
Making a bling resolution...

tyty333|1308408471|2948962 said:
DandiAndi|1308406534|2948950 said:
I recently sold all my scrap gold, too! Plus I went on a big eBay-fest and sold everything I don't wear regularly, and I ended up with a trifling sum :bigsmile: Paired with the fact that I stopped colouring my hair and just get a trim every 6 weeks or so (man that was a money spinner!) only buying clothes when I really need them, and packing lunch and dinner for DH and myself every work day, I ended up with a delicious little bling fund that I now need to rebuild. I've been so naughty with bling this year! Yet the wishlist continues to grow, but I'm slowly working my way through it :naughty:

If you get the money from cutting back somewhere then being Naughty is good thing! Very rewarding!

Being naughty never felt so good. :naughty:
I did this!

For 6 months I didn't buy any new clothes that I didn't desperately need, packed my own lunches and only ate one meal out a week, saved my Christmas bonus money and as much as my personal savings/spending money as possible.......

And I've just blown the lot on 0.82ctw and 0.25ctw martini studs! :bigsmile: And after FI's birthday I will save just a little more for some 0.10ctw teeny studs for my last ear piercings, then it's back to saving again - this time for wedding attire :roll:
I think this can definitely work. The years that I informally had a 1K a year jewelry budget, I was definitely aware of trying not to spend more in other areas, keep regular expenses low so we didn't notice it when I did my jewelry purchase. We had a few crazy years of expenses and so don't have that budget anymore, and I do feel like I am more loosy goosy with my money.

Whatever works!
Great idea, Amy! Eat better and get bling money. It's a win win situation. :appl:
Amys Bling|1308434591|2949168 said:
tyty333|1308408471|2948962 said:
DandiAndi|1308406534|2948950 said:
I recently sold all my scrap gold, too! Plus I went on a big eBay-fest and sold everything I don't wear regularly, and I ended up with a trifling sum :bigsmile: Paired with the fact that I stopped colouring my hair and just get a trim every 6 weeks or so (man that was a money spinner!) only buying clothes when I really need them, and packing lunch and dinner for DH and myself every work day, I ended up with a delicious little bling fund that I now need to rebuild. I've been so naughty with bling this year! Yet the wishlist continues to grow, but I'm slowly working my way through it :naughty:

If you get the money from cutting back somewhere then being Naughty is good thing! Very rewarding!

Being naughty never felt so good. :naughty:

Amen, sistas! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
I just thought of another way to get some bling money- my cash back checks from the credit card company. Instead of points I get the 3% cash back on my purchases and instead of cashing these checks, slipping the money in my wallet and then using it on random useless purchases throughout the month- this is instant bling money.