
medals, fobs and charms...


Jul 13, 2009
ok - I am going to make a start on this thread I have been meaning to get to for a while now

here are a few happy snaps of the fob seals I have collected so far

finding these in stirling silver is not that easy and finding them without engraved monograms and insignias even more so

mostly these were made in gold or plaited brass and I have seen these in agate, bloodstone (also known as heliotrope!) and carnelian

I have two carnelian and the one bloodstone

ebay, antique stores and ruby lane are good sources for these

comparing sizes and profiles...

Love the fobs, heliotrope! Thanks for sharing! I would love to see how you layer them on chains. Do you wear them daily? Yep, it is hard to find them without monograms, and yours are just so detailed and fantastic. Jewelry designer, Monica Rich Kosann has a line of fobs in 18k, but I really love the actual vintage/antique pieces. I've been looking for them in gold.

Love them all! They are all so different. You must have so much fun playing with them.
Hey Coati!!

yes - I wear them pretty much everyday - in some configuration - mixed up with the medals, charms and monograms I have

I pretty much swap them all around according to my mood or attire

now the neck options are overloaded - I am working on my wrist :naughty:

thanks for pointing out the work of Monica Rich Kosann - her style is pretty much in line with how I wear my peices - as each one I wear has a memory of a visit somewhere or reminds me of something or someone

here are the two medals I wear daily

the one on the left is a piece I picked up from a stall at the top end of Portobello market and the one on the right is a complete necklace I bought from a little jewellery store on Bleecker in Soho who stocks Jessie Lazar (I often get stopped about the one from London when visiting the States - shop assistants in NYC always ask me if it is a piece from the 2009 Gucci collection - as that range featured shields and amour motifs)

these kinds of medals were often awarded for various achievements - ie: cricket, darts, scottish dancing or even shearing sheep... I joke and say to friends that I have given myself some awards!! again these can be hard to find blank - the UK seems to be the best place to find these - I see them on ebay often - but none are as heafty or detailed as the one I found in Portobello

here are some other bits and bobs I mix up from time to time - all are either stirling silver or argentium - aside from the Irish horse coin

I had the bangle made in solid argentium by Hershal Wiggins on etsy - it is might heafty and I adore how it is starting to gain some wear without loosing the bright white silver hue after one year - the ball charm I have added myself

(nb: my table needs a good wax and polish!!)

here are the chains I mix up - again all either stirling or argentium - I love the mix of hues and levels of antique on these

(would hate for them all to be the same and matchy-matchy)

and now this is a little piece of my own history that I will be adding to the mix once we are married...

I can't imagine how hard it was to cut and engrave this from one piece of argentium (this vendor told me not to divulge their identity as they would rather not go here again!!)

the chains are not attached yet as I need to decide if I want this with a single or duo point of fixation - I think I will go with the two

so back to your original request Coati...

here's my friend "Willow" (I call her that cause she's so damn skinny!!) wearing a couple of configurations

so now I just need to decide where to throw in that Tranny in all this!! :twirl:

ps: once the wrist is sorted - I'll post that collection too!!

heliotrope|1290301977|2774285 said:
so back to your original request Coati...

here's my friend "Willow" (I call her that cause she's so damn skinny!!) wearing a couple of configurations

so now I just need to decide where to throw in that Tranny in all this!! :twirl:

ps: once the wrist is sorted - I'll post that collection too!!

Willow is a fabulous model hehe. Love the way you wear these pieces! Love the chains-they complement nicely.

I think the tranny would look smashing bezeled and added to one of the chains, so you wear two charms (or more) with one chain. It would look great with any one of these-resting on top. I think it will be eye catching up higher-with either the heart or the "J" initial pendant. What do you think? I really love how you throw that dbty into the mix. Such a fun collection of necklaces and charms! And also such a nice way to remember travels and certain occasions.

The medals are great. Always been fond of those, and I like the idea of giving yourself a medal! I love shields. Have you seen Karen Lindner's pieces? She mixes vintage shields and fobs with contemporary silver chains and bracelets.

