
More whining and excuses from sore loser HRC.

Seriously. Trump could walk up and light DF's house on fire. DF's reaction? Well, Hillary's emails.
No, but his taxes!...;)2
Dancing Fire, I'm not happy about him not showing his taxes but there is a list of about 50 other things I can knock him for. The guy is a walking talking disaster or should I say s&$t show.
I also hate this strange division of liberals versus republicans. I definitely share many of the same values with liberal people, but I don't box myself into that. Republicans have misused the term liberal and tried to recouch it as an overarching 'bad'. I think this rigid thinking over generalization and Inaccurate attribution is a part of a serious cognitive distortion. And, the worst is that it creates such an extreme over simplification which allows no mental room to actually synthesize new information with old belief know, staying informed by accommodating and assimilating new understanding and subtleties about the social and political climate. This kind of thinking divides the world into boxes, good and evil, black and white. Perhaps it's comfortable for some to just simplify like's great if one doesn't want to put forth the effort and energy into reconsideration of things. I imagine one can simply abdicate from thought and consciousness, ignoring the reality for a blinded but safe belief.
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Dancing Fire, I'm not happy about him not showing his taxes but there is a list of about 50 other things I can knock him for. The guy is a walking talking disaster or should I say s&$t show.
can you think of one thing that you like about Trump?...:whistle:
@Dancing Fire. I've never really tried to come up with anything I like about him. He has shown enough of his true personality the past year for me to know exactly who he is. I find it embarrassing that he represents our country.
I have been sent excerpts from her book. From these excerpts alone, I can say that it's an embarrassment. She takes no responsibility for her failings. She blames everyone else for the reasons why she isn't president today, rather than saying "look, I screwed up. My campaign strategy stunk. I wasn't relatable to most of the country. My only good quality was that I wasn't Trump. I failed this entire country and the shit show that all of you are living in now is mostly my ****ing fault."

That would have been a great opening to her crappy ass book.

A great ending would be a promise to go away, for good and to allow some other awesome democrat to rise to the surface...someone who truly gets it. But the DNC isn't allowing that. They think the "Not Trump" strategy is going to win the Milennial vote. It won't.

One good thing about Trump, he is the master of the comb over. No one does it like him.
I have been sent excerpts from her book. From these excerpts alone, I can say that it's an embarrassment. She takes no responsibility for her failings. She blames everyone else for the reasons why she isn't president today, rather than saying "look, I screwed up. My campaign strategy stunk. I wasn't relatable to most of the country. My only good quality was that I wasn't Trump. I failed this entire country and the shit show that all of you are living in now is mostly my ****ing fault."

That would have been a great opening to her crappy ass book.

A great ending would be a promise to go away, for good and to allow some other awesome democrat to rise to the surface...someone who truly gets it. But the DNC isn't allowing that. They think the "Not Trump" strategy is going to win the Milennial vote. It won't.

One good thing about Trump, he is the master of the comb over. No one does it like him.

Awwww! I want to hug you now!!!!


I have been sent excerpts from her book. From these excerpts alone, I can say that it's an embarrassment. She takes no responsibility for her failings. She blames everyone else for the reasons why she isn't president today, rather than saying "look, I screwed up. My campaign strategy stunk. I wasn't relatable to most of the country. My only good quality was that I wasn't Trump. I failed this entire country and the shit show that all of you are living in now is mostly my ****ing fault."

That would have been a great opening to her crappy ass book.

A great ending would be a promise to go away, for good and to allow some other awesome democrat to rise to the surface...someone who truly gets it. But the DNC isn't allowing that. They think the "Not Trump" strategy is going to win the Milennial vote. It won't.

One good thing about Trump, he is the master of the comb over. No one does it like him.

Maybe read the book first before criticizing.

