
Moustaches on men

Moustaches on men

  • Attractive

    Votes: 4 7.1%
  • Creepy

    Votes: 23 41.1%
  • Both (definitely explain this!)

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Depends

    Votes: 23 41.1%
  • My Point of View isn't listed (then tell us)

    Votes: 5 8.9%

  • Total voters


Mar 8, 2010
a poll...
dislike! I don't mind in conjunction with a goatee but all by itself is a Tom Selleck moment :knockout:
Creepy or Highway Patrol.

Either way not terribly attractive on its own.
It depends.

I suppose they look better on men than they do on women, but I'm not really a fan. I think it looks especially silly on blonde men.

Yet, I think dark hair shaped into a goatee can look very, very hot... ;)
I wouldn't say I find mustaches creepy, but they're not attractive. Perhaps I've been conditioned by the media or popular culture to find them 70s looking and hillbilly, but I would definitely be prejudiced against a man with a mustache.
I am completely creeped out by moustaches (by themselves). Goatees can be ok on *some* men.

I have ALWAYS been creeped out by moustaches. Even when I was a young child. When I was 4yrs old, my regular pediatrician was out one day so his partner filled in for him and he had a moustache. I remember his *creepy* moustache so vividly (it was the 1st time I had ever seen one in real life). And then he asked me to pee in a cup--lol!! I thought "what is wrong with this guy?!" and made it very clear to him that he could not have my pee!!. My mom still laughs about it.
A goatee looks OK on some men, but for the most part, facial hair doesn't work for me (though stubble can be very sexy, if a bit scratchy!)
Trekkie|1303030874|2898267 said:
It depends.

I suppose they look better on men than they do on women, but I'm not really a fan. I think it looks especially silly on blonde men.

Yet, I think dark hair shaped into a goatee can look very, very hot... ;)

Agree. DH, who is naturally VERY blonde, looks ridiculous when he tries to grow any facial hair. I did really like the mustache on my dad when he was in the military. He's always looked significantly younger than he really is and it helped put some years on his face and made his ranking more believable to his subordinates. Now that he's retired and shaved off his mustache he has to show his ID to get the senior discount :cheeky:

A look that suits very few men.

I absolutely HATE goatees and most mustaches. Some beards are okay. I have to admit that I have a tiny crush on Mike Aubrey from Real Estate Intervention, though. :oops:

My vote was creepy...

From "Hello stranger"

To "Stranger Danger!!"


My opinion is not there...I dont find them all that attractive but I dont find them creepy either!
I don't associate them with creepy because my grandad had one. I do associate them with older men though, because my grandad had one...

Davi, are you thinking of growing one?
Only in Movember!
Jennifer W|1303062063|2898510 said:
I don't associate them with creepy because my grandad had one. I do associate them with older men though, because my grandad had one...

Davi, are you thinking of growing one?

I thought about it briefly as I was shaving the other day. But I just can't get past how creepy they look when they're growing and I don't think it would work for my face shape. The job has regulations on how far past my lip the mustache can extend and I think the proportions would be all sorts of wrong.
Blech. I am not a fan.

My guy at the local bookstore had a full beard and mustache for a long time, and then suddenly one day I go in and he shaved a creepola 'stache. He's a young, very good looking guy, and it just weirded me out. He was joking with me that the customers seemed scared of him all of a sudden and he thought it was because of his mustache and so I said "Yeah, what is the deal? Did you lose a bet or something?" As soon as the words flew out of my mouth I regretted them, but we know each other well enough that he didn't take offense. Instead, he and his coworkers laughed so hard they had to stop helping customers for several minutes.

I know I sound like a jerk in this story, but it was all good fun.
Wow. All those poor "creepy" dudes out there, without a clue.
My DH has a full beard and a moustache, which I think is very . . . well . . . :naughty:

But a 'stach alone? Ugh, no. So 1970's retro **** star. . . bleach! :knockout:

See how good a beard can look? I LOVE the bearded Riker episodes! I just tell DH they have better plot lines. . . :bigsmile:


davi_el_mejor|1303058054|2898449 said:
My vote was creepy...