Love the monogram necklace as well-adore monogram pieces. I want a signet ring!
that's exactly where I plan on putting my tranny Coati!!

esp. now I am getting a new JM from the sale :naughty: there is no way that sucker can fit into a ring somewhere on my hand!!

I recently came across the work of Karen Lindner and I have been trying to work out if the first three items on her home page are actually cuffs or just antique napkin rings... even if they are napkin rings - I am wondering if I can get one reworked into a cuff - it would look hot next to my argentium and dark wood bangle stack... :naughty:

re: a signet ring - I still have the one I was given at 16 - I recall that I begged my Mum for it as I always wanted one since I was old enough to know what gold, sapphires and rings were!!

it still fits too - but somehow does not look right on my hands these days - I always went for bold chunky styles until my JM - now I just let the chunky flashes in the OMC do the talking :bigsmile:
Awesome about that tranny! When will it be set? AND...which piece(s) did you get at JM?? :naughty:

I did not know about Karen Lindner until recently-saw her in a magazine. One of her fob bracelets was featured. It's cool that she puts it all together for people, but I'd rather hunt and do it myself-I'm really particular about pairing pieces.

...we have similar taste heliotrope! I have a dark wood bangle stack as well, and I love stacking with silver. I'm currently hunting for vintage silver bracelets to wear with my vintage white gold diamond watches. I'm always vacillating between chunky and layered antique/vintage. Right now, I'm all about delicate details. Been wearing my JM a lot. It will do that to you, as I'm sure you know! (and yep, your chunky stone must be so satisfying-it is to me in pics!)

I'll most likely get a Caleb Meyer signet ring in gold for the right hand. I like this one a lot. If you want to post yours, I'd love to see!
well the tranny will need to wait a bit now... for a girl who never liked diamonds - in the past 12 months I seem to have collected a few!!

(of course that's because I only discovered old cuts thanks to PS in October last year :naughty: )

I snatched up this baby from Jim...

my ring fingers on my hands attach themselves at a very sharp angle - so many rings look odd on my slender finger - as on one side the ring can't be pushed any further in - but on the other side it can sit right down - creating an over all effect of the ring sitting at a 45 degree angle (does that make sense??)

my JM is so perfect for me as the fine stirrup and stone sit just right - some other rings I tried on either sit at 45 degrees or come up too high on my finger - sitting right next to the knuckle!!

I have been told I have the perfect hands for pinky rings - as a ring on my last finger won't even touch my ering (side by side)

anyhoo - I figure this one will be perfect for my ring finger on the right hand as the leaf will help to balance out my funny angles!!

(yes - I have hand issues!!) :twirl:

that signet ring is a great piece - I often check out CMs work - it is more modern I feel than JMs pieces - they both have a similar handwriting that I like

will have to dig up that old ring of mine!!

ps: good to hear your JM is getting a work out - you put my head in a spin posting on Dreamers reset thread about changing it!! if it wasn't for your JM - my poor fiance would have resorted to Tiffany's as I would still be looking for the right ring for my funny ring finger!!

Love that ring heliotrope! I have a JM two-stone with the leaf and vine, and I love it. Please post hand pics! I understand what you mean about the angles of your ring finger. I think you will enjoy the asymmetrical design.

I hear you about resetting the JM-nope I won't do it. :))

Glad you liked that signet ring! I'd really love to see yours!
heliotrope|1290629644|2778403 said:
well the tranny will need to wait a bit now... for a girl who never liked diamonds - in the past 12 months I seem to have collected a few!!

(of course that's because I only discovered old cuts thanks to PS in October last year :naughty: )

I snatched up this baby from Jim...

my ring fingers on my hands attach themselves at a very sharp angle - so many rings look odd on my slender finger - as on one side the ring can't be pushed any further in - but on the other side it can sit right down - creating an over all effect of the ring sitting at a 45 degree angle (does that make sense??)

my JM is so perfect for me as the fine stirrup and stone sit just right - some other rings I tried on either sit at 45 degrees or come up too high on my finger - sitting right next to the knuckle!!