And, I'm sorry, but blaming Hillary Clinton because a large population of the US prefers a "relatable" candidate that promises a stairway to heaven over a candidate with ACTUAL plans is almost as bad an abdication of responsibility as you accuse Hillary Clinton of doing. Oh, and that "relatable" candidate is one who lives in a gilded apartment that only Liberace could love, flies private, built his business with a $1M loan from his Daddy, has a history of bullying people he feels superior to (anyone poorer) if they don't serve him, etc...

Maybe read the book first before criticizing.

And, I'm sorry, but blaming Hillary Clinton because a large population of the US prefers a "relatable" candidate that promises a stairway to heaven over a candidate with ACTUAL plans is almost as bad an abdication of responsibility as you accuse Hillary Clinton of doing. Oh, and that "relatable" candidate is one who lives in a gilded apartment that only Liberace could love, flies private, built his business with a $1M loan from his Daddy, has a history of bullying people he feels superior to (anyone poorer) if they don't serve him, etc...

So there is something wrong with the parent helping his own son to start a business?...:rolleyes2:
Maybe read the book first before criticizing.

And, I'm sorry, but blaming Hillary Clinton because a large population of the US prefers a "relatable" candidate that promises a stairway to heaven over a candidate with ACTUAL plans is almost as bad an abdication of responsibility as you accuse Hillary Clinton of doing. Oh, and that "relatable" candidate is one who lives in a gilded apartment that only Liberace could love, flies private, built his business with a $1M loan from his Daddy, has a history of bullying people he feels superior to (anyone poorer) if they don't serve him, etc...


That's why I clarified that I read excerpts. Have you read the whole book? Does she take responsibility for her failings? Every excerpt I saw was Hillary blaming someone else. My feeling was that she shouldn't have gone there.

It would also be great to discuss Hillary on her own merit, rather than invoking Trump as a means to make her look better. She isn't relatable on her own. I realize Trump craps on a gold toilet, but that has nothing to do with Hillary's failings.

Personally, I won't turn a blind eye to all of the ways Hillary screwed up during her candidacy. I want to be honest with myself about what happened during this election. That way, I can vote for a better candidate in the future and hopefully avoid another tragedy like the one we are living in now.
That's why I clarified that I read excerpts. Have you read the whole book? Does she take responsibility for her failings? Every excerpt I saw was Hillary blaming someone else. My feeling was that she shouldn't have gone there.

It would also be great to discuss Hillary on her own merit, rather than invoking Trump as a means to make her look better. She isn't relatable on her own. I realize Trump craps on a gold toilet, but that has nothing to do with Hillary's failings.

Personally, I won't turn a blind eye to all of the ways Hillary screwed up during her candidacy. I want to be honest with myself about what happened during this election. That way, I can vote for a better candidate in the future and hopefully avoid another tragedy like the one we are living in now.

I haven't read the book (I just got it yesterday), which is why I haven't commented on the contents.

If you are blaming Hillary for not getting elected, then it stands to reason you are comparing her to Trump. The election is a choice between the two candidates after all. And I was making a point that "relatable" is a fiction because very few of his voters can actually know Trump's viewpoint from the penthouse of Trump Tower -- and I don't think he really relates to them (but let's see more details on his tax policy).

You can't control what candidates do or will do. The only thing you can control is how you decide who to vote for. Don't for a minute think I "turned a blind eye" to Hillary Clinton's flaws, but I compared her policies and plans to Bernie's and Trump's lack thereof and concluded that she has the most detailed road map to lead this country where I think it should go. I also looked at her history of serving the country, her brains, her accomplishments as Senator and Secretary of State, and the fact that Republicans who had worked with her all individually say they respect and like her tells me that she might have been able to get things accomplished with those across the aisle. Hillary Clinton studies and always comes prepared; she has respected her various jobs enough to always do her best; simply put, she knows her stuff. All these, and others I haven't detailed, are the reasons I voted for her. I didn't care that she is stiff or not spontaneous (although a friend who worked with her said she's very sharp and witty -- and some of the emails I've read, released during the FBI investigation, seem to support this).
So there is something wrong with the parent helping his own son to start a business?...:roll2:

You think normal people get $1M from their parents to start a business? Oh, and Trump's father basically backed all his loans when he started to get into Manhattan real estate. You can relate to that kind of existence? If so, then I think you lied about your poor upbringing and getting out of poverty all by yourself.
I don't think every excerpt I have read said she doesn't take responsibility.

