
My asscher three stone anniversary ring!

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Nov 28, 2006
I looked out the window at 10am to see the fedex truck rolling down the street and got what I suspected was my very own diamond ring! I''ve wanted one so bad for 4 years and I''m so glad it''s here. Of course, I had to wait 3.5 hours until my husband called from work for permission to open the package, and it was torture. I read the accompanying papers and was happy to see bluenile bumped up the clarity to a vs1 and the carat from .96 to 1.02. The littlest things trill me. I opened up the box and the stones were much smaller than even I, champion of small diamonds, expected. I soon fell in love with it, and I love the look of the asscher, which is good because I''d never seen one in person before. I tried to be a RB girl, but it didn''t work out for me. How the asschers sparkle is much more pleasing to me than how a RB sparkles and I love the square shape. The only disappointing thing is that the prongs seem so thin and fragile, and I want this ring to last forever, and that the cutting patterns in the side stones are not as interesting because I suppose there''s less a cutter can do in a .25 stone. Other than that, I''m over the moon!

I told my husband I was just going to check it out and then he could present it to me when he gets home, but I can''t stop going back into the box!

Because I went 2K under budget with the ring and have some cash saved up from cat sitting, I was thinking of pairing it up with a skinny eternity band from facets, but I don''t want to damage the ring. Or maybe I''ll get a matching pendant. I''m so evil, already thinking months down the line to the next thing

I don''t know if I''ll be able to get shots. If so, it won''t be until the sun comes out here. I just wanted to share my excitement.
I read the whole thing and then no pics....argh!!

Can''t wait to see it.

Date: 1/18/2007 2:01:49 PM
Author: rockzilla
I read the whole thing and then no pics....argh!!

Can''t wait to see it.


First rule of PS. MUST POST PICS!!

Glad you''re thrilled!! Can''t wait to see the pics!!
So glad you''re happy!

Now get moving on those pics!
How exciting for you! It sounds gorgeous, but we won''t know for sure until you get busy and post some pictures!!!
Oh I am so happy for you!!! Can''t wait for the pics!!!!
Your ring sounds great - I can''t wait to see it.

Was it a preset 3 stone from BN? Is that why the clarity was better than you expected? What are the mm measurements for the stones? I am glad you like it, even if you were surprised that the stones looked smaller than you expected.

Photos please
Happy Anniversary!!
Cant wait to see pics it sounds beautiful!!
oh colorkitty I''m o happy for you but youre so mean!!!! how can you post in SMTR if you have nothing to show??? LOL
Happy to hear about your ring, sad to be denied pics! Get crackin'' girl.
pics pics pics
I remember your post about wanting a ring. Did you buy it or hubby? If you did it for yourself I am proud of you. If not, I am happy hubby got it for you. I can''t wait to see pictures!!!
Sounds beautiful...I''d love to see the pictures!!!
Sorry for not having pics. It took all of four hours of me happily wearing my ring before I started to feel really guilty for my husband spending so much $ on me. He also asked when am I going to wear my yellow ring (e-ring) with such a sad voice that it broke my heart. I realized that I might not love my e-ring, but it''s the one I''ve got, and no anniversary ring is going to change that. People notice when I''m not wearing it (how could they not? it''s the size of a small island), and that it probably hurts both his feelings and his pride to see me not wearing it. I think he''d be hurt if I had the stone set into a pendant, too. Given that I don''t wear more than one ring at a time, and he''s bought me more than one ring, he''s hurt over most of the jewelry that he''s given me, which I think is unrealistic, but that''s how it is.

Long story short: I''m going to return the ring. My husband hates returns, but he seemed relieved when I said I was thinking about it. I haven''t made up my mind 100%, though, and am going to ask my mom to see what she thinks.

I apologize for being such a picture tease.
Date: 1/19/2007 11:48:23 AM
Author: colorkitty
He also asked when am I going to wear my yellow ring (e-ring) with such a sad voice that it broke my heart. .... he''s hurt over most of the jewelry that he''s given me, which I think is unrealistic, but that''s how it is.

I don''t think you''re giving him enough CREDIT ... he''ll get over it! His expectations are unreasonable (IMO) ... because you say you only wear one ring at a time & he is hurt over the ONES YOU"RE NOT WEARING AT THE TIME. That''s just silly! I think by tip-toeing around him & his "feelings" you''re doing him a DISSERVICE. You''re actually encouraging that pouty behavior because you''re making it WORK for him.

