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Apr 22, 2007
It''s Ireland calling!!!

I was MIA for a bit there but I saw your other thread and I''ve been thinking of you. How are the toothums? And how are you?


Apr 9, 2007
Hey there Ireland!!!! Glad you called

My teeth are pretty good, I got dry sockets
so that was rough, but I am finally eating semi-solids! Nothing too hard or tough. How are yours??
I never updated my last thread, lots going on since then. I talked to my BF and everything is better. We actually had a really great, honest conversation. Long story short he does want to marry me. We even talked timelines. Because of his school situation, things are kind of up in the air but if all goes well we both want to get married in 2-3 years. The difference is that he doesnt care about having an engagement (to him engagement and wedding are the same, silly boy), and I would really like a long one, 1-2 years. So I said wouldnt it be a good compromise to get engaged sooner and still wait until you are where you want to be in med school? Both parties are happy that way. He said he would think about it, he was happy we talked and we both felt better. He told me last night he is still considering my point, so we will see. I would really like to get engaged next summer and now he knows that, so we will have to see what happens with school. I thought it was good progress.
Ha, maybe that wasn''t so short!! But I am feeling MUCH better now that I can eat and have all that off my chest. I really really appreciate the concern, it made my day to see your post! This is my last week at my current job so things are CRAZY!

How are you??? I would love an update!!!!


Apr 22, 2007
Hey, good to see you!
And I'm so glad your talk went well and you're working things out together. I think once you keep talking you can't go wrong...
It sounds like really you both have the same timeline for marriage, it's just the in-between part that's a little off! I can totally empathise - my BF thinks a six week engagement is a "cool" idea... hmmm...

My toothums are just about all healed up I think, yippee!!! The last of my stitches fell out yesterday. It hurts if I bang my toothbrush off the scars but otherwise it's all good. I'm going gentle with the foods but mostly I'm back to eating as I desire. Nothing silly like crusty baguettes or toffee but mostly I can have what I want if I'm gentle as I chew!
Somewhere along the line though I seem to have caught a cold so today I feel woozy and groggy while I'm trying to finish up my progress report for my scholarship, not a good combination!
I'm not sure if the cold is courtesy of my dear Daddy, or from standing in the rain for an hour last Friday waiting to register for uni... they had no shelter for us and the queue was soooo slow, how mean is that?!?

In LIW news, BF had previously announced that he plans on popping the question before I turn 29. Well I turned 28 last week so I guess the clock is ticking! Somehow it's more real now and a bit scary? I guess that's normal though. He did narrow it down a bit yesterday - he says after I submit my doctorate he's taking me to the States to RELAX and then he's going to propose after I'm conferred. My uni has bizarre conferring timetables so goodness knows when that'll be. But I'm actually delighted with his plan cos I was secretly hoping he'd wait until after my doctorate. One thing at a time for me please!
I plan to submit the thesis in March, hoping to make the Summer conferrings.

Maybe it'll be a Summer engagement for both of us!!!


Apr 9, 2007
ooohhh matching summer engagements!!! Now THAT would be fun!!


I am sorry you are feeling sick....right after the toothums that is tough
I laughed out loud about the six-week engagement! Sounds like our men are thinking along the same (confused!) lines. We are planning on taking a trip next summer also, maybe we will both have lucky trips! Think it's too early to book a magic mani??
Sounds like you guys are doing really well, I can't remember, are you using your heirloom ring? It's beautiful.

ETA I went back to look at your ring pics, I totally forgot your BF has a fund!! Any fun ring thoughts lately? Are you just wearing your heirloom as a RHR? My grandmother's original ering is my dream ring, she got an upgrade, she won't miss it!


Apr 22, 2007
Thank you! That big 3-0 is kind of looming rather large now though!

I can see where BF is coming from with the six week engagement but you just wouldn't get away with it here! For one, you have to give the church three months' notice and do a pre-marital course. For another, venues book up two to three years in advance and we don't have the option of doing it at home. Still, wouldn't it be fun to shock all the relatives by announcing the engagement and then telling them the wedding is in six weeks?!?