The Anti-Hillary Clinton Camp Has Already Hijacked Amazon Reviews of Her New Book
Claire Zillman
Updated: Sep 12, 2017 8:55 AM ET
Hillary Clinton's promised that the book would be a candid account of the former secretary of state's dramatic election loss to Donald Trump and an honest reflection on what the experience has meant to her.

Some book critics say Clinton's latest title delivers the kind of authenticity that she's lacked in the past. The New York Times' Jennifer Senior calls the book a "feminist manifesto," "a score-settling jubilee," and "worth reading." Others, meanwhile, fault Clinton for using the 464-page text to blame players like Bernie Sanders, James Comey, and Vladimir Putin for the election defeat, rather than taking responsibility herself.

Fox News: can't find a review, just the usual Hillary hysteria and unkind remarks.

Daily Caller: no review just the usual Hillar hysteria and unkind, mean and fake remarks, the Daily caller is so found of.

LA times:

Hillary Clinton, rehashing her loss in a new book, emerges to less-than-enthusiastic reviews

snips from the review: “I go back over my shortcomings and the mistakes we made,” she wrote. “I take responsibility for all of them. You can blame the data, blame the message, blame anything you want — but I was the candidate. It was my campaign. Those were my decisions.”

In an interview published Tuesday in USA Today, Clinton went even further, saying she was convinced the Trump campaign purposely colluded with the Kremlin to tilt the election against her.

The Anti-Hillary Clinton Camp Has Already Hijacked Amazon Reviews of Her New Book

Sad. but it happens in our polarized environment.

So much anger over a strong woman. So little anger from men at Trump, I will never get it, nor will people who don't like Clinton understand her.

I will read the book, I think she was shived but politics is UGLY in America. Trump won by electoral college, that will go by the wayside as more people move to states where there are jobs and there younger people. Good times will recur in America in the not too distant future I think.

I have been sent excerpts from her book. From these excerpts alone, I can say that it's an embarrassment. She takes no responsibility for her failings. She blames everyone else for the reasons why she isn't president today, rather than saying "look, I screwed up. My campaign strategy stunk. I wasn't relatable to most of the country. My only good quality was that I wasn't Trump. I failed this entire country and the shit show that all of you are living in now is mostly my ****ing fault."

That would have been a great opening to her crappy ass book.

A great ending would be a promise to go away, for good and to allow some other awesome democrat to rise to the surface...someone who truly gets it. But the DNC isn't allowing that. They think the "Not Trump" strategy is going to win the Milennial vote. It won't.

One good thing about Trump, he is the master of the comb over. No one does it like him.
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+1 x 100000 etc.

I voted for Clinton because of her policies. I compared her policies to what Trump and the RNC were saying and I went with her. I didn't ignore her flaws either, albeit they weren't as many as the fake news said, but we can't control those who believe fake news.

Great post! thank you for putting into words eloquently what I felt.

I haven't read the book (I just got it yesterday), which is why I haven't commented on the contents.

If you are blaming Hillary for not getting elected, then it stands to reason you are comparing her to Trump. The election is a choice between the two candidates after all. And I was making a point that "relatable" is a fiction because very few of his voters can actually know Trump's viewpoint from the penthouse of Trump Tower -- and I don't think he really relates to them (but let's see more details on his tax policy).

