
Mr Insistent

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Dec 30, 2006
at the door......

Mr Insistent: Hi (intelligible muttering....) broadband?

Me: Pardon?

Mr Insistent: Who does your broadband? (while waving his Talk Talk badge in my general direction)

Me: I''m not interested

Mr Insistent: Yes but who does your broadband?

Me: I''m really not interested

Mr Insistent: No...... do you have broadband?

Me: Yes thank you

Mr Insistent: So who does it?

Me: Look I really appreciate you coming round but I really am not interested in changing thank you

Mr Insistent: But its free

Me: I don''t want to change and I never sign up for anything on the doorstep

Mr Insistent: Oh, well ok, (more muttering) free and easy to change

Me: (Sighing) NO really, thank you though.

Mr Insistent: Oh but - well Talk Talk is our free broadband service, all you have to do is sign up for our telephone service and its free. Nothing at all, free.

Me: I don''t sign anything at the door

Mr Insistent: You aren''t interested?

Me: No

I shut the door at this point! Honestly how many times can you say no? AAAAARRRRGH!!
Date: 2/14/2007 10:45:18 AM

Honestly how many times can you say no? AAAAARRRRGH!!

Apparently, about 6.
I hate pushy people, especially at the door. And I hate being rude, but anymore, I tell them no ONCE politely. If they don''t get it, I tell them no again, still fairly nice, as I shut the door in their face.
I used to have a sign on my door saying:

I am happy with my electricity gas and broadband. I have no need for windows, fencing or guttering. Please do not knock as me slamming the door in peoples faces seems to offend them!

Time for a new sign methinks!!
Ok, maybe this is rude of me, but, we get many solicitors at dusk or after dark. I don''t even open the door, especially if DH isn''t home. I just holler through it, "Who is it?" They say, "It''s so and so - we are here to offer a house alarm (or whatever)." I say, "No thanks." And it''s done. I just feel like it is the safest most effective way of getting rid of solicitors. I know there is nothing I would buy from a door to door salesman. Well...Maybe if it were a Girl Scout selling cookies (yummy).
LOL@the sign Maise.

I''ve often wanted to have somone come out for a bid on siding, only to find out I have a brick home.

Miranda, I don''t think that''s rude, not in this day and age.
I will not open my door to sales people and frankly in this day and age, with all the crime I would imagine door to door stuff is just ridiculous and needlessly dangerous. As a homeowner you are at risk, but so is the person ringing the bell...anyone see Silence of the Lambs?! Back in the day when most women were at home and did not go out a lot, I think door to door made sense. Now, it is just creepy to me.
I don''t open my door either. We don''t get many door to door salespeople around here, thank god. I think the last one was some company selling meat?? I was like no way am I buying meat off of some random truck!!!
Date: 2/14/2007 12:57:56 PM
Author: Kaleigh
I don''t open my door either. We don''t get many door to door salespeople around here, thank god. I think the last one was some company selling meat?? I was like no way am I buying meat off of some random truck!!!
Honestly. Where''s your sense of adventure??

I don''t get many, and they''re almost all home improvement and landscaping people.
I''ve started just shutting the door. I get people coming around for every dumb thing and how many times can a person politely say no and still have the person ignore it? I feel if they are rude enough to keep badgering me, I''m rude enough to slam the door.
Date: 2/14/2007 1:18:21 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 2/14/2007 12:57:56 PM
Author: Kaleigh
I don''t open my door either. We don''t get many door to door salespeople around here, thank god. I think the last one was some company selling meat?? I was like no way am I buying meat off of some random truck!!!
Honestly. Where''s your sense of adventure??

I don''t get many, and they''re almost all home improvement and landscaping people.
Haha, they came to me because they sell to my neighbor up the street. But I didn''t bite, hehe.
Date: 2/14/2007 1:20:50 PM
Author: FireGoddess
I''ve started just shutting the door. I get people coming around for every dumb thing and how many times can a person politely say no and still have the person ignore it? I feel if they are rude enough to keep badgering me, I''m rude enough to slam the door.
Exactly. Many times they''re still talking when I shut the door.
Date: 2/14/2007 1:21:07 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Date: 2/14/2007 1:18:21 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 2/14/2007 12:57:56 PM
Author: Kaleigh
I don''t open my door either. We don''t get many door to door salespeople around here, thank god. I think the last one was some company selling meat?? I was like no way am I buying meat off of some random truck!!!
Honestly. Where''s your sense of adventure??