I've told BF many times I'd happily wear my Nana's ring but he insists he wants to buy me one himself. I only wear her ring on special occasions. The current status with 'the fund' is that he has a 'target' set for himself of how much he'd like to spend, and once he reaches it he's going to go looking at what that amount can buy and decide whether he needs to save more. I'm not allowed know what the target is. It seems to me like a backwards way to do it but I'm just chalking it down to male logic! At least I have convinced him that I need to try rings on to get an idea of what looks good on my hand. I've actually never gone ring shopping - I don't have the guts to go in there on my own and I haven't talked to any of my girlfriends IRL about this LIW stuff! Last time BF and I were in Dublin together we did LOTS of window shopping and I explained that I had no idea if any of the things I liked would look good ON me. And then he said we could go to London in October and try some rings on in Tiffanys for the fun! What a sweetie... but I think he's forgotten now that he ever suggested that!!!

Ring thoughts... well I love almost everything... I'm seriously going to have to go and see what looks good on my hand. Without having tried anything on, I love a classic solitaire but I'm fussy about the head - I don't like the martini glass look with very straight prongs, I prefer a more swoopy tulip-y look, like the prongs are hugging the stone. I LOVE rings with delicate sidestones... hmmmm baguettes, or like the Tiffany solitaire with the channel setting...
but... BF doesn't.
Oh, and I'm not a fan of pave - I know, sacrilege!

All right, enough waffling about me! When will your BF hear back about his med school applications? I'll be sending him good vibes! And did you give any more thought to law school? Some of my thesis touches actually on elder law, I think you mentioned that area in your other thread? It's so interesting and such an important aspect of law. What does your grandmother's ring look like and do you think you might inherit it? It's so special to me to have my Nana's ring. Where do you think your Summer trip might be to?

Also gotta say that that for sure would be a MAGIC mani if it lasted till the Summer!!!


Apr 9, 2007
Haha I meant I am booking it now but getting it then!

I am right there with you on trying things on. I really need to do that, but my fingers are usually bigger than the sample rings. I also agree on the solitaire heads, I really don''d like the ones that are so severe and straight. I like solitaires that are just a little different. I looooove baguettes as well...I am pretty sure that my grandmother''s ring has them as well. I actually have never seen her original, it is in the bank. She says it looks very similar. Her upgrade is a RB with three baguettes on either side, the two on the outside are right against the side of the stone and the middle one is a little further out, so it forms a little trillion-type shape. I doubt that I will get it, I keep hinting though!! I am the oldest grandchild, also. I mostly want it because I am very close with both of them, and their marriage is the one I hope to model my own after, they are incredible.

I think it is cute that he won''t tell you the goal! That will be a fun surprise. Esp. if you go together to look and he knows the kinds of things you lilke. I plan on pointing my BF to WF for a stone, and giving him mulitple setting ideas. But he asked me once how I felt about heirloom diamonds, so who knows.

BF won''t hear for awhile now. Probably Feb or March. We need those lucky vibes!!!!! It is really important to him, and he isn''t going to feel ready to settle down until he has his foot in the door, he told me. I actually decided on a social work master''s program. Not sure if you have social workers? I want to basically work with the elderly (possibly specific to dementia) and their families. I want to help them with issues like caregiving, financial/legal issues, finding help in the community, etc. I will be a licensed therapist when I finish the program and a sort of long internship. It will take a few years, but I am really really excited about it. What exactly will you be doing when you are finished? What is the rest of your thesis about? I still think law would be such a fulfilling career in some aspects, I wish that I could do both!

No idea where the trip will be. Maybe a cruise? Nothing too exciting, just a get away before I never see him for 4 years! Where in the states are you thinking?


Apr 22, 2007
Ooooh your grandmother''s ring sounds beautiful! Really unique! Are the baguettes all the same size? What colour metal is the setting? Trying to picture it here...
It''s lovely how you talk about modelling your grandparents'' marriage. I''m sure they would be so proud to know how much you admire them.

I wonder does your BF plan on asking your grandmother about her ring? Is that what he meant by heirloom diamonds? Or maybe there''s a stone in his family? Wow, exciting!!!

To be honest I''m a bit worried about BF''s target for his fund. He''s outrageously extravagant when it comes to gifts for me. For my birthday last week I showed him exactly the gift I wanted -- it cost €40. He went out and bought a different version of what I wanted -- for €170!!!
It''s not that he can''t afford it or that he''s reckless with money, he''s really not. It''s that the Irish Catholic guilt is just too strong in me...
OK best change the topic before I get all maudlin on us here...!