You can't control what candidates do or will do. The only thing you can control is how you decide who to vote for. Don't for a minute think I "turned a blind eye" to Hillary Clinton's flaws, but I compared her policies and plans to Bernie's and Trump's lack thereof and concluded that she has the most detailed road map to lead this country where I think it should go. I also looked at her history of serving the country, her brains, her accomplishments as Senator and Secretary of State, and the fact that Republicans who had worked with her all individually say they respect and like her tells me that she might have been able to get things accomplished with those across the aisle. Hillary Clinton studies and always comes prepared; she has respected her various jobs enough to always do her best; simply put, she knows her stuff. All these, and others I haven't detailed, are the reasons I voted for her. I didn't care that she is stiff or not spontaneous (although a friend who worked with her said she's very sharp and witty -- and some of the emails I've read, released during the FBI investigation, seem to support this).
What do you mean by relatable? I neither turned a blind eye nor excused but I did vote for the candidate I thought was a better human, a better leader, honest and reliable. I don't 'relate' to Trump with his billions, but I was cheated on by a husband, I did have a hard time getting pregnant, I have been accused by men of being strong and forceful (overbearing)... so could you explain what you mean by relatable?

That's why I clarified that I read excerpts. Have you read the whole book? Does she take responsibility for her failings? Every excerpt I saw was Hillary blaming someone else. My feeling was that she shouldn't have gone there.

It would also be great to discuss Hillary on her own merit, rather than invoking Trump as a means to make her look better. She isn't relatable on her own. I realize Trump craps on a gold toilet, but that has nothing to do with Hillary's failings.

Personally, I won't turn a blind eye to all of the ways Hillary screwed up during her candidacy. I want to be honest with myself about what happened during this election. That way, I can vote for a better candidate in the future and hopefully avoid another tragedy like the one we are living in now.
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I haven't read the book (I just got it yesterday), which is why I haven't commented on the contents.

If you are blaming Hillary for not getting elected, then it stands to reason you are comparing her to Trump. The election is a choice between the two candidates after all. And I was making a point that "relatable" is a fiction because very few of his voters can actually know Trump's viewpoint from the penthouse of Trump Tower -- and I don't think he really relates to them (but let's see more details on his tax policy).

You can't control what candidates do or will do. The only thing you can control is how you decide who to vote for. Don't for a minute think I "turned a blind eye" to Hillary Clinton's flaws, but I compared her policies and plans to Bernie's and Trump's lack thereof and concluded that she has the most detailed road map to lead this country where I think it should go. I also looked at her history of serving the country, her brains, her accomplishments as Senator and Secretary of State, and the fact that Republicans who had worked with her all individually say they respect and like her tells me that she might have been able to get things accomplished with those across the aisle. Hillary Clinton studies and always comes prepared; she has respected her various jobs enough to always do her best; simply put, she knows her stuff. All these, and others I haven't detailed, are the reasons I voted for her. I didn't care that she is stiff or not spontaneous (although a friend who worked with her said she's very sharp and witty -- and some of the emails I've read, released during the FBI investigation, seem to support this).
I voted for Hillary for the same reasons.

But others, they don't vote for those reasons and I wanted her to try to be more relatable to those who vote for other reasons. That way, I don't have to be living in some bizarro world where there is an old, orange man with a yellow comb over ruling my country. Selfish, I know...

I agree with you in this post.
I don't think every excerpt I have read said she doesn't take responsibility.

The Anti-Hillary Clinton Camp Has Already Hijacked Amazon Reviews of Her New Book
Claire Zillman
Updated: Sep 12, 2017 8:55 AM ET
Hillary Clinton's promised that the book would be a candid account of the former secretary of state's dramatic election loss to Donald Trump and an honest reflection on what the experience has meant to her.

Some book critics say Clinton's latest title delivers the kind of authenticity that she's lacked in the past. The New York Times' Jennifer Senior calls the book a "feminist manifesto," "a score-settling jubilee," and "worth reading." Others, meanwhile, fault Clinton for using the 464-page text to blame players like Bernie Sanders, James Comey, and Vladimir Putin for the election defeat, rather than taking responsibility herself.

Fox News: can't find a review, just the usual Hillary hysteria and unkind remarks.

Daily Caller: no review just the usual Hillar hysteria and unkind, mean and fake remarks, the Daily caller is so found of.

