
Monnie's 10K gift by Gurhan!


Aug 12, 2005
I have finally chosen and received my 10k gift and it's faaaabuuulous! (Insert music emoties here!) After much searching and thinking, I decided to go with my gut and chose some lovely things I'd been eyeing for awhile from Bill Pearlman's website. I have loved Gurhan ever since being turned onto the designer here by AGBF, and I knew I wanted something for my right hand. I chose 3 yg stackers, and 3 sterling silver stackers with colored stones bezeled with yg as well.

Here is the result...please forgive my kinda yucky phone camera pics: Thanks for looking! And a huge thanks to both Pricescope for the generous gift, and to Bill Pearlman for all of his help and service throughout. He was an absolute GEM from day one, to day umpteen when my package finally arrived! (I needed sizes that he didn't have in stock so he had to bring them in from Gurhan.) What a wonderful person to deal with...he will be getting my business for sure in the future!



I am not ambidextrous (except for playing piano, I guess?) so had to place the rings on my left hand and take camera phone pics with my right. I will wear the rings on my right hand, though. Thanks again for looking! :wavey:
Mmmm, very very pretty!
Thank you, Kenny. Now, if I only had your photography skills (and photo equipment) here with which to capture the actual beauty of these rings! I do have a digital camera, but (long story) no way to upload the pics from it (even if I were actually a good photographer of jewelry!) Oh well... I think everyone gets the point anyway. If anyone wants to see great pics of either sets of rings, they can go on Pearlman's site and see them there, for the short term. Perhaps I'll get around to getting better pics uploaded sometime soon.
You're so lucky to have it. They're so beautiful. ;)
Thank you slg and vicky!!! :wavey: :wavey:
Oh very nice choice monnie! :appl:
Very lovely, hope you enjoy them!
Great choice! They are awesome!
So pretty!!! I have seen Gurhan jewelry in person and it is so rich and beautiful!
Oh fun! You can mix and match depending on your mood!
I love a pretty stack of rings!!!!!! :appl:
Great choice! I always love seeing Gurhan pieces. Looks great on you and I can imagine the rings on your right hand.
That is the most opulently elegant thing I've ever seen. Love it!
Lovely! The alternating colours and gems are just beautiful. How wide is each band?
They look wonderful monnie!! Great idea for your gift $!!
I LOVE Gurhan!
Lady_Disdain|1309388839|2958423 said:
Lovely! The alternating colours and gems are just beautiful. How wide is each band?

Thank you, Lady D. I believe each band is ~1.5 mm wide. They are QUITE thin! The sterling ones are more substantial, but the 24k ones are exceptionally thin...I am unlikely to wear the yg bands on a daily basis because I worry I will smush them at work or otherwise.

Another note: I wanted a palette of yellow, blue, and green, but when I tried to order citrine was told that I would be getting "golden topaz." Apparently that meant orange...but it's a beautiful orange and a lovely stone (as are the other two--blue topaz and peridot.) So many mixing options...they are fun to play with!
It's beautiful, Monnie. It looks marvelous on you. Congratulations. :wavey:
They're very pretty Monnie! I like the colors together!
Circe|1309388262|2958413 said:
That is the most opulently elegant thing I've ever seen. Love it!

Circe, thank you very much for your eloquent compliment. You have such a way with words!
Thanks everyone who has responded thus far, it has been almost a year since I've had anything to post here in SMTB so it feels great to finally do so again! Buying a house sort of took up any extra jewelry-buying money... :wacko: Anyway, thanks for sharing your compliments, they are much appreciated. Without PS and all the knowledge I've gained from reading here, I would never have come to love the beauty of higher carat gold, or Gurhan specifically. 6 years ago I would've told you that you were NUTS if you'd suggested anything over 14k yg to I absolutely love the look. Something tells me that I will need another piece or two to complement these rings, hee hee.
that's so beautiful monnie! hope you wear it in good health and happiness :appl:
Congrats! :appl: :appl: :appl: I love Gurhan gold goodies!
I love the trend of mixing metal and stacked rings!
it is lovely!!!
I love them! I think they look fantastic Monarch - a wonderful choice, enjoy them!
Lovely! The gold and silver look so beautiful together. Excellent selection!!!
Beautiful choice, Monnie. :appl:
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