I don''t get many, and they''re almost all home improvement and landscaping people.
Haha, they came to me because they sell to my neighbor up the street. But I didn''t bite, hehe.
We get the meat guys too! The last time he tried to get me to "come look at his meat." Um, are you kidding me, NO!

We live on a large piece of property and have lots of fruit producing trees, we get lots of workers asking if we need help with the land. We had our trees cut back and had a guy come to the door to ask if he could take the leftover wood he happened to see while in the area (we live in a rural area on a street that doesn''t go through, not really a place someone would just happen upon in their travels).
If I don''t know the person, I don''t open the door. Too many people are up to no good these days.
Haha... When I called to cancel my Visa because I''d switched banks and am now using Master Card, I had to tell the lady 6 times that I wanted to cancel it because I didn''t need it anymore. By the 6th time, I said: "Look lady. I am calling to cancel my card. I. Don''t. Need. It. Anymore. OK?" And then I hung up. FI was there and was laughing his butt off. Those people really annoy me.! Every time a cc expires and I need to call to activate the new one they start in...''I see you''re not signed up for credit protect...I see you''re not signed up for xyz...we have a rate going on balance transfers...''... that''s because I don''t WANT them! Stop bothering me! I try a few times to be nice. I know it''s their job, but if I''ve firmly said several times that I''m not interested, continuing to hound me will only make me retaliate!
Date: 2/14/2007 12:57:56 PM
Author: Kaleigh
I don''t open my door either. We don''t get many door to door salespeople around here, thank god. I think the last one was some company selling meat?? I was like no way am I buying meat off of some random truck!!!
Ewwwwww Kaleigh, we get the meat guys, too. They are the most aggressive. One knocked and my front door and I didn''t even bother to answer because I had seen the truck drive by and KNEW there was no way I was buying meat off of a truck. He proceeded to walk up my longish driveway and come to our side door, which has a huge glass panel, look in the window to see if anyone was home and then knock. I just mouthed - No, please leave. I almost threw an egg at him and said, wanna buy some eggs...DH reminded me that may be assault. Some of these people are just so pushy.
Holy cow, these meat people are scary. Glad I''ve never seen or heard of them!
Date: 2/14/2007 12:51:03 PM
Author: diamondfan
I will not open my door to sales people and frankly in this day and age, with all the crime I would imagine door to door stuff is just ridiculous and needlessly dangerous. As a homeowner you are at risk, but so is the person ringing the bell...anyone see Silence of the Lambs?! Back in the day when most women were at home and did not go out a lot, I think door to door made sense. Now, it is just creepy to me.
I totally agree with this. And I NEVER give money to anyone who asks me for it, door to door, on the phone or otherwise. I make my own choices as to what charities to give to. I just got a very pushy call from the "Wishing Well foundation". I don''t know if they are legit or not but they are trying to ride the coattails of a legit charity (Make A Wish).

And I agree with whomever said it was inappropriate for them to come to the door after dusk. The other night, my DH was out of town on business. The doorbell rings and I go downstairs to answer it. It is two women going door to door for some Church of Mormon something or other. They both had long skirts on. Even if it is two women, I don''t want to open my door AFTER dark when my DH is out of town. was after a huge snow so they were tromping through about 6 inches of fresh snow. I can''t imagine anyone was inviting these ladies in to share their views on God.

We live in a fairly upscale neighborhood and I just don''t trust anyone going door to door here. I just don''t get why people even still do the door to door thing.

Just as a sidenote, overall crime is down. I think we just hear about it more which scares us.
Meat, eh? Ick.
I had one come for bread once, but on my own self I don''t nearly eat enough bread to need their services!
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