LA times:

Hillary Clinton, rehashing her loss in a new book, emerges to less-than-enthusiastic reviews

snips from the review: “I go back over my shortcomings and the mistakes we made,” she wrote. “I take responsibility for all of them. You can blame the data, blame the message, blame anything you want — but I was the candidate. It was my campaign. Those were my decisions.”

In an interview published Tuesday in USA Today, Clinton went even further, saying she was convinced the Trump campaign purposely colluded with the Kremlin to tilt the election against her.

The Anti-Hillary Clinton Camp Has Already Hijacked Amazon Reviews of Her New Book

Sad. but it happens in our polarized environment.

So much anger over a strong woman. So little anger from men at Trump, I will never get it, nor will people who don't like Clinton understand her.

I will read the book, I think she was shived but politics is UGLY in America. Trump won by electoral college, that will go by the wayside as more people move to states where there are jobs and there younger people. Good times will recur in America in the not too distant future I think.

Thank you. This is good stuff. This changes my POV
:) maybe yes and maybe no. I do understand why people not want to hear anything from her. But I do believe she did take responsibility for some of her less than stellar moments :)


Thank you. This is good stuff. This changes my POV
What do you mean by relatable? I neither turned a blind eye nor excused but I did vote for the candidate I thought was a better human, a better leader, honest and reliable. I don't 'relate' to Trump with his billions, but I was cheated on by a husband, I did have a hard time getting pregnant, I have been accused by men of being strong and forceful (overbearing)... so could you explain what you mean by relatable? (which is a new word, not in my dictionary).

For some reason, people seem to think that because I am saying Hillary wasn't relatable, I think that somehow Trump was. I am speaking about her as a standalone person.

Ok, when I was referring to "relatable," I was mostly speaking of those who did not vote for her. I also had people in mind who were not inspired to vote at all.

It was said over and over again during the campaign that she seemed untouchable, robotic, impersonal, and dishonest. It was also said that it appeared as though she stood for nothing. I will say "appeared" because we all know that she stood for much. But she did not inspire any big cause. Because of this, people did not come out in droves to vote for her. She thought that Trump was so vile that people would flock to vote against him. I think it was logical to think a sexual deviant should be enough to get people out there to vote against people, but he was deviant enough to parade her husband's accusers out to negate that cause.

The milennials are the largest voting population in this country. She could have tapped into that by picking up a cause that was important to them in some way. NOPE.

I'm not trying to piss you off because I don't like our past candidate. When she lost to Obama, that should have been the end of it. The DNC should have told her to kiss off this go around and picked a candidate that had a real chance at winning.

So easy to look into the past. I would have voted for Bernie in the primaries.
Robotic and impersonal? Do you also tell women to "smile" when they walk past you on the street? SMH. If Hillary had pandered to Millenials she would've been strung up for being fake and pandering to Millenials in an insincere way. Maybe millenials need to get their heads out of their asses and stop expecting free college and free everything else and to walk into a senior level job the second they have their college degree in hand. This country isn't going to go from capitalism to socialism overnight, not without economic collapse. Instead of hoping and wishing some omg relatable icon will waltz in and save the day, we should've elected the woman who knows politics inside and out and had an actual realistic plan. But whatevs, her emails and her bitchy personality. Oh and that expensive ugly $12k jacket.
Good points, Clinton didn't catch the millenials because Bernie had.. no college loan to pay back, single payer healthcare, take from the rich and give to the poor.. Bernie is a real socialist, I am not, but both my son's wanted Bernie and were quite MEH on Clinton.. I felt Bernie was pie in the sky. As to her reaching millenials, she could have and should have at least promised loan forgiveness, but in a republican Congress that might not have flown, who knows.

You haven't pissed me off one bit, anyone who makes me think is a friend :)

The terms you say:

It was said over and over again during the campaign that she seemed untouchable, robotic, impersonal, and dishonest. It was also said that it appeared as though she stood for nothing.