From "Hello stranger"

To "Stranger Danger!!"

LOL!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
iLander|1303069296|2898598 said:
My DH has a full beard and a moustache, which I think is very . . . well . . . :naughty:

But a 'stach alone? Ugh, no. So 1970's retro **** star. . . bleach! :knockout:

See how good a beard can look? I LOVE the bearded Riker episodes! I just tell DH they have better plot lines. . . :bigsmile:

I'll be sure and relay that to my creepy stranger-danger **** star..... :rolleyes:
Not a mustache alone. Ever. It's too much like "mustache rides" guy. Eww.

However, I'm a big fan of goatees with stache. If a guy doesn't have a goatee, I prefer he has some scruff. Not a fan of hairless men.
somethingshiny said:
Not a mustache alone. Ever. It's too much like "mustache rides" guy. Eww.

However, I'm a big fan of goatees with stache. If a guy doesn't have a goatee, I prefer he has some scruff. Not a fan of hairless men.

+1. But I agree, it doesn't work for everyone. SO is scruffy, but it works on him. However, if it gets too long, he starts looking like Mountain Goat Man.

I voted that it depends. My dad had a mustache when I was growing up and I don't think it was creepy at all. He looked something like the pic attached.

FI loves facial hair and had a full beard and mustache for a year while we were in school. I thought it was great. Guys would come up to him all the time and say they were jealous that (a) he could grow it and (b) that I would let him grow it. Now that he's working, he stays clean shaven.

I can't decide! It totally depends on the man! I think facial hair is really masculine and sexy. I like outdoorsmen and tend to associate facial hair with outdoorsy activities (???)

My husband has a mustache and beard. I quite enjoy the look :naughty:


When we dated he had long hair and just a mustache. NOT a good look for him :eek: Since I was just the "girlfriend" I did not feel it was my place to give grooming tips. Turns out he was doing it just to get a rise out of people. Toward the end of grad school he finally gave up on the creeper-bit and groomed himself into a handsome young man ;)) I still cringe when I look at old photos.
Not a fan of facial hair at all. I like my men hairless. Except for the hair on the top of his head!

I voted "creepy" for moustache alone, but (while it's not my preference at all), moustache plus goatee can look decent.
I voted Depends. I think it is always okay for men 45+. For younger men, it usually isn't okay. On the facial hair spectrum, a mustache only is the second worst thing, in my book. Slightly better than just a soul patch, but worse than everything else.

DH will have a mustache from time to time, and I always hate it. He is a big fan of facial hair. I am not (but I will deal with a trimmed beard). The worst is when he does something like a handlebar or a creepy hipster 'stache. He will say it is supposed to be funny or ironic (which I assume is true for most younger guys rocking the 'stache these days). I always tell him, though, that since you cannot communicate this with everyone who looks at your face, you just walk around with a joke on your face. :rolleyes:
I voted "depends."

It really does depend on the man. Some guys look very attractive with facial hair (Brad Pitt for instance. I think that example, in my opinion, backfired :tongue: . I'll take Mr Pitt any day, with or without facial hair!! :Up_to_something: :love: 8-) )

Can't believe I am going to admit to this, but here goes. I have only kissed a man who had a moustache once. He was an extremely attractive spanish guy. It was like kissing an itchy scratchy thing :eek: :knockout: . Didn't do anything for me other than making me want to floss!!! :oops: :tongue:

My darling husband knows to shave prior to any romantic approach!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Moustache, good
Goatee, better
Trimmed beard, best
Untrimmed beard, even bester
When I met DH he was clean shaven. Then, he got into a business where they didn't care about facial hair.. so now he has decided (ok the last 3 years) to have a trimmed beard and mustache out of pure laziness. At first, it was sexy. Now, it just reminds me that he is being lazy. So..