That''s a long application process your BF has to go through! Must be very hard. I can understand how he''ll be on edge until he knows for sure what''s gonna happen. Have you started the social work course or is it next year? One of my cousins is studying to be a social worker. She did an undergrad in social studies, then worked for a year with an organisation that helps homeless parents get back on their feet, and after that she got into the masters degree to qualify as a social worker. She''s in her second year of that degree now and will be qualified this Summer. She''s focussing in on working with children. It''s a very tough job and I really admire the people who do it! Good on you for wanting to make a difference!

My thesis is on mental health law. I''m looking at different theories about human rights and trying to figure out why certain ones have been adopted and others haven''t, and whether there''s a valid reason, or should we try different approaches, or can we. The whole idea of a right to health is hugely controversial in Ireland. We recognise a sort of a right to education, but not health. I''m trying to work out if it''s possible to recognise mental health as a right. Can you tell I don''t know the answer yet?
When I finish this I''ll have to choose an academic career or a practical one (I got my professional qualification just this past Summer)... my preference is for the latter, I want a change from all this theory!

Doesn''t a cruise just sound fabulous? Oh wow!
We''ll be going to Florida after my PhD but BF is talking about flying over to Vegas as well. Don''t laugh at me, but I''d love to see Elton John in concert and my lovely BF remembered and wants to make it happen!


Apr 9, 2007
The baguettes are all the same, and it is platinum I believe. I dont actually think BF knows I want it, but my mom does!

OK so I have to confess, when you said you were worried about the fund, I was afriad you meant the other way around! Really, extravagance is not a problem! As long as he is responsible, which he is, then LUCKY you!! I can''t wait to see what he comes up with.

Your cousin''s old job sounds really interesting. I am not sure I have the strength to work with children, I am afraid it would make me too sad. I admire those who do!! Your thesis sounds really interesting. My undergrad is in psych, and I hope to do some mental health stuff in my social work program. That is actually the concentration I am choosing. Good for you for choosing to look closely at it! I have never been much for research myself, which is such a bummer since that is where all the good psych stuff is at my school.

I have never been to Vegas but BF has and LOVES it. I think Elton John would be a great show! I will admit, I would like to see Celine Dion! Haha!!


Mar 5, 2005
Sorry to hijack this thread, but I''m SO glad that things worked out okay, Miscka!! I''ve been thinking of you too and wondering how things were going. I''m relatively new and haven''t read too much into everyone''s lives and relationships so forgive me if anything I said was off base and unrealistic. But that doesn''t matter anymore, does it.
It all sounds like it''s worked out for the better and things are going well. Good luck to the both of you!


Apr 9, 2007
Hi Sabrina

Thanks so much for your concern. You did not say anything that was off base. I appreciated your input.

Hope all is well with you!!!


Apr 22, 2007
Date: 10/4/2007 12:29:10 PM
Author: Miscka
The baguettes are all the same, and it is platinum I believe. I dont actually think BF knows I want it, but my mom does!

OK so I have to confess, when you said you were worried about the fund, I was afriad you meant the other way around! Really, extravagance is not a problem! As long as he is responsible, which he is, then LUCKY you!! I can''t wait to see what he comes up with.

Your cousin''s old job sounds really interesting. I am not sure I have the strength to work with children, I am afraid it would make me too sad. I admire those who do!! Your thesis sounds really interesting. My undergrad is in psych, and I hope to do some mental health stuff in my social work program. That is actually the concentration I am choosing. Good for you for choosing to look closely at it! I have never been much for research myself, which is such a bummer since that is where all the good psych stuff is at my school.

I have never been to Vegas but BF has and LOVES it. I think Elton John would be a great show! I will admit, I would like to see Celine Dion! Haha!!

I feel awful admitting this, but the average engagement ring over here is like .30 - .50 carats. And I''d like larger. Oh God I''m going to have to go off now and make myself hoover or something to atone for that admission...!!!

Your grandmother''s ring sounds so beautiful. I have been drawing it in my head! I wish I knew how to use the fancy computer drawing programs...

Hmmmm, Celine Dion, now there''s a cheesy confession!
What the heck, can I come too?

Hi Sabrina, come on in, threadjack all you want!!!
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