These were all said by republicans, if I think back to say Bush redux, one could and probably did say those things, it is all about the 'personality' of the candidate.. Blowhard Trump attracted the lower middle class and middle class of people who thought Obama was Kenyan, a muslim, a socialist and Trump supported that and that was a downfall for any democrat I think. Trump only bothers the left not the right.. Bill Clinton was a cheater, Trump a winner..

If you like Nate Silver and I DO! he's just an odds maker, I would say he leans left but most of the time they use statistics, and the night of the election when I went to bed, Silver had predicted it was tooo close to call, I knew then and there - Trump won, went to bed got up and there it was, a person of low character, a scion of a very wealthy guy, a man who fails to pay his legal taxes, and we don't even know what is going to come out of the Russian investigation, if anything, I lost belief in our system and have yet to truly get it back. The humanity of our country is veiled by racism, political bitterness, the it's all about ME, the white privilege, the fight between religion and our right not want to be governed by religion, a never ending divide. I hope for 2020 that we come out of this moral morass.

For some reason, people seem to think that because I am saying Hillary wasn't relatable, I think that somehow Trump was. I am speaking about her as a standalone person.

Ok, when I was referring to "relatable," I was mostly speaking of those who did not vote for her. I also had people in mind who were not inspired to vote at all.

It was said over and over again during the campaign that she seemed untouchable, robotic, impersonal, and dishonest. It was also said that it appeared as though she stood for nothing. I will say "appeared" because we all know that she stood for much. But she did not inspire any big cause. Because of this, people did not come out in droves to vote for her. She thought that Trump was so vile that people would flock to vote against him. I think it was logical to think a sexual deviant should be enough to get people out there to vote against people, but he was deviant enough to parade her husband's accusers out to negate that cause.

The milennials are the largest voting population in this country. She could have tapped into that by picking up a cause that was important to them in some way. NOPE.

I'm not trying to piss you off because I don't like our past candidate. When she lost to Obama, that should have been the end of it. The DNC should have told her to kiss off this go around and picked a candidate that had a real chance at winning.

So easy to look into the past. I would have voted for Bernie in the primaries.
You think normal people get $1M from their parents to start a business? Oh, and Trump's father basically backed all his loans when he started to get into Manhattan real estate. You can relate to that kind of existence? If so, then I think you lied about your poor upbringing and getting out of poverty all by yourself.
who said he was from a poor family?
FYI, My parents left me zipo $$$.
So, My wife and I must be wrong to help our daughters with d/p on their houses?...:rolleyes2:
who said he was from a poor family?
FYI, My parents left me zipo $$$.
So, My wife and I must be wrong to help our daughters with d/p on their houses?...:roll2:

We were talking about being relatable. Do you think Trump is like a normal person? Do you think he knows the struggles of normal people? I don't. I think he knows their fears and played into it, but he has no idea what their everyday struggles are like. Hell, I'm not sure I do and I'm not even a billionaire, just a normal 1 percenter living in the same town Trump did. But like I said, let's wait for his tax policy before we make the final call.

Do you think Trump's base give their kids down payment for their houses? Are you saying you're part of Trump's base now?
I thought this, from Greg Sargent in the Washington Post summed it up nicely. I haven't read the book, but I did listen to her on Pod Save America, and I thought on there anyway she was pretty gracious about her shortcomings as a candidate.

I couldn't agree more Monnie, t-c, and Kate. I also think part of the reason she lost is she is a woman. I'm sure I will get slammed by some for saying it.

The Republican Party is perfectly content making women take 10 steps backward.
I couldn't agree more Monnie, t-c, and Kate. I also think part of the reason she lost is she is a woman. I'm sure I will get slammed by some for saying it.

The Republican Party is perfectly content making women take 10 steps backward.

Callie, I just keep remembering people saying "I'm not voting for her just because she has a vagina." To me that translated to "I'm not voting for her BECAUSE she has a vagina." And I'm sure I'll get slammed for that, too.

