
Market Price of GIA 1.13 carat, VS1 H

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Feb 20, 2003
I am looking at a diamond with GIA certificate, 1.13 carat, VS1, H, cutting is excellent showing 8 arrows but with 6 hearts only. It costs US$ 5,500. Should I buy it?
Could you tell us a bit more infos? Polish/Sym, table, depth, girdle, etc, etc??? Assuming your stone it's an AGS 0 cut, it should cost 5000-6000$ on the internet... Are you looking at a B&M stone?

Weight:1.13 carat
Color: H
Measurement: 6.76, 6.79, 4.08 mm
Depth: 60.2%
Hi Giangi,

Thanks for your prompt reply.

Table: 59%
Girdle: Thin to mediun, faceted
Culet: None
Polish: Excellent
Sym: Excellent
Flourescence: None

All information are from GIA certificate.

Don't know what is an AGS 0 cut and B&M stone? Could you explain it?
Hi Wilson!

B&M means bricks and mortar store... I'm sorry...
Your stone sounds very nicely cut. The AGS lab gives a cut grade, with 0 being the best and 10 the worst... Yours should be an AGS Excellent 1, if it's cut correctly... You can find many infos on this subject on the tutorial this site offers... You could ask the seller for a Sarin report which is basically a little label which included all cut informations that aren't stated on the GIA report, like crown angle and height and pavilion angle and depth. These are very helpful. I think that if you're seriously interested in this diamond, the vendor will be able to get this report for you.
As I told you, the price is very very good, if the stone is as nice as it sounds!

Hi Giangi,

Thanks. I am afraid I can't have this report as it's a second hand stone from my friend. The original vendor offers a 15% off discount trade-in to upgrade its diamond. I am going to take this 15% benfit. What need to be paid attention to a second hand offer? Please teach me again.


Yours should be an AGS Excellent 1, if it's cut correctly...

Actually, the 59% table doesn't guarantee that the diamond has proportions within the range for the AGS-1 Excellent rating, it only means that the diamond has the "potential" to fall within that range of proportions... To determine the proportions rating of a diamond the crown angle and pavilion angle measurements along with the girdle thickness and culet size are also needed. Ask the seller for a Sarin or OGI proportions analysis using the AGS software settings and the proportions grade will be determined for you in the report. Make sure that the measurements of the diamond for outside diameter and depth along with the table size and total depth are within a reasonable tolerance to the measurements stated on the lab report to ensure that the Sarin or OGI machine used to obtain the additional measurements was actually calibrated and that the diamond was clean when it was measured or the results will not be accurate. Hope we're not being too technical and raining on your parade, but we wanted to clarify the fact that a proportions rating can not be determined by total depth and table measurements alone... Regardless of the proportions rating, if the diamond is beautiful to you and within the price range you are trying to stay within you should consider buying it... The best way to find "comps" for the diamond is to conduct a search for a comparable diamond via the diamond search engine here on PriceScope - as dealers, we can't post the comp for you here


Hi Todd,

As I said, it should be an AGS 1, IF it's cut correctly...
I know it's very general, but since this guy it's a newbie, I thought it wasn't necessary to go in details... My fault... Sorry! As I suggested, though, it's a good idea to get a Sarin or OGI report...
I think Dave Atlas does a Sarin report for about 10$ in one day turn-around time... He post in this forum... Why don't you ask him?

As per second hand diamonds... To me it doesn't make a difference... Just make sure that the stone matches the report and it is not damaged or chipped...

Most important: remember that, as Todd said, the best judge is your eye... If the diamond looks great to you, buy it, regardless of all these numbers!

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