years.
THIS. So much this. It would be a wiser move to swap the head for something less open.
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