Look, DJT is nothing more than an entertainer and a game show host. What do Americans like in their entertainers and game show hosts? They like beautiful women entertainers, and they like male game show hosts with spray tans and bad hair (Chuck Woolery, Pat, DJT.) There you have it. Thanks, 'Merica. You really showed us! Don't let's consider that those with superior intellect might actually help perpetuate our species and the health of our planet...good old God will take care of all of that; meanwhile let's eat, drink, consume, and be *******s to each other!

Sorry, I can rip on DJT and the right (and those who refuse to see the forest for the trees) all day, because it's too easy. And I know that's what pisses THEM off. And I also see how that approach shot the collective left in the foot--my father sneeringly called the left "the articulate elite" not long ago. He set up me up nicely with money he made after his father left us kids a substantial college fund, but after I didn't act grateful enough and live out my life as a good little republican he stopped being so generous. DF, I hope your girls are forever grateful and fall in line like the good capitalists you've raised them to be!
Well, I hear you, but she was the first woman candidate. She worked hard. She was the better candidate. As to your dad, hmm that was wrong. But if he's my age - 65 , he's forgotten woodstock, good vibrations, peace, love and understanding, a LOT of boomers have.

My dad supported Clinton and he was a WWII vet. 11 battlestars.. I can only say that people wanted change from Obama, they thought she was more of the same. Oh well.

Callie, I just keep remembering people saying "I'm not voting for her just because she has a vagina." To me that translated to "I'm not voting for her BECAUSE she has a vagina." And I'm sure I'll get slammed for that, too.

Look, DJT is nothing more than an entertainer and a game show host. What do Americans like in their entertainers and game show hosts? They like beautiful women entertainers, and they like male game show hosts with spray tans and bad hair (Chuck Woolery, Pat, DJT.) There you have it. Thanks, 'Merica. You really showed us! Don't let's consider that those with superior intellect might actually help perpetuate our species and the health of our planet...good old God will take care of all of that; meanwhile let's eat, drink, consume, and be *******s to each other!

Sorry, I can rip on DJT and the right (and those who refuse to see the forest for the trees) all day, because it's too easy. And I know that's what pisses THEM off. And I also see how that approach shot the collective left in the foot--my father sneeringly called the left "the articulate elite" not long ago. He set up me up nicely with money he made after his father left us kids a substantial college fund, but after I didn't act grateful enough and live out my life as a good little republican he stopped being so generous. DF, I hope your girls are forever grateful and fall in line like the good capitalists you've raised them to be!
Robotic and impersonal? Do you also tell women to "smile" when they walk past you on the street? SMH. If Hillary had pandered to Millenials she would've been strung up for being fake and pandering to Millenials in an insincere way. Maybe millenials need to get their heads out of their asses and stop expecting free college and free everything else and to walk into a senior level job the second they have their college degree in hand. This country isn't going to go from capitalism to socialism overnight, not without economic collapse. Instead of hoping and wishing some omg relatable icon will waltz in and save the day, we should've elected the woman who knows politics inside and out and had an actual realistic plan. But whatevs, her emails and her bitchy personality. Oh and that expensive ugly $12k jacket.
Ha! I know! Those damned lazy milennials!! Let's see how many other stereotypes we can throw at them while at the same time, being pissed at gender stereotypes! :confused2:

I get it, you think Hillary was an a flawless candidate. Hopefully, for you, she runs again. Hopefully, for the rest of us, she keeps her word and does not.

Most of you are misunderstanding me and thinking that I believe a candidate should win due to image alone. I'm not sure why you would assume such a I said that I voted for her and stated why I did so. But it seems that many of you want to pile on and jump to your own invented conclusions.

Go for it.

Until you are honest with yourselves about the reasons why she lost, we will not solve the problem with the reason why Trump won.
Callie and Monnie who is going to slam you guys? You have a right to your opinion don't you? I won't vote for someone "only" because they have a vagina.