I have been told I have the perfect hands for pinky rings - as a ring on my last finger won't even touch my engagement ring (side by side)

anyhoo - I figure this one will be perfect for my ring finger on the right hand as the leaf will help to balance out my funny angles!!

(yes - I have hand issues!!) :twirl:

that signet ring is a great piece - I often check out CMs work - it is more modern I feel than JMs pieces - they both have a similar handwriting that I like

will have to dig up that old ring of mine!!

ps: good to hear your JM is getting a work out - you put my head in a spin posting on Dreamers reset thread about changing it!! if it wasn't for your JM - my poor fiance would have resorted to Tiffany's as I would still be looking for the right ring for my funny ring finger!!


I adore this ring--is it yours???? I saw it on his site and said to myself----YES! Congrats on owning it--wear it in health!

I love fobs and coins etc on chains and recently received a wonderful piece as a gift, it has a cross and coin on it and with jade beads... It is the "Coco" and I LOVE it!

Great site Sharon! (bookmarked) Love the Coco! Digging the bracelets as well.
coatimundi|1291067489|2782054 said:
Great site Sharon! (bookmarked) Love the Coco! Digging the bracelets as well.

HI Coati:

Bracelet, next on my list! hheeheee :wink2:

hehe! Thumbs up! :bigsmile:
I recently put together a mixed metal charm bracelet. Been meaning to post!

Hope you got your ring heliotrope! Can't wait to see hand pics.
oooh!! Coati!! need to see this bracelet please!!

and where you been hiding your two stone from JM...?? :eek:

Canuk-gal - yes that's my new ring :bigsmile:

it is being resized for me by JM as it was made in a 7.5 and I need it to be a 7

(he is also sorting my fiances wide wedder that JM hand forged for us that is a bit too small - so I am being patient as I know he has also been busy with all the sale items)

thanks for pointing out Shereen de Rouseau - I like the mixes and finishes

we have some great jewellery labels here in Australia you might also like:

and also

Coati - I will have to dig up that signet ring - it is not as chunky as the CM one you love... not sure where I put it - or my 1" gold nugget (another 16th prezzie - which I still feel is a rather odd gift to this day!!) both must be safe in storage with my 28" strand of natural black pearls

I want to wear the pearls - but all layered up with several strands - mixed in with chains etc but when I priced out similar strands I almost fell off my chair - they are rare or something!!

hmmm.... now what could I do with that nugget :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:
A strand of natural black pearls?? -please dig it out of storage, wear it, and post pics. (must see!) What size and shape are the pearls? You could mix it up with a strand of Tahitians-could be interesting. Tahitians are typically found 8mm on up in round and baroque, but you could do a strand of Tahitian keshi that would be smaller and gorgeous! (if I find something online, I'll post it here)

I'm loving Fiorina-thanks for posting that link! Have you visited Victoria Buckley?

I need to take decent pics of the two stone-when I do, I'll post over in old cuts. Need to take pics of the bracelet too!

Is the JM ready?
heliotrope|1290534842|2776818 said:
I recently came across the work of Karen Lindner and I have been trying to work out if the first three items on her home page are actually cuffs or just antique napkin rings... even if they are napkin rings - I am wondering if I can get one reworked into a cuff - it would look hot next to my argentium and dark wood bangle stack... :naughty:

Small hijack - yp it is possible and easy. The ladies in my family all have cuffs made from Great Grandmother's napkin rings.
oooh!! Lady Disdain - thanks for confirming this can be done - I feel a 2011 project coming on :naughty:

Coati - my new JM just landed today (nice one just before xmas too!!) along with the future hubby's resized wedding band

will post a thread on it once I can get over studying the detail :love: :love: :love:

this confirms it now - old cuts are the only way for me!!
heliotrope|1293165183|2805237 said:
oooh!! Lady Disdain - thanks for confirming this can be done - I feel a 2011 project coming on :naughty:

Coati - my new JM just landed today (nice one just before xmas too!!) along with the future hubby's resized wedding band

will post a thread on it once I can get over studying the detail :love: :love: :love:

this confirms it now - old cuts are the only way for me!!

I saw and I adore it!! hehe once you go old, you never go back. Your ring is so lovely. Enjoy!