You know -- your needs & wants are JUST as important as HIS. If you love it, you should keep it. Just put it in rotation with the other rings & AT LEAST you''ll enjoy SOME of the time you''re wearing a ring. That seems MUCH FAIRER than you being miserable about your jewelry all of the time & him being miserable about it all of the time ANYWAY (cause, as you said - he pouts about the ones you''re NOT wearing, even when you ARE wearing one).
Why don't you wear your anniversary ring on your right hand & your e-ring on your left? If they are different color metals, and you no longer like yellow gold or something, just reset the e-ring into an exact white metal replica of the yellow gold setting.

please post pics of both rings so we can help you!

Deco, I appreciate your advice, but I disagree. I'm a sharp cookie, and I know when my husband being manipulative. I also know how and when to put my needs first. I often do. I do I believe he is unrealistic about the usage the pieces he will buys me will get? Yes. Do I think he's doing it to be mean? No.

I love my e-ring stone. I just don't love how big it is, how much attention it gets, how I've knocked it into everything possible, and how I've broken off a corner in just 4 years. He is not being a bad person. He just does not get it.

Edit: I think a lot of men think they get their girlfriend a ring and then she wears it for life and that's that. Our circumstance is a little different because, other than tell me no diamonds, he didn't help pick it out, nor did he propose with it (or ever). He can legitimately look at me and tell me I picked it out. And I can legitimately claim I wanted a diamond, and having that option shelved, picked my favorite color stone, which happens to be very unpopular and of which cutters don't seem to bother with unless it's a huge slab. Took me months just to find a jeweler that had heard of that color sapphires. But regardless of what the ring is, or how it came about, I don't think too many men want to hear that their wife wants a new one.

Colorkitty I am sorry your new ring is causing you so many conflicted feelings.

I feel that if you are not totally thrilled with this ring and if your husband is going to be hurt it may be best to send it back.

If you want a diamond that is totally legitimate but maybe this is not the one or the time.

Maybe you can sit with your husband and have a real heart to heart about what you want, how you feel about it and how he feels about it. Maybe you can use this to grow your relationship and learn.

Are you definitely sending it back?

I think it''s gorgeous!

I also think your husband needs to get over himself. It totally aggravates me when men get all huffy over "I bought you that, you don''t wear it" bla bla bla. Please! The ring is about you, not him.

On the other hand, if he''s going to be all huffy about it anyway, send it back, save your money and buy a ring for yourself and wear it on your right hand.

It''s a beautiful ring, you should be able to enjoy it guilt free. If you can''t, send it back because it will never bring you joy.
Mine was very hurt when I told him I was thinking about trading in my asscher for another cut (oval) because I didn''t like the lack of spread. He''s fine with my re-setting, but does view this diamond as a symbol of his commitment to me and feels strongly that I should keep it... and not as pendant, but as my engagment ring. He doesn''t mind if I get other rings and wear them as RHR (he too makes the occasional comment about the fact that I don''t wear my other jewelry as often as I used too... but since coming on PS I''ve gotten REALLY picky)... but he wants this stone on my left ring finger... or just a wedding band type ring, if I feel like going without once we are married.

So I can understand. However, I would re-set that stunning yellow honker of yours with a more protective setting (personally I''d love to see what Leon would do for that stone) and either keep the asscher ring (if I loved it)... or get myself a really nice wide BLINGTASTIC band/ wedding ring and wear that by itself when I didn''t feel like wearing the sapphire (I ADORE that color. Is that called ''canary''?). If I kept the asscher ring, I''d tell hubby that I would alternate once its re-set... and really would do so.
Colorkitty I think you should look into having your sapphire recut- someone like MichaelE or Daniel Stair so that you would want to wear your ering. I think you are experiencing guilt about not wanting to wear it in it''s current state. If you are not totally sold on this particular 3stone then perhaps you should send it back. It really should be a ring you absolutely LOVE and any guilt you might have felt should have dissipated with time. I think if the sapphire was fixed and you started wearing it on a more regular basis then you decided to get a diamond ring to wear occasionally I would hope your husband would truly not mind and would want you to be happy. Seriously isn''t that what we all want for the things we buy to give us pleasure when wearing them?
So I can understand. However, I would re-set that stunning yellow honker of yours with a more protective setting (personally I''d love to see what Leon would do for that stone) and either keep the asscher ring (if I loved it)... or get myself a really nice wide BLINGTASTIC band/ wedding ring and wear that by itself when I didn''t feel like wearing the sapphire (I ADORE that color. Is that called ''canary''?). If I kept the asscher ring, I''d tell hubby that I would alternate once its re-set... and really would do so.

