
LostSapphire: sending out love, dust, prayers and support to you!!!

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Aug 4, 2007
Hey honey, I know your MRI was pushed up to be this morning, so I just wanted to give you your own thread of support and well-wishes that you get THE BEST NEW POSSIBLE today when you meet with the doctors afterwards!!!

Please, let us know how everything goes! We''''re all thinking of you today, sweetie. Big hugs!

Thanks Gwen for starting this thread!

LS - as i said before, i do hope everything goes well. Our thoughts are with you today!
Sending my best wishes!! I''ll be thinking of you today.
I second that, best of luck LS, please let us know how it goes if you feel like it! Good luck.
I just happened to see this on the front page (I don''t usually lurk in here).

Best wishes from Texas too.
Date: 11/26/2008 8:52:03 AM
Author: iwannaprettyone
I just happened to see this on the front page (I don't usually lurk in here).

Best wishes from Texas too.
That's because your waiting is long gone, honey pie!

Thanks for popping in here. I didn't know how public LS wanted this to be (haha, on second thought, that sounds really dumb, considering it's a public forum, but maybe you know what I mean?), so I kept it here in LIW where she originally (I think) mentioned it.
Lots of prayers, and positive thoughts for you, LS!
Hope all goes well..
Sending lots of prayers and dust - my thoughts are with you today LS.
Lots of dust LS!!!
Gwen -- thanks for starting this thread!!

LS: lots of dust and well-wishes from your PS family!! i sincerely hope everything turns out as well as possible!!

I have been thinking of you the last couple of days.

Love and dust from your PS family. My most positive intentions are coming your way....
lots of holiday dust coming your way, and my prayers too...
You are in my thoughts and prayers!
*****Healthy dust for you!*****

You''re in my thoughts! Keep us updated!
(((((((((((((((HUGS LS)))))))))))))))))))

I hope it''s nothing but good news for you.
Hi everybody.
Thanks Gwendolyn. Part of my not wanting to go too ''public'' was I dont know how much energy I have to devote to answering all of your wonderful posts! Plus, I''m a bit shy. So I''ll do my best.

Anyhow, long story short: the neurosurgeon has ruled out 2 possible locations for the tumor. The 3rd spot is on a nerve and will require additional investigation.

So I''m a bit ambivalent: The tumor he''s ruled out would have meant a loss of hearing for me on my left side (I lost my hearing on the right side with the first tumor 15 years ago). That is great news.
The problem we''re facing now is this other location is rather difficult to deal with.

So my file goes for further investigation @ radiology and his partner/team doctor who specializes in this kind. For those of you who are up on medicalese, we''re investigating the root cause of a trigeminal neuralgia.

They are trying to get me back in to the other neurosurgeon before the XMAS holiday. I hope so. The pain is excruciating.
Thank you all for your prayers and support. It means a lot.

I''m going to go home and look that up in my Brain and Behavior book (it''s not a medical book, more psychological, but still a lot of medical jargon and stuff in there.) I''m glad to hear that, it''s very good news. I hope it stays good.

Are you on any painkillers?
Date: 11/26/2008 7:51:33 PM
Author: FrekeChild

I''m going to go home and look that up in my Brain and Behavior book (it''s not a medical book, more psychological, but still a lot of medical jargon and stuff in there.) I''m glad to hear that, it''s very good news. I hope it stays good.

Are you on any painkillers?
Thank you for the hugs. I needed that.

Google "trigeminal neuralgia" and the fun starts there.

Here''s a few legit places to start:

This is the one they send people to when they don''t want to scare them:

I''m on Carbamazepine (Tegratol). An anti-seizure med that for some reason blocks the nerve activity for a short period of time. I''m already at the max dose (having problematic side effects). And the pain is already breaking through after about 4 they can''t leave me on it for much longer. Nothing else much works, so far.
big big hugs to you LS. I worked with a client with trigeminal neuralgia this past summer (but not to address the condition) and while I can''t relate, I have some understanding of your symptoms.

I''m also from Canada and a healthcare professional so I can relate with the frustration with wait times and resource shortages...but at least it''s free

My thoughts are with you!
Oh LS, I really do hope that they are able to help you and relieve that pain soon!
Prayers and good thoughts for you LostSapphire, hugs.
LS: Tons of prayers coming your way. I do hope they are able to help you.

Love, Linda
Sending a ton of dust and prayers and hugs your way.
Sending a bucket load of healthy dust your way. You''ll be in my thoughts and prayers.
Sending hugs to you LS! I hope that they get to the bottom of it soon and that you won''t be in pain all the time. Glad to hear that it''s not the tumour on the other side.
LS, honey, I''m so sorry you are in such terrible pain. Like bee-star says, I hope the doctors can find something to diminish the awful pain you are experiencing. Sending lots of hugs, dust and painkillers your way!
I''m a bit late...but..

LS- I''m so sorry to hear about what is going on. A close friend of mine has the same issues so I understand exactly what you are going through. I am sending lots of hugs and good thoughts your way!! :)

Happy Turkey Day!
Keeping you in my prayers today LS!

Sending dust and health your way!!!!!
Thank you ladies, for your ''Thursday Greetings''!

The neurosurgeons are continuing to look for a tumor. They''ve ruled out 2 of 3.

I still don''t like that word......T.U.M.O.R. One of the neurosurgeons said to me that we can think of them as warts. Same thing, only inside of my head instead of outside. Who knows, maybe it''s just a ..hmmmm...don''t know what.

We hope to have further appts set up within the next couple of weeks. The entire MRI is done so that moves things along.

The pain isn''t as bad as yesterday. I got through work today without wanting to scream.

I''m off to bed. Thank you again for all of the prayers and good thoughts. It''s helping. My mood is more positive today than yesterday.
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