It''s funny you would mention Leon because there''s a picture of a pad sapphire very similar in size and cut to mine in a Leon setting that I''ve wanted for that yellow stone since before I got it. My husband agreed we should get a new setting later down the road, but we didn''t think I''d have this many problems with the current one. It''s a basket setting the jeweler welded together himself and he set the stone up way high. I don''t know that we can afford Leon. I found a picture on google of the ring I''m talking about for eye candy.

The weird thing is that my husband is not a traditional guy. Until I stopped wearing the sapphire and we broke down and got a cheap band, I didn''t have a wedding ring at all. On our wedding day, he exchanged back to me my e-ring. I think he really just likes the ring. I think he thinks it''s pretty. Seriously. He thinks diamonds look stupid.

Beacon- I''m not 100% sure I''m going to return it. I really do like it and if it fit my right hand, I''d turn it into a RHR.

Colorkitty you said that Leon would be too expensive to reset your original ring. I don''t know what he charges but if you returned the Asscher ring would that not give you enough to have the reset done?

If it means that much to your hubby then maybe you should reset your sapphire and once its done safely you can wear it all the time.

I DON''T agree that Diamonds look stupid though!!

Maisie, I want that exact setting, but without the pave, just plain platinum. I''ve heard Leon is difficult to work with and very expensive. I would love to have someone make a replica of that, but I don''t currently have a relationship with a jeweler whose skills I trust. I''m confident I could find one, though.

When my husband gets home we''ll talk and I suppose there''s four options: 1) keep ring 2) return ring, take refund, fix nothing and wear nothing 3) return ring and get sapphire reset 4) return ring, get sapphire reset, buy anniversary diamond pendant.

We can afford #4 and that''s what I think would make everyone happy if #1 is not an option.
You know what? I would just send an email (follow up with a phone call) and ASK Leon. Asking don''t cost a thing.
Oh colorkitty, I''m sorry about the whole situation. I hope you and your husband come up with a solution that is acceptable to both of you. Please don''t come to a decision just to make him happy at your own expense.

And I agree with Gypsy, why not email Leon and get a quote for the heck of it?
I also vote for returning the asscher ring, and using the money to recut your sapphire so its not chipped anymore and setting it with Leon. If you can''t afford it now wait. I think anything else you won''t be happy. The Leon reset and recut seems like the perfect solution. You will get to wear your wonderful yellow saphire, and your husband will be happy you are wearing your original stone. Everyone is happy.
Date: 1/19/2007 11:48:23 AM
Author: colorkitty
Sorry for not having pics. It took all of four hours of me happily wearing my ring before I started to feel really guilty for my husband spending so much $ on me. He also asked when am I going to wear my yellow ring (e-ring) with such a sad voice that it broke my heart. I realized that I might not love my e-ring, but it''s the one I''ve got, and no anniversary ring is going to change that. People notice when I''m not wearing it (how could they not? it''s the size of a small island), and that it probably hurts both his feelings and his pride to see me not wearing it. I think he''d be hurt if I had the stone set into a pendant, too. Given that I don''t wear more than one ring at a time, and he''s bought me more than one ring, he''s hurt over most of the jewelry that he''s given me, which I think is unrealistic, but that''s how it is.

Long story short: I''m going to return the ring. My husband hates returns, but he seemed relieved when I said I was thinking about it. I haven''t made up my mind 100%, though, and am going to ask my mom to see what she thinks.

I apologize for being such a picture tease.
I think you SHOULD wear your e-ring - it isn''t THAT big and I know you''re worried about hurting it but yanno - it''s jsut life! So many times I''ve bought my kids the cutest clothes and didn''t want them to destroy them and I find the outgrow them and sometimes the tags are still on them and they never wore them because I didn''t want them to ruin them! Just 5 minutes ago I was putting the laundry in the dryer and there''s this sweater my son only wore once and I oved it when I bought it and when he put it on to go play in the sow I had to fight myself from saying to him to take it off and wait for something special (what''s speial? LOL) so then I''m putting in the dryer and thinking - what if it shrinks? it''s 100% cotton... but if its a clothing article that cannot be washed and dryed I really don''t want it - too inconvenient lol.. so I put it in the dryer knowing if it shrinks then my younger son has a new sweater that is now preshrunk LMAO the moral of this story is - nothing does any good sitting in a box for posterity.... wear it! It isn''t that big and if you wear them both he''ll be thrilled he could bring